Laboratory Calibration in Distilled Water and Seawater of an Oceanographic Multichannel Interferometer-Refractometer (2024)

1. Introduction

Historically, the use of the index of refraction in physical oceanography was motivated by its direct connection to density; in seawater, the index is a dynamically more relevant independent variable than is electrical conductivity. The difficulty in using the index is a technical one; the index is difficult to measure to the required accuracy. Now, as a result of a cooperative U.S.–Russian effort, we have evaluated a specific Russian instrument for refractive-index measurements, and this paper describes that work. This effort is motivated by the growing research interest in the oceanographic index of refraction, along with the availability of a precise in situ Russian interferometer-refractometer and the 35 years of experience behind it. The original research was carried out at the P. P. Shirshov Institute in Moscow from 1958 to the present, and more recently at a workshop at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI, September–October 1993) and at SeaLite Engineering in Cataumet, Massachusetts. This paper will presentbriefly the history and uniqueness of the use of the index of refraction as a parameter in physical oceanography, the principle of operation and construction of the Russian interferometer-refractometer, prior results of the use of this instrument in the ocean, the WHOI interferometer-refractometer testing facility and procedures, and the laboratory calibration of the interferometer-refractometer against temperature, salinity, and vibration at atmospheric pressure.

2. The index of refraction in oceanography

a. Unique advantages

The utility of index of refraction measurements for determining the density of seawater have long been recognized, but their value in other areas is also becoming apparent. For example, developing an alternate equation of state (AEOS) that uses the index instead of the electrical conductivity of seawater will shed more light on the role of pressure and the ratio of salts in determining density. The index of refraction (speed of light in the medium) is determined by the number of electrons the wave perturbs in its path, whereas the electrical conductivity is determined by the number and mobility of ions in solution. The former is more nearly related to the molecular weight and is useful in fresh as well as salt water; the latter is related to the ionic valence/weight ratio. A comparison of these calculated “densities” could fine-tune both EOSs, as well as be a measure of the ratio of salts as a water mass property.

A second application is in the measurement of ocean microstructure, which requires a fast, single-probe, density instrument (Belyayev et. al. 1979; R. Schmitt, 1995, personal communication). The gradient of the index here can be independent of temperature and pressure and thus proportional to the gradient of density. Also, the small sample size of the refractometer may make possible the resolution of the smallest scales of salinity variation in the ocean, which, because of its lower diffusivity, are much smaller than the scales of temperature variability. The measurement of the effects of evaporation on density in the salinity boundary layer (less than 1 mm from free surface) can best be accomplished with the single probe of the index measurement (Federov et. al. 1979).

The index measurement can also be developed for use as a long-term, stable surface density and salinograph, particularly in the Arctic where the index and density is only a very weak function of temperature. The measurement principle is less sensitive to fouling and freezing than is the conductivity approach. Long-term surface salinity records at high latitudes are of importance to global climate change studies, and density measurements are of use in ballasting problems.

And finally, knowledge of the turbulent index field in the ocean is itself necessary toward a better understanding of underwater coherent laser communications; the strength of the index fluctuations determines the maximum beam diameter (coherence diameter) and ultimate laser range.

b. History of refractometry in physical oceanography

The first recorded instance of the use of the index of refraction measurement to determine seawater density occurred in 1877. Hilgard of the U.S. Coastal Survey Office converted his sextant to a hollow prism, minimum-deviation refractometer (1877); this was to replace the “bobbing hydrometers” then used at sea to measure density. The first successful application of optical interferometry for the measurement of the index of refraction of seawater in situ was done at the end of the 1970s. Dr. V. L. Vlasov of the P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology (Moscow, Russia) developed a laser interferometric refractometer for use in oceanography. In 1977 during cruise 19 of the R/V Dimitry Mendeleev, Drs. Vlasov, R. V. Ozmidov, and V. S. Belyaev for the first time used the technique to measure thevertical fine structure of density in the ocean directly through the measurement of the index of refraction (Belyaev et al. 1979). From this early work came the Lamina-2 interferometer-refractometer that is discussed in this paper.

Soon after the 1979 Belyaev paper, Dr. G. Seaver of SeaLite Engineering began developing a critical wavelength refractometer (CWR) to measure the absolute index of refraction of seawater to 4 × 10−6 (1986, 1987); to implement this, he also began developing an equation of state for seawater involving the index of refraction, temperature, pressure, and salinity (1985, 1990). Also, Mahrt (1982, 1984, 1988) at the University of Kiel, Germany, developed both a laboratory interferometer-refractometer and an in situ profiling Abbé refractometer during the 1980s; the laboratory model had a reported accuracy in the index of refraction of approximately 1 × 10−6. Before this, the vertical density stratification was determined by calculations based upon the vertical distribution of the salinity S, temperature T, and pressure P obtained by CTD probes, which produced “spiking” in the thermocline salinity profiles.

Before 1977, interferometers were used only under laboratory conditions in thermostated and vibration-protected chambers (Stanley 1970). Two goals were achieved during the Mendeleev cruise of 1977: 1) the measurement of the density fine structure was accomplished without the false inversions customarily seen with traditional sensors; 2) the high sensitivity and accuracy of the interferometric method was successfully applied to the investigation of physical processes in the ocean. This was made possible by the instrument’s immunity to environmental noise and the use of the method of phase photoheterodyne interferometry developed by Vlasov in 1959. This method of optical heterodyning was first developed by the American scientist L. Forest in 1957–58. However, his method only demonstrated the possibility of optical heterodynment, by analogy to heterodynment in the radio band, and did not resolve questions of precise phase determination in optics and the elimination of their inherent noise.

Finally, we note that the limiting accuracy at the moment in deriving salinity and density from the index comes from the uncertainty of the algorithm relating the index of refraction to salinity, density, and temperature (Millard and Seaver 1990). This accuracy is approximately 3 × 10−6 g cm−3 for distilled water and 20 × 10−6 g cm−3 for the oceanographic range of variables.

3. The principle and operation of multichannel photoheterodyne interferometry

a. The principle

We know that one of the most sensitive measuring principles available involves the interference of two coherent beams of light, the unit of measure being the wavelength of light itself. However, this sensitivity also responds to ambient vibrations and to temperature effects on the instrument dimensions themselves. The multichannel interferometric technique developed by V. Vlasov at the P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology has made great strides in solving these fundamental problems. Similar to laboratory interferometric refractometers built on the Jamin scheme, in the Mikelson scheme of Fig. 1 two channels, l1 and l2, and two systems of interferometric fringes are formed. The shift between these systems of fringes δα is proportional to the change of the index δn in accordance with


where l (= l1l2) and is the optical base of the interferometer (a geometric length of the light beams passing through the seawater; see Fig. 1), and L is the wavelength of the light used. The two sytems of interferometric fringes were set into uniform motion relative to the diaphrams of two photodetectors by modulation of the phase of the optical beam in the reference arm or in a measuring interferometer arm by acoustoptical modulators. Essentially, the spatial frequency of the fringes was transformed into a temporal frequency output of the photodetector.

Following the conversion of the fringe shift to a frequency shift, a digital reversible phasometer measures the relative phase shift between the two electrical sinusoidal signals that appear at the output of the two photodetectors. Thus, the relative phase shift of two systems of interferometric fringes, which is proportional to the change of the index of refraction, is converted to an equivalent phase shift of electrical signals from the formula


In the digital phasometer scheme used for the workshop, the phase shift in each channel is first measured against a reference oscillator, and then they are subtracted from each other. This allows us to observe the importance of compensation simply by disconnecting the compensation channel.

The immunity to environmental noise is achieved in the following way: light beams that form the two channels and, subsequently, the two systems of interferometric fringes, pass through the measuring interferometric arms via optical components (mirrors, beam splitters, beam couplers, etc.) attached to the same structural elements and with only a small distance (a few millimeters) separating them. Thus, all mechanical vibrations act in a similar manner on both interferometric fringes and do not result in any relative shift. Vibrations, therefore, do not influence the phase shift of the resultant electrical signals. Visual measurements of the shift of interferometric fringes in a conventional laboratory refractometer under normal environmental vibration are very difficult because of this fringe erosion.

The immunity to temperature-induced changes in the interferometer reference arm is achieved by a similar method. The same change in optical length occurs in both beams and is subtracted out when the photodetector’s electrical signals are combined. Specifically, the system of two optical windows in Fig. 1 (item 9) are positioned on the base in the form of steps, which are made from metals of different thermal coefficients of linear expansion, ε1 and ε2.

The coefficients are chosen so that




Thus, the optical base length remains constant and independent of temperature. We note that the ambient temperature change of the fluid is δT, which may not be the same as the temperature change of the metal step structure δT′. However, if the two optical channels are close to each other and are located in a symmetrical manner to the approaching fluid, then the δT′ will be the same for both optical channels 1 and 2. The correct location of the optical channels is very important in interferometric oceanographic devices. The actual lengths of steps l1 andl2 are chosen from Eq. (3):

Laboratory Calibration in Distilled Water and Seawater of an Oceanographic Multichannel Interferometer-Refractometer (1)

Laboratory Calibration in Distilled Water and Seawater of an Oceanographic Multichannel Interferometer-Refractometer (2)

Laboratory Calibration in Distilled Water and Seawater of an Oceanographic Multichannel Interferometer-Refractometer (3)

The choice of the optical base length l is determined from Eq. (1), the desired sensitivity to changes in the index, and the desired spatial resolution.

b. Sensitivity of the method

From Eqs. (1) and (2) we see that the sensitivity of the refractometer is directly proportional to the instrument’s electronic sensitivity in measuring the fringe shift δα, and to the optical base length l. As was shown by Vlasov and Medvedev (1972, 1975), and by V. Vlasov (1994, unpublished manuscript), the sensitivity in measuring δα is determined mainly by the nonlinear effects in converting from spatial fringes to electrical phase shift, customarily with acousto-optic modulators; the sensitivity of the phasometer itself usually plays a secondary role. This nonlinearity of the modulator-converters can be expressed in a universal form, although its mechanism is different for different types of modulators (V. Vlasov 1994, unpublished manuscript; Zhao 1995). This expression is

Laboratory Calibration in Distilled Water and Seawater of an Oceanographic Multichannel Interferometer-Refractometer (4)

Laboratory Calibration in Distilled Water and Seawater of an Oceanographic Multichannel Interferometer-Refractometer (5)

Laboratory Calibration in Distilled Water and Seawater of an Oceanographic Multichannel Interferometer-Refractometer (6)

The first term is the linear dependence seen in Eq. (2); the second term gives the deviations from linearity, where a1/a2 is the maximum deviation from linearity, is determined by the actual modulator and is not less than 0.01. Finally, δα + α2 is the total angle that determines the actual position of the interferometric fringe pattern relative to the photodetector diaphram, as shown in Fig. 1 (item 13).

The position of the interferometric fringe with respect to the photodetector diaphram δα has some uncertainty to it, which is α2. This is caused by destabilizing factors, such as vibration and temperature changes that produce drift and fluctuations of the fringes; this is in addition to the previously discussed environmental noise effects. Thus, systematic, periodic deviations from a linear fringe shift–phase shift relation frequently exist and appear as a random error in the relative fringe shift measurement. If a1/a2 = 0.01, the theoretical error is about 0.002 of an interferometric fringe; in laboratory experiments this error was observed to be 0.005 of a fringe (Vlasov and Medvedev 1972, 1975). Taking the value of 0.005, we obtain for the resolution, δn = 1.5 × 10−7; this is for an optical base length of l = 20 mm and a wavelength of 632.99 nm. Based upon this resolution, we can then calculate the resultant resolution for S, T, and P using the partial derivatives δS/δn = 0.5 × 104 psu, δT/δn = 104°C, both at 20°C, and δP/δn = 0.7 × 106 db. The resolution, then, for S is 0.0007 psu, for T is 0.0015°C, and for P is 0.1 db.

However, for the Lamina-2 instrument, the limitation on resolution comes from the primitive technological nature of the phasometer used. It has a resolution of 1/32 of a fringe, which leads to a resolution of 1 × 10−6 in the index of refraction, of 0.005 psu in salinity, of 0.010°C in temperature, and 0.7 db in pressure. This is approaching the resolution of modern CTDs; the difference is that CTDs have reached the limit of theirtechnology, whereas the interferometer refractometer has not. For example, the phasometer can easily be improved to a resolution of 0.01 fringe; other improvements can also be made as indicated below. We note that the first submersible interferometric refractometer (Belyaev et al. 1979), constructed on the basis of the Mikelson scheme, had an optical base length of 5 mm and a phase resolution of 0.1 fringe, leading to a resolution in index of 13 × 10−6.

c. Operation of the optical multichannel probe Lamina-2

The optical measurement of index of refraction and, thus, temperature, salinity, and pressure is accomplished through the parametric compensation of the index of refraction. The precise measurement of the change in the index of refraction in the ocean due solely to salinity, δnS; to temperature, δnT; and to pressure, δnP; is accomplished by compensating δnS for T and P changes; compensating δnT for S and P changes, and compensating δnP for T and S changes. This is called parametric compensation and makes use of multiple optical channels, each channel accomplishing the compensation during the interferometric measurement of a particular index, much like was done in the compensation for vibration and “cell constant” temperature effects. Formally, this is

Laboratory Calibration in Distilled Water and Seawater of an Oceanographic Multichannel Interferometer-Refractometer (7)

Laboratory Calibration in Distilled Water and Seawater of an Oceanographic Multichannel Interferometer-Refractometer (8)

Laboratory Calibration in Distilled Water and Seawater of an Oceanographic Multichannel Interferometer-Refractometer (9)

where from (1) and (2),

And, from the measured phase change in the T, P, and S channels we obtain the index change. Then, to invert T from δnT, we use an equation of state for n(0, T, P0), such as that of Millard and Seaver (1990, see below), and solve for T. Similarly, we solve for P and S by inverting the equation of state. The accuracy of the index database upon which the equation of state is based is approximately 10−5. The database is the limiting factor on accuracy at the moment and should be one of the first goals for improving the method. The time constant in the temperature channel, which is 0.04 s, is the limiting factor in regards to time response.

d. Prior experimental results of Lamina-2 in the ocean

In Fig. 2 the vertical fine structure of the index of refraction, temperature, and salinity taken by Lamina-2 in the Atlantic Ocean is shown. These measurements were made during cruise 14 of the R/V Professor Sergey Dorofeyev at station N100 in January 1990. From a comparison of the salinity and temperature profiles with that of the index of refraction (which closely follows the shape of density), we can see that the index of refraction from Lamina-2 gives us a “temperature minus salinity” view of the ocean and demonstrates the dynamical fine structure with depth. For example, the salinity and temperature inversions do not result in inversions or spikes in the index or density fields. The same is true of the smaller inversions seen in the main thermocline. There we see the characteristic steplike structure in n, S, and T, not the false spikes that are often seen in the calculated salinities and densities profiles from CTD measurements.

The results obtained from Lamina-2 on this cruise were impressive and suggest that the optical autocompensation scheme of Lamina-2 worked well; interferometers traditionally suffer from temperature and vibration effects on thereference arm in the interference scheme and these must be corrected or compensated for. However, in reference to accuracy, the instrument had never been evaluated in a recognized international calibration facility; thus, the next step was to test Lamina-2 in a precise index of refraction calibration laboratory. In the fall of 1992 discussions began on having a workshop to evaluate and to calibrate Lamina-2 against temperature and salinity standards at atmospheric pressure. This workshop was held at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and SeaLite Engineering from 17 September to 14 October 1993 and was run by Dr. Seaver, who was a guest investigator at WHOI at the time. The facilities and some of the equipment used during the workshop were subcontracted from WHOI; Lamina-2 and the distilled water calibration tank are shown in Fig. 3. A preliminary report on the workshop was issued in January 1994, which is available from NSF or SeaLite Engineering; the remainder of this paper is a formal discussion and evaluation of the results of that workshop.

4. The WHOI interferometer-refractometer testing facility and procedures

We constructed a calibration facility specifically for testing Lamina-2, which is shown in the photographs of Fig. 3. First, a 100-gal Nalgene tank was thoroughly cleaned and filled with triple-distilled, deionized water that had a conductivity of 1.0 μS cm−1. This is the known conductivity of distilled water with dissolved CO2 in equilibrium with the atmosphere. This value rose to only 1.5 μS cm−1 after 2 months, which is an equivalent salinity increase of only 0.0003 psu. The tank was 27 in. in diameter and 44 in. deep and was insulated by 1-in.-thick polyurethane insulation.

Distilled water was used as the primary calibration medium for the refractometer because of the accuracy of the temperature measurement and the accuracy of the algorithm relating this temperature to the index of refraction. The algorithm, referred to here as the SM algorithm, was developed by Millard and Seaver in 1990 and was based upon the highly accurate database of Tilton and Taylor (1938).

With the tank unstirred, spatial variations of 0.040°C from top to bottom and center to edge were measured at room temperature. However, when the tank was stirred at the edge, the temperature gradients dissappeared but with fluctuations of ±0.002°C remaining. This absence of spatial gradients was also seen when the temperature of the water was lowered to 10°C, but now with the temperature of the tank warming at 0.003°C min−1. So, we then had a pure water, highly controllable precise calibration source for temperature and, through the SM algorithm, for the index of refraction to 0.8 × 10−6 (LSR algorithm and error standard deviation; SM 1990).

The secondary temperature standard used for the workshop was a Falmouth Scientific (FSI) Ocean Temperature Module (OTM, serial 1327) that has a time constant of 0.4 s and a quoted accuracy of 0.002°C. One week after the workshop (21 October 1993) it was checked against an FSI platinum resistance transfer standard at 1°, 15°, and 30°C and had errors of +0.005°, +0.004°, and −0.0002°C, respectively, with a standard deviation of from 0.00015° to 0.0005°C. A program was created for the OTM that synchronized its sampling rate with that of the Lamina data acquisition program; the two measurements were done separately and then merged after the experiment.

After the pure water/temperature part of the workshop was completed, Lamina-2 was then calibrated against salinity. The tank was emptied and then filled with 34-psu (Martha’s Vineyard Sound) seawater; its salinity was changed by introducing distilled water along the propellershaft of the stirring motor, propelling it downward. The salinity became uniform very quickly. As soon as the introduction of distilled water was stopped, the index and salinity became “flat,” as shown in Fig. 4; this suggests that the placement of the sensing and compensation channels at the head of the instrument package, as is shown in Fig. 3, avoids the time-lag problems that would be caused by flow separation. Also, the “blips” in the last salinity step in Fig. 4 establish the maximum salinity and index change rate that just avoids “fringe hopping” errors. This is a frequent error seen when interferometric techniques are used in turbulent flows and is discussed in more detail in section 5c. Finally, as the initial bulk Richardson number was about 0.01, there should be no stratification and, as in the temperature case, there should be no spatial gradients, although conductivity profiles were not directly measured. The salinity was measured by taking bottle samples about halfway down in the tank and then measuring them with a Guildline AutoSal 8400B salinometer, serial number 59210. Its accuracy is quoted at 0.002 psu, and the three simultaneous samples usually agreed to 0.003 psu.

5. Experimental results from Lamina-2 in the WHOI calibration facility

a. Lamina-2 thermocompensation and temperature results

As the index is less sensitive to temperature than to salinity and density (it is a bad thermometer), the temperature channel is seen primarily as a diagnostic for autocompensation, index, and algorithm errors. A comparison in distilled water of the temperatures measured by Lamina-2, TL, and by the OTM, Totm, for the temperature range 23°–18°C (cooling) was made; the difference between them plotted against time is shown in Fig. 5. The mean difference is less than 0.04°C in the dynamical range, during cooling, and is nearly zero in the stationary regime when the temperature was constant; the stationary points are shown in Fig. 5 at times 0–400 s, 700 s, and 6100–6700 s. The maximum random deviations were 0.03°C under cooling and 0.01°C at a constant mean temperature. As the temperature change of the calibration tank was 3°C h−1 (index change rate of 0.326 × 10−3 h−1), the temperature response mismatch of the OTM and Lamina-2 is ruled out as the cause of this error; these time responses were 0.4 and 0.04 s, respectively. The above mean temperature difference is probably explained by the incompleteness of the temperature autocompensation scheme. This 0.04°C mean error translates into a 4 × 10−6 error in the index; this, as we will see in section 5b, is about the same as the mean error we found in the index of refraction measurement channel (see Fig. 7).

The above-mentioned random deviations are the result of electronic noise, as well as the spatial separation of the two temperature sensors (≈ 7 in.) and the turbulent nature of the bath. The random deviations in the stationary regime are less than the theoretical random errors previously reported for Lamina-2 by Vlasov et al. (1991). We note that, because the index of refraction is only weakly dependent upon temperature, it makes a poor thermometer and the random temperature error here represents a small (ppm) error in the index. The mean and random errors shown in Fig. 5 would be much worse without the automatic temperature compensation designed into Lamina-2. For this workshop the value of the fringe shifts with(aT) and without (faT) compensation was tabulated for the run of Fig. 5, and their difference is shown in Fig. 6. Switching on and switching off the compensation channel was done by a special software program developed specifically to process the data from Lamina-2 during the 1993 workshop. In an output file the following information was recorded:

  1. time

  2. aT, fringe shift in the temperature channel

  3. aS, fringe shift in the salinity channel

  4. aP, fringe shift in the pressure channel

  5. aN, fringe shift in the index of refraction channel

  6. dnT, index of refraction change in the temperature channel

  7. dnS, index of refraction change in the salinity channel

  8. dnP, index of refraction change in the pressure channel

  9. dnN, index of refraction change in the seawater channel

  10. T, temperature (°C)

  11. S, salinity (‰)

  12. P, pressure (db)

  13. faT, fringe shift in the T channel without temperature compensation

  14. faS, fringe shift in the S channel without temperature compensation

  15. faP, fringe shift in the P channel without temperature compensation

  16. faN, fringe shift in the N channel without temperature compensation

The switching on of the compensation channels corresponds to measurement of the difference in phase shift between two systems of interferometric fringes, as shown in Fig. 1. Switching off of the compensation channel corresponds to measurement of the difference in phase shift between one system of interferometric fringes and a reference electrical signal from a signal generator. This difference between aT and faT versus temperature is shown in Fig. 6.

From an inspection of Fig. 6 we see that the fringe shift error with no compensation is about one full fringe for a temperature run of 5°C. The curve has random noise of ±0.1 fringes in amplitude. A difference of one fringe corresponds to a systematic error in temperature of 0.3°C and 30 × 10−6 in the index of refraction. The random noise converts to ±0.03°C in temperature and ±3 × 10−6 in the index. So without temperature and vibration compensation the interferometric method would be unacceptable for use in oceanography. As was stated before, the systematic error is related to the optical base length change due to ambient temperature change. The random error is due to the ambient vibration level, as well as the instability of the phase difference between the electrical signal from the reference generator and from the photodetector. The reason for this latter instability relates to the imperfect electrical scheme of the digital, reversible phasometer, which we hope to improve in the future.

The degree of forcing of the autocompensation scheme that was experienced in the above calibration is comparable to the actual ocean environment in the case of vibrations. Lamina-2 was suspended in the calibration tank by a winch used to raise and lower it; there were heavy pumps in operation in the laboratory at the time and vigorous turbulent stirring of the calibration tank was in effect to remove spatial temperature gradients. However, in regards to the range of forcing in the temperature autocompensation case, the range was only 7°C over 3 h, which is only about 25% of that found in actual ocean profiling. The completeness of this compensation was discussed briefly in section 5a; there appears to be a lag in the temperature autocompensation that results in a 4 × 10−6 indexerror under a cooling rate of 3°C h−1 (an index of refraction rate of 0.326 × 10−3 h−1).

b. Lamina-2 index of refraction results and errors

The primary value of a refractometer in oceanography is to measure the index of refraction of seawater, and the calibration of this capability is the major result of this workshop. Following the autocompensation test of Lamina-2 in cooling from 23° to 18°C, the experiment was continued from 18° to 12° and then from 12° to 5°C in order to calibrate the instrument’s primary channel, the index of refraction of the distilled water itself. Figure 7 presents the difference between the Lamina-2 measurements of the index of refraction and that calculated by the SM algorithm (1990) using the OTM temperature during the cooling experiment from 23° to 5°C. The values of δn shown in Fig. 7 for 5° < T < 12°, unlike those for 12° < T < 23°, were averaged over 100 points or 8.5 s. For the range 12° < T < 23° the data was not averaged, but rather the last point in the set of 100 was taken, thus giving the same time step of 8.5 s. The standard deviation of the index over the full range from 5° to 23°C was 4.3 × 10−6, which is about three times the theoretical prediction.

Figure 7 actually shows three separate experiments: 5° < T < 12°, 12° < T < 18°, and 18° < T < 23°, and there was a pause between each segment. If the systematic error of Fig. 7 is also seen under pressure and other variations and it becomes possible to remove it, then we would be left with the random error. By averaging through 100 samples (or 8.5 s), as described in the previous section, we would then have an error of ±7 × 10−7, as indicated in the first segment of Fig. 7. This is consistent with the predictions on sensitivity and accuracy as discussed by Vlasov et al. (1991). We believe that some of the above systematic error is caused by the movement of the optical windows and would be eliminated with a new design. For example, Rossby (RAFOS floats), Seaver (CWR 1986), and others have developed techniques for direct metal-to-glass mating for underwater high pressure instrument design to remove any possibility of flexure.

c. Lamina-2 salinity results, errors, and parametric compensation

Because of time and equipment limitations during the salinity portion of the Lamina-2 calibration, we were not able to calibrate through a full range of salinity, and the limited salinity calibration range was not accomplished in a thermally stabilized tank. However, after overcoming problems associated with the taking of the salinity bottle samples and in establishing a reasonable dilution rate for changing the salinity of the test tank, we obtained encouraging, albeit preliminary, results. Future calibrations should include salinities over the full range from 0‰ to 40‰ and temperatures from 0° to 30°C.

In Fig. 4 we show the salinity change as measured by Lamina-2 in the calibration tank from 34‰ to 29‰ against time. The change in salinity was created by continuously diluting the seawater with distilled water while vigorously stirring the tank. Figure 4 shows how quickly the mixing occurs and the constancy in time of the resultant salinity. The change in the index of refraction in time as measured by Lamina-2 (not shown) is very similar in structure to that of salinity shown in Fig. 4; again, as in the salinity case, the index change occurs quickly and comes to a remarkably uniform level or “step” quickly. The temperature of the calibration tank increased by 1°C over the time of the calibration. This unfortunate lack of isothermal conditions was caused by the distilled water being 4°C warmer than the seawater with no temperature regulation of the calibration tank. This problem should be corrected in future calibrations.

A comparison of the salinity results as measured by the Lamina-2 salinity channel and by the salinometer (Guildline “Autosal” 8400) is shown in Fig. 8; three salinometer samples were taken at each of six stationary points, which are the horizontal “steps” shown in Fig. 4. The index of refraction difference as determined by subtracting the value measured by the Lamina-2 index channel from that calculated by SM (1990) using the OTM temperature and the Guildline salinity is shown in Fig. 9. Also, in Figs. 8 and 9 we have plotted a linear least squares fit to the errors; the fit is quite good with standard deviations of 0.0012 psu and 2.1 × 10−6 in the index, respectively. We note that the SM algorithm that was used to calculate the index of refraction from the salinity and temperature has a standard deviation of 5 × 10−6 in this regime, which is twice the standard deviation of the Lamina-2 data. We have excluded the last point at 28.976‰ psu, which we will discuss separately.

In spite of the algorithm uncertainties, there is clearly a systematic error in both the salinity and the index cases. The linear systematic character of these errors may be explained by an error (of 1.5%) in the linear coefficient between the fringe shift, δa, and δn in Eq. (1), or an error in the algorithms connecting δn, δT, and δS. It is possible that the SM algorithm used to calculate the index from T and S and the Vlasov/Lamina-2 algorithm used to calculate S from the index are independently in error. Figure 10 shows the salinity error with the linear component removed versus salinity; although this result is from a very limited calibration range in salinity, temperature, and time, it is very encouraging.

A plot of the salinity error against the index error is nearly linear with a nonzero slope (not shown); this suggests that, from Vlasov’s expression (1991) of δns = δn − (δnT + δnp), the salinity error is caused primarily by a basic index error of Lamina-2 as the salinity is changed. This will be investigated in future work.

Finally, the last point in Figs. 8 and 9 is understood in a different way. A look at 6300 and 6450 s on the x axis of Fig. 4 shows that something unusual happened at those times. The large discrepancy of this last point was caused by one whole fringe “dropping off” and being lost in the measuring photoelectronic scheme of Lamina-2. Such whole fringe “dropoff” is caused by the “threshold” of the software in the phasometer and does not affect the fractional fringe accuracy. We manually corrected this whole fringe dropoff by adding its salinity equivalent (0.149 psu) to data point 6, which now lies very near the rms linear regression from the previous five points. This gives the standarddeviation of 0.0023 psu for the limited range of our salinity calibration shown in Fig. 10.

In regards to the above unusual event that occurred at time t = 6300 s in Fig. 4, the rate of salinity and fringe change prior to this dropout was 0.15 psu min−1 and 1.0 fringe per minute, respectively; this is an index of refraction change rate of the salt water of 26 × 10−6 min−1. At the time of the fringe dropout, the rates had increased to 1.8 psu min−1, 9.3 fringes per minute, and 320 × 10−6 min−1. This fringe and index rate exceeded the fringe-counting cutoff of the software. As only one fringe was “hopped,” we will take this rate to be twice the local rate of change of the index and fringes that the present instrument configuration will accept. That is, the limits are 1 psu min−1, 5 fringes per minute, and an index rate of 175 × 10−6 min−1. This also suggests that our dilution techniques should be refined to minimize the difference between the bulk and the local rates of change. We note here that in the distilled water calibration case, the cooling produced a maximum index of refraction change of 5.5 × 10−6 min−1. So, if we avoid this dropoff problem, the potential salinity accuracy is a few thousandths of a psu, which was a pleasant surprise from this preliminary work and will be more fully developed in future work. This result is shown more clearly in Fig. 10. We note here that if there had not been compensation for the effect of temperature on the optical path base length, the error in salinity would have been 0.03 psu.

As a final comment on the salinity errors, we should say something about the different salinity units used by Lamina-2 and by the salinometer. Lamina-2 uses ppt (parts per thousand), which is based upon chlorinity and titration; whereas, the salinometer uses psu, which is based upon conductivity ratios. From Lewis (1980) we know that for the same standard seawater sample these determinations can differ by up to 0.005 psu. If the samples are from coastal waters with a different ratio of salts than standard seawater, the difference can be up to 0.02 psu. As our seawater was from Vineyard Sound, these errors may be relevant to our work; however, because we set the salinities equal at the start of the run the magnitude of the error would be only up to 0.003 psu over the 6-psu change that was used. This is less than the noise of the salinity measurement by Lamina-2, which was ±0.005 psu. This noise figure can be seen in the thickness of the salinity curve during the horizontal “steps” (stationary points) of Fig. 4.

6. Conclusions

An all-optical approach to the determination of the index of refraction, temperature, and salinity at atmospheric pressure in the oceans was demonstrated at a workshop held at the WHOI during September and October 1993. The technique showed high precision and low noise, although the optical measurement of temperature is less convincing and useful than those of the index of refraction and salinity. Lamina-2 also demonstrated the effectiveness of optical compensation for vibration, electronic noise, and temperature effects on the optical base length (“cell constant” effects), as well as for separating out the effects of temperature and salinity on the index of refraction of seawater. The results of the workshop demonstrated that Lamina-2 has reached an important step in development on the way to becoming a “first-class” in situ oceanographic instrument. Also, the instrument was housed in a pressure case capable of withstanding a depth of severalkilometers.

Finally, a calibration facility specifically for calibrating an optical oceanographic sensor system of physical variables at atmospheric pressure was constructed and worked quite well, and the use of the Millard and Seaver (1990) optical equation of state greatly improved the effectiveness of Lamina-2 in the cold water regime.


This work was supported in part through NSF Grant OCE-9312545, which the authors gratefully acknowledge.


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The general optoelectronic scheme for a photoheterodyne refractometer based upon the Mach–Zender interferometer principle. The components are 1) laser; 2) electroptic modulator; 3) beam splitter; 4) modulator power supply; 5, 6) acoustoptic modulator; 7) collimator; 8) mirror; 9) windows; 10) hermetic volume; 11) mixer; 12) mirror; 13) diaphram; 14) prism; 15, 16) photodetector; 17, 18) amplifier; 19, 20) phasometer; 21) transmitter; 22) computer.

Citation: Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 14, 2; 10.1175/1520-0426(1997)014<0267:LCIDWA>2.0.CO;2

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Laboratory Calibration in Distilled Water and Seawater of an Oceanographic Multichannel Interferometer-Refractometer (17)

Laboratory Calibration in Distilled Water and Seawater of an Oceanographic Multichannel Interferometer-Refractometer (18)

Station N100 of cruise 14 of the Sergey Dorofeyev in the Atlantic Ocean on 18 January 1990. This Lamina-2 profile goes to 400 m and shows the optically measured fine structure of the index of refraction, salinity, and temperature.

Citation: Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 14, 2; 10.1175/1520-0426(1997)014<0267:LCIDWA>2.0.CO;2

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Laboratory Calibration in Distilled Water and Seawater of an Oceanographic Multichannel Interferometer-Refractometer (20)

Laboratory Calibration in Distilled Water and Seawater of an Oceanographic Multichannel Interferometer-Refractometer (21)

Photographs of Lamina-2, the Lamina-2 calibration facility, and the Lamina sensing head.

Citation: Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 14, 2; 10.1175/1520-0426(1997)014<0267:LCIDWA>2.0.CO;2

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Laboratory Calibration in Distilled Water and Seawater of an Oceanographic Multichannel Interferometer-Refractometer (23)

Laboratory Calibration in Distilled Water and Seawater of an Oceanographic Multichannel Interferometer-Refractometer (24)

The calibration tank salinity vs time taken by the salinity channel of Lamina-2. The salinity was changed by steps by introducing distilled water into the stirrer wake; the tank came to salinity equilibrium very quickly and was then very constant. Note the salinity “spikes” at 6300 and 6450 s, which are discussed in the text.

Citation: Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 14, 2; 10.1175/1520-0426(1997)014<0267:LCIDWA>2.0.CO;2

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Laboratory Calibration in Distilled Water and Seawater of an Oceanographic Multichannel Interferometer-Refractometer (26)

Laboratory Calibration in Distilled Water and Seawater of an Oceanographic Multichannel Interferometer-Refractometer (27)

The temperature difference between Lamina-2 and the Ocean Temperature Module (OTM) standard for cooling from 23° to 18°C and times 0–6700 s. The temperature is constant for times 0–400 s, 700 s, and 6100–6700 s.

Citation: Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 14, 2; 10.1175/1520-0426(1997)014<0267:LCIDWA>2.0.CO;2

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Laboratory Calibration in Distilled Water and Seawater of an Oceanographic Multichannel Interferometer-Refractometer (29)

Laboratory Calibration in Distilled Water and Seawater of an Oceanographic Multichannel Interferometer-Refractometer (30)

The fringe shift error caused by not compensating for the temperature and vibration effects on the “(tical cell” of Lamina-2. Over a 5°C temperature change there is a one-fringe error, which equates to an error of 0.3°C and 30 × 10−6 in the index. The residual noise is ±0.1 fringe, which is ±0.03°C and 3 × 10−6 in the index.

Citation: Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 14, 2; 10.1175/1520-0426(1997)014<0267:LCIDWA>2.0.CO;2

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Laboratory Calibration in Distilled Water and Seawater of an Oceanographic Multichannel Interferometer-Refractometer (31)

Laboratory Calibration in Distilled Water and Seawater of an Oceanographic Multichannel Interferometer-Refractometer (32)

Laboratory Calibration in Distilled Water and Seawater of an Oceanographic Multichannel Interferometer-Refractometer (33)

The index of refraction difference between Lamina-2 and that derived from the OTM temperature using the SM algorithm for cooling from 23° to 5°C. No data averaging was done from 23° to 12°C, and an 8.5-s (100 data points) average was done for the 12° to 5°C range. The standard deviation of the index error over the full range was 4.3 × 10−6.

Citation: Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 14, 2; 10.1175/1520-0426(1997)014<0267:LCIDWA>2.0.CO;2

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Laboratory Calibration in Distilled Water and Seawater of an Oceanographic Multichannel Interferometer-Refractometer (34)

Laboratory Calibration in Distilled Water and Seawater of an Oceanographic Multichannel Interferometer-Refractometer (35)

Laboratory Calibration in Distilled Water and Seawater of an Oceanographic Multichannel Interferometer-Refractometer (36)

The salinity error between Lamina-2 and that from the Guildline salinometer. There is a lineartrend to the difference, with a standard deviation of 0.0012 psu, if the first point is omitted. The algorithm used to invert salinity from the Lamina-2 salinity channel had a standard deviation around its database of 0.025 psu.

Citation: Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 14, 2; 10.1175/1520-0426(1997)014<0267:LCIDWA>2.0.CO;2

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Laboratory Calibration in Distilled Water and Seawater of an Oceanographic Multichannel Interferometer-Refractometer (37)

Laboratory Calibration in Distilled Water and Seawater of an Oceanographic Multichannel Interferometer-Refractometer (38)

Laboratory Calibration in Distilled Water and Seawater of an Oceanographic Multichannel Interferometer-Refractometer (39)

The index of refraction error between Lamina-2 and that derived from the OTM temperature standard and the Guildline salinity with the SM algorithm. There is a clear linear trend to the difference, with a standard deviation of 2 × 10−6, if the first point is ignored. The SM algorithm used to derive the index from temperature and salinity has a standard deviation around its database of 5 × 10−6.

Citation: Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 14, 2; 10.1175/1520-0426(1997)014<0267:LCIDWA>2.0.CO;2

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Laboratory Calibration in Distilled Water and Seawater of an Oceanographic Multichannel Interferometer-Refractometer (40)

Laboratory Calibration in Distilled Water and Seawater of an Oceanographic Multichannel Interferometer-Refractometer (41)

Laboratory Calibration in Distilled Water and Seawater of an Oceanographic Multichannel Interferometer-Refractometer (42)

The residual salinity error determined by subtracting the linear trend from the salinity error of Fig. 8. The standard deviation of this residual error is 0.0023 psu.

Citation: Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 14, 2; 10.1175/1520-0426(1997)014<0267:LCIDWA>2.0.CO;2

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Laboratory Calibration in Distilled Water and Seawater of an Oceanographic Multichannel Interferometer-Refractometer (2024)
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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

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