LIFO Calculator for Inventory (2024)

The LIFO calculator for inventory and costs of goods sold (COGS) is an intelligent tool that can help you calculate your current inventory value and the amount you have to report as COGS by considering the LIFO method.

This article will cover how to determine ending inventory by LIFO after selling in contrast to the FIFO method, which you can discover in Omni's FIFO calculator. Also, we will see how to calculate its cost of goods sold using LIFO, and show how to use our LIFO calculator online to make more profits.

What is LIFO (last-in, first-out)?

LIFO stands for last-in, first-out, and it's an accounting method for measuring the COGS (costs of goods sold) based on inventory prices. The particularity of the LIFO method is that it takes into account the price of the last acquired items whenever you sell stock.

Let's consider this example. The company acquired T-shirts as per the following scheme:

T-shirts quantity

T-shirt buying price







The company receives a sell order of 10 T-shirts. What will be the related costs? If you use our LIFO calculator, you will see the result is 144 USD.

This is because we took the last seven items at 15 USD and added the three items we bought at 13 USD:

7×15+3×13=1447 \times 15 + 3 \times 13 = 1447×15+3×13=144.

That is LIFO. Last-in the inventory, first-out when the sell occurs.

It is quite different from the FIFO method (first-in, first-out), where we would have taken the two t-shirts bought at 10 USD, then the other five t-shirts at 13 USD, and finally the last three ones at 15 USD. COGS, in this case, would be 130 USD. A percentage decrease of 9.7%.

Keep in mind the LIFO vs. FIFO difference, as we will explain it more in the following paragraphs.

How to use LIFO for costs of goods sold calculation

As mentioned above, companies have to define their cost of goods sold for determining a selling price that can keep their profit margins. Let's explain how they do it when using the LIFO method. We adopt the following notation:

q1q_1q1 = Number of units purchased 1st time.
p1p_1p1 = 1st units purchased price.
q2q_2q2 = Number of units purchased 2nd time.
p2p_2p2 = 2nd units purchased price.
qiq_iqi = Number of units purchased last time.
pip_ipi = Last units purchased price.

Then the inventory value InvVal\text{InvVal}InvVal formula reads:

InvVal=p1q1+p2q2++piqi\text{InvVal} = p_1 q_1 + p_2 q_2 + \ldots + p_i q_iInvVal=p1q1+p2q2++piqi

Here, we are assuming the company has not sold any product yet. Please note how increasing/decreasing inventory prices through time can affect the inventory value.

The LIFO method assumes that it will take the last acquired items when the company sells its inventory. Assuming the company sells nnn products:

qiq_iqi = Number of units purchased the last time.

qi1q_{i-1}qi1 = Number of units purchased one time before the last one.

qi2q_{i-2}qi2 = Number of units purchased two times before the last one.

...and so on, until the number of sold items is equal to n. Assuming,

n=qi+qi1+qi2n = q_i + q_{i-1} + q_{i-2}n=qi+qi1+qi2 ,

COGS would be:

COGS=qipi+qi1pi1+qi2pi2\text{COGS} = q_i p_i + q_{i-1} p_{i-1} + q_{i-2} p_{i-2} COGS=qipi+qi1pi1+qi2pi2

Following our example above:

COGS=3×13+7×15=144\text{COGS} = 3 \times 13+ 7 \times 15 = 144 COGS=3×13+7×15=144

Notice how the cost of goods sold could increase if the last prices of the items the company bought also increase. What happens during inflationary times, and by rising COGS, it would reduce not only the operating profits but also the tax payment. Visit the inflation calculator to learn more.

How to calculate ending inventory by LIFO

Continuing with out formulas above, we would not have the last items because we sold them accordingly to the LIFO method. Then, the ending inventory/remaining inventory InvVal\text{InvVal}InvVal would be:

InvVal=q1p1+q2p2+qi3pi3\text{InvVal} = q_1 p_1 + q_2 p_2 \ldots + q_{i-3} p_{i-3}InvVal=q1p1+q2p2+qi3pi3

In the T-shirt example we mentioned above, the initial inventory value was 190 USD. You can use our LIFO calculator or go through all the T-shirts we bought and multiply them by their respective price. Then after selling the last ten items, the inventory value is:

InvVal=2×10+2×13+0×15=46\footnotesize \text{InvVal} = 2 \times 10 + 2 \times 13 + 0 \times 15 = 46InvVal=2×10+2×13+0×15=46

Thus, we end up with an inventory value of 46 USD.

How to use our LIFO method calculator

Here we are going to determine the cost of goods sold using the LIFO calculator, our revenue, and our profit margin:

  1. Add the number of items you bought and their respective prices. Our LIFO calculator will indicate the current amount of your existing inventory.
  2. In the next section, add the number of total units sold. Our tool will indicate the COGS.
  3. Finally, include the selling price. Our LIFO calculator online will indicate the total revenues and the profit margin.

Continuing with our example above, assume we sell the 10 items at a 16 USD each:

Revenues=16×10=160\text{Revenues} = 16 \times 10 = 160Revenues=16×10=160

COGS=144\text{COGS} = 144COGS=144

Profits=160144=16\text{Profits} = 160 - 144 = 16Profits=160144=16

Note that we have income. Besides, the formula for the profit margin is:

Profitmargin=ProfitsRevenue100%\text{Profit margin} = \frac{\text{Profits}}{\text{Revenue}} \cdot 100\%Profitmargin=RevenueProfits100%,


Profitmargin=16160100%=10%\text{Profit margin} = \frac{16}{160} \cdot 100\% = 10\%Profitmargin=16016100%=10%.


How does the LIFO method affect taxable profits?

When you compare the cost of goods sold using the LIFO calculator, you see that COGS increases when the prices of acquired items rise. Such a situation will reduce the profits on which the company pays taxes. Consequently, LIFO can help lower taxable income.

Which one is better FIFO or LIFO?

LIFO is only allowed in the USA, whereas, in the world, companies use FIFO. In the USA, companies prefer to use LIFO because it can help them reduce their taxable income. Furthermore, when USA companies have operations outside their country of origin, they present a section where the overseas inventory registered by FIFO is modified to LIFO. You can also check FIFO and LIFO calculators at the Omni Calculator website to learn what happens in inflationary/deflationary environments.

How do I calculate ending inventory using LIFO?

To determine the ending inventory using LIFO follows these steps:

  1. Determine the existing inventory by multiplying each acquisition price per the amount bought.
  2. Define how many items you are going to sell.
  3. Subtract the items you sold from the existing inventory. Start removing the last ones.
  4. Multiply the remaining ones (which are the ones you bought first) per their respective prices. Then, you have the ending inventory amount using LIFO. You can also try our LIFO calculator online.

How do I calculate COGS using LIFO?

To calculate COGS using LIFO:

  1. Keep a record of each acquisition price per the amount bought.
  2. Define how many items you are going to sell. Our LIFO method calculator would bring a result here.
  3. Take the last items and their respective prices. Select only the ones you sold.
  4. Multiply their prices by their amount. There you have your COGS as per the LIFO method.

How does inflation affect FIFO ending inventory calculation?

If you use a LIFO calculator as an ending inventory calculator, you will see that you keep the cheapest inventory in your accounts with inflation (and rising prices through time). The most expensive items would go to the COGS calculation. In that sense, we will see a smaller ending inventory during inflation compared to a non-inflationary period.

Which financial ratios does LIFO ending inventory calculation affect?

If LIFO affects COGS and makes it more significant during inflationary times, we will have a reduced net income margin. Besides, inventory turnover will be much higher as it will have higher COGS and smaller inventory. Also, all the current asset-related ratios will be affected because of the change in inventory value.

How does deflation affect LIFO ending inventory calculation?

Considering that deflation is the item's price decrease through time, you will see a smaller COGS with the LIFO method. Also, you will see a more significant remaining inventory value because the most expensive items were bought and kept at the very beginning.

LIFO Calculator for Inventory (2024)


Can LIFO be used to value inventory? ›

Since LIFO uses the most recently acquired inventory to value COGS, the leftover inventory might be extremely old or obsolete. As a result, LIFO doesn't provide an accurate or up-to-date value of inventory because the valuation is much lower than inventory items at today's prices.

What is the LIFO method of closing inventory? ›

LIFO, which stands for last in, first out, is an inventory valuation method that uses the cost of the most recent products purchased to calculate the cost of goods sold (COGS), while older inventory value is considered ending inventory on a balance sheet.

What is the formula for LIFO FIFO cogs? ›

But FIFO COGS is lower, so a change in reserve must be subtracted from LIFO COGS to get FIFO COGS = LIFO COGS – (ending LIFO reserve – beginning LIFO reserve). For FIFO, if COGS is lower, then net income and retained earnings must be higher. So, LIFO reserve/change in reserve must be added to LIFO.

What is LIFO inventory pricing? ›

Under LIFO, you'll leave your old inventory costs on your balance sheet and expense the latest inventory costs in the cost of goods sold (COGS) calculation first. While the LIFO method may lower profits for your business, it can also minimize your taxable income.

How to calculate inventory in LIFO? ›

To calculate FIFO (First-In, First Out) determine the cost of your oldest inventory and multiply that cost by the amount of inventory sold, whereas to calculate LIFO (Last-in, First-Out) determine the cost of your most recent inventory and multiply it by the amount of inventory sold.

Why is LIFO banned? ›

IFRS prohibits LIFO due to potential distortions it may have on a company's profitability and financial statements. For example, LIFO can understate a company's earnings for the purposes of keeping taxable income low. It can also result in inventory valuations that are outdated and obsolete.

How do you calculate ending inventory using LIFO retail method? ›

LIFO. In the Last In, First Out (LIFO) method, inventory is calculated based on COGS for the newest items in your inventory. The formula for inventory value using the LIFO method involves dividing the COGS for items purchased last by the number of units purchased.

What is the rule of LIFO? ›

A Rule of Life outlines a pattern of living which is immersed in Christ, and invites us to shape ourselves to it — to become straight and true. Those wooden rules we used in school never commanded us to draw triangles, nor told us where the triangles should be drawn, nor did they make us draw rectangles instead.

What is the correct example of a LIFO? ›

Whereas in a stack of paper, the last piece of paper that joined the stack will be at the top of the stack. So the last piece will be the first one to come out when you pick the paper from the top of the stack. Hence it is an example of LIFO, Last In First Out.

How to calculate ending inventory? ›

The basic formula for calculating ending inventory is: Beginning inventory + net purchases – COGS = ending inventory. Your beginning inventory is the last period's ending inventory. The net purchases are the items you've bought and added to your inventory count.

How do you calculate the cost of goods sold and ending inventory under LIFO? ›

To calculate COGS, it would take into account the newest purchase prices.
  1. COGS = (The Number of Newest Units x Their Value) + (Remaining Units From the Second Purchase x Their Value) ...
  2. Ending Inventory Value = Remaining Units x Their Value. ...
  3. COGS = The Number of Newest Units x Their Value.
Aug 14, 2023

What is the LIFO rule? ›

Last in, first out (LIFO) is a method used to account for inventory. Under LIFO, the costs of the most recent products purchased (or produced) are the first to be expensed.

What is an example of food in inventory LIFO? ›

Last In, First Out (LIFO)

Last in, first-out costing assumes that ingredients purchased last are sold at their original cost. An example of this is when a restaurant stocks up on canned food but continues to purchase fresh ingredients. Rather than using the older canned goods, the staff use newer inventory instead.

How do you price material issues under LIFO method? ›

b)LAST-IN-FIRST-OUT METHOD (LIFO): Under this method, the material received in last is issued first. The price of the latest consignment is taken as base for pricing of materials. This method requires the maintenance of record of quantity and value of every receipt of material.

Is LIFO allowed in measuring the cost of inventory? ›

The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), which is used in most countries, forbids the use of the LIFO method. Most companies that use LIFO inventory valuations need to maintain large inventories, such as retailers and auto dealerships.

Can the LIFO method of inventory valuation result in a company's ending inventory? ›

Tax and Cash Flow Implications

A major implication of choosing FIFO or LIFO involves taxes paid and operating cash flow: FIFO results in higher ending inventory values and higher net income. This increases taxable income and taxes owed. LIFO results in lower ending inventory on the books and lower net income.

What are the methods of valuing inventory? ›

There are three methods for inventory valuation: FIFO (First In, First Out), LIFO (Last In, First Out), and WAC (Weighted Average Cost). In FIFO, you assume that the first items purchased are the first to leave the warehouse.

How to value inventory on a balance sheet? ›

Here are the key formulas calculating inventory valuation:
  1. FIFO = Cost of oldest inventory X amount of inventory sold.
  2. LIFO = Cost of most recent inventory X amount of inventory sold.
  3. Weighted average cost = Cost of goods available for sale / total number of units in inventory.

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