Lifestyle & Habits of Successful Forex Traders / Axi (2024)

Forex /
Milan Cutkovic
  • Habits
  • Successful
  • Forex
  • Traders

Lifestyle & Habits of Successful Forex Traders / Axi (1)

Many people are attracted to forex trading because of the perceived lifestyle that goes with successful trading – images of fast cars, luxurious holidays, or trading in some exotic places around the world. But becoming successful in this market takes dedication and hard work.

Somesuccessfultraders may show off their rewards but they don’t always tell you about the years of effort they put in before they found success. The factis, like in any other profession or endeavour, becoming asuccessfulforextrader takes time.

If you are just starting out in the forex market or have been forex trading for a while and need some extra tips, then this article is for you. We have built a list of habits that successful forex traders incorporate into their trading plans.

Discover our list of 20 habits of successful forex traders:

1. Be a constant learner

One thing that all the best and most successful forex traders have in common is an ongoing curiosity and the love of learning new things. So, if you want to be a successful FX trader, you need to constantly learn new things about trading and the market.

The forex market is one of the most dynamic and active markets in the world, so you have to be on top of what’s happening and what’s affecting it. Markets are constantly changing, so there will be times when you will have to adapt your trading strategy.

Lifestyle & Habits of Successful Forex Traders / Axi (2)

2. Be proactive

In his best-sellingbook‘7Habitsof Highly Effective People’ Stephen Covey said being proactive is animportant partof one’ssuccess. As atrader, beingproactive meanstaking action – doing something or doing thethingsthat will contribute to yoursuccessas atrader.

Here are a few examples of the proactive things you can do to help your trading:

  • Setting up a daily routine to help you become more efficient with your trading
  • Set aside time for learning and training – e.g. trading webinars, learning technical analysis, trading education
  • Reviewing chart patterns
  • Testing and refining trading strategies
  • Subscribing to or followingsuccessfultraderslikeBrett Steenbarger,Steve Ward,Nial Fuller
  • Keeping track and monitoring theglobalmarketswill also help yourtrading, so make it ahabitto regularly check news sources likeBloomberg and CNBC

3. Develop a trading plan

You’re probably aware of the saying ‘failing to plan is planning to fail’. Though it might sound cliché, it’s true and it’s a veryimportant componentfortradingsuccess.

Whether you’re anewtraderor someone who has beentradingthemarketsfor years, you need atradingplan that should be your guide in everything you do.

A trading plan doesn't need to be complicated. It can include some basic guidelines like:

  • Entry and exit levels
  • Positionsize
  • Stop-loss level
  • Take profit level
  • Indicators touseto confirm your entry and exit

While having atradingplanis important, it’s also equally important to have thedisciplineto stick to and implement it.

Otherwise, what’s the point of having a plan if you’re going to ignore it? So, remember, if you have atradingplanit’s best to stick to it.

4. Control your emotions

It’s been said thatfearand greed are the two strongest emotions that drive themarkets.

Fear of missing out on a trade usually drives forex traders to jump into a trade without prior validation. And, at times, getting into a trade hastily can result in losses if it turns against you.

Greed is also something to watch and control. It can fuel your desire to chase multiple trades (over trading) or to allocate too much of your capital in a single trade. In either scenario, you put your trading capital in jeopardy if greed takes over.

If you want to become a successful trader, it is critical you put your emotions in check as much as possible. So, before you hit the button to confirm a trade, take a moment to think whether the trade is the right one by considering the following questions:

  • Does it fit within yourstrategy?
  • Is it within your limits ofrisk?
  • Do you understand what it means if thistradegoes against you?

5. Develop a risk management strategy

Every successful trader will tell you that trading is all about risk management. And it’s true, your success as a trader will depend largely on how robust your risk management is. At its basic level, risk management can be boiled down to a few components.

Here are some items to consider when building yourriskmanagementstrategy:

  • How muchcapitalto allocate pertrade?
  • How muchcapitaltoriskpertrade?
  • What is your stoplosslevel?
  • What is your take profit level?
  • How much leverage tousepertrade?

One of thebest words of advicefortradersis to preserve yourcapital. By protecting yourtradingcapital, you’ll be able totradethe nextday.

6. Start with a demo trading account

While most people want to rush into trading to have a taste of success right away, it’s advisable to start small and slowly. This is particularly true if you’re new to forex trading where one of the best things you can do is start with a demo trading account.

Using a demo account brings several benefits, such as:

  • Opportunity to familiarise yourself with the trading platform and different trading products
  • Start testing different trading strategies without committing real money upfront
  • Gain confidence in placingtrades

7. Practice money management techniques

Beginners usually learn the hardwaythatmoneymanagement is one of the most importantfactorsthat contribute to yoursuccess as atrader. Having a successfulstrategywill not help if you fail to have soundmoneymanagement rules in place.

The goal is to maximise gains and minimise losses. Before entering atrade, you should already know how much you are willing toriskon it and how much the potential profit is. While it is impossible to eliminate emotions fromtradingcompletely,money management strategies can help you control them.

8. Cutting losses earlier rather than later

It can be tempting to keep your losingpositionsrunning in the hope that themarketwill turn around and you will be able to exit thetradeat breakeven or perhaps even at a profit. However, hope is a dangerous emotion intrading. Instead of letting your losingpositions run out of control, you should have a sound riskmanagementplan in place and already know how much you are willing to lose on that particulartrade even before you hit the buy or sell button.

9. Scaling positions

There are benefits of scaling in and out ofpositions- primarily psychological ones.

For example, if you have a large trade running that is already deep in profit, it might be beneficial for you to book some of the profit, making it easier to manage the position. You may also use scaling when entering positions. Finding the right entry point can be difficult and you might end up second-guessing yourself or wishing you entered the position at a better spot. With scaling, you take some of the pressure away as you will be entering the position at various points.

10. Maintain your trading journal

Atrading journal can be a trader's best friend if maintained properly. It is not just a summary of your tradingstrategy, but also a tool where you can write down your observations and notes which will help you to build on your strengths and work on your weaknesses.

Learn how to use a trading journal and remember that it needs to be continuously updated so you can track your trading performance effectively.

11. Be disciplined (no overtrading or FOMO'ing)

Thefearof missing out can lead to costly mistakes.

A lot of traders only share their positive experiences with the online world and keep their failures to themselves. If you notice that many people appear to be making large profits on a particular trade (for example, being long Bitcoin), you may feel the urge to jump on the train regardless of the price and what your trading plan says. This is dangerous, as you are purely driven by emotions instead of rational decisions, and the opportunity could be gone already.

Successful traders will never FOMO into a trade, as every trade requires research and setup to be effective.

12. Stick to your trading strategy

Themarketsare constantly evolving and yourtradingstrategywill need adjustments from time to time.

However, if you keep hopping from strategy to strategy and fail to stick to the rules that you have set, it will be difficult for you to evolve as a trader. It is therefore important that you stick to your trading strategy and avoid making impulsive decisions.

Check out our guide on effective forex trading strategies and start to formulate your own strategy to incorporate into your trading.

13. Balance life outside of trading

Just with any other career or hobby, it is crucial to maintain a healthy work-life balance. If you find yourself awake at 3 AM watching where the Yen will move or stressing about a position you have open, you might need a break from trading for a while.

This will give you the chance to clear your mindset, recharge, and come back better than before.

14. Be prepared (stay up to date with news, announcements, upcoming meetings, interest rate changes, economic calendar, etc.)

There are plenty offactorsthat influencemarkets. Even if you are using purelytechnicalanalysis, there are still benefits of keeping track of majormarket events as it will help you to assess the overall market sentiment. Our economic calendar will help you stay up to date on the most important news happening in the forex market.

15. Adapt to the market

Marketconditions change often, and can do so rapidly. Forexample, your rangetradingstrategymight work well during a prolonged phase of consolidation in theFXmarket.

However, once volatility picks up suddenly and violently, you will have to react quickly and either switch to a differentstrategyor look at differentmarketswhere you may still be able to find themarketconditions that enable you to be profitable.

16. Strong technical analysis approach

Beginners often think that they must choose between using technical or fundamentalanalysis. This is not correct, as manytradersusea combination of both in theirtrading. Even if you are a fundamentaltrader, you could find value in being aware of the key technical levels (forexample, to find better entry/exit points) or learning technical indicators (to help you identify when amarketis overbought or oversold).

17. Understand trading psychology

This will probably be the trickiest part, but having a deep understanding of the common psychological traps and learning about trading psychology will give you an edge.

To learn more, find out what trading psychology is and why it's so important.

18. Trade your edge and stick to it

It can take a long time until you find your trading edge, but once you identify it, it is worth building on that strength and harnessing it. An edge is not just a magical trading system that outperforms all the time but can also be a particular skill set you have (for example, scalpers are skilled with numbers, time management, and handling pressure).

Find an area in the market you are good at and stick to it!

19. Watch other markets

You might choose to specialise in a particular market, let's say the foreign exchange market. This might be because you found that your strategy performs particularly well with certain currency pairs or simply because you prefer it over the others. It is still worth keeping an eye on the other financial markets too, as they can give you valuable insights.

For example, a major move in the bond market might hint that the short-term volatility in the stock market will spike as well.

20. Utilise a trusted and regulated forex broker

Using a trustworthy and regulated broker is important as it will ensure that you are being treated fair as a client, get the execution that is promised, and have peace of mind that your funds are safe.

How to become a successful forex trader?

Becoming asuccessfultraderis far from easy, but as the old saying goes "Nothing worth having comes easy".

While the path will be full of challenges and obstacles, the outcome can be an extremely rewarding one. To pave the way for your success, you need to first identify your goals: do you wish to trade just to generate some extra income or do you intend to turn it into a full-time professional career?

The next step is to create a learning plan. There is an abundance of materials out there, and picking the right course/books/mentor is crucial and will save you a lot of time. After that, a lot of trial and error will follow.

Just remember, being a successful trader means being constantly alert and ready to adapt - even the best traders in the world cannot afford to become complacent.

Ready to trade your edge?

Join thousands of traders and trade CFDs on forex, shares, indices, commodities, and cryptocurrencies!

This information is not to be construed as a recommendation; or an offer to buy or sell; or the solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any security, financial product, or instrument; or to participate in any trading strategy. It has been prepared without taking your objectives, financial situation, or needs into account. Any references to past performance and forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results. Axi makes no representation and assumes no liability regarding the accuracy and completeness of the content in this publication. Readers should seek their own advice.

Milan Cutkovic

Lifestyle & Habits of Successful Forex Traders / Axi (3)

Milan Cutkovic has over eight years of experience in trading and market analysis across forex, indices, commodities, and stocks. He was one of the first traders accepted into the Axi Select programme which identifies highly talented traders and assists them with professional development.

As well as being a trader, Milan writes daily analysis for the Axi community, using his extensive knowledge of financial markets to provide unique insights and commentary. He is passionate about helping others become more successful in their trading and shares his skills by contributing to comprehensive trading eBooks and regularly publishing educational articles on the Axi blog, His work is frequently quoted in leading international newspapers and media portals.

Milan is frequently quoted and mentioned in many financial publications, including Yahoo Finance, Business Insider, Barrons, CNN, Reuters, New York Post, and MarketWatch.

Find him on: LinkedIn

Lifestyle & Habits of Successful Forex Traders / Axi (2024)


What is the daily life of a forex trader? ›

A typical day in the life of a forex trader starts early in the morning. Always having a good rest and starting with a clear mind is key as it will help you make rational decisions based on research while avoiding impulsive decisions or mistakes due to tiredness and exhaustion.

What is the biggest secret in forex trading? ›

Opening and closing orders should just be treated as an execution that is always performed without any emotion. All of your trades should open according to your system and analysis conducted beforehand, this is one of the most important Forex trading secrets.

Can you make a living off forex trading? ›

The answer to this question ultimately depends on your individual goals, dedication, and skill level. While it is possible to make a living off Forex trading, it requires hard work and continuous learning. It is crucial to have realistic expectations and understand that success does not come overnight.

Do you need $25,000 to day trade forex? ›

This rule, set by FINRA, states that any trader who executes four or more day trades within a five-day period is considered a pattern day trader (PDT). PDTs must maintain a minimum equity of $25,000 in their margin account at all times.

How many days a week should I trade forex? ›

The forex market is open 5 days a week and closed during the weekend. These international currency markets are vital to facilitating business across the globe and are made up of banks, commercial companies, central banks, investment management firms, and hedge funds, as well as retail forex brokers and investors.

What is the dark truth about forex? ›

A staggering 95% of Forex traders lose money due to a combination of high volatility, inadequate risk management, overleveraging, and lack of experience or knowledge.

Is there a 100% winning strategy in forex? ›

Trading forex is risky and complicated, and no strategy can guarantee consistent profits. Successful forex traders are those who tend to have a good understanding of the market, good risk management skills, and the ability to adapt to changing market conditions.

What is the secret to trading forex? ›

Winning Forex Trading Step #1 – Pay Attention to Daily Pivot Points. Paying attention to daily pivot points is especially important if you're a day trader, but it's also important even if you're more of a position trader, swing trader, or only trade long-term time frames.

How much can you make with $1000 in forex? ›

First, however, let's assume you started day trading with a capital of $1000. In your strategy, you place a maximum of 15 trades a day (too many), lose 5 and win 10. You are looking at a total of 60 pips per day. As mentioned, you make roughly $20 a day.

Are there forex millionaires? ›

The answer is yes! Forex can make you a millionaire if you are a hedge fund trader with a large sum. But forex from rags to riches for the majority is usually a rocky and bumpy ride which often leaves some traders in their dreams.

Is $500 enough to trade forex? ›

This forex trading style is ideal for people who dislike looking at their charts frequently and who can only trade in their free time. The very lowest you can open an account with is $500 if you wish to initiate a trade with a risk of 50 pips since you can risk $5 per trade, which is 1% of $500.

How much money do day traders with $10,000 accounts make per day on average? ›

With a $10,000 account, a good day might bring in a five percent gain, which is $500. However, day traders also need to consider fixed costs such as commissions charged by brokers. These commissions can eat into profits, and day traders need to earn enough to overcome these fees [2].

How much money should you have to trade forex? ›

Ideally, start with $500 or more. If you start with $100 you will need to grow your account slowly. If you are a good trader you may be able to average a dollar or two per day on the high end (see How Much Money Forex Day Traders Make). If you don't mind slowly building the account, that is an option.

Why do 95% of forex traders lose money? ›

Poor Risk Management

Improper risk management is a major reason why Forex traders tend to lose money quickly. It's not by chance that trading platforms are equipped with automatic take-profit and stop-loss mechanisms.

Does anyone get rich from forex? ›

However, with the right mindset, strategies, and risk management techniques, individuals can achieve significant financial gains through forex trading. It takes time, effort, and persistence, but for those who are willing to put in the work, the potential for getting rich from forex is undoubtedly there.

What is the secret of successful traders? ›

Stay disloyal in trading. Never be psychologically involved in a trade and ignore any trading ideas, which push you to unsystematic behaviour. If the market accepts your idea as unviable, close the loss-making position and do not focus on the failure.

Has anyone gotten rich from forex trading? ›

One of the most famous examples of a forex trader who has gotten rich is George Soros. In 1992, he famously made a short position on the pound sterling, which earned him over $1 billion. Another example is Michael Marcus, also known as the Wizard of Odd.

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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

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Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.