LinkedIn Articles [Writing, Publishing and Promoting Tips] | Dripify (2024)

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It’s no secret that content marketing is the future of digital marketing. More and more businesses are now focusing on creating content that attracts and retains their target audiences instead of taking the direct sales approach.

The LinkedIn article is a powerful marketing feature for all sorts of companies, especially businesses in the B2B sector. You can use LinkedIn articles to reach, engage, and convert more of your leads and prospects.

But is posting articles on LinkedIn really worth it? What are the benefits of writing articles for LinkedIn? And how to write articles on LinkedIn?

In this comprehensive guide, we will explain everything you want to know about LinkedIn articles. So stick around to learn how publishing articles on LinkedIn works!

What Is a LinkedIn Article?

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A LinkedIn article is just as it sounds; a piece of written article, like a blog post you can share on your LinkedIn profile. These articles can be about any topic related to your industry or area of expertise.

This feature allows you to share your thoughts and ideas with a large audience of professionals. Since articles are easy to share and can be read without leaving the LinkedIn platform, they’re an ideal way to reach out to new people and grow your LinkedIn connections.

If you’re unsure what to write about, consider this: what questions do people in your industry often ask you? What topics do you wish more people knew about? Answering these questions in your article can help educate others about your industry while establishing you as an expert in your field.

Not to mention, if people enjoy reading your article, they’re more likely to visit your profile and check out your other content. When writing your article, ensure it’s well-written and informative, and focus on providing value to the reader by teaching them something new.

Where to Find LinkedIn Articles?

Here are some routes you can take to find LinkedIn articles:

1. Use the LinkedIn Search Bar

LinkedIn Articles [Writing, Publishing and Promoting Tips] | Dripify (2)

The easiest way to find relevant articles on LinkedIn is to use the search bar at the top of the page. It allows you to search for articles by keyword, title, or author.

For example, if you’re interested in reading articles about content marketing, you may want to search for “content marketing strategy” or “content marketing trends.” Alternatively, you could search for a specific author, such as “Joe Pulizzi” or “Jay Baer.”

2. Follow Your Niche Influencers

You can also find relevant articles on LinkedIn by following specific LinkedIn Influencers who regularly share interesting and useful content. Head to the Influencers section of LinkedIn (found under Interests in the top navigation bar) and type in a topic or name of someone you want to follow.

LinkedIn will display a list of influencers or publications. Simply hit the Follow next button to see details of each person or publication. Once you start following an Influencer, their articles will appear in your homepage feed, so you’ll never miss a new post.

3. Check out the “Articles” section

Go to the “Articles” section under the “More” tab at the top of your LinkedIn feed, and then select “Articles” from the drop-down menu. This will take you to a page with many articles on various topics, both from LinkedIn Pulse and other sources.

Plus, you can use the search bar on this page to find specific articles. When LinkedIn Pulse was active, reading and publishing articles on LinkedIn was more straightforward. After it was discontinued, however, you have to enter keywords or hashtags in the search bar and narrow it down until you find what you’re looking for.

4. Follow Relevant Hashtags

Finding and publishing articles is super easy if you know how to use LinkedIn hashtags. Type in the hashtag you’re interested in in the search bar and click “follow.” Once you follow a hashtag, articles containing that keyword will appear in your feed.

LinkedIn Articles vs. LinkedIn Posts: What Is the Difference?

When sharing your thoughts and ideas on LinkedIn, you have two main options: writing a LinkedIn article or creating a LinkedIn post. But what is the difference between these two formats, and which is right for you? Keep reading to find out.

LinkedIn Articles

LinkedIn articles are long-form written pieces that allow you to share your expertise with a wide audience. These articles can be as long as you want, making them ideal for in-depth analysis or case studies.

LinkedIn articles are known for their vast reach and higher engagement rates. That said, writing a LinkedIn article requires more expertise and is time-consuming. A LinkedIn Post may be a better option if you’re not comfortable writing at length or don’t have the time to invest in a longer piece.

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LinkedIn Posts

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LinkedIn posts are shorter updates having a limit of 3,000 characters. They’re similar to Facebook updates or tweets in that they’re quick and easy to read. And because they stay on your profile page, only your first-degree connections will see these updates in their feeds.

Since LinkedIn posts have a character limit, they’re mostly packed with valuable information. You can tell at a glance what a particular post might be about and choose to scroll away or read further.

LinkedIn posts are more popular since they’re less time-consuming than articles. But also remember that these posts are not the best option to build thought leadership because of their limited reach.

LinkedIn Articles Pros and Cons

You might be wondering whether you should start writing LinkedIn articles. On the bright side, they provide a great way to build your brand and establish yourself as an expert in your field.

But on the flip side, publishing articles on LinkedIn and tracking their metrics can be time-consuming, and there’s no guarantee that anyone will read them.

So, what’s the verdict? Let’s explore the pros and cons of LinkedIn articles so that you can make an informed decision:

The Pros of LinkedIn Articles

1. Build Your Brand

So, you want to be recognized as an expert in your field? Well, writing LinkedIn articles just may be a great way to go about it. Every time you publish an article, your name and photo will appear on the article itself, as well as in the feed of any LinkedIn users who follow you.

People who enjoy your article may share it with their networks, further increasing your exposure. Over time, this can help you build a strong personal brand that will open opportunities for you professionally and personally.

2. Share Your Expertise

LinkedIn articles provide an excellent platform for sharing your knowledge with your target audience. If you’re passionate about your work, this is a great way to share that passion with others who may not have had the opportunity to experience it firsthand.

In addition, you can use LinkedIn articles to share your thoughts on current events or offer behind-the-scenes looks at what it’s like to work in your field. No matter what you choose to write about, there’s sure to be someone out there who will appreciate your thoughts and ideas.

3. They’re Relatively Easy to Produce

Compared with other forms of content like blog posts or videos, LinkedIn articles are relatively quick and easy to produce. While it’s true that some topics may take longer to write about than others, you should be able to complete the first draft of most articles in an hour or two.

The Cons of LinkedIn Articles

1. There’s No Guarantee Anyone Will Read Them

While this isn’t limited to LinkedIn articles, it feels more so because of the time and research involved. That’s because the algorithm that decides which articles appear in users’ feeds is based primarily on engagement rates — meaning that if people aren’t commenting on or sharing your articles, they’re less likely to appear in front of potential readers.

2. Articles Take Time Away From Other Marketing Efforts

Writing LinkedIn articles can be time-consuming, especially when you write them from scratch. If you’re already struggling to find enough hours in the day to complete all of your other marketing tasks, adding yet another item to your plate may not be the best use of your time.

In addition, if you’re not careful, it’s easy to get caught up in the creative process and spend more time than necessary perfecting each article — which can further cut into time spent on other tasks.

LinkedIn Posts Pros and Cons

Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of LinkedIn posts.

The Pros of LinkedIn Posts

  • LinkedIn posts can help you raise awareness about your brand. If you post interesting and engaging content regularly, you’ll build a strong brand on the platform pretty quickly.
  • LinkedIn posts can also be a great way to drive traffic to your website or blog. If you include links in your posts, people can visit your site and learn more about your work.
  • Posts allow you to demonstrate your expertise and build trust with your lead and potential customers. If you provide valuable information that helps people in their professional lives, they’ll start to see you as an authority in your field.

The Cons of LinkedIn Posts

  • It can be time-consuming to come up with quality content daily.
  • Only your first-degree connections will see your posts in their news feeds.
  • Some people prefer not to mix their personal and professional lives online. If this is the case for potential customers or clients, they may decide not to do business with you because they don’t appreciate seeing your posts in their feeds.

So, where can you find the best articles you can share on LinkedIn? Here are five of our favorite sources:

LinkedIn Articles [Writing, Publishing and Promoting Tips] | Dripify (5)

1. Industry Publications

Keep up with the latest news in your field by subscribing to a few industry-specific publications. For example, if you work in marketing, try subscribing to Adweek or MarketingProfs. Whenever a new article is published, share it on LinkedIn with a brief caption.

2. Google Alerts

Google Alerts is a free service that lets you receive real-time updates whenever a new article is published on your chosen topics. Simply create an account and set up alerts for your preferred topics. You can specify how often you want to receive updates and what type of results you want (e.g., news, blogs, etc.).

3. Social Media

Follow relevant hashtags on social media sites like Twitter and Instagram. For example, if you want to stay up-to-date on all things digital marketing, follow hashtags like #digitalmarketing or #contentmarketing.

4. Quora

Quora is an online platform where people can ask and answer questions on any topic imaginable. Often, users will pose questions that can be answered with links to helpful articles. For example, if you search for “SEO” on Quora, you’ll find tons of questions related to the topic with links to helpful resources.

5. Blogs

There might already be dozens, if not hundreds, of blogs relevant to your industry that regularly publish high-quality content. Subscribe to a few of your favorites so you never miss an article.

Are LinkedIn Articles the Same as LinkedIn Pulse?

LinkedIn articles are only available to a select group of users. At the same time, anyone can publish an article on LinkedIn Pulse.

Both platforms allow users to share articles they have written, but LinkedIn articles have a more exclusive feel since not everyone can post there. Another key difference is that LinkedIn articles allow users to add images and videos, a feature that is unavailable on LinkedIn Pulse.

Ultimately, both features serve the same purpose: to provide a space for users to share their thoughts and ideas with the LinkedIn community.

LinkedIn Articles Writing Tips

Here are five tips to help you write better articles on LinkedIn:

  1. Keep it short and sweet. With people’s attention spans getting shorter and shorter, it’s essential to make your point quickly and then move on. Try to keep your articles under 700 words if possible.
  2. Write in a clear, concise style. LinkedIn users are busy, so they don’t have time to wade through long, rambling sentences or dense paragraphs. Get to the point, and then get out.
  3. Use strong headlines. Your headline will ultimately determine whether or not someone clicks on your article, so make sure it’s attention-grabbing and informative.
  4. Include images. People are more likely to read an article if it includes an image, so try to include at least one relevant photo with each piece you write.
  5. Be thoughtful about your tagging strategy. Tagging other users in your articles is a great way to get more eyes on your content, but be strategic about who you tag. Don’t just tag random people hoping they’ll see it; tag people who are likely to be interested in what you have to say.

LinkedIn Articles Publishing Tips

LinkedIn Articles [Writing, Publishing and Promoting Tips] | Dripify (7)

If you want people to engage with your LinkedIn article, follow these best practices:

  1. Write catchy headlines that accurately reflect the content of your article.
  2. Keep your articles under 1,000 words for easy reading.
  3. Use imagery and videos to break up your text and add visual interest.
  4. Use strong calls to action at the end of your articles to encourage reader engagement.
  5. Share your articles on social media and other online platforms for maximum reach.

Follow these tips, and you’ll be well on publishing successful LinkedIn articles to help you achieve your business goals!

LinkedIn Articles Promoting Tips

If you want people to engage with your content, follow these LinkedIn articles best practices:

  1. Publish high-quality, relevant content – not only will this help ensure that people read your articles, but it will also help build your credibility as an industry thought leader.
  2. Leverage LinkedIn’s publishing platform because it has a powerful algorithm to draw your target audience to your articles.
  3. Optimize your article for SEO – Like any other type of content, optimizing your LinkedIn articles for SEO is important. That means including relevant keywords throughout the article and utilizing the tags feature when publishing.
  4. Share your articles on social media, as platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ will help increase your articles’ reach.
  5. Try to get featured in a relevant LinkedIn group. This can help increase your visibility and get your articles in front of a whole new audience.


So is writing LinkedIn articles right for you? It depends! If you want to build your brand and establish yourself as an expert in your field, publishing regular articles could help you achieve those goals.

But you must have real expertise in your field to build your brand with LinkedIn articles. Plus, remember that writing articles and publishing them on LinkedIn is a time-consuming task.

LinkedIn Articles [Writing, Publishing and Promoting Tips] | Dripify (2024)


Is it worth publishing articles on LinkedIn? ›

The social media network LinkedIn can grow into a fantastic resource for strengthening your own personal brand power. Honestly, the value of publishing content via LinkedIn's platform is absolutely worth the effort if users have a content strategy lined up from the get-go.

Do you get paid for writing articles on LinkedIn? ›

LinkedIn's Partner Program allows you to monetize your writing on the platform by getting paid for the articles you write. The program pays writers based on the engagement their articles receive, such as views, comments, and shares. To participate in the program, you need to apply and be accepted.

How do I promote an article I wrote on LinkedIn? ›

Promote your article. Once you've published your article, share it — the window with sharing options will open after it's posted. You can share it on your personal LinkedIn feed as well as on Twitter and Facebook. To reach a broader audience, add hashtags to your social media posts, keeping them few but relevant.

What happens when you publish an article on LinkedIn? ›

All members and admins (super admins or content admins of a LinkedIn Page) have the ability to publish articles about their expertise and interests. Articles are displayed in the Activity section of your profile. It's shared with your connections and followers in their news feeds, and sometimes through notifications.

Is LinkedIn a good place to write articles? ›

Writing an article on LinkedIn can help you decide whether you need a professional website. In many ways, LinkedIn can act like your professional website. You can write and publish articles (like a blog), and then feature them on your LinkedIn profile.

How to earn money from LinkedIn articles? ›

Sponsored Content

You can earn money by creating sponsored content for brands or companies that want to reach your audience. Sponsored content can be in the form of articles, videos, infographics, or any other engaging format. To create sponsored content, you need to have a sizable network or followers on LinkedIn.

What's the difference between writing an article and a post on LinkedIn? ›

Differences Between LinkedIn Articles vs Posts

These articles permit certain formatting functions, so you're able to do more with them than traditional posts. For example, you can create headings and subheadings, and add bullet points, images, videos, and other kinds of content in the text.

How long does it take to write an article on LinkedIn? ›

When it comes to LinkedIn articles: longer is better. The best-performing blog posts should be 2100 - 2400 words, users on LinkedIn prefer posts that are about the same length: ideally, between 1900 - 2000 words.

Is it better to write an article on LinkedIn or medium? ›

Overall, publishing on Medium can be a great way to reach a large audience and get feedback on your work. The ease of use, increased visibility, potential for feature stories, and helpful analytics make it a great choice for anyone looking to grow their readership. Check out some of my most recent articles on Medium.

Can you pay to promote LinkedIn articles? ›

You can sponsor articles as a single image ad during campaign creation using the Content Library in Campaign Manager. You can also boost them through Company Pages. During campaign creation you can promote articles from thought leaders in the LinkedIn members tab.

How effective are LinkedIn articles? ›

Overall, publishing articles on LinkedIn can be a powerful tool to establish your professional presence, share your expertise, and connect with a wider audience of professionals who share similar interests.

How many articles should you post on LinkedIn? ›

“How often should I post on LinkedIn?” To give you the answer straight away, we believe that you should seek to post as often as you can at a frequency that is sustainable for you. There is no point posting daily content to only burn out after 2 weeks and then not show up for months.

What are the benefits of posting articles on LinkedIn? ›

Overall, publishing articles on LinkedIn can be a powerful tool to establish your professional presence, share your expertise, and connect with a wider audience of professionals who share similar interests.

Should you share articles on LinkedIn? ›

The most important thing to remember is that whether you are writing articles or sharing posts, you have the potential to repurpose your content and leverage what you already have. Therefore, your goal should be to strike a balance between long and short-form content to get the most mileage for your brand on LinkedIn.

Are LinkedIn articles worth it in 2024? ›

For thought leaders in 2024, LinkedIn Articles are more than just a content strategy—they are a conduit for influence, a platform for innovation, and a means to connect with a global audience of professionals eager for change.

Is it worth posting on LinkedIn? ›

There are several benefits of posting daily on LinkedIn such as increased visibility, boosted engagement, building authority, credibility, and strengthening connections.

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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.