Leaving A Legacy: Why Everyone Needs An Estate Plan | Bankrate.com (2024)

Few people want to talk about their will and other estate plans or what will happen to their loved ones after they’re gone. While it’s an understandably sensitive and difficult subject to broach, a lack of planning causes a lot of families to be caught off-guard if an unexpected tragedy occurs.

But establishing an estate plan early and readjusting it as needed throughout your lifetime can help you prepare for the future and leave a legacy for the people you love.

“If you don’t have a plan, you’re going to fall into what are the default rules in that state,” says Jennifer Lee Schooley, attorney and owner of Schooley Law Firm in Richmond, Virginia. “And you might not like those.”

Having an estate plan in place can protect surviving family members and help eliminate conflict and will allow your loved ones to know your precise wishes for your medical care, assets and final arrangements. An estate plan also helps the bereaved focus on honoring your memory and working through their grief instead of dealing with emotionally charged disputes with family.

Key insights

  • An estate plan can range from the relatively simple (just a will) to the complex (will, trusts, power of attorney, advance medical directive and more.
  • The average cost for a will is $500, depending on the state and the attorney’s fee plan, according to FindLaw, a website for free legal information owned by Thomson Reuters.
  • However, you may be able to access a will using a low-cost or even free site.
  • The average cost for setting up a trust is $2,000, says FindLaw, while a power of attorney could run $375 and an advance medical directive would be charged an hourly rate, running from $250 to $300 per hour.
  • It’s not unusual to see a law firm charge a flat rate to deliver a complete estate package, says Citadel Law Firm in the Phoenix area, and a typical charge could start at $2,500.
  • Hourly fees for estate attorneys could range from $300 to $700, says Citadel, with larger firms typically charging more than smaller ones.
  • While a trust may sound like the province of the very wealthy, it can make sense even for those with as little as $150,000, say some experts.
  • Only 33 percent of Americans have a will or living trust, according to a 2022 survey by Caring.com, a company focused on finding elder care.
  • Just 24 percent of Americans aged 18-34 had any estate planning documents in 2022, compared to 27 percent of those aged 35-54 and 45 percent of those aged 55 and up, according to Caring.com.
  • Those who have experienced COVID firsthand or secondhand with a loved one are much more likely to have some estate planning document, says Caring.com.
  • The major reasons people don’t have a will include: They haven’t gotten around to it (40 percent), they don’t have enough assets to leave to anyone (33 percent), they don’t know how to get a will or trust (12 percent) or it’s too expensive (13 percent), according to Caring.com.

What is an estate plan?

Your estate is the accumulation of everything you own: your car, real estate, checking accounts, savings accounts, furniture, life insurance, investments, and personal possessions such as artwork or jewelry.

An estate plan encompasses your instructions for what you want to happen to everything you own after you die. Beyond that, an estate plan can also specify burial instructions, help lay out plans if you become disabled, and allow you to prepay for your final expenses.

Elements of a well-rounded estate plan

  1. Your will. A will outlines how your assets will be distributed, who will be the executor of your estate, who the guardian of your children will be, and who will take care of any pets. Without a will, the government gets to decide how everything is split and who takes guardianship of children and pets, a process that can vary by state.
  2. Beneficiaries. Not all assets pass to your surviving friends and family through your will. If you have a 401(k), IRAs, or life insurance policies, those can all pass to beneficiaries designated within those specific accounts.
  3. A durable power of attorney (DPA). A DPA can serve as your financial proxy if you are living and can no longer manage your affairs.
  4. An advance medical directive. This is the combination of a DPA for healthcare, a living will, and HIPAA release forms. An advance healthcare directive describes what medical procedures you do or don’t want and who has the right to make medical decisions for you if you can no longer make them yourself.
  5. Life insurance. Life insurance might be a good option to include in your estate plan if family members depend on your paycheck. Life insurance can help take care of your family and loved ones financially after you die. Not sure how much coverage you need? You can use Bankrate’s Life Insurance Calculator to figure out what size plan will work best for you.
  6. Trusts. Living trusts allow you to hold assets for beneficiaries while dictating how and when they receive those assets. Different types of trusts can help your family avoid processes like probate or estate taxes, so do your research as to which type will work best for you.

Why do you need an estate plan?

Most of the time, estate planning isn’t a priority until people hit retirement or a certain income level. However, everyone can benefit from establishing an estate plan early in life, especially if you are the head of the household or have a family depending on your paycheck.

Ensure your wishes are carried out

One of the main components of an estate plan is your will, which is where you leave instructions for after you die. The will shows who receives which of your available assets, who will take guardianship of your children, who will provide for any pets you may have and more. Your estate plan can even outline how you hope to pass on aspects of your life such as religion, education and other values.

Protect your family

When you don’t have an estate plan, your family will be forced to jump through quite a few government hoops in order to distribute your assets. An estate plan can minimize taxes and expenses and help your loved ones avoid legal hassles. Plus, an estate plan may be designed to prevent your assets from becoming public, which can protect your family’s privacy.

Leave a legacy

Whether you’re providing financial security, planning for your final memorial or burial services, supporting a cause you care about, or passing on traditions and values, an estate plan helps you leave behind a legacy for your family to hold onto. Planning ahead and keeping your will and other legal documents up-to-date will ensure that your family and loved ones are well taken care of, no matter what.

How to create a well-rounded estate plan

Creating an estate plan may feel uncomfortable, but having one in place will ensure your assets are properly distributed and lessen any tax burdens for your chosen beneficiaries, which can be your children, charities, or other entities. Estate planning may feel like it’s only for the wealthy, but an estate plan covers a lot more than your finances.

Necessary documents

A well-rounded estate plan involves a lot of different documents that come from different sources.

Keeping these documents updated and organized can save your family and your executor a lot of time and stress:

  • Your will
  • Trusts
  • Real estate deeds
  • Bank account information
  • Mutual funds or safe deposit box documentation
  • Information about cryptocurrency you hold
  • Certificates for stocks, bonds, and annuities
  • Information on retirement plans: 401(k) accounts, IRAs and pensions
  • Funeral prepayment plans
  • Instructions for any final arrangements
  • Your debts: credit cards, loans, mortgages or utilities
  • Tax information
  • Insurance policies
  • Any information on military death benefits

In addition to keeping these documents organized, make sure that your DPA and the executor of your estate are legally allowed to have access to these documents.

Hire a professional

To get started, you’ll appoint an estate attorney who will walk you through the steps of creating your estate plan. Together, you’ll write up the legal documents that outline your posthumous plans. Once the plan is in place, keep the documents organized and in a safe place and ensure that your executor and power-of-attorney are legally able to access and execute the documents.

Things to consider

Putting together your estate plan involves a lot of moving parts, and there are a few things to consider before you jump into the process.

Debt management

Americans typically have substantial debt when they die. According to December 2016 data from Experian, about 73 percent of Americans died with debt, an average of nearly $62,000. The vast majority of that was mortgage debt, though other debt amounted to almost $13,000.

When you die, debt is taken out of your estate’s total worth. This can include credit card debt, personal loans, tax debts, outstanding auto loans, student loans, and even mortgages.

If you have a spouse who cosigned a loan or who is named on any credit accounts, that debt will then roll over to them. However, personal loans and credit card debt that are not in anyone else’s name can end up tying up your assets before they are distributed to family and loved ones.

Watch out for bank accounts

Be sure that you record the names of all your bank accounts. If you’ve moved or opened an account and forgotten about it, it can be easy for that account to get lost after your passing.

If you have a checking or savings account or a CD, naming a beneficiary on those accounts will supersede anything else you have written in your estate planning documents. You’re not under any obligation to name a beneficiary, but if you do, the account will avoid probate and the headaches that this process could involve.

If you don’t name a beneficiary on these bank accounts, any money in them will become part of your estate on your passing and is ultimately subject to probate.

Choosing the right DPA

One of the more sensitive subjects you have to cover while putting together your estate plan is choosing who is responsible for making financial decisions after you die or in the event you are no longer medically able. Unfortunately, choosing a relative isn’t always the right decision if they don’t understand how to properly handle your financial affairs.

Schooley says to look for the following things in an agent:

  • Choose someone who is honest.
  • Select a detail-oriented individual.
  • They should have the ability to maintain records.
  • Either the person has the financial knowledge or will find the proper people to talk to. This may include a financial advisor, accountant or attorney.

One option is to name co-trustees, with one being a relative and the other a professional such as a lawyer or financial advisor. That keeps a member of your family involved in the decision-making process, but includes someone who knows more about how to best manage your finances.

Don’t forget about cryptocurrency

Owners of cryptocurrency need to provide relevant information so that after they die their executor can access it, says Lauren Zangardi Haynes, CIMA, certified financial planner at Spark Financial Advisors in Richmond, Virginia.

“If your executor doesn’t have it, then that money is lost forever,” says Zangardi Haynes.

When to re-evaluate your estate plan

An estate plan is not something you put together and then never touch again. Your estate plan can and should be molded to fit your changing needs throughout your life.

Here are a few major life events that should cause you to re-evaluate your estate plan to make any necessary changes:

  1. Getting married
  2. Having children
  3. Large purchases such as buying a house
  4. Getting a divorce
  5. The death of a spouse or child
  6. Opening new financial accounts
  7. Changes in beneficiaries
  8. Changing jobs
  9. Increasing or decreasing income
  10. Inheritance
  11. Moving to a different state
  12. Purchasing real estate in another state
  13. A major change in tax laws
  14. Plans to make a large gift

You should also make sure your attorney is up-to-date on any changes in the law regarding your estate plan, including estate tax and inheritance tax laws. You may need to make changes to the technical aspects of your will or other important documents to make them legally valid once new rules go into effect.

Creating an estate plan can seem like a daunting task, especially if you are still young and in good health. However, the earlier you organize a plan for what will happen to your assets and finances after you die, the more prepared you’ll be for the unexpected. Having a well-rounded estate plan can help your family stay afloat after tragedy and help you pass on a legacy to those you leave behind.

“We just don’t know,” Zangardi Haynes says. “Life is fragile.”

Leaving A Legacy: Why Everyone Needs An Estate Plan | Bankrate.com (2024)


Why should everyone have an estate plan? ›

Besides making sure your assets get to the people you choose, planning can help minimize income, gift and estate taxes, too. Without an estate plan, and specifically a will, the laws in your state will determine what happens to your possessions, and the courts will decide who gets custody of your children.

What are the 3 main priorities you want to ensure with your estate plan? ›

A: The three main priorities of an estate plan are to ensure that your assets are distributed in the way you prefer, that someone else has the authority to make decisions on your behalf if you are unable to do so, and that your beneficiaries are clearly defined.

What is the difference between legacy and estate planning? ›

Legacy and estate planning are both essential components of a comprehensive approach to managing your wealth and influence. While estate planning focuses on financial assets, legacy planning shapes the non-financial aspects that define your life's purpose.

What are the disadvantages of estate planning? ›

Disadvantages of Estate Planning:
  • Cost: Estate planning can be expensive, especially if you create a detailed plan. ...
  • Time: Estate planning can be time-consuming, as it requires gathering financial and legal documents, making important decisions, and reviewing and updating your plan regularly.

Why do people avoid estate planning? ›

Thinking about dying, even indirectly through estate planning, makes many people uncomfortable. There are various complicated psychological explanations for why this happens. But for many people, it comes down to a belief (perhaps subconscious) that talking about death will somehow hasten it.

What are the four must-have documents? ›

She classifies them as “must have” documents and discusses them at length on her website. These specific documents are a will, a living revocable trust, a durable power of attorney for healthcare and an advance directive.

What is the main goal of estate planning? ›

Estate planning involves determining how an individual's assets will be preserved, managed, and distributed after death. It also takes into account the management of an individual's properties and financial obligations in the event that they become incapacitated.

What is usually the most important client objective in estate planning? ›

Financial security for your family is perhaps the most important objective of a well-devised estate plan. It ensures that your family has the funds it needs, there are no delays in transferring assets to them, and there is enough liquidity to pay settlement costs, taxes and debts.

Who needs legacy planning? ›

Without a legacy plan in place, your family members and business partners might end up spending a lot of time and resources trying to sort out the distribution of your assets. A good legacy plan allocates your assets meaningfully while maintaining harmony between your loved ones.

What are the three types of legacy? ›

A guide to the types of legacies that may appear in a will
  • Specific legacy. This is a gift of a particular asset of personal estate such as 'I give to Cats Protection my Fiat 500 car' or 'I give to Age UK my property known as Smith Cottage'. ...
  • Demonstrative legacy. ...
  • General legacy. ...
  • Pecuniary legacy.
Jun 6, 2023

Why is legacy planning important? ›

A kind of financial service, legacy planning is often created with a financial advisor. Legacy planning can help mitigate tax issues by discussing various tax scenarios that could impact your estate or beneficiaries after your death.

What is an example of leaving a legacy? ›

Leaving your legacy can also mean giving something that commemorates your life. It could come in the form of a charitable donation; trust accounts for specific purposes, such as education or insurance; sentimental objects; or writings and photos that family, friends or a community can cherish.

Why is leaving a legacy so important? ›

Leaving a legacy is about more than passing on physical assets—it's a tapestry of wisdom, values, and contributions that spans generations. For older adults, creating a lasting legacy influences the lives of their children, grandchildren, and beyond.

Does everyone want to leave a legacy? ›

The desire to leave a legacy seems to be innate to humans. Research shows that it's a way of preserving the essence of yourself after you die, and it helps make sense of the end of life.

What is the objective of estate planning? ›

The goals of estate planning traditionally have been to provide for the orderly transfer of wealth to younger family members in accordance with the wishes of older family members; to avoid unnecessary transfer taxes, including gift taxes, estate taxes, and generation- skipping transfer taxes; to reduce income taxes; ...

What is an estate plan when should you get one? ›

When Is an Estate Plan Required? Many financial consultants advise that an estate plan is required as soon as you reach legal adulthood and to update it every 3 to 5 years afterward. This is because you are now legally responsible for your money, healthcare (in some areas), and power of attorney at 18.

What is the most important decision in estate planning? ›

Wills and Trusts

A will or trust should be one of the main components of every estate plan, even if you don't have substantial assets. Wills ensure property is distributed according to an individual's wishes (if drafted according to state laws). Some trusts help limit estate taxes or legal challenges.

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Name: Rob Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.