Lincoln Loud's Epic Bedroom Situation - Chapter 11 - creeply (2024)

Chapter Text

Lola Loud walked down the sidewalk. Her fancy high heels clicking on the uneven cement. This part of the city had removed a few yards and replaced them with a new plastic stuff that her little sister had invented. It was meant to scrub the air of toxins. It sort of worked. But the area still stunk. And for some reason none of the Louds have ever seen a dime of the patent.

Lola Loud paused and checked her phone. The Uber hadn’t cost as much as she expected. She would have gotten a taxi if any existed. She glanced up at the most twelfth most expensive hotel in the city. The 69 floors sprung far up into the sky. The aged doorman watched her critically as she sauntered up.

The automatic doors made him wonderfully redundant. But Lola appreciated the little touch. It made the place seem a little more upscale then it actually was. And if there was one thing that the spoiled princess enjoyed it was the illusion of sophistication.

She checked her phone again at a kiosk. She checked in and headed towards the elevator. Her bag felt like it weighed a million pounds. She rode up to her floor. And went to her room.

The blonde bombshell dropped her backpack in the corner and curled up on the bed. She turned off the tracking options. She began blocking numbers. And she went to airplane mode. She hovered for a moment over the photo gallery. She pressed the app and swiped it over to the trash icon.

‘Do you wish to delete these pictures?’ popped up on her screen. She bit her thumbnail nervously. A bad habit that she picked up from her lover. She put the photo gallery app back in it’s place. She quickly turned off her phone and sat looking at the black TV screen.

It was no good. She couldn’t think. She couldn’t sleep. She couldn’t….do anything. She walked to the window and stared out at the city below her. That also wasn’t any good. Everything reminded her of…well her….Of Lana. Of her other half. Of her twin sister. Of her lover.

From the couples strolling up and down the street arm in arm. To the duo riding their tandem bikes for a late evening adventure. To the white and yellow pigeons that were roosting on the window ledge. Even the skyline seemed to glow in that same off yellow that was her sister’s strawy hair color. And if she didn’t focus and her eyes wandered…she would see her reflection. And she would see Lana instead.

Lola sniffed. She hated feeling like this. She hated feeling miserable. She hated feeling hated. Feeling sad…It made her feel angry. So whenever she felt angry she did something rash.

She stomped back to the bed and turned her phone back on. She whipped through the contacts and grinned when she reached the one she was looking for.

“Carl…It’s me. Come on dude! Me! Lola freaking Loud!”

“Missing? What do you mean missing?” Lincoln whispered to Lana as the two stood in the hallway. Lana was looking up at her big brother nervously. Although they had had a very good talk just a few hours ago…They were still awkward around each other. What with him cream pieing her and her scooping his ji*zz out and shouting at everyone.

Lana bit her thumbnail and glanced over her shoulder. The animals were asleep. At least the ones that ran around during the day. Their Mom and Dad were back in their bedroom enjoying their comfortable bed. After being on the road for so long the two had earned a bit of rest. Lynn was still on the sofa, watching Brazil’s funniest sport’s fails. And Lucy had locked herself in the basem*nt for the better part of the day. Doing who knows what down there.

“I don’t know man. She’s just missing!” Lana hissed back. She was trying to keep her gravel filled voice down. It was clear she was getting frantic. From her squirming, crossing and uncrossing her legs, even wringing her hands together like she was in a bad romance novel.

“Well where could she have gone?” Lincoln pushed his head into the twin’s bedroom. It was just like Lana had said. Empty. Their beds were pressed together. The frogs were snoozing on top of it. But there was no blonde bitch yapping at him to get out of her room.

“If I knew that she wouldn’t be missing!” Lana took out her phone and scrolled through it. “Check it out. All my calls are blocked. All my texts are returned unread. And the tracking device Lisa put in our phones ain’t working.”

“Tracking device?” Lincoln squinted in confusion at all of the red dots blinking on Lana’s phone.

“Oh yeah she didn’t tell you about that. Tote’s forgot. Don’t worry about it.” The grimy girl said before flipping through her phone again.

“Just for that I really feel like I should.”

“Dude! Just move past it! My twin is missing! We gotta find her!” Lana’s eyes were wide. Her lower lip was quivering. For a second Lincoln felt like he was looking at his little sister when they were actually children. Back when he kept on finding responsibility thrust upon him. When he kept on finding that he had to help the little girls out of some mess. Or be the log that they all grabbed onto and found support from.

After doing that sort of stuff for most of his lifetime, it was hard to stop.

“It’s okay. Look we’ll find her. It’s Lola right? She probably just ran off crying to one of her pageant friends. We’ll pick her up. Bring her home. It will be like nothing happened.” Lana took a deep wet sigh. Her eyes closed. She leaned the back of her head against the doorjamb.

“I just want her to be okay. I just want to know that she’s safe. If she hadn’t done the…you know…And you hadn’t been…Ugh. I want things to go back to the way they were.” She sniffed and rubbed aggressively at her nose.

Lincoln patted her on the head comfortingly.

“She didn’t leave a note or anything? A clue?”

“This isn’t some crappy comic Lincoln.” Lana deadpanned. Lincoln rolled his eyes, the amount of disrespect he got from his family members….

“Look you convince Mom and Dad to lend us Vanzilla. I’m going to get the girls. The four of us looking for her will work better then just the two of us looking for her. Plus I think that those two need to get out of the house. For their sanity if no one else’s.” The two fist bumped and sprinted for the stairs.

They realized the problem with that the moment they made it to the top. Lincoln tried to stop. Lana yelped and crashed into his long wiggly worm like body. They yelped and started to fall. Lincoln grabbed the first thing that his hand lashed out to. Which was unfortunately a overall strap. Lana’s hands came down firmly on his shoulders. Bunching up his favorite orange button up.

The two crashed and tumbled down the staircase. The bottom step poorly cushioned them at the bottom. Lincoln grumbled into a pair of bare breasts. The long pink nipples rubbing against his forehead. Lana gasped and sat up. Hands slapping to her bare titt*es. She blushed and stammered out a few brief apologies and then stood up. Her overalls began to slide down her hourglass body. Exposing her slick sides. The curve of her hip. The dip of her pelvis. The brief teasing hint of a blue and white striped thong.

Lana grabbed her overalls by the loops and hefted them back up. Wiggling her fine firm full ass until she was actually semi clothed. Lincoln remained on the floor. Looking up at her at half mast. His dick making a little tent in his jeans. He blushed as Lana tossed his button up back into his face.

“Ugh! Just get the girls! I’ll meet you outside!” She said as she blushed and rushed down the hallway. She really didn’t care for dick. But even she had to admit her brother was cute shirtless.

Lincoln stood up and put his shirt back on. Lynn remained on the sofa. Trying to act like she wasn’t looking. One arm shoved behind her head. The other hand resting on her beer bottle. She was blushing and staring indifferently at the screen. Her nostrils were flared.

“Grab me another from the fridge bro bro?” She asked shaking her half full bottle up at him. Lincoln stood over Lynn as he readjusted his shirt.

“Lola is missing. We’ve got to go find her.” Lincoln snapped. Lynn sat up. Her expression settling between annoyed and concerned.

“What? What do you mean missing?”

“I mean she isn’t in her room and not answering her phone.”

“Well did she leave a note? Or a clue?” Lynn asked. Lincoln rolled his eyes.

“Come on. We’ve got to find her. Lana is super concerned.” Lynn sat up and stumbled to her feet. Her legs were asleep from laying down for so long. She stumbled a little and Lincoln reached out. Grabbing her arm and steadying her. She chuckled.

“Would you believe I’ve only had four beers so far?”

“Yes. You smell like them.” He responded. She also smelled of something deeper. Something more feminine. Something sweaty and alive. Lynn was holding onto his chest for balance. Her hand pressed purposefully against his thin chest. His heart was beating faster. His hand was on her hip. The curve of her ass just radiating at the tips of his fingers.

If he moved downwards any further he would be groping her. The two moved away from each other. Just far enough that his fingertips were still on her. Just far enough that they wouldn’t be considered cuddling. Just close enough that they could fall into each others arms.

They flung open the basem*nt door and marched halfway down the stairs. Running into Lucy marching up. Her black crop top was showing off her belly button. Her black jeans were hugging her hips and making her figure pop. Her black fingernails were freshly painted and left a little mark on the back of her hands.

“I heard you through the vents. Let’s get going.” She monotoned as she pushed past them. Not making eye contact. Her bangs certainly didn’t help with that any.

The trio scooted around and walked back upstairs. Going as fast as they could. Lana met them in the living room. The keys to the van on one finger. She tossed them to Lincoln who was probably the safest driver out of all of them. The quartet left the door unlocked and sped out into the night.

“So what did you tell Mom and Dad?” Lincoln asked.

“That we’d be home in time for dinner tomorrow. If we can’t find her by then…then we can start getting concerned.” Lana was curled up on the passenger seat. Still refreshing her messages as she waited for some sort of a response.

“Poor Mom and Dad though. They seemed excited to see us.” Lincoln said shaking his head.

“I’m sure they’re just glad to be home.” Lynn said as she rolled down the window and sniffed the warm night air. The lights of the city was twinkling in front of them. They were going to find their girl.

Meanwhile back at the Loud House. Rita smirked as she wheeled her husband into the living room. He was grinning from ear to ear in his wheelchair. His gimp suit eyeholes were still unzipped. But he had his favorite ball gag in. He had a video camera on his lap at just the right angle. He could get the entirety of the living room with this shot. Rita was decked out in a pair of nylon stockings that stopped just under the meat of her ass. Held up by matching cute garter belts. Her corset let her massive milfy breasts free, bouncing without a hint of sag. The gravity defying globes of goddess like pleasure looked soft and milky in the living room light.

The doorbell rang and Rita clicked to go answer it. Her high heels making her ass cheeks clap with every step. She smirked as the six dudes stood in her front door. They were drooling over her as they were ushered inside.

“Okay boys.” Rita said as she finished zipping up her husband. “Your safe word is corkscrew. Now who has the lube?”

Six bottles were held up in the air eagerly. She picked one out and squirted the fruity smelling co*cktail into her palm before sniffing it in rapture.

“What’s your safe word gorgeous?” One of the younger men asked.

“Don’t be silly. I won’t need one.” She grinned like a feral animal on the hunt. And the men were her new choice of prey.

Someone honked at Lincoln as he slowed down. He honked back before taking a right turn. The guy behind him flipped him off. Lincoln shouted something back. Lynn was half leaning out the window and threatening him with bodily harm.

“This is why I hate this place.” Lincoln grumbled as they turned down another dead end. All it was was congested streets. Alleys. And dead ends. Sure it is exciting if you are walking. Or have to take public transit. But otherwise it was a nightmare. Especially in a car the size he was driving.

“Any luck?” Lincoln asked the girls in the back. Lynn was hanging out one window. Lucy was staring impassively out the other. It was impossible to tell if she was actually searching or was just deep in thought. Lincoln leaned on the brakes a little. Just enough to get the girls attention.

“Any luck?” He repeated.

“Nah. I saw a blonde prostitute on the corner that I thought might have been her.” Lynn said before pulling back in. “But Lola’s ass is way fatter then hers.”

“A prostitute? She’s been gone for a few hours. If that.” Lincoln said critically.

“Yeah she would probably be the pimp of a massive crime ring by now.” Lana said snidely. It wasn’t clear if she had a lot of faith in her sister or no faith at all.

She tried her phone again. Still nothing. She was going to get a callouses if she kept on playing with the screen like that. Lincoln sat at a red light. They were wasting night light and they were wasting gas. He could only half look around him. He had to concentrate on driving, not get distracted by the two beautiful women in the backseat, and also look for Lola.

The master of multitasking was getting worn out. He rubbed his eyes and signaled and turned. The silence in the car sat between them like a living breathing dragon. Waiting for a moment to pounce.

“Do you even know where you’re going?” Lynn shoved her head up front. Her healing leg thumping behind her. Lucy glanced over at Lynn’s nice round bubble butt. She wanted to spank it. She wanted to kiss it. She wanted to lick it. She wanted to leave bite marks up and down Lynn’s perfect muscular legs. Show how much her roommate means to her.

‘That’s your sister you sick freak.’ She thought a moment later. She curled up and looked back out the window. She knew it was wrong. She knew these feelings were wrong. She had been called a freak plenty of times. That came with the territory of being…well a gothic emo who was obsessed with death and dark stuff. She didn’t mind being called names, or the bad comparisons to Wednesday Addams. But she had never had that aggressive nagging voice in the back of her head. Constantly talking down to her. Constantly making her seem like she was lesser…..

“Look unless one of you guys comes up with a better idea then driving around aimlessly this is what we’re doing.” Lincoln snapped back.

“Girls.” Lucy said softly. “It’s three girls to one guy. If anything majority should rule.”

Lynn chuckled and plopped back next to her sister. Their hands briefly touched. Lynn snatched hers away. Her heart was beating faster then a boxer on the final round. She hated that. She hated that she wanted to take her sister into her arms. She hated that she wanted to spoon her. She hated that she wanted to ride their brothers face while the two women made love with their lips.

But she couldn’t. And she knew she couldn’t. And she hated that she couldn’t. The two were as far away as they could get from each other. Like virgins on their first date. Like two strangers on a carnival ride. Hugging the windows and staring out. Fogging up the glass and trying to ignore the other’s squirming blushing faces.

“Fine! Whatever! Girls! How are we going to find her?” Lincoln snapped. He pulled around a corner. And had to slam on the brakes to avoid a stop sign. There was a bodega ahead with a winking neon sign.

“Come on Lana. You’re her twin. Can’t you do some sort of magical twin thing where you figure out where she is?” Lincoln snapped at his little sister. She was sitting upright. Staring straight ahead at the sign.

“Lana?” Lincoln prodded again. He pulled up alongside a fire hydrant and parked the van. She was still looking straight ahead. Not saying a word.

“Come on! You know her better then anyone! Just think and find out where she’s gone!” Lincoln snapped his fingers under Lana’s nose. Making the blonde girl jump a bit. She shook her head.

“I don’t know where she is…But I think I know someone who might.”

“Carl? Haven’t seen him all night. He said he was out at the library.” Carlotta said as she shifted the phone awkwardly. She was trying to face time with Lana and also change her kicking daughter’s diaper. A tough order. The full figured Latina Mama sighed as she put the phone against a nearby bottle.

“Babababa! Bllll!” She stuck out her tongue and crossed her eyes. Blowing bubbles downwards. Lincoln, Lynn, Lucy and Lana exchanged confused glances as they stared at the whacky looking babe. She was decked out in a red and green stripped crop top. Her black booty shorts were biting up her ass. Showing off a lot of under ass. To go along with her lots of top boob. She chuckled before finishing up her work.

“Sorry. Baby here only calms down and stops squirming when you make her laugh.” Carlotta said as she finished changing her daughter. She buttoned back up the footie pajama’s and put the black haired cherub on her shoulder. The little girl looked around before finally focusing on the screen and gurgling. Her buck teeth had come in. She had her mom’s hair, and her dad’s cheekbones and jaw.

“At the library?” Lynn said critically. Carlotta chuckled as she sat down on the family sofa. She was in a small apartment with Lori, Bobby, Ronnie Anne and the kids. It was cheaper then moving into her own place. And it was better then living at home. Carl crashed there four nights a week. Just sofa surfing between his childhood apartment, his cousin’s place and a vast array of different friends houses.

“Yeah yeah I know. I think that he is out at a house party. He has been selling a lot of fake computers with some kid he met called McGee. I think that they are trying to save cash to go on a roadtrip…That’s not important. What is important is that he is probably out at a party.” Carlotta said chuckling it off. She bounced her daughter a few times. The little girls small hand balled up and slapped at her mommy’s breasts. Carlotta frowned and booped the kids nose.

“No no. You already had dinner tonight. Too bad though…I get really really…backed up sometimes.” She said looking hungrily at Lincoln. He gulped nervously and blushed.

“Sweet congrats. Your brother is probably with our sister. Do you think that you can get us in contact with him?” Lana said as she jostled the camera away from Lincoln and shoved most of her face into the screen. Carlotta pouted. She had really hoped that she was going to get a booty call. Or at least some hot phone sex with her young stud. But they were all obviously on a mission.

“Here let me put baby down and then I will get his number. You all just chill out.” She switched them from her phone to her computer and walked out of the room. Her hips swishing from side to side and giving them all a nice long look at her wiggly butt. Lincoln coughed a little and was not making any eye contact with the girls.

Lynn was smirking at Lincoln while Lucy was frowning. Lana was attempting to ignore what had just happened while Lincoln squirmed uncomfortably.

“Look we discussed it and the girls want me as a booty call. And I can be a part of the baby’s lives. And they appreciate the financial support…But I don’t have the time or energy to step up and be a father right now. I’ll do my best….But…they kept on saying I wasn’t needed…” The explanation sounded lame to his reflection, lame to the fourth wall, lame to the author, and lame to the girls in the car. Who once again wondered if their brother had some very low functioning brain disorder that made him talk to the closest wall as if it could hear him.

The squeaking of floorboards from the phone screen caught their attention. Ronnie Anne stuck her head on screen. She had a spoon shoved in her mouth and a pint of ice cream in one hand. She raised a surprised eyebrow.

“Lameass? Girls? Sup?” She plopped down onto the nearest seat cushion and scooped out a big chunk. She munched as Lincoln’s heart gave a little flutter. The two of them had broken up a long time ago. The entire situation was now mostly just f*ck buddies with benefits and emotional crutches. (Which admittedly sounded just like they were dating but they were mostly having fun and didn’t want to put labels on anything.)

“On a mission to get Lola back. She ran away from home.” Lana said. “We think she’s with Carl.”

Ronnie Anne scooped a huge chunk out of her carton and sucked on it. She nodded as if that seemed perfectly in line for the Loud house kids. If it wasn’t some calamity it was another.

“Carl? Him of all people? And here I thought she was gay.” She crossed her legs. Lincoln was blushing. Ronnie Anne was only wearing a bright purple bra and thong. Totally nude beside that. She noticed them staring and shrugged.

“A) It’s hot. B) I’m hot. C) Your sister and my brother are out of town for a few days. So I’m going to enjoy this a bit.” A bead of sweat went down her full breast. It slipped under the cloth and pooled somewhere around her nipple. A dark stain outlining the curl.

“Sister rock it if you got it.” Lynn said with a shrug. She was no one to judge. She f*cked her brother and wanted to do so again.

“How is your offspring doing?” Lucy said with her typical creepy monotone. Ronnie Anne blushed and chuckled.
“Growing like a weed. And looking more and more like her daddy every day. I can send more pictures if you want.” She said with a chuckle. Lincoln grinned in response.

“I’d like that. I know that her birthday isn’t for a few months but is there anything she wants?”

“Some time with her daddy. And maybe a picnic with the family.” Ronnie Anne had let a little chunk of ice cream dribble down her chin and onto her breast. Lincoln felt his eyes follow the curve downwards. She looked so beautiful. It had been a while since he had last seen her.

“I’ll see what I can do…No wait…I promise. I’ll make something happen.” Lincoln said. Ronnie Anne shot him a poorly done finger gun. “Besides Lola isn’t having a fling with Carl. She’s run away. We think she is more or less pouting or something. So we just need to find her, and we figure that Carl might know where she is. Or hopefully she is actually with him.”

He knew he couldn’t tell her the real reason. Ronnie Anne was pretty open minded. But he seriously didn’t know how she might react to learning that he had been plowing his sisters for a few days. And wanted to keep on plowing them. And that Lola had run away because she and Lana had been bumping uglies for who knew how long.

Carlotta came bouncing into the living room waving her phone around.

“Here’s the address!”

Lola Loud danced in the poorly lit living room. The house was tall and rustic. With multiple levels and side rooms. The music was thumping noise nonsense. The lights were plugged into a fraying red extension cord. She shook her booty and began to twerk. If her competition could see her now!

Her bright pink sweat shirt was glowing neon in the dark lights. The room was full of strangers. She had a drink full of something that tasted like gasoline. She wanted to pretend to be anywhere but here. Anyone but her. Feel anything but the sorrow gnawing in her guts.

Someone tapped her on the shoulder and offered her a spliff. She took a massive rip off of it and handed it back. It was just weed. She held the smoke in as long as she could. Finally lungs aching she gasped.

“Sup Lol’s.” Carl said sliding up next to her. His eyebrow wiggling suggestively. The little ladies man shoved a wad of cash into his hoodie pocket and wrapped an arm around her hips. Slowly guiding her out of the room.

“Sup creep.” She responded as she got him against the wall and began to grind on his dick. She stared forwards unimpressed. Dicks were so so so….unimaginative! They were large and long and floppy! They were like snakes! Dogs had dicks! They were crude and blunt. Now puss*…She could get behind puss*. It was soft and warm and tasty. You could lick it, play with it, treat it right, like a treasure box waiting for her.

But this party was a total sausage fest. She thought that Carl knew where to get the good stuff.

“Think you been drinking too much princess?” He asked with a smile. She frowned and chugged half her drink. She shook her head. Her golden hair going wild around her.

“Nope! I’m going to drink forever!” She crowed. He nodded and took out his phone. Holding it up as if he was recording her. She grinned and began to preen, pose, dance, shake, vogue, make stupid faces. Carl finished texting and sent the location setting to Lincoln.

Lola sighed and leaned her head on his shoulder. The drinks were really starting to crash into her head. She felt like she was spiraling out of control. Tears came quick and painless. She wondered if she was going nuts. Her emotions were a never ending sea of confusion and sorrow.

“Why does everything always need to be so hard and complicated?” She sputtered wetly against him. Carl patted her on the back and looked around nervously. He really didn’t like it when cute girls cried on him. All of that sissy sort of stuff tended to kill the mood.

“Where even is she? I can’t see anything in here.” Lincoln complained as they walked into the party house. Someone had jumped off the roof and was lying in a pile of broken chairs and their own vomit. No one had called an ambulance. Such was city life.

“This place is packed. We should probably split up and—” Lana was cut off as the house party sort of forced everyone apart. The room was thumping with music. And they were all going in different directions.

Lincoln shoved his head into the kitchen to look around. Just some guys making out on the counter. Lynn kicked in the bathroom door to see two people taking a shower while another person was using the toilet. While another blazed up while sitting in the sink. She took a hit. The weed was crap. Lucy was good at walking through the shadows and made her way through the house without anyone really seeing her.

Lincoln ducked under the low doorframe. Someone must have lowered it. No way was it regulation height. He couldn’t possibly be that tall right? He saw Lola twerking in the middle of the room. He recognized the ass first. Then he recognized the long golden hair. Finally she turned around to face him. Her eyes were closed, she was red in the face and was moving like she only had hours to live. She had a beer in each hand and white powder on her nose. The lights were playing over her body and making her look like she was glowing.

He marched forward. Ducking through the wild party atmosphere. He thought he saw Carl at one point. The red clad dude just gave him a thumbs up and ducked into a side room. Now that her sib’s were there chances were good that she was in good hands. Lincoln rolled his eyes. That was one reason he couldn’t deal with the Casagrande’s for extended periods of time. He couldn’t stand the drama, he could barely survive his own families drama!

“Okay you little psycho. Fun’s over. Time to go home.” Lincoln clapped a hand onto Lola’s shoulder. She shrieked as she spun around. Lincoln yelped and hugged his shin. Hopping up and down.

“Seriously?!” He shouted. She instantly turned and sprinted towards the nearest exit. She came to a skidding halt when she spotted Lynn coming out of that room. Lynn was instantly going after her. It was a little tough with her bad leg. But the sporty girl could hop like a bunny when she got in the right mood. And she was in the mood now.

Lola ran straight for the next doorway. Only for Lucy to materialize there as if from the shadows themselves.

“I am here too.” Lucy said. Her fat ass and wide hips took up most of the room in the doorway. Lola ran back into the room. Both exits blocked. She ran past Lincoln, doubled back, and kicked him in the other shin. Lincoln let out a howl.

“Why again?!” The room was starting to notice the family squabble. And the absolutely crazed way that Lola was turning and running from one side to the other. The music was still so loud that it thrummed through people’s bodies. Barely clothed figures squirmed and rubbed and bounced with the music. Making a maze of sweaty sticky backs, butts, chests, breasts, arms and groping hands to press through.

Lola whipped her head between the two sisters and the hobbling brother. She turned towards the window. Lincoln’s eyes widened.

“Don’t try it!” He shouted. She didn’t listen. She sprinted for it. Got the window open, a blast of night air pressed to her lips. And Lana flung herself against Lola. Coming in from the fire escape. A few confused young adults were hanging out on the fire escape. Passing a bottle of wine between them.

Lola landed on her back, hair falling into a drink. She opened her mouth to scream. Something loud that would get a lot of people running and calling the cops. But Lana shoved her lips to her twins and kissed her deeply. Lola blinked then moaned and deepened the kiss. Her tongue exploring the familiar mouth. Their lips rubbed against each other. So intimate and familiar. The same lips on two different faces.

Lana pulled away with a satisfied pop. She was straddling her sister with a wide grin. Her hands pressing Lola to the floor.

“Are you okay?! You had me worried sick you jerk!” Lana shouted over the music. A few people were staring. Two girls making out at a party is always hot as hell to see. And when they looked so similar….That just made it even hotter. Especially if they have fine supple bodies with big round breasts and legs like marble statues.

“I…I’m fine…I’m really buzzed right now…I also think I snorted co*ke off some ladies breasts?” Lola giggled, her face was red and her lips were tumbling out the words. Lana chuckled. Then frowned. Then slapped Lola across the face as hard as she could.

Lincoln, Lynn and Lucy let out little gasps of surprise. The trio had managed to get closer to the twins. And were now standing over the two, trying to block off a bit more of the room.

“What the f*ck was that for?!” Lola shrieked out. Lana’s eyes were burning with rage and she rained down angry little slaps onto her sis.

“What the f*ck were you thinking!” Lana shouted back. The two began to roll on the rug. Shouting and shrieking, screeching and clawing. Lincoln hobbled backwards. There were going to be big bruises on his shins in just a few hours. And he didn’t know how he was supposed to pull the two apart. It would be like separating a pair of cats.

Except these cats were going for blood.

“Why did you run away!”

“I had to!”

“No you didn’t!”

“I did so!”

“Should we uh…”Lincoln looked between Lucy and Lynn. The two of them were just backing off. Hands up. Clearly hands off. These two needed to sort their own crazy out.

“Because I love you you stupid bitch!” Lana shouted out. She had managed to pin Lola again. This time she was holding the girl’s cheeks in place. Their eyes were wide. Lana’s were full of tears. Her lips quivering. Lola blinked wetly back in confusion.


“I said that I love you, you stupid dumb selfish egotistical baby wanting beach bode having bitch!” Lana sniffled out. Lola squirmed in confusion. Her head was reeling. Her mouth felt terrible. And she was sore from the crappy floor.

“I was so worried! I thought you had gone and done something f*cking stupid. Well stupider then this! I was freaking out! I wanted to die! And you just ran off to party like some some some…I don’t know!” Lana leaned her forehead against Lola’s and let out a few more deep sniffles.

“What the f*ck is your problem. I love you. Isn’t that enough?”

“Lana.” Lola whispered out. She was near tears too.

“This is happening weirdly fast right?” Lincoln whispered to Lucy. She shushed him and slapped his thin beanpole chest with the back of her hand.

“Shut up. Things move faster in this day and age. I’m not going to wait around five hundred pages to see these two patch things up.” She muttered in a deadpan tone of voice. Lincoln shrugged helplessly. No matter how goth and dark the short stack pretended to be, she was actually a hopeless romantic.

“At the end of the day I think we all are. Its in the Loud’s genes.” Lincoln whispered conspiratorially towards the fourth wall. The dude standing beside him paused and looked at Lincoln in confusion. Trying to see what the heck the little white haired guy was staring at.

A few hours later Carl finished talking on the phone and nodded to Lincoln with a grin. The young entrepreneur gave him a thumbs up.

“Thanks white boy. Lola kept on crying and bitching and drinking so knowing she got home safe is a big relief. Man you Louds never have a dull moment huh?” Carl said with a knowing grin. “It’s good to see those two work everything out.”

“Yep. Say Hey to your sister and cousin for me dude.” Lincoln said as he pulled the car into traffic. Honking on the horn to get the jerk in front of him moving.

“The light is green! Green!” Lincoln shouted. Once they began rumbling along he finally relaxed. He looked in the rearview mirror. The girls were lounging in the back. Lola and Lana were curled up around each other. Lola almost sitting in Lana’s lap. Sometimes Lana would give her twin a little kiss to the forehead.

The two blondes were whispering back and forth. Shushing and giggling and teasing each other. The private world that twins and lovers inhabit (Just to be clear that isn’t Twins or lovers its Twins AND Lovers. You got to be both. Like the Pines or Blights….back to the story)
EDS NOTE. (Please remove the reference to the Pines and Blights it messes with the flow.)

C: No.

Lucy was in the seat closest to the driver texting rapidly. Lynn was in the passenger seat next to him. The GPS was pointing back home. Lincoln took a wrong turn and went down a side street. Lynn glanced at him in confusion.

“Linc? I know that you hate driving in the city, but this is entirely the wrong way.” She pointed out. Lincoln nodded. His heart was pounding. His brain was short circuiting. Lola and Lana had said it. Why can’t he say it? What is keeping him back? What is keeping him from just saying it already?

“I’ve got something I need to…You’ve got to….” Lincoln felt his chest start to compress. His hands were sweaty. He felt adrift and gross and confused. Lucy poked her head up beside him.

“I told Mom and Dad we were headed back. What’s the hold up?” Lincoln glanced at the two women to his right. Their full lips looked kissable. Their hair was crying for his hands. Their cheeks wished for his hands to caress them. Their very burning being was crying out towards him.

Lincoln felt his heart beat a million miles a second. And then go silent and still. And a realization hit him. And he knew what he had to do.

“I need you to call Mom and Dad and tell them that we’re staying at a friends place tonight. I’ve got to do something.” He whispered to Lucy and Lynn. Voice low so that Lola and Lana wouldn’t hear he explained everything. He didn’t have to worry too much though. Lola and Lana were in their own little worlds. Each other.

Lincoln Loud's Epic Bedroom Situation - Chapter 11 - creeply (2024)
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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.