Letter of Intent: 5 Types And How To Write Them (2024)

What Is a Letter of Intent?

A letter of intent is a formal letter that expresses your intentions to do something, such as apply for an educational program or job or make a purchase. It could also be used to clarify specific points in a business transaction. A job candidate might send a letter of intent to a business if they wanted to work for the company, but there wasn't a specific job they were applying for. The candidate might submit a letter of intent along with a general application.

The letter of intent shows interest in the other party and deals with them in a respectful and professional manner. It states your intentions without actually entering into an agreement regarding the business arrangement. When a letter of intent is used between businesses, it allows the individual parties to define their relationships and their future plans without involving lawyers and generating significant legal costs. Though the document isn't legally binding, it is a show of good faith.

Other Names for a Letter of Intent

A letter of intent is sometimes referred to as a:

  • Terms sheet
  • Framework letter
  • Letter of interest
  • Intent to purchase letter
  • Assurance letter

Types of Letter of Intent

Here are a few specific examples of different types of letters of intent:

  • Purchase of real estate, business, or general property: You can use a letter of intent to state your intention to purchase commercial or residential property or a business. The letter should specifically state that it isn't an official purchase agreement and that the terms and conditions of the business transaction are to be stated in the actual purchase agreement that must be agreed upon by all relevant parties.
  • Scholarship acceptance: A student could send a letter of intent to an institution or organization whenaccepting a scholarship. The letter should express appreciation for the scholarship and excitement for the opportunity.
  • Graduate school: If you intend to submit an application to attend a specific graduate school, you could send a letter of intent to that university. Some schools may even require a letter of intent as part of their application process. The letter should let the recipient know that you've submitted your application and list the graduate program for which you're applying.
  • Acquisition: This type of letter of intent is similar to the one that you would use when purchasing a business. However, it should be marked as confidential. As a sender, you may want to include the basic terms of the deal in addition to a nonbinding statement about the preparation of the agreement and procedures for negotiation.
  • Employment: You could send a letter of intent to express interest in working for a company, even if there isn't a specific opening available. The letter can state the type of position you're interested in or whether you're looking for an opening in a particular department.

Letter of Intent: 5 Types And How To Write Them (1)

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Letter of Intent Templates

Purchase and download fillable PDF templates that match your Letter of Intent needs.

Binding Business Purchase LOI

Used for binding letter of intent purposes.

BuyNow - $29*

Non-Binding Business Purchase LOI

Used for potential business purchase purposes.

BuyNow - $29*

Binding Asset Purchase LOI

Used for binding asset purchase purposes.

Non-Binding Asset Purchase LOI

Used for non-binding asset purchase purposes.

BuyNow - $29*

Business Relationship LOI

Used for potential business relationship purposes.

BuyNow - $29*

Employment LOI

Used for potential employment purposes.

BuyNow - $19*

*By purchasing a template, you acknowledge that you have read and understood ContractsCounsel's Terms of Use.

Letter of Intent vs. Cover Letter

Admittedly, letters of intent can be similar to cover letters when used for the purpose of finding a job. However, there are some differences. A letter of intent:

  • Is more focused on the company than a specific role
  • Speaks in more general terms about the candidate's skill set

Cover letters, on the other hand, tend to be

  • Focused on the specific job
  • Discuss the candidate's skills as they relate to that job

How to Write a Letter of Intent

Here are the basic steps you should follow to write a general letter of intent that could be used to clear an intent to purchase or to plan a business arrangement:

  1. Determine the name of the recipient: While there may be situations where you need to include a general greeting, like if you're sending the letter to multiple people, in most cases, it's best to send your letter of intent to a specific individual. This will increase the likelihood that the letter will reach the right person.
  2. Choose the best greeting: The most common greeting is "Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name." If the person you're sending the letter to has a professional title, such as Professor or Dr., you should use that instead.
  3. Write the body : This part of the letter will vary depending on the purpose of your letter of intent. In general, the first paragraph should state the purpose of your letter. If you're purchasing real estate or a business, you should state the terms that are proposed for the purchase. If you're expressing interest in working for a company, you should highlight the qualifications that would make you ideally suited for a job at the company. If you're sending a letter of intent to accept a scholarship, you should express your appreciation and enthusiasm in an appropriate, professional manner.
  4. Include a professional closing: Always use a professional closing. "Sincerely" or "Yours truly" often work well. Write or type your name under the closing.

Letter of Intent Sample for Asset Purchase (Non-Binding)

Dear [NAME]:

This letter of intent (“Letter of Intent”) sets forth proposed terms of [BUYER NAME] (“Buyer”) purchase of all assets related to [ASSET NAME] and you (“Seller”). Buyer and Seller are referred to collectively as the “Parties.”

This letter does not address all matters upon which agreement must be reached for the proposed transactions to be consummated. The Parties intend to execute a definitive Asset Purchase Agreement and other necessary documentation (the “Definitive Agreements”) at a later date.

The Parties agree that this Letter of Intent is intended as only outline of certain terms and should not be considered binding on both Parties.

In general, the proposed transaction would be as follows:

  1. Execution Date. The Parties intend to execute an Asset Purchase Agreement no later than [DATE]. The Asset Purchase Agreement shall be subject to the conditions outlined in this document.
  2. Subject Property. The subject property of this Letter of Intent shall be the assets, inventory, equipment, goodwill, and contracts, including but not limited to [ASSETS] (the “Purchased Assets”). A list of the Purchased Assets is attached as Exhibit “A.” Buyer will not assume any debt or other obligations of Sellers.
  3. Definitive Agreements. Seller and Buyer will negotiate in good faith a definitive Asset Purchase Agreement and certain ancillary transaction documents, such as an assignment of contract (the “Definitive Agreements”).
  4. Due Diligence. During the [DUE DILIGENCE PERIOD TIMEFRAME] day Due Diligence Period, Buyer and his representatives shall have full opportunity to review the business, properties, affairs, prospects, books, and records related to the Purchased Assets and to obtain information that it deems relevant from the management, bankers, lawyers, accountants, and other consultants of Sellers. Sellers shall furnish to Buyer such financial and other data and information as is requested for the completion of Buyer’s due diligence. Buyer agrees to keep confidential and not to use for any purpose any confidential information provided by Sellers.
  5. Suitable Financing. Execution of the Asset Purchase Agreement is contingent on Buyer’s ability to acquire suitable financing. Buyer retains the right to make the final determination as to the suitability of financing.
  6. Expenses. Other than the fees associated with the escrow agent, it is expressly understood that Buyer will not be responsible for any transaction-related expenses incurred by Sellers, and Sellers will not be responsible for any transaction-related expenses incurred by Buyer. All legal, accounting, due diligence, and other costs and expenses incurred in connection with the closing of the transaction shall be paid by the party incurring such expenses.
  7. Confidentiality. Sellers and Buyer agree that, prior to the closing date, any public announcement relating to the proposed transaction must be approved by both parties prior to release to the public.
  8. Miscellaneous. Pending execution of a mutually acceptable Definitive Agreements, Sellers will conduct its business in the ordinary course.

If the foregoing reflects the present intention of, and is generally acceptable to you, please execute and date the enclosed counterpart signed by Buyer and return such executed counterpart to the undersigned.

Very truly yours,


Date: _____________

Accepted: _________________________

Date: _____________

Tips for Writing a Letter of Intent

Here are some tips you can use to help you write a letter of intent:

  • Use an appropriate format: Use a business letter format that includes both parties' contact information and the date the letter is created.
  • Include a clear subject line: If you're sending your letter via email, include a concise subject line that states the purpose of the letter. If you're sending the letter in this way, you don't need to include contact information at the top of the letter for both parties. You can place your contact information under the signature at the bottom.
  • Proofread carefully: Read the letter of intent closely to look for typos and grammatical errors.
  • Use a professional greeting: Try to send the letter to someone specifically and greet them in a professional manner. If the letter is being sent to several people, you can use a general greeting like, "To whom it may concern."
  • Use short paragraphs: You should keep your letter brief with short paragraphs to increase the likelihood that the recipient will read the letter in full. This is particularly true if you're sending a letter of intent expressing your interest in a job at a company.
  • Research the company: if you're writing a letter of intent to apply for a job at a company, research the company in advance to better understand its mission and culture. This can help give you a sense of how you could potentially add value.
  • Use bullet points: Consider using bullets to highlight your qualifications for a job or key points you want to emphasize in a business deal. Bullets will help to draw attention to this information and ensure it isn't overlooked when the recipient scans the letter.
  • Keep your letter short: Your letter of intent should never be longer than one page.

Letter of Intent Templates

If you need help drafting a letter of intent, Contracts Counsel has a team of fully vetted lawyers who have worked in over 30 different industries. They can also help you negotiate or review contracts to make sure you're legally protected during any business deal. Contact us today to get started.

Letter of Intent: 5 Types And How To Write Them (2024)


What are the types of letter of intent? ›

The three types of letter commonly referred to as letters of intent are: Comfort letters. Instructions to proceed with consent to spend. Letters recognising the existence of a binding contract(s).

How do you write a LOI example? ›

Tips for writing an effective letter of intent
  • Use a professional business letter format. ...
  • Place your contact information at the end. ...
  • Highlight your level of experience. ...
  • Mention a reference who works at the company. ...
  • Include strong verbs and adjectives. ...
  • Focus on relevant information. ...
  • Keep it brief.

How do you write a letter of intent to start a business? ›

How to write a letter of intent for business
  1. Write the introduction. ...
  2. Describe the transaction and timeframes. ...
  3. List contingencies. ...
  4. Go through due diligence. ...
  5. Include covenants and other binding agreements. ...
  6. State that the agreement is nonbinding. ...
  7. Include a closing date.

What are the 7 types of letter? ›

Some of the types of personal letters
  • Cancellation Letter.
  • Condolence Letter.
  • Farewell Letter.
  • Friendly Letter.
  • Get Well Letter.
  • Holiday Letter.
  • Love Letter.

What is an example of intent? ›

The definition of intent is being focused on something. An example of intent is when you are planning to visit your mother. An example of intent is when you are involved with completing your knitting. Firmly directed or fixed; earnest; intense.

How many paragraphs are in a letter of intent? ›

​ It should be two to three paragraphs in length and give a clear, concise explanation of intentions for the project.

Why is a letter of intent? ›

Letters of Intent, sometimes referred to as "memorandums of understanding," are frequently used in media transactions and are pre-contractual documents that set forth certain basic terms upon which parties intend to enter into binding definitive agreements.

What is LOI format? ›

A Letter of Intent (LOI) is a short non-binding contract that precedes a binding agreement, such as a share purchase agreement or asset purchase agreement (definitive agreements). There are some provisions, however, that are binding such as non-disclosure, exclusivity, and governing law.

How do you end a letter of intent? ›

End the letter with an appropriate closing such as “Thank you for your time and consideration” or “Thank you for giving my application full consideration.”

What is LOI template? ›

A letter of intent (LOI) outlines the terms of an agreement to be written in a future contract. An LOI typically includes a requirement that a formal agreement must be written in the future within a specified timeframe.

What are the 5 steps of writing a business proposal? ›

How to Write a Business Proposal
  • Begin with a title page.
  • Create a table of contents.
  • Explain your “why” with an executive summary.
  • State the problem or need.
  • Propose a solution.
  • Share your qualifications.
  • Include pricing options.
  • Summarize with a conclusion.
15 Apr 2022

How long is a letter of intent? ›

Size and format

Your letter of intent should be one to two pages of succinctly written prose, or 400 to 800 words including a brief reference list.

How do you write a letter of intent for graduate school? ›

How to write a letter of intent for graduate school admission
  1. Conduct research. ...
  2. Create an outline. ...
  3. Write an opening paragraph. ...
  4. Include qualifications and background information. ...
  5. Discuss your undergraduate studies. ...
  6. Write a closing paragraph. ...
  7. Edit the letter.
3 Jan 2022

How do you write all types of applications? ›

How to write an application letter
  1. Research the company and job opening. ...
  2. Use a professional format. ...
  3. State the position you're applying for. ...
  4. Explain why you're the best fit for the job. ...
  5. Summarize your qualifications. ...
  6. Mention why you want the job. ...
  7. Include a professional closing.

What are the 10 examples of application? ›

10 Examples of Applications
  • Web. A web browser is an application and websites are content and services.
  • Apps. Apps are single function applications such as light weight tools for mobile devices.
  • Office Productivity. ...
  • Design & Creativity. ...
  • Software Development. ...
  • Management. ...
  • Workflow. ...
  • Decision Support.
30 May 2017

What are the 7 parts of an application letter? ›

Tailor the parts of the application letter – greeting, opening, body, company knowledge and closing section – to the individual position you're applying for, and you'll be successful in getting calls for interviews and, ultimately, a great job.

What are the 10 types of letters? ›

Here are some of the most common types of business letters and when to use them:
  • Cover letters. ...
  • Letters of recommendation. ...
  • Interview follow-up letters. ...
  • Offer letters. ...
  • Sales letters. ...
  • Letters of commendation. ...
  • Letters of resignation. ...
  • Thank you letters.
16 Aug 2021

What is types of letter with example? ›

More Letter Formats,
Authorization LetterLetter to Principal
Permission Letter FormatLetter To Editor Format
Enquiry LetterAppointment Letter
Apology Letter FormatInvitation Letter
Job Application Letter FormatCheque Book Request Letter
47 more rows

What are the 4 types of intent? ›

The Model Penal Code divides criminal intent into four states of mind listed in order of culpability: purposely, knowingly, recklessly, and negligently.

What are the 3 types of intent? ›

Three types of criminal intent exist: (1) general intent, which is presumed from the act of commission (such as speeding); (2) specific intent, which requires preplanning and presdisposition (such as burglary); and (3) constructive intent, the unintentional results of an act (such as a pedestrian death resulting from ...

What is basic intent? ›

Offences that can be committed other than intentionally, or require proof of intention but only as to an act and not as to its purpose (see “specific intent”), and do not require proof of some other special mental state, such as dishonesty, are offences of “basic intent”.

How much is 5 paragraphs in sentences? ›

In general, paragraphs should have 5-8 sentences.

In this case, if you're tasked with writing a five-paragraph essay, then you should want 25-40 sentences total. However, that's not a hard and fast rule.

What should an LOI include? ›

LOI is a non-legally binding document that includes an introduction to your project, contact information at your agency, a description of your organization, a statement of need, your methodology and/or an achievable solution to the need, a brief discussion of other funding sources and a final summary.

How do you begin a letter? ›

Formal letters always have a greeting at the beginning of the written content as a cue that your message is about to begin. This is known as the salutation. Most salutations begin with “Dear” and then the name of the recipient. All salutations use title capitalization and end in a comma.

Who prepares a letter of intent? ›

Buyers generally prepare the letter of intent. Generally, however, the party that prepares the letter of intent has the upper hand. He or she can decide: What matters will be addressed in the letter of intent.

WHO issues a letter of intent? ›

Typically this document takes the form of a letter given by an employer to a contractor with instructions to carry out works, with the final agreement to be negotiated or concluded later. An example can be seen in the case of Structure Consulting v Maroush [2017] EWHC 962 (TCC):

Does letter of intent need signature? ›

Signing the Letter of Intent

The keystone of the entire letter of intent is, of course, the signing phase. All parties involved must show their agreement (and liability) by putting their signatures on the final document.

What is a letter of intent PDF? ›

A Letter of Intent Template is a document that is used when you want to let the other party know that you are interested. It could be used in applying for a job, applying for a promotion, proposing a business deal, purchasing land, and many more.

How do you write a letter? ›

These are the general rules you should follow to write a letter:
  1. Choose the right type of paper.
  2. Use the right formatting.
  3. Choose between block or indented form.
  4. Include addresses and the date.
  5. Include a salutation.
  6. Write the body of your letter.
  7. Include a complimentary close.
  8. List additional information.

Do letters of intent expire? ›

Expiration Date- An LOI cannot be left open-ended. There must be a specific expiration date upon which the terms listed in the LOI expire. Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Clauses– During negotiations, both parties are likely to disclose very confidential information about their business.

Is letter of intent same as application letter? ›

Letters of intent are not the same as cover letters, which accompany your resume and formal job application. Letters of intent, on the other hand, can be sent at any time. You do not have to be applying for the job when you send out a letter of intent. Rather, you're making an introduction.

Who should I address my letter of intent? ›

The Structure of a Letter of Intent

If possible, you should address the hiring manager by name — using “Dear Mr.” or “Dear Mrs./Ms.” as a salutation is ideal.

What is difference between LOI and LOA? ›

What is the difference between a letter of intent and an offer letter? Letter of intent (LOI) is a document of one or more LEGAL agreements between two or more parties. LOI is later responsible for a final agreement. Offer letter is something similar to 'Letter of acceptance'(LOA).

Is an LOI a proposal? ›

A Letter of Inquiry is a condensed version of a full proposal, usually two to three pages, but sometimes as little as one page in length. If a funder specifies the format and length of an LOI, follow those directions and do not exceed the page limit.

What are 5 Things All proposals should include? ›

  • Key Elements of a Complete Proposal. ...
  • Cover. ...
  • Table of Contents. ...
  • Abstract (also called Project Summary) ...
  • Project Description (also called Narrative or Research Plan) ...
  • Budget Explanation (also called Budget Justification) ...
  • Vita (also called Resume or Biographical Sketch) ...
  • Other Support (also called Current and Pending Support)

What five 5 elements are normally included in the body of a formal proposal? ›

The body of a formal proposal can contain any or all of the following elements: facts and evidence to support your conclusions, the proposed solution (what you have to offer), the work plan, a statement of qualifications, and a breakdown of costs.

What are the 6 types of project proposal? ›

Types of Project Proposals
  • Unsolicited Project Proposal.
  • Informal Project Proposal.
  • Renewal Project Proposal.
  • Continuation Project Proposal.
  • Supplemental Project Proposal.
15 Jul 2022

How do you write a letter of intent in 2022? ›

A letter of intent should include a statement of continued interest in the program, explain why you're interested in the program, and describe updates to your application since your last communication. It should also highlight your suitability for their program, and how you can contribute to its success.

Is letter of intent legal? ›

It is a final agreement that is legally binding on both parties. It is the document prepared at first showcasing the intention of one party to enter into a contract with another party.

What happens after a letter of intent? ›

Once the LOI is signed, the next steps are to negotiate the purchase agreement and perform due diligence. These are separate processes, but they usually occur in parallel and take about 90 days to complete.

What is a letter of intent for university? ›

This letter of intent is the opportunity to show your research interests, your professional goals and to describe how your previous academic and work experiences have prepared you for this program.

How do you write a statement of intent for university? ›

You are to concisely describe yourself here, including your professional and academic record, background, and qualifications. Furthermore, this is the opportunity to point out what program you have an interest in undertaking. Likewise, you can include your feats and accomplishments, especially in your academic life.

What is an intent statement? ›

What is a statement of intent? A statement of intent is an outline of a potential research area for a project you would like to undertake that: Highlights your area of research interest. Describes the importance of this area of research and why you are the right person to undertake it.

What are the 4 types of letter? ›

Types of Letters
  • Formal Letter: These letters follow a certain pattern and formality. ...
  • Informal Letter: These are personal letters. ...
  • Business Letter: This letter is written among business correspondents, generally contains commercial information such as quotations, orders, complaints, claims, letters for collections etc.

How many types of letter are there? ›

Broadly there are two types of letters – Formal Letters and Informal Letters but the classification of letters are also based on the contents, formalities, the purpose of letter writing etc.

What is a letter of intent legally? ›

A letter of intent (LOI ) is a document drawn up when two parties come to a mutual agreement, but haven't worked out all the details yet. This letter is presented before the finalized legal agreement, which means that a letter of intent is not legally binding.

What are the main types of letters? ›

Different Types of Letters

Formal Letters- Also known as Business Letters, include Letters of Application, Letters to Higher Authorities, and Letters to Newspapers. Informal Letters- Also known as Social Letters, include Friendly Letters and Notes of Invitations. Examples- Clients, colleges, etc.

How do you write any type of letter? ›

These are the general rules you should follow to write a letter:
  1. Choose the right type of paper.
  2. Use the right formatting.
  3. Choose between block or indented form.
  4. Include addresses and the date.
  5. Include a salutation.
  6. Write the body of your letter.
  7. Include a complimentary close.
  8. List additional information.

How do you write letter format? ›

What is the format of a formal letter? A formal letter should include the sender's address, date, receiver's address, subject, salutation, body of the letter, complimentary closing and finally, the signature with name (in block letters) and designation.

What comes before letter of intent? ›

A memorandum of understanding (MOU) is an agreement between two or more parties outlining the terms and details of an understanding, including each party's requirements and responsibilities. It is often the first stage in the formation of a formal contract and does not involve the exchange of money.

How long is a letter of intent Good For? ›

Typically, a buyer would state its Letter of Intent is open for acceptance for 72 to 96 hours, or in some cases a one-to-two weeks.

What comes after letter of intent? ›

Due Diligence and Purchase Agreement

Once the LOI is signed, the next steps are to negotiate the purchase agreement and perform due diligence. These are separate processes, but they usually occur in parallel and take about 90 days to complete.

Why is letter of intent used? ›

Letters of intent may be used when the parties need to start to procure materials, commence site preparations or start the works before agreement of all the formal contract terms (or the formal contract price). See Practice note, Letters of intent. In commercial and corporate transactions, see Heads of terms.

Who gives a letter of intent? ›

Buyers generally prepare the letter of intent. Generally, however, the party that prepares the letter of intent has the upper hand. He or she can decide: What matters will be addressed in the letter of intent.

Why letter of intent is important? ›

“The LOI is an important step because it lays out the basics of the final deal: the purchase price and terms, closing date, length of exclusivity, approvals, and much, much more. However, the LOI isn't necessarily the final deal. Rather, it's the framework or roadmap for that final deal.

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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Author information

Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.