Lemon & Ginger Smoothie Recipe for Wellness & Fertility - To Make a Mommy (2024)

Lemon & Ginger Smoothie Recipe for Wellness & Fertility - To Make a Mommy (1)I am always scouting the internet for new and interesting “fertility recipes.” I found this one last summer, tailored it to my needs, and I absolutely love it. I think it tastes like a specialty lemon mocktail that I would sip on a fancy terrace on some European beach somewhere. It is made with a whole lemon and a huge chunk of ginger, and it is very strong. So strong in fact that my husband and brother make awful faces when they try it. My mother thought it was delicious, however. I think the drink tastes good if your body needs it!

In this blog post I’m going to give you the recipe for the fertility tonic and then I’m going to talk about why each of the ingredients is so good for fertility.

First, I have to give credit where credit is due. I found this drink while doing Gabriela Rosa’s free 14 Day Fertility Challenge. Most of what Gabriela does in this challenge, I had already done- clean eating, eliminated soy, dairy, gluten, etc., eliminated toxins, reduced exposure to chemicals harmful for fertility, etc. But this lemon drink was a totally new idea to me. She got the drink idea from Peter de Ruyter who originally developed it as a holistic cleanse for healing the liver and overall health. Gabriela’s recipe is here and Peter’s recipe is here.

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Lemon & Ginger Smoothie Recipe for Wellness & Fertility - To Make a Mommy (2)

Table of Contents

Okay, let’s get talking about the drink. Ideally you are drinking it three times a day spaced out, but I just drink it in the morning and the evening. You can drink it before or after eating, whatever feels better to you. In the morning I drink it with breakfast, and then I usually drink the second 30 minutes after dinner. Sometimes, however, I only think to make it in the afternoon, then I’ll just drink it then, and finish itin the evening. No big deal! Make sure to drink plenty of filtered water throughout the day to stay hydrated and support the gentle detoxification.

Sometimes I worry about the acid and my teeth! For this reason I invested in some stainless steel straws, so I could know they were non-toxic, and the lemon could skip past my teeth. I use these when drinking apple cider vinegar water also.

Lemon & Ginger Smoothie Recipe for Wellness & Fertility - To Make a Mommy (3)

So, why is this lemon-ginger drink good for fertility?

The number one reason I drink this is because it helps make my body more alkaline- in a major way. This is important because – and I’m about to get graphic here- you NEED your vagin* and cervix to be alkaline so the sperm are welcome. An acidic environment is not good for sperm. I’ll confess- I don’t drink this tonic every day, but I do just before and around ovulation. As I drink it, I imagine myself becoming healthy, and my, ahem, parts, becoming receptive and welcoming to my husband’s sperm.

Ideally, you are drinking it every day.

The number two reason I drink this is because of its powerful health effects overall. Just the combination of a whole lemon and a huge piece of fresh ginger is enough to stop a cold in its track! Whenever I feel my immune system struggling I make this drink! I also love that it is supporting my liver. As I drink this I feel myself becoming more robustly healthy.

The number three reason is that when I mentioned this drink to my acupuncturist, and to my brother who is an acupuncturist, they both approved. They said that lemon aids in nutrition, meaning that it would stimulate my body to hold on to nutrients better. So when I drink the tonic I think about it helping me fully nourish my body.

Is there anyone who shouldn’t drink this?

You shouldn’t drink this if 1) It tastes terrible to you, or it makes you feel sick, 2) you are taking any prescription medications which the lemon peel pectin might interact with, or 3) you have a very, very sensitive stomach. The full lemon might just be too much for you.

Lemon & Ginger Smoothie Recipe for Wellness & Fertility - To Make a Mommy (4)

Why each ingredient is good for you!

Lemon– Lemon is chock-full of Vitamin C which is a powerful antioxidant for fertility, and is thought to prevent age-related decline in ovarian function. Vitamin C is also associated with a shorter time until pregnancy. The lemon peel has pectin which helps emulsify the fats you add in and the lemon oils. Lemon peel also has additional antioxidants which are crucial for developing healthy eggs (these particular ones are oligomeric proanthocyanidins or OPCs). Supposedly some of the substances in the lemon peel also help remove harmful forms of estrogen from your body (like those from chemicals).

Ginger– Ginger is an incredible food that reduces inflammatory responses in the body (good for fertility) and encourages healthy, gentle, detoxification (good for fertility). It also helps in overall digestion, which increases your ability to nourish yourself. Further, it is believed to stimulate circulation of blood in the body- making sure plenty gets to your uterus and eggs!

Walnut Oil or other Fat- Getting enough essential fatty acids is absolutely crucial to fertility. Body fat cells produce estrogen which is essential for getting pregnant. Low body fat can lead to infertility problems such as anovulation. Ladies, babies are made from protein and fat! You need to consume healthy fats! I use Walnut Oil because it is good for endometriosis and provides me with Omega-3s. You can sub in whatever is most appropriate for you and your condition- flax oil, coconut butter (good for everyone), fish oil, or other healthy fat. Coconut butter tastes the best! :-). This is the kind of coconut butter (“manna”) I use!

Sunflower Lecithin– Lecithin (NOT soy lecithin) is naturally occurring in many foods, including eggs. In fact if there was an organic egg yolk lecithin I would totally use that instead of the sunflower! But all my research shows that sunflower lecithin is a helpful supplement for overall health. It has healing effects on the liver, nervous system, and kidney. The choline in lecithin is an essential nutrient that lowers the risk of neural tube defects and helps prevent hom*ocysteine levels (which are associated with miscarriage) from becoming too high. Most women don’t get enough choline, so this is a good way to add it to your diet.

Vitamin E– Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxident that is thought to have a beneficial effect on egg quality. Some studies show it reduces free radical damage in ovarian follicles. A good multi-tocopherol Vitamin E is a good supplement to the fertility diet, and the body processes it best when taken with Vitamin C. Although the people who originally developed this recipe recommend huge doses of Vitamin E, I have some concerns about large doses of Vitamin E over long periods of time. I advise you to talk to your doctor and do your own research to decide on your dosage. Out of an abundance of caution I I personally use a very modest dosage of 100 IU.

Cinnamon– The cinnamon is optional as I think it changes the overall taste and sensation of the drink. The one really great thing about ceylon cinnamon is that it helps balance blood sugar levels- something very important for women with PCOS. Try your drink with and without the cinnamon and see what you think! Don’t put in more than the ½ tsp, as it can be harmful in large doses. Honestly, I usually skip this, I’m not a fan of the taste.

Filtered Water– I feel so much better making this from clean, filtered water that I know is free of fertility-harming toxins. Check out my blog post on why it is important to filter your tap water and how to pick the best one for your budget!

Lemon & Ginger Smoothie Recipe for Wellness & Fertility - To Make a Mommy (5)

One drink for now, and one for later! You can see my strainer set-up on the right!

Are you already drinking lemon water every day? Are you going to try this whole-lemon drink? Leave a comment with what you thought of the taste!


Lemon & Ginger Smoothie Recipe for Wellness & Fertility - To Make a Mommy (6)

Lemon Ginger Fertility Smoothie

5 Stars4 Stars3 Stars2 Stars1 Star

5 from 6 reviews

  • Author: Anna
  • Total Time: 5 minutes
  • Yield: 1 1x
Print Recipe


A delicious lemon and ginger fertility smoothie to boost chances of conception!



1 whole organic lemon

1 large knob of fresh ginger, peeled (I do about the size of my thumb, but you could do less)

1 tbsporganic walnut oil(or other fat-coconut butter, fish oil, flax oil)

2 tsporganic sunflower lecithin(NOT SOY LECITHIN!!!!)

1 capsuleVitamin E 100 IU Mixed Tocopherols

1 ¾ cupfiltered water(just enough to reach the Max Fill line in myNutribullettall cup)

Optional: Add 1/2 tsp oforganic ceylon cinnamon(especially good for those with PCOS)


Gently scrub the lemon to make sure it is clean- we use thisnatural scrubber with coconut bristlesand love it. Put all the ingredients into yourNutribullettall cup or other blender. Blend for 30 seconds. Strain through a fine mesh strainer (we use one from this set). I use a spoon to help push it through, because I lack patience. Pour into two glass containers- one to drink now, and one that you can put a top on (like apint size mason jar) and put in the fridge for later. Drink the second within 24 hours!


Optional: Swap the lemon for a lime

Optional: Increase Vitamin E levels

As a note- although you can substitute different oils, I think coconut butter tastes the best!

  • Prep Time: 5
  • Category: Snoothies
  • Method: Nutribullet
  • Cuisine: Beverage


  • Serving Size: 1
  • Calories: 273
  • Sugar: 2g
  • Sodium: 2mg
  • Fat: 22g
  • Saturated Fat: 2g
  • Unsaturated Fat: 16g
  • Trans Fat: 0
  • Carbohydrates: 7g
  • Fiber: 2g
  • Protein: 1g
  • Cholesterol: 0

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Anna Rapp

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Anna Rapp is a fertility journalist and non-toxic living expert. When Anna Rapp was struggling with infertility and recurrent early miscarriage, she was diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve, High FSH, low AMH, low follicle count, endometriosis, and an MTHFR mutation. Despite being told donor eggs were her only solution, Anna used her graduate training in research methods and analysis to read everything she could find on fertility and egg health. Ultimately, she lowered her FSH and got pregnant naturally (twice). She blogs about how she did it and encourages her readers to take charge of their fertility journey and get happy, healthy, and pregnant!

Lemon & Ginger Smoothie Recipe for Wellness & Fertility - To Make a Mommy (2024)


Is ginger and lemon good for fertility? ›

Supposedly some of the substances in the lemon peel also help remove harmful forms of estrogen from your body (like those from chemicals). Ginger– Ginger is an incredible food that reduces inflammatory responses in the body (good for fertility) and encourages healthy, gentle, detoxification (good for fertility).

Which juice is best for getting pregnant? ›

Though consuming the whole fruit or vegetable is best, Vitti suggests juicing kale and other greens if you're not a fan of raw veggies. "I love recommending patients make fresh, mostly-vegetable juices with a few fruits like goji berries, which contain phytochemicals that are beneficial for fertility," she says.

How to use ginger to conceive? ›

  1. Put ginger in a teapot or medium bowl. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over it and let steep for at least 5 minutes.
  2. In the meantime, in a mug combine lemon juice and honey (and cayenne pepper, if desired.) Strain the ginger tea into the mug. Stir to dissolve the honey.

Does ginger make a woman fertile? ›

Gingerol, the main bioactive compound in ginger, has powerful anti-inflammatory effects. Conditions like PCOS and endometriosis, that greatly affect fertility, are heavily tied to inflammation in the body. Getting more ginger into our diet can help mitigate inflammation and facilitate conception.

Can lemon help in getting pregnant? ›

Research has it that lemon has a contraceptive effect hence, women of childbearing age are cautioned against consuming it if they want to become pregnant. However, lemon juice consumption could be used as a primary form of birth control.

How can I make my womb more fertile? ›

What can I do to increase my fertility?
  1. Stay at a healthy weight. Being too overweight or too underweight can keep you from releasing eggs, called ovulation, and having regular cycles.
  2. Prevent sexually transmitted infections. ...
  3. Try not to work the night shift.
Jan 9, 2024

What can I drink to help me ovulate? ›

Whole Milk – Drinking whole milk is related to your fertility. A study by Chavarro and Rosner found that women who drank 3 or more glasses of whole milk a day were 70% less likely to be infertile due to failed ovulation. Zinc – Zinc deficiencies have negative effects on fertility for both men and women.

How do you boost your ovulation and get pregnant easily? ›

Eat well and exercise

Being in good shape will not only boost your fertility and your general health, it will also give your baby the best start in life. Carrying extra weight can cause problems with hormone levels, which can affect the menstrual cycle, and the quality of a woman's eggs and a man's sperm.

How to increase eggs in the ovary? ›

Improve egg quality with these 7 tips
  1. Stay Away from cigarettes. Smoking permanently speeds up egg loss in the ovaries. ...
  2. Manage stress. ...
  3. Eat healthy. ...
  4. Achieve a normal BMI (body mass index) ...
  5. Boost blood flow. ...
  6. Invest in supplements. ...
  7. Freeze your eggs.
Oct 1, 2022

Can bananas improve female fertility? ›

This potassium-rich food does more than just help keep blood pressure at bay, it can boost both male and female fertility. Bananas contain vitamin B6 (a water soluble vitamin), which regulates the body's hormones and menstrual cycle. “A B6 deficiency can lead to poor egg and sperm development,” Vandana R.

How to do a fertility cleanse at home? ›

Each day of the detox starts with a glass of hot water with a little lemon or lime juice added. This combination is very alkalizing and supports liver cleansing. You can also try adding ½ teaspoon of super-green powders to juices and smoothies daily. You are now on a path to a baby-ready body!

Does ginger affect egg quality? ›

Several studies showed the positive effects of ginger on egg production, egg quality, and the antioxidant status of laying hens [16,17,18].

Can cinnamon help to get pregnant? ›

Cinnamon for Fertility

Cinnamon also contains antioxidants that may promote healthy blood flow to the uterus, helping maintain uterine health and support a healthy pregnancy. By incorporating more cinnamon into your diet, you may improve your chances of conceiving naturally and enjoy optimal reproductive health.

Is ginger good for the uterus? ›

Ginger is believed to have warming properties and can help improve circulation, which can be beneficial for the uterus. It is also high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that can help support overall reproductive health.

Does ginger improve egg quality? ›

Several studies showed the positive effects of ginger on egg production, egg quality, and the antioxidant status of laying hens [16,17,18].

How to prepare ginger to prevent pregnancy? ›

Ginger to prevent pregnancy after sex

You can consume simple ginger tea as a remedy. Add crushed or grated ginger to boiling water. After 5 minutes, strain the mixture and it is ready to drink. Drink 2 cups of strong ginger tea each day to prevent pregnancy.

Can lemon and ginger affect pregnancy? ›

There are some reports of side effects with lemon and other herbal medicines, such as ginger, black seed, prune, and mustard oil. However, there are no known complications from using lemon during pregnancy. A study from 2014 reports that lemon inhalation therapy could help reduce nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.

Does lemon and ginger tea help with pregnancy? ›

Clinical studies show that ginger in its many forms, including lemon ginger tea, is an effective treatment for nausea and vomiting—even those resulting from pregnancy and chemotherapy.

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