Lemon Cream Cheese Cookies Recipe (2024)

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Marcia Gregorio

My daughter taught me to use a fork to drizzle glaze on cookies instead of a spoon. You don't get globs of icing, just a beautiful series of random lines. Such an easy hack!

Sara G

Lovely recipe as is. Cookie is just a good soft sugar cookie really, not a strong lemon flavor—that’s provided by the glaze here. I made the cookies into ice cream sandwiches using Tillamook Sea Salt and Honeycomb Toffee ice cream. Insanely good! Cardamom in the glaze would be groovy too. Thanks for the solid recipe!


Gregg Weiler

Easy and very tasty. I zested an entire lemon, had some left over based on the recipe’s quantities. I used a silicon basting brush to apply a thick layer of glaze, then used the remaining zest as a small decoration in the center of each cookie. Nice, and very delicious! (Next time I think I’ll add all of the zest to the batter.)


I followed the recipe and used 2 scoops of a 1 tablespoon cookie scoop- they were huge and underdone. Second batch I used a heaping 1 tablespoon- much more reasonable size and baking time.


I have been using Mascarpone in place of cream cheese and forgot I had no cream cheese. I also started this and had no lemon, so I substituted a blood orange for zest and juice. I made the cookies for musicians during a session. They raised their glasses before I left.


Anyone tried with GF flour?

McKenzie Bourque

I misread the recipe and accidentally mixed in all of the cream cheese in the batter. Still came out fine. I also added 2tbsp of lemon juice to the icing, which was very good! If you add lemon juice to the icing then reduce the amount of milk.


Day 2 update - these are so good the next day! So chewy and perfect. Glazing with a simple powdered sugar lemon juice was the way to go, instead of the glaze in this recipe which tasted weird and was chunky like cottage cheese.


I always read reviews for tips when making a recipe, some freaked me out about the icing curdling. Didn’t want to waste so I made simple glaze with 1 cup of powdered sugar whisked with 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice. Poured into a ziploc bag and snipped corner, iced cookies like a pro. Delicious would make again. Made the cookie exactly as directed in the recipe.


Yes, I did too! The ingredients list should say “divided” after the cream cheese. They are still tasty but I’ll have to make them again using the right proportions.

Heidi Menocal

I wish recipes with a glaze would list the ingredients separately or say divided. I read and reread recipes. I still manage to add ingredients for the glaze.


Tried to make these cookies more lemony by putting the remainder of the lemon juice into the cookie batter. Don’t do what I did! Follow the recipe!! These cookies turned out more like little fluffy cakes because of chemistry or something. But still delicious, especially with the glaze.


The recipe says 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, with 1 1/2 in glaze. Where does the other 1/2 go? The dough? If so it should say that.

Karat McC

The extra is to add if needed to get the glaze the right consistency.


Made those several times. Easy and really good. Suggest adding 1.5x zest, and using simple lemon juice/powdered sugar glaze. Better the day after they’re made.


Cookies did not spread out. Instead smashed them down with a fork. Delicious in any case. Reminded me of scones. Will make again.


I’ve learned that it’s best if I read the comments before making and this time was no exception!Turns out I didn’t have a lemon on hand, but I did have a navel orange so Orange cream cheese cookies they became and wow!! Fabulous. As others have noted even though I read the whole recipe and all the commenters who said they dumped all 4 oz of cream cheese into the dough, I did the same by mistake but when I realized it, I wasn’t concerned. They were still fabulous.


Only good literally day of, otherwise don’t bother


Not very good instructions. In terms of rotating at 10 or 12 minutes, is that meant to be at 5 minutes and bake for a whole 10 min? The exact bake time is not there. There is also not enough cream cheese in the recipe, mine turned out flat and the taste of the cream cheese is lacking. Although the lemon flavor is great.


Curdled icing, as in some comments, seemed too scary so I just used melted white chocolate chips with a drop or two of lemon extract as a drizzle. My adult kids agreed that it was the best cookie this year.


I also accidentally put all the cream cheese in the batter, plus I misread 4tbsp for 4tsp when it came to the zest. I don't like overly sweet things, so I did made no icing, but the cookies turned out *beautifully*—will be making again and again with the same mistakes!

Aaron H

Glaze recipe didn't set up and was gummy and sticky. Opt out of the glaze.

The Glaze

Alright, we struggled with the glaze but finally got the consistency we were looking for once we heated the cream cheese separate and then added the confectioners' sugar. Once those two were creamed together, we added the milk and the lemon juice. The juice seems to clot the glaze, so add slowly and mix well.


These were tasty and I had the same experience as Bern - cooked as directed they were huge and undone. Also - the glaze was very thin. I will make them smaller next time and play around with the glaze prep.


Yes, the Ingredients list for this recipe should note that the cream cheese should be DIVIDED. That is recipe writing 101.Similarly, the ingredients for the Glaze should be separate from the Cookie ingredients list, in general, but especially here since there is discussion about skipping the glaze altogether (and therefor one would be gathering ingredients one doesn't need).


Do the glaze on these. I usually skip glazes on cookies but it adds a lot of flavor and moisture that I miss on the part of the batch I left plain. Also highly recommend storing them in the freezer and eating them cold. They stay soft!


This was weird…the dough did not come together with the liquid from just the butter, cream cheese and the one egg. Added the lemon juice and managed to get a dryish dough. Next time I’ll refrigerate and then roll out into spheres then flatten.Tasks pretty good - we like the slight chew and lemon flavor. Did bother to glaze as the cookies were plenty sweet.


These are a quick and easy bake! The texture is very cakey and the glaze is a welcome addition. My family and I loved them, but you can easily double the zest for a stronger lemon flavor, as these were quite mild. Will be making these again!


Used GF 1:1 flour and they came out flat and raw tasting, even though they were golden brown. No lemon flavor in the cookies. Used a stand mixer for the glaze but couldn’t fully incorporate the cream cheese; whisked thoroughly at several speed and still had flecks of cream cheese even though it sat out and was fully room temp. Didn’t get any lemon vibes at all, kind of bummed overall.

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Lemon Cream Cheese Cookies Recipe (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.