Laid Off From Work? 7 Money Moves to Make Now - Boss Single Mama (2024)

Last Updated on March 31, 2021 by Rebecca Lake

Getting laid off from work can be one of the worst things ever, especially if you’re a one-income family.

Sometimes, you might see it coming. But other times, a curveball can hit you out of nowhere and poof–there goes your paycheck.

Having been through layoffs more than once in my married mom life, I know how scary it can be. When you don’t have a lot of emergency savings to fall back on (or none at all) figuring out how to pay the bills becomes priority number one.

So what do you do?

The first thing is to try to get over any initial panic you might be feeling about you or your spouse being laid off from work.

This might be the hardest part of this whole thing but you’ve got to get your mindset right first.From there, you can work out a strategy for managing your money if you’re stuck in the gap between jobs.

Since I’ve been there and done that before and experienced the suckiness of it, I want to help you out. I’ve got some tips that can help you get a handle on your finances when a job layoff or loss makes life feel more uncertain.

1. Check your employer’s benefits

Depending on your job and employee benefits package, you might still be able to collect money from your employer after getting laid off even if you’re not reporting to work every day.

For example, you might be able to cash in some of your sick leave or vacation days.

This isn’t ideal, especially if you know you’ll be going back to your job at some point.But those benefits could help bring in much-needed money if you don’t have any other income to fall back on.

So if you’ve been laid off from work, your first step is calling your HR department to find out if you have any benefits you can tap into.

2. Look into unemployment

Unemployment benefits exist for a reason–to help you keep up with your bills, or at least some of them when you’ve been laid off from work.

Generally, you’re eligible for unemployment benefits if you’ve lost or your job through no fault of your own. That can include being laid off.

My ex-husband used to work for a dredging company and layoffs were common. He might work for six months or a year, then be laid off for a month or two or three. But he always qualified for unemployment benefits as a result.

Whether you’re eligible for unemployment in your state depends on how long you worked at your company, the number of hours worked and whether you’re receiving any compensation from your employer. But it’s worth going online or to your local unemployment office and applying to see if you qualify for any benefits.

Laid Off From Work? 7 Money Moves to Make Now - Boss Single Mama (1)

3. Pare down your budget

When you go from having a consistent income to nothing, it’s all hands on deck when it comes to your budget.

If you haven’t looked at your budget lately, pull it out and start going over the numbers. Make lists as you go:

  • Bills that you have to pay every month.
  • Necessary living expenses.
  • Expenses you can do without.

Your “have to pay” list includes things like your rent or mortgage, car insurance and electric bill. You could also put debt payments on this list.

Necessarily living expenses means things like food, basic hygiene items and health care. Expenses you can do without pretty much means everything else.

For example, every time my ex-husband got laid off from work, that meant no spending money on:

  • Movies or entertainment
  • New clothes
  • Toys for the kids
  • Books (my one vice in life)
  • Electronics or video games
  • Trips and travel

Basically, if we couldn’t wear it, eat it or didn’t require it to stay alive in some way we didn’t spend money on it.

If you need some help cutting back on your budget after a layoff, you could try using Trim to pinpoint what you’re wasting money on. Trimreviews your spending and helps you find unnecessary expenses you can cut out.

And if you need some more money-saving tips, bookmark these posts:

21 Things to Stop Buying to Save Money Every Month

37 Helpful Money-Saving Hacks for Living on One Income

100+ Best Frugal Living Tips for Families to Save Money

4. Get a handle on your debt situation

Household debt is on the rise in the U.S., which is not a great situation to be in when you get laid off from work.

If you have debt, whether it’s student loans, car loans, credit cards or something else, you need to take control of it before it gets away from you when your income dries up.

Say you have credit card debt, for example. There are a few ways you can handle it.

First, you could try transferring your balances to a card with a 0% APR. This can lower your monthly payment and a 0% rate can save you money. Check out Credit Sesame to see what balance transfer offers you might qualify for.

Next, you could reach out to the credit card company and ask for help.

I know from experience that many credit card companies offer hardship programs to cardmembers. These programs can lower your interest or monthly payment temporarily.

That can help you stay current on your account until you get back on your feet. Because believe me, the last thing you want is to fall behind–that’s a guaranteed way to wreck your credit.

If you have student loans, call your loan servicer to ask about deferment or forbearance. And if you have a car loan, check with your lender to see if they offer a skip-a-payment option so you can get a month’s worth of breathing room.

The key is to do something instead of ignoring your debt. Because even though your paychecks might have gone away temporarily, the debt won’t. And you don’t want creditors breathing down your neck.

5. Take stock of your assets

Nearly 40% of Americans would need to borrow money to cover a financial emergency. But hopefully, you’ve got some savings or investments you can fall back on if you get laid off work.

If you do, take a good look at what you have. Start with your emergency savings fund.

Most financial experts recommend having at least three to six months’ worth of expenses saved. But if you have less, then don’t fret over that.

Take the numbers from your newly revamped budget and compare that to your emergency savings. How many months could you make living off just your savings work if you had to?

Don’t forget to add in anything you’re getting from your employer or unemployment. That can help you stretch your savings a little further.

Next, look at your investments. And trust me, this can be enough to make you cringe if your layoff happens because the economy is in turmoil.

But look at them anyway. What do you have in your 401(k)? An IRA?

Taking money from a retirement account is never a great idea because you can get stuck with a serious tax bill. But it’s still helpful to know what money you have in case a layoff puts your back against the wall financially.

Your home is another asset if you own instead of renting. When times are tight, you might be able to borrow against your equity if necessary.

Again, this is not a perfect solution. Borrowing against your equity could put you at risk of losing the home altogether if you can’t keep up with the payments on the loan and your regular mortgage.

But when you’re in a tough financial situation because you’ve gotten laid off from work, you have to weigh every option and its pros and cons.

6. Look for ways to make money

Before you go digging into your emergency savings or pulling money from your retirement accounts, ask yourself what you can do right now to make money.

Maybe that’s getting a part-time or full-time job somewhere else. For example, my ex-husband painted houses during his layoff stints from the dredge.

If your family needs something more flexible or jobs seem to be scarce, think about starting a side hustle instead.

And if it’s not obvious, I’m a big believer in the power of the side hustle. I turned my hustle into a six-figure business.

I’m not saying you need to aim for that but I am saying side hustles can keep you from drowning financially when a layoff happens.

If you need some ideas for starting a side hustle, here are some of my favorite picks for moms and families:

  • Become a teacher on Outschool (no experience needed!)
  • Start freelance writing and earn money writing blog posts and articles
  • Become a petsitter with Rover or a babysitter with Sittercity
  • Try side hustling as a virtual assistant
  • Deliver groceries for InstaCart
  • Deliver food for DoorDash
  • Declutter your house and sell your stuff

Any extra money you can make is to the good. Just remember you may have to pay taxes on that side hustle income when you file.

Related posts:

31 Best Side Hustles for Moms to Make an Extra $500 a Month

13 Best Survey Sites for Making Quick and Easy Money

20+ Creative Ways to Make Money in 2020

7. Check into government assistance

Government assistance programs can offer help in several ways, depending on what your family needs and qualifies for.

  • Medicaid, for example, can provide health insurance at low or no cost to children and families.
  • New moms can apply for help with WIC, which is short for Women, Infants and Children. This program offers vouchers moms can use to buy milk, formula and basic food items.
  • If you have school-aged children, you can apply for free or reduced lunch if it’s not already free where you live. (In our county, all kids get breakfast and lunch free.)

Here are some other resources you can try for help:

Whether you’re eligible for any of these programs depends largely on your income, household size and assets. And if you’ve just been laid off from work, you might not qualify.

But there are other places you can go for help.

For example, there are several churches in our area that sponsor community gardens and food pantries for needy families. There are also local non-profits that offer food banks and one that runs a backpack program for kids.

The kids in the program receive a backpack of food on Fridays at school to help keep them from going hungry over the weekends. During the summer months, there are programs that feed kids breakfast and lunch for free through the local schools.

Finally, don’t count out asking family and friends for help.

You may not want to burden them with your financial problems but if getting laid off from work is causing serious issues, going it alone can only add to your stress. Even if you don’t want to ask for money, you can ask for help in other ways.

For example, you could ask your parents or in-laws to babysit while you or your spouse look for jobs or work on your side hustle. Or you could ask your brother to lend a hand with a DIY home repair so you don’t have to spend money hiring someone else to fix it.

Those are small things but they can be a big help when a layoff is making life challenging.

Have you ever had to manage being laid off from work?

A layoff isn’t exactly pleasant but it helps to know what to do when one happens.

Have you ever been through a layoff or job loss and had to juggle financially to make it through? Tell me about it in the comments.

And don’t forget to pin and share this post!

Laid Off From Work? 7 Money Moves to Make Now - Boss Single Mama (2024)


What is a reasonable severance package after 20 years? ›

The severance pay offered is typically one to two weeks for every year worked, but it can be more. If the job loss will create an economic hardship, discuss this with your (former) employer. The general practice is to try to get four weeks of severance pay for each year worked.

Do you always get severance when laid off? ›

While it's not a guarantee, many companies offer laid-off employees severance packages. This is usually a dollar amount that's meant to blunt the impact of losing a regular paycheck. In most cases, your severance pay will be a lump sum, but sometimes you can choose to spread out the payments.

How to make money when you've been laid off? ›

If you're looking to get cash fast, there are several options to consider. For example, you can try selling things online, pet sitting or picking up another side gig to make money. You can also seek loans from family or friends, banks, credit unions and other lenders.

What is a generous severance package? ›

The calculation behind the financial compensation offered in severance agreements varies from stingy to generous. Favorable severance agreements offer one month's worth of salary for every year of tenure with the company; while more frugal packages provide just one week's worth of salary for each year, experts said.

What is a good severance offer? ›

Typical severance packages offer one to two weeks of paid salary per year worked. Continuation of insurance benefits, assistance finding another job, and other perks can be negotiated. You usually have 21 days to accept a severance agreement, and once it's signed–seven days to change your mind.

Can I collect severance and start a new job? ›

You must report your new income to your former employer. And according to CNN, they have the right to reduce your severance pay on the basis of your new employment. Make sure to read your contracts so you are well aware of this beforehand!

Is it better to take a lump sum severance? ›

As noted at the start, it is a good idea to ask for severance pay to be paid out as a lump sum so that you can get the most out of the payment, can have finality, and you won't run into a situation where you end up getting less severance pay than initially promised.

What to do financially when you get laid off? ›

File for unemployment

Unemployment insurance offers weekly benefits to workers who are laid off. If you are laid off, file unemployment insurance as soon as possible since it can take weeks to receive your first check. To qualify, you must meet work and wage requirements, which is time worked and the amount you earned.

Is it better to fire or layoff an employee? ›

It's very important for workers to determine the nature of their termination – between being laid off vs. getting fired. The reason for the fact is that it affects their eligibility to get future jobs. More specifically, workers who get laid off can get jobs more easily compared to those who got fired.

Should I take a layoff personally? ›

If you have been laid off, the key is to accept it, and concentrate on how you can move past it onto something better. The only way you'll be able to make that happen is to lean on friends, family and loved ones. The layoff was not your fault, and you shouldn't take it personally.

What to do when you have no job or money? ›

Apply for government assistance programs like food stamps, unemployment benefits, or other social services that you qualify for. These can provide essential support during tough times. Explore community resources like food banks, shelters, or charities that offer aid to those in need.

What is the rule of 70 severance? ›

Rule of 70 means when an Employee's years of service with the Company or its Affiliates or predecessors (must be at least 10 years, based on 120 months of continuous employment, not calendar years) plus his or her age (must be at least 55 years old) on the date of termination of service equals or exceeds 70.

What is a typical severance package for a fired person? ›

U.S. employers are likely to offer severance pay equaling up to four months' salary, according to the Randstad RiseSmart survey. The amount can vary between individuals at the same company, depending on how severance pay is calculated.

What is a typical retirement severance? ›

For example, your employer might offer you one or two weeks' salary (or even a month's salary) for each year of service. Make sure that the severance package will be enough for you to make the transition to the next phase of your life. Also, make sure that you understand the payout options available to you.

What is the standard severance clause? ›

For example, a severance contract could include a severance pay term granting one week's pay for each year of service to the employer. Although not required, some employers may also offer other severance benefits, such as job counseling or payment of COBRA expenses, as part of an overall severance “package.”

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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.