Level (2024)

Level is a statistic that all characters have in Risk of Rain 2. The higher a character's level, the higher their stats. As in most games, all characters in Risk of Rain 2 begin at level 1 and steadily level up, becoming progressively stronger over time.

The level of a character affects their:

It is important to note that these three stats don't all level up at the same rate, health increases by 30% of the base stat while damage and regeneration increase by 20% of their base stats (Though most monsters have 0 regeneration to begin with and as such will not increase when gaining levels). This means that, with no items and at higher levels, fights will tend to take longer as entities gain more health than damage (an effect which is further amplified when the player's levels begin to stagnate).

Player Level[]

Players level up by gathering experience. The biggest source of experience is from defeating monsters, which drop whitish-blue experience orbs when killed that are automatically collected by the player that kills them. The amount of experience dropped depends on the current difficulty, the type of monster, and whether the monster is an Elite. The experience collected by the killing player will be equally received by every other player. As such, a kill from a drone will also grant experience to the player. However, if a monster is killed by a non-player entity, e.g., fall damage, or the Void Fog, that experience is lost. An exception to this is an enemy dying from falling off the stage. In this scenario the experience will be rewarded to whoever last damaged the aforementioned enemy, however long ago that had occured. This will most likely be the player as there are very few non-player sources of damage.

Aside from killing monsters, players can acquire small amounts of experience by opening barrels. Additionally, when proceeding to the next stage via Teleporter or portal, all of the player's leftover gold is converted into half that much experience before entering the next stage.

A player's current level can be found using the formula Level (1), with a minimum of 1. The amount of experience required to reach a certain level can be found with Level (2).

Since each subsequent level requires 1.55 times as much experience as the previous one, leveling up outside of early stages becomes nearly impossible. Ultimately, players require items to survive and fight on.

Ambient Level[]

Non-player characters use a completely different leveling system than players, instead scaling their level with the ambient difficulty. This ambient level is given by the formula Level (3), where coeff is the difficulty coefficient and playerFactor is a constant that scales with the player count of the game (see the math behind scaling difficulty). This level is displayed in the top-right corner of the screen, alongside the current scaling difficulty. This level is capped at 99 for the default and any alternate game modes. However, Simulacrum is an exception since it both uses its own level formula and also the level is capped at 9999.

A monster's level also determines how much experience it will drop for a player that kills it; the experience reward is found with Level (4). The experience yield of a monster is exactly half the amount of gold it drops.

Although this level system is used primarily for monsters, nearly all non-player characters, including player minions, use the ambient level. Player minions will use the player team level (the one shown by the player's hp bar) or the ambient level, whichever is greater at the moment. There are a few exceptions:

  • Level (5) Engineer'sLevel (6)EngineerThe Engineer is a unique class that requires planning and positioning to be successful.
    Class: Ranged
    HP: 130 (+39 per level)
    Damage: 14 (+2.8 per level)
    Armor: 0
    Umbra: Fortification Expert
    Level (7) TR12 Gauss Auto-TurretLevel (8)TR12 Gauss Auto-Turret (Special)Place a turret that inherits all your items. Fires a cannon for 100% damage. Can place up to 2.
    Survivor: Engineer
    and Level (9) TR58 Carbonizer TurretLevel (10)TR58 Carbonizer Turret (Special)Place a mobile turret that inherits all your items. Fires a laser for 200% damage per second that slows enemies. Can place up to 2.
    Survivor: Engineer
    use the player level because the inherited items should be sufficient for a power boost.
  • Level (11) Strike DronesLevel (12)Level (13)100sThe Back-up
    Call drones for back up. Lasts 25 seconds.

    Call 4 Strike Drones to fight for you. Lasts 25 seconds.
    summoned by the player also use the player level, which is most likely a bug. However, Strike Drones summoned by Equipment Drones or by Level (14) ScavengersLevel (15)Scavenger
    Item HoarderHP: 3800 (+1140 per level)
    Damage: 4 (+0.8 per level)
    Class: Ranged
    Speed: 3 m/s
    Armor: 20
    do scale with the ambient level since their summoner also does.
  • Allied Level (16) LemuriansLevel (17)Lemurian
    HP: 80 (+24 per level)
    Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
    Class: Ranged / Melee
    Speed: 7 m/s
    Armor: 0
    and Level (18) Elder LemuriansLevel (19)Elder Lemurian
    HP: 900 (+270 per level)
    Damage: 16 (+3.2 per level)
    Class: Ranged
    Speed: 13 m/s
    Armor: 0
    spawned through the Level (20)Artifact of Devotion use the player level as well, but the items they are given will more than make up for their lower stats.
  • The following enemies, even though hostile to players, do not scale with the ambient level because they are spawned by special means: the unique Level (21) Elder LemuriansLevel (22)Elder Lemurian
    HP: 900 (+270 per level)
    Damage: 16 (+3.2 per level)
    Class: Ranged
    Speed: 13 m/s
    Armor: 0
    in Level (23) Abandoned Aqueduct'sLevel (24)Abandoned Aqueduct (Stage 2)
    Origin of Tar
    You dream of sand beneath your feet.

    Massive skeletons and pools of tar are littered around, and a towering aqueduct pouring down tar dominates the area.

    secret area, the Level (25) Artifact ReliquaryLevel (26)Artifact Reliquary
    StabilizedHP: 100000 (+30000 per level)
    Damage: 10 (+2 per level)
    Class: Ranged
    Speed: 0 m/s
    Armor: 100000
    , and any Level (27)Level (28)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
    Void Infestor is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
    Click for more info.
    Level (29) Void InfenstorsLevel (30)Level (31)Level (32)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
    This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
    Click for more info.
    Void Infestor
    HP: 45 (+14 per level)
    Damage: 11 (+2.2 per level)
    Class: Melee
    Speed: 14 m/s
    Armor: 0
    that specifically come out of killed Level (33)Level (34)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
    Voidtouched is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
    Click for more info.
    Level (35) VoidtouchedLevel (36)Level (37)Level (38)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
    This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
    Click for more info.
    Voidtouched (Affix Buff)
    Gain the power of a Voidtouched Elite.Collapse on hit and block one hit every 15 seconds.


  • The game uses a 64-bit integer to track the accumulated required experience up to any level. Since 94 is the highest level before the integer overflows, this is technically the highest level achievable by the player.
    • This is not normally achievable since if the player keeps looping to continue farming monsters, the difficulty coefficient will grow so much that the credits received by the Director will overflow to negative and will be unable to spawn any monsters. It is possible to keep collecting gold from barrels, or by using Level (39) Forgive Me PleaseLevel (40)Level (41)45sForgive Me Please
      Throw a cursed doll that repeatedly triggers your 'On Kill' effects.

      Throw a cursed doll out that triggers any On-Kill effects you have every 1 second for 8 seconds.
      with Level (42) Ghor's TomeLevel (43)Level (44)Ghor's Tome
      Chance on kill to drop a treasure.

      4% (+4% on stack) chance on kill to drop a treasure worth $25. Scales over time.
      , or by using Level (45)Level (46)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
      Roll of Pennies is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
      Click for more info.
      Level (47) Roll of PenniesLevel (48)Level (49)Level (50)Level (51)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
      This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
      Click for more info.
      Roll of Pennies
      Gain gold on taking damage.

      Gain 3 (+3 per stack) gold on taking damage from an enemy. Scales over time.
      before enemies stop spawning, and then trade this gold for experience before leaving a stage. However, the exponential growth of the experience required for each new level ensures this is beyond realistic to continue levelling up after enemies stop spawning.
  • The game actually keeps track of the experience gathered for all the various teams, i.e., Neutral, Player, Monster, and Void. Enemies and allies scaling by the ambient level do so with the use of a hidden item, which overrides the relevant team's actual level. As discussed in the ambient level section, some special spawns do not scale with the ambient level, which means they will be at the respective team level, which will most likely be 1. However, since any team is hostile to every other team, it is possible for the Monster and Void teams to acquire experience from killing each other.
    • The player and drones do not reward experience upon death.
    • Using the Level (52)Artifact of Chaos is another way to orchestrate enemies killing each other and acquire experience, even if it is from friendly fire. This is noticeable in Level (53) Bulwark's AmbryLevel (54)Bulwark's Ambry (Hidden Realm)
      Hidden Realm: Bulwark's Ambry
      The area consists of block-shaped platforms, with the Artifact Reliquary in the center.
      where the Artifact Reliquary's health bar visually indicates when it levels up from monsters killing each other.
    • While the death implosion of Level (55) Void ReaversLevel (56)Void Reaver
      HP: 1900 (+570 per level)
      Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
      Class: Ranged / Self-Destruct
      Speed: 6 m/s
      Armor: 0
      , Level (57)Level (58)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
      Void Jailer is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
      Click for more info.
      Level (59) Void JailersLevel (60)Level (61)Level (62)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
      This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
      Click for more info.
      Void Jailer
      HP: 2200 (+660 per level)
      Damage: 14 (+2.8 per level)
      Class: Ranged / Self-Destruct
      Speed: 7 m/s
      Armor: 0
      , and Level (63)Level (64)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
      Void Devastator is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
      Click for more info.
      Level (65) Void DevastatorsLevel (66)Level (67)Level (68)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
      This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
      Click for more info.
      Void Devastator
      Destroyer of WorldsHP: 2800 (+840 per level)
      Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
      Class: Ranged / Self-Destruct
      Speed: 8 m/s
      Armor: 20
      can kill friendlies, the experience orbs cannot reach the offending entity since it has been destroyed. As such, these kills will never grant experience.
      • The same applies for the Level (69) Jellyfish'sLevel (70)Jellyfish
        HP: 60 (+18 per level)
        Damage: 5 (+1 per level)
        Class: Self-Destruct
        Speed: 10 m/s
        Armor: 0
        and Level (71)Level (72)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
        Larva is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
        Click for more info.
        Level (73) Larva'sLevel (74)Level (75)Level (76)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
        This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
        Click for more info.
        HP: 45 (+14 per level)
        Damage: 11 (+2.2 per level)
        Class: Self-Destruct
        Speed: 1.5 m/s
        Armor: 0
        suicide attacks with the Level (77)Artifact of Chaos.
  • Characters that follow the ambient level choose the higher value between the ambient level and their team's level. Considering most non-player teams rarely level up, this is only relevant for player allies and drones in difficulties lower than Monsoon where the player level can stay ahead of the ambient level for a limited amount of time.
Risk of Rain 2 Wiki
ArtifactsChallengesChestsDifficultyDronesEquipmentInteractablesItemsItem StackingLoreMechanicsMonstersNewt AltarsPrismatic TrialShrinesStatus Effects
Level (78) AcridLevel (79)AcridAcrid is a melee-range hybrid who uses powerful poisons to melt tanky enemies.
Class: Melee / Ranged
HP: 160 (+48 per level)
Damage: 15 (+3 per level)
Armor: 20
Umbra: Test Subject
Level (80) ArtificerLevel (81)ArtificerThe Artificer is a high burst damage survivor who excels in fighting large groups and bosses alike.
Class: Ranged
HP: 110 (+33 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Armor: 0
Umbra: Herald of the House Beyond
Level (82) BanditLevel (83)BanditThe Bandit is a high-skill combo character that can dish out devastating backstabs while weaving in and out of stealth.
Class: Ranged
HP: 110 (+33 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Armor: 0
Umbra: Desperate Outlaw
Level (84) CaptainLevel (85)CaptainThe Captain is a unique survivor that can control the battlefield with utility and damage - with help from the UES Safe Travels.
Class: Ranged
HP: 110 (+33 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Armor: 0
Umbra: Tired Veteran
Level (86)Level (87)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
Chef is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Level (88) ChefLevel (89)Level (90)Level (91)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
This content is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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ChefA survivor of high class, Chef specializes in only the most exquisite meals and combos. As a culinary master, Chef uses a variety of practiced skills in tandem for additional benefits.
Class: Ranged
HP: 110 (+33 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Armor: 0
Umbra: Culinarian Adept
Level (92) CommandoLevel (93)CommandoThe Commando is a jack-of-all-trades character that is reliable in all situations of the game.
Class: Ranged
HP: 110 (+33 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Armor: 0
Umbra: Cornered Gunslinger
Level (94) EngineerLevel (95)EngineerThe Engineer is a unique class that requires planning and positioning to be successful.
Class: Ranged
HP: 130 (+39 per level)
Damage: 14 (+2.8 per level)
Armor: 0
Umbra: Fortification Expert
Level (96)Level (97)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
False Son is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Level (98) False SonLevel (99)Level (100)Level (101)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
This content is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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False SonThe False Son is a slow but stalwart close-range warrior. With extreme health and defense, False Son can weather any storm. Use False Son's durability to stay in the fray and capitalize on his slow but deadly skills.
Class: Melee
HP: 180 (+54 per level)
Damage: 13 (+2 per level)
Armor: 0
Umbra: The False Son
Level (102) HereticLevel (103)HereticThe Heretic is a powerful character who can only be accessed through extraordinary means.
Class: Ranged
HP: 440 (+132 per level)
Damage: 18 (+3.6 per level)
Armor: 0
Umbra: Unorthodoxy Risen
Level (104) HuntressLevel (105)HuntressThe Huntress is an extremely mobile but fragile survivor with a high damage output.
Class: Ranged
HP: 90 (+27 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Armor: 0
Umbra: Judge, Jury, Executioner
Level (106) LoaderLevel (107)LoaderThe Loader is a slow but powerful bruiser that can use her grappling hook to uniquely navigate the environment.
Class: Melee
HP: 160 (+48 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Armor: 20
Umbra: Bionic Powerhouse
Level (108) MercenaryLevel (109)MercenaryThe Mercenary is a high skill melee survivor that uses his many dodges to weave in and out of combat.
Class: Melee
HP: 110 (+33 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Armor: 20
Umbra: Hired Blade
Level (110) MUL-TLevel (111)MUL-TMUL-T is an aggressive survivor who has the tools necessary for any job!
Class: Melee / Ranged
HP: 200 (+60 per level)
Damage: 11 (+2.2 per level)
Armor: 12
Umbra: Right Tool for the Wrong Job
Level (112)Level (113)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
Railgunner is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Level (114) RailgunnerLevel (115)Level (116)Level (117)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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RailgunnerThe Railgunner is a long-range, single target survivor that can instantly kill any high priority target - and from any range.
Class: Ranged
HP: 110 (+33 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Armor: 0
Umbra: Forgotten Nomad
Level (118) REXLevel (119)REXREX is a half robot / half plant that uses HP to cast devastating skills from a distance. The plant nor the robot could survive this planet alone – but thankfully they have each other.
Class: Ranged
HP: 130 (+39 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Armor: 20
Umbra: Symbiotes
Level (120)Level (121)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
Seeker is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Level (122) SeekerLevel (123)Level (124)Level (125)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
This content is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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SeekerAs a meditative mid-range brawler, Seeker utilizes powerful healing to sustain herself and her team.
Class: Ranged
HP: 115 (+34 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Armor: 0
Umbra: Diviner of House Beyond
Level (126)Level (127)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
Void Fiend is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Level (128) Void FiendLevel (129)Level (130)Level (131)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Void FiendThe Void Fiend is a corrupted survivor that fluctuates between a controlled and corrupted form, each with different strengths and weaknesses. Managing this curse has become its fate.
Class: Ranged
HP: 110 (+33 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Armor: 0
Umbra: Corrupted Amnesiac
Abandoned AqueductLevel (132)Abandoned Aqueduct (Stage 2)
Origin of Tar
You dream of sand beneath your feet.

Massive skeletons and pools of tar are littered around, and a towering aqueduct pouring down tar dominates the area.

Abyssal DepthsLevel (133)Abyssal Depths (Stage 4)
Tectonic Relics
You dream of fire.

A hellfire-forged zone of blazing heat, the Abyssal Depths are believed to be a continuation and adaptation of the Magma Barracks from Risk of Rain.

Level (134)Level (135)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
Aphelian Sanctuary is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Aphelian SanctuaryLevel (136)Level (137)Level (138)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Aphelian Sanctuary (Stage 2)
Cleansing Center
You dream of clarity.
CommencementLevel (139)Commencement (Final)
Moon of Petrichor V
You dream of glass and dirt.

Large domain located above the shattered breach of Level (140) Petrichor V's moon. It is made up of the shattered remains of four individual sections, emblematic of Level (141) MithrixLevel (142)Mithrix
King of NothingHP: 1000 (+300 per level)
Damage: 16 (+3.2 per level)
Class: Melee / Ranged
Speed: 15 m/s
Armor: 20
and Providence's tools of creation.

Distant RoostLevel (143)Distant Roost (Stage 1)
Ground Zero
You dream of waves, crashing on cliffsides.

Spires of earth jut through the fog and unknown avian creatures circle far peaks guarding their broods.

Level (144)Level (145)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
Disturbed Impact is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Disturbed ImpactLevel (146)Level (147)Level (148)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
This content is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Disturbed Impact (Stage 1)
Meter of the Restless
You dream of stabbing shards.
Level (149)Level (150)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
Golden Dieback is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Golden DiebackLevel (151)Level (152)Level (153)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
This content is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Golden Dieback (Stage 3)
March of the Fallen
You dream of golden leaves.
Level (154)Level (155)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
Helminth Hatchery is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Helminth HatcheryLevel (156)Level (157)Level (158)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
This content is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Helminth Hatchery (Stage 5)
Shadow of the Savior
You dream of wurms.
Level (159)Level (160)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
Prime Meridian is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Prime MeridianLevel (161)Level (162)Level (163)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
This content is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Prime Meridian (Stage 4)
Relic of the False Son


Rallypoint DeltaLevel (164)Rallypoint Delta (Stage 3)
'Contact Light' Survivor Camp
You dream of quiet snowfall.

Rallypoint Delta is the remains of a makeshift camp constructed by a group of scattered crew members from the UES Contact Light, somewhere in the frigid tundra of Petrichor V.

Level (165)Level (166)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
Reformed Altar is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Reformed AltarLevel (167)Level (168)Level (169)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
This content is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Reformed Altar (Stage 2)
Shadow of the Savior
You dream of refuge.
Scorched AcresLevel (170)Scorched Acres (Stage 3)
Wisp Installation
You dream of wind, blowing through trees.

Large, circular platforms make up the majority of the stage, and embers float through the air.

Level (171)Level (172)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
Siphoned Forest is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Siphoned ForestLevel (173)Level (174)Level (175)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Siphoned Forest (Stage 1)
Ground Zero
You dream of fire and ice.

The map is blanketed in a layer of snow, with large trees surrounded by platforms spanning multiple levels.

Siren's CallLevel (176)Siren's Call (Stage 4)
Ship Graveyard
You dream of wind.
Sky MeadowLevel (177)Sky Meadow (Stage 5)
Sprite Fields
You dream of serenity.
Level (178)Level (179)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
Shattered Adobes is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Shattered AdobesLevel (180)Level (181)Level (182)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
This content is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Shattered Adobes (Stage 1)
Ground Zero
You dream of lost poetry.
Level (183)Level (184)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
Sulfur Pools is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Sulfur PoolsLevel (185)Level (186)Level (187)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Sulfur Pools (Stage 3)
Pungent Spring
You dream of brimstone.

Tiered lakes of shallow sulfur pools. Arcing bridges and underground caves connect the map together.

Sundered GroveLevel (188)Sundered Grove (Stage 4)
Dormant Locus
You dream of violent growth.

Ancient flora has risen up to reclaim this once sacred refuge. Mazes of roots and overgrown fungus have twisted the landscape, leaving only ruins.

Titanic PlainsLevel (189)Titanic Plains (Stage 1)
Ground Zero
You dream of rolling hills.

Gigantic stone arches bracket the skyline, while the main play-field overlooks a vast fractured tectonic lowland.

Level (190)Level (191)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
Treeborn Colony is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Treeborn ColonyLevel (192)Level (193)Level (194)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
This content is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Treeborn Colony (Stage 3)
Path of the Protector
You dream of vines, cutting through the sky.
Verdant FallsLevel (195)Verdant Falls (Stage 1)
Ground Zero
You dream of sweet fruits, and bitter promises.

Gigantic plants with vines and roots. Water running down their massive leaves fills the ground with pools of water.

Viscous FallsLevel (196)Viscous Falls (Stage 1)
Ground Zero
You dream of falls, erupting from the flora.

Gigantic plants with vines and roots. Water running down their massive leaves fills the ground with pools of water.

Wetland AspectLevel (197)Wetland Aspect (Stage 2)
Rehabilitation Zone
You dream of twisting roots.

Full of ruined stone structures and swampy areas filled with water.

Hidden Realms
A Moment, FracturedLevel (198)A Moment, Fractured (Hidden Realm)
Hidden Realm: A Moment, Fractured
Multiple floating islands in a void, with sharp blue crystals embedded in them. The Obelisk can be found on top of the last island.
A Moment, WholeLevel (199)A Moment, Whole (Hidden Realm)
Hidden Realm: A Moment, Whole
A bleak and desolate realm. The refuge of the Level (200) Twisted Scavengers, safe from Level (201) Mithrix'sLevel (202)Mithrix
King of NothingHP: 1000 (+300 per level)
Damage: 16 (+3.2 per level)
Class: Melee / Ranged
Speed: 15 m/s
Armor: 20
vengeance and destruction.
Bazaar Between TimeLevel (203)Bazaar Between Time (Hidden Realm)
Hidden Realm: Bazaar Between Time
This stage serves as the shop in Risk of Rain 2. Players can purchase various Items with Lunar Coins or exchange items for higher-rarity ones in two crucibles.
Bulwark's AmbryLevel (204)Bulwark's Ambry (Hidden Realm)
Hidden Realm: Bulwark's Ambry
The area consists of block-shaped platforms, with the Artifact Reliquary in the center.
Gilded CoastLevel (205)Gilded Coast (Hidden Realm)
Hidden Realm: Gilded Coast
You dream of wealth.

This area is where the player fights the boss Aurelionite, the Titanic Goldweaver.

Level (206)Level (207)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
The Planetarium is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
Click for more info.
The PlanetariumLevel (208)Level (209)Level (210)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
Click for more info.
The Planetarium (Final)
Cell V
The Planetarium is an area somewhere within the Void, housing a collection of planets detained by the Void's denizens. It is inhabited primarily by the Voidling, the guard of the Planetarium or potentially the controller of the Void itself.
Void FieldsLevel (211)Void Fields (Hidden Realm)
Cosmic Prison
Hidden Realm accessible only through the Bazaar Between Time. Until the cell is stabilized, the Void Fields will constantly "suffocate" the player for a small percentage of their current health.
Level (212)Level (213)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
Void Locus is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
Click for more info.
Void LocusLevel (214)Level (215)Level (216)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
Click for more info.
Void Locus (Hidden Realm)
You dream of potential.

The Void Locus contains many Void Potentials and Cradles in place of chests, and is inhabited by Void monsters.

Level (217)Level (218)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
Click for more info.
Survivors of the VoidLevel (219)Level (220)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
This content is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
Click for more info.
Seekers of the Storm
Alternate Game Modes
EclipsePrismatic TrialsLevel (221)Level (222)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
Click for more info.
ArmorDamageDirectorsEnemy AIFamily EventsGoldHealthItem StackingLunar CoinsMovement SpeedProc CoefficientLevel (223)Level (224)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
Click for more info.
Void Fog
Developer ConsoleDevelopment TeamLanguagesModdingSoundtrackUnreleased ItemsVersion History
Level (2024)
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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.