Level-up (2024)

Level-up is a feature that allows players to spend XP to improve Cat Units and Base Upgrades. Level upgrades can be done by entering the Upgrade Menu, scrolling to the desired Cat Unit or Base Upgrade and pressing the "Upgrade!" button.


  • 1 Explanation
  • 2 Level Caps
    • 2.1 Normal Cats
    • 2.2 Special Cats
    • 2.3 Rare Cats
    • 2.4 Super Rare Cats
    • 2.5 Uber Rare Cats
    • 2.6 Legend Rare Cats
    • 2.7 Base Upgrades
  • 3 Calculating Stats
    • 3.1 Higher-Level Cats and Level Reduction Points
      • 3.1.1 Applying the Equations (examples)
  • 4 Effect on Base Upgrades
  • 5 XP Costs
    • 5.1 Common Upgrade Costs
      • 5.1.1 Rare Cats
      • 5.1.2 Super Rare Cats
      • 5.1.3 Uber Rare/Legend Rare Cats
      • 5.1.4 Legend Cats
      • 5.1.5 Common Cost #1
      • 5.1.6 Common Cost #2
      • 5.1.7 Common Cost #3
      • 5.1.8 Common Cost #4
      • 5.1.9 Common Cost #5
    • 5.2 Uncommon XP Costs
      • 5.2.1 Uncommon #1
      • 5.2.2 Uncommon #2
      • 5.2.3 Uncommon #3
      • 5.2.4 Uncommon #4
      • 5.2.5 Uncommon #5
      • 5.2.6 Uncommon #6
      • 5.2.7 Uncommon #7
      • 5.2.8 Uncommon #8
      • 5.2.9 Uncommon #9
  • 6 Trivia


All Cat Units and Base Upgrades start at level 1. Each upgrade increases the level by 1. Levelling up a Cat Unit will increase its health and attack power, while levelling up a Base Upgrade will make it more effective (e.g., levelling up the Study upgrade increases amount of XP earned after battle). The XP costs will increase with each upgrade until level 10, at which point they will become multiples of the first 10 levels' costs. This pattern continues all the way up to level 50. Every level-up will also raise the player's User Rank by 1 level.

There is a limit to how many times a unit may be upgraded. The level cap is initially 10, but it can be increased all the way up to 50 for most units as the player raises their User Rank and progresses through the game.

In addition to standard levels, many units can also upgrade to + levels (also known as (+) levels). Each + level is equivalent to a standard level but counts toward a separate cap. + levels are attained by "using" duplicate Cat Units or Ability Capsules in Cat Storage; as a result, non-gacha cats can never upgrade to + levels.

Levelling up Cat Units can also unlock new forms: upgrading any Cat Unit to total level 10 will unlock its Evolved Form, and upgrading a Normal Cat to total level 30 (i.e., 20+10) will unlock its True Form. Other cats have a minimum level and additional requirements that must be met before their True Forms can be unlocked (20 for cats needing Awakening; 30 for cats needing Catfruit).

Level Caps[]

Normal Cats[]

Original Nine
Level 10None
Level 20Complete Empire of Cats Chapter 2
Level MAX +19None
Level MAX +25User Rank 1,500
Level MAX +30User Rank 1,700
Level MAX +35User Rank 2,900
Level MAX +40User Rank 3,000
Level MAX +45User Rank 3,500
Level MAX +50User Rank 3,550
Level MAX +55User Rank 4,200
Level MAX +60User Rank 4,250
Level MAX +65User Rank 5,050
Level MAX +70User Rank 5,100
Level MAX +75User Rank 5,750
Level MAX +80User Rank 5,800
Level MAX +90User Rank 9,999
Level 10None
Level 20Complete Empire of Cats Chapter 2
Level MAX +9None
Level MAX +30User Rank 10,001
Level MAX +40User Rank 11,001
Level MAX +50User Rank 12,001
Level MAX +60User Rank 13,001
Level MAX +70User Rank 14,001
Level MAX +80User Rank 15,001

Special Cats[]

Special Cats
Level 10None
Level 20Complete Empire of Cats Chapter 2
Level 30User Rank 1,600
Level 40 (non-Legend Cats)Catseyes
Level 40 (Legend Cats)Catseyes after completing An Ancient Curse
Level 50 (non-Legend Cats)Catseyes after completing An Ancient Curse
Level 50 (Legend Cats)Catseyes after completing Revival of Origin
Level MAX +10 (June Bride of the Devil, Monster Hunter and Nebaaru-kun and Nyanpazuru Cats)None
Level MAX +20 (Bikkuriman Cats)None
Level MAX +30 (Summer Break Cats, JRA, Heartbeat Catcademy Cats)None
Level MAX +60 (Li'l Cats)Complete Li'l Cat's Trial to increase level cap from +40 to +60
JRA and Heartbeat Catcademy units may not upgrade past level 1.

Rare Cats[]

Rare Cats
Level 10None
Level 20Complete Empire of Cats Chapter 2
Level 25User Rank 900
Level 30User Rank 1,200
Level 40Catseyes
Level 50Catseyes after completing An Ancient Curse
Level MAX +9None
Level MAX +20User Rank 1,800
Level MAX +30User Rank 1,900
Level MAX +40User Rank 2,300
Level MAX +50User Rank 3,100
Level MAX +60User Rank 4,050
Level MAX +70User Rank 4,600
Level MAX +80User Rank 5,850

Super Rare Cats[]

Super Rare Cats
Level 10None
Level 20Complete Empire of Cats Chapter 2
Level 25 (non-Crazed)User Rank 1,000
Level 25 (Crazed)User Rank 3,600
Level 30 (non-Crazed)User Rank 1,300
Level 30 (Crazed)User Rank 3,650
Level 40Catseyes
Level 50Catseyes after completing An Ancient Curse
Level MAX +9None
Level MAX +20User Rank 2,000
Level MAX +30User Rank 2,400
Level MAX +40User Rank 3,200
Level MAX +50User Rank 4,100
Level MAX +60User Rank 4,650
Level MAX +70User Rank 5,900
Metal Cat may not upgrade past level 20 or to + levels.

Uber Rare Cats[]

Uber Rare Cats
Level 10None
Level 20Complete Empire of Cats Chapter 2
Level 25User Rank 1,100
Level 30User Rank 1,400
Level 40Catseyes
Level 50Catseyes after completing An Ancient Curse
Level 60Dark Catseyes after An Ancient Curse
Level MAX +9None
Level MAX +20User Rank 2,100
Level MAX +30User Rank 2,500
Level MAX +40User Rank 3,300
Level MAX +50User Rank 4,150
Level MAX +60User Rank 4,700
Level MAX +70User Rank 5,950

Legend Rare Cats[]

Legend Rare Cats
Level 10None
Level 20Complete Empire of Cats Chapter 2
Level 25User Rank 1,110
Level 30User Rank 1,410
Level 40Catseyes
Level 50Catseyes after completing An Ancient Curse
Level MAX +9None

Base Upgrades[]

Base Upgrades
Level 10None
Level 20Complete Empire of Cats Chapter 2
Level MAX +10None
The Cat Cannon Range may not upgrade past level 10 or to + levels.

Calculating Stats[]

Each Cat has an individual preset value for their base Health and Attack Power called an Initial Stat. This Initial Stat is used to determine the value of the cat's Health and Attack Power based on their current level - as shown below.

Each time cats are leveled up, they gain +20% of their initial stats, e.g. a level 1 cat with 100 HP will have 120 HP in level 2.

Stats at level n = Initial Stat + (n - 1) * (Initial Stat * 20%)

When the Legendary Cat Shield and/or the Legendary Cat Sword are activated their effect gives a direct increase to the value of the corresponding Initial Health and/or Attack Power stat. This effect is independent of the growth rate calculation, which is used to determine a cat's health and damage at their current level

A neater expression of the level formula above, which includes the effect of the Treasure Bonus increase and does the same job is:

Level-up (1)

  • TB = Treasure Bonus Multiplier = 1.5, 2.0 or 2.5 at 100%, 200% or 300% respectively
  • n is the cat unit level, as listed above; use this formula when n < m
  • The symbols ⌊ ⌋ represent the floor function, which essentially removes any decimals from the number between them.

Higher-Level Cats and Level Reduction Points[]

For game balance the stats formula above that adds 1/5th (or 20%) of the Initial Stat to next level is tiered to add a reduced 1/10th (or 10%) of Initial Stat to next level for higher level cats, then reduced even further to add just 1/20th (or 5%) of the Initial Stat per next level for very high level cats at specific points, for certain types, as detailed below.

Gacha Cat and Principal Cat are currently the only Cats that don't follow this rule.

Type(m) 1st Reduction Point ( 1/10th Initial)(p) 2nd Reduction Point ( 1/20th Initial )
Normal CatsLevel 60-
Special CatsLevel 60-
Bahamut Cat


Level 30-
Rare CatsLevel 70Level 90
Super Rare CatsLevel 60Level 80
Crazed Cats

(Super Rare)

Level 20-
Uber Super Rare CatsLevel 60Level 80

Here is an updated formula for high-leveled Cats between the 1st reduction point (m) and 2nd reduction point (p):

Level-up (2)

  • TB = Treasure Bonus Multiplier = 1.5, 2.0 or 2.5 at 100%, 200% or 300% respectively
  • m is the first reduction point, as listed above; use this formula when m < n < p
  • The symbols ⌊ ⌋ represent the floor function, which is explained above.

Here is the updated formula for very high level and hypermaxed Cats beyond the 2nd reduction point (p):

Level-up (3)

  • TB = Treasure Bonus Multiplier = 1.5, 2.0 or 2.5 at 100%, 200% or 300% respectively
  • m is the first reduction point, and p is the second reduction point; use this formula when n > p.
  • The symbols ⌊ ⌋ represent the floor function, which is explained above.

Applying the Equations (examples)[]

To illustrate how to apply the equations we provide you with a few examples, using Metal Cat, Vaulter Cat and Ramen Cat

Below we provide an understanding of the mechanics of the equation, calculated using Metal Cat's HP at level 7, 12, 13, 18 and 20 with maximum Legendary Cat Shield activated.

Metal Cat1st Calculating the StatsRounding2nd Adding the Treasure BonusCalculated Stat
Level nInitial Stat * ((n + 4)/5) = xround (x)round (x) * TB = yfloor (y)
Level 71 * ((7 + 4)/5) = 2.22 HP2 * 2.5 = 5.05 HP
Level 121 * ((12 + 4)/5) = 3.23 HP3 * 2.5 = 7.57 HP
Level 131 * ((13 + 4)/5) = 3.43 HP3 * 2.5 = 7.57 HP
Level 181 * ((18 + 4)/5) = 4.44 HP4 * 2.5 = 10.010 HP
Level 201 * ((20 + 4)/5) = 4.85 HP5 * 2.5 = 12.512 HP

Treasure Bonus Multiplier = 2.5x

Below are examples using the simple equation for Vaulter Cat's HP at level 20, 25 and 40 with maximum Legendary Cat Shield activated.

Level-up (4)
Here, Treasure Bonus Multiplier = 2.5, Initial Stat = 450, and (n+4) = (20+4) = 24.

Level-up (5)
Here, Treasure Bonus Multiplier = 2.5, Initial Stat = 450, and (n+4) = (25+4) = 29.

Level-up (6)
Here, Treasure Bonus Multiplier = 2.5, Initial Stat = 450, and (n+4) = (40+4) = 44.

Below are examples for calculating Ramen Cat's HP at level 25, 75 and 95, to showcase how to calculate the stats of a unit that surpasses 1st and/or 2nd reduction point, with maximum Legendary Cat Shield activated.

Level-up (7)
Here, Treasure Bonus Multiplier = 2.5, Initial Stat = 1050, m = 70, p = 90, and (n+4) = (25+4) = 29.

Level-up (8)
Here, Treasure Bonus Multiplier = 2.5, Initial Stat = 1050, m = 70, p = 90, and (n+4) = 74 which is greater than m, therefore (m+4) = 74 and (n-m) = 5.

Level-up (9)
Here, Treasure Bonus = 2.5, Initial Stat = 1050, (n-1) = 94 which is higher than p, therefore (m+4) = 74, (p-m) = 20, and (n-p) = 5.

Effect on Base Upgrades[]

  • Cat Cannon Power - Increases Cat Cannon attack power by 50 and Cat Cannon recharge time by 50 frames per level.
  • Cat Cannon Range - Increases Cat Cannon attack range. It starts at 3 Cannon waves (different that regular waves) and increases by 1 per level.
  • Cat Cannon Charge - Decreases Cat Cannon recharge time by 50 frames per level.
  • Worker Cat Rate - Increases the rate of income by 3¢ per second per level.
  • Worker Cat Wallet - Increases the Worker Cat's wallet, increasing upper limit of income. Adds 100 starting wallet per level, +50 per Worker Cat level while in the stage.
  • Base Defense - Increases the health of the Cat Base by 1,000 HP per level.
  • Research - decreases Cat recharge time. It has no effect at level 1, but from level 2 and after, recharge time will be decreased by 0.2 seconds (at level 20+10, the recharge time is decreased by 5.8 seconds).
  • Accountant - Increases the money earned when an enemy is defeated. It has no effect at level 1, but from level 2 and after, money earned from enemies will be increased by 5% (at level 20+10, the money drop from enemies is increased by 145%).
  • Study - Increases the amount of XP received when clearing a stage. It has no effect at level 1, but from level 2 and after, XP will be increased by 5% (at level 20+10, the XP received when clearing a stage is increased by 145%).
  • Cat Energy - Increases the limit of Cat Energy by 10 per level.

XP Costs[]

Common Upgrade Costs[]

Rare Cats[]

Total XP Cost4,663,300
Not all cats of this rarity use this XP curve.
Not all cats that use this XP cost are Rares.

Super Rare Cats[]

Total XP Cost9,650,975
Not all cats of this rarity use this XP curve.
Not all cats that use this XP cost are Super Rares.

Uber Rare/Legend Rare Cats[]

Total XP Cost19,488,000
Not all cats of this rarity use this XP curve.

Legend Cats[]

Total XP Cost14,614,050
Valkyrie Cat and Bahamut Cat don't follow this XP curve.

Common Cost #1[]

Total XP Cost1,298,550

Common Cost #2[]

Total XP Cost2,783,050

Common Cost #3[]

Total XP Cost1,616,000

Common Cost #4[]

Total XP Cost3,264,310

Common Cost #5[]

Total XP Cost6,755,682

Uncommon XP Costs[]

Uncommon #1[]

Total XP Cost2,604,775
This is used by Moneko, Yamaoka Minori, Nakamura Kanae, and Gacha Cat.

Uncommon #2[]

Total XP Cost3,582,000
This is used by Kerihime and Cat Princess.

Uncommon #3[]

Total XP Cost5,068,300
This is used by Salaryman Cat and Reindeer Fish Cat.

Uncommon #4[]

Total XP Cost951,600
This is used by Droid Cat and Adult Cat.

Uncommon #5[]

Total XP Cost1,154,100
This is used by Evil Cat, Doll Cats, and Yankee Cat.

Uncommon #6[]

Total XP Cost894,450
This is used by Axe Cat and Red Marron.

Uncommon #7[]

Total XP Cost310,300
This is used by Cat, Gold Cat, and Killer Cat.

Uncommon #8[]

Total XP Cost944,300
This is used by Gross Cat, Nekondo, Baozi Cat, and Catburger.

Uncommon #9[]

Total XP Cost10,229,835
This is used by Rathalos and Rathian.


MainBCEN (OldCurrent) • BCJP (OldCurrent) • BCTW • BCKR • 3DS (Name Comparisons) • Minna de Nyanko DaisensouJP only, removedSwitch (Name/Description Comparisons) • Regional Differences
Spin-offsKumanchu RoyaleJP only, removed, old generation phonesBattle Cats RangersremovedNyanko RunawayJP only, removedNyanko Defence ForceJP only, removedNyanko New JapanJP onlyGo! Go! Pogo CatThe Burgle CatsBattle Cats Quest
RelatedMr. seriesremovedGirlsMonsJP only, removed • NamesutaJP only, removedKyoutou ProjectJP only, removedYuru-i GeGeGe no Kitarou: Youkai Dotabata DaisensouJP only, removed
Main Menu
Main MenuMain MenuCat BeaconBCJP onlyInvite Friends to get MonekoremovedSerial Codesremoved/BCU!Game Updates (Switch Game Updates)
Game ModesGame ChaptersexplanationMain Chapters LevelslistEmpire of CatsInto the FutureCats of the CosmosThe Aku RealmsLegend StagesChallenge BattleUnderground LabyrinthCatclaw Dojo (Arena of Honor) • Versus ModeBCU!
Cat Base Menu
Upgrade MenuCat Units (ExplanationCat DictionaryimagesRelease OrderID list)

Rarities: Normal (NN) • Special (EX) • Rare (RR) • Super Rare (SR) • Uber Rare (UR) • Legend Rare (LR)
Base Upgrades: Cat CannonWorker Cat • Research • Accounting • Study • Energy
Related: Cat FilterLevel-upUser RankTrue FormUltra FormSpecial AbilitiesTalentsTalent Orbs

Equip MenuCat Combo (Main ArticleRelease OrderOld Version)
Treasure MenuExplanationTreasure Festival
Guide MenusGuides (Cat GuideEnemy Guide)
Enemy Units (ExplanationEnemy DictionaryimagesSoL OrderUL OrderZL EnemiesRelease OrderID list)

Types: TraitlessRedFloatingBlackMetalAngelAlien (Starred) • ZombieAkuRelicTypelessColossusBehemothSageWitchcollabEva Angelcollab

Gacha MenuMain ArticleFull ListUR GuaranteedStep Up
Other MenuShop ItemsGamatoto ExpeditionCat ShrineOtoto Development TeamCatnip ChallengesOfficers' ClubMeow MedalsWildcat SlotsCat Scratcher
Items & CurrenciesXP • NP • Cat FoodBattle ItemsCataminsMaterials • Tickets • Catfruit/Behemoth StonesCatseyes
Battle System
GeneralBattle MechanismReward Mechanism
Stage typesTimed Score RewardRestriction Stage (No ContinuesContinuation Stage) • Gauntlet
Related to Main ChaptersZombie Outbreaks
Related to Legend StagesSpecial Events (Release Order) • Event ScheduleStage DifficultiesItem Drop Cats
Misc. Contents
MerchandiseBCEN ExclusiveBCJP ExclusiveBCTW ExclusiveBCKR ExclusiveBCU! ExclusiveRecovery ModePop Culture ReferencesApril Fools' JokesUnimplemented Features
Level-up (2024)
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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.