Kinross Gold Corporation (TSX:K) Stock Price & News | The Motley Fool Canada (2024)

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Risk Measures


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Imp. Volatility

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Mark and Valuation


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Extrinsic Value

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Prev. Mark

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Mark Change %

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Intrinsic Value

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Regional Options Activity

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Financial Market Data copyright © 2024 QuoteMedia. Data delayed 15 minutes unless otherwise indicated (view delay times for all exchanges). RT=Real-Time, EOD=End of Day, PD=Previous Day. Market Data powered by QuoteMedia. Terms of Use.

Kinross Gold Corporation (TSX:K) Stock Price & News | The Motley Fool Canada (1)

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Financial Market Data copyright © 2022 QuoteMedia. Market Data powered by QuoteMedia. Profiles by Morningstar. Terms of Use.

Kinross Gold Corporation (TSX:K) Stock Price & News | The Motley Fool Canada (2)

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Now showing price history information for {} to {}

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{tplLang.invalidsymbol| toLang tLang}: {data.symbolstring}

Financial Market Data copyright © 2022 QuoteMedia. Market Data powered by QuoteMedia. Financials by Morningstar. Terms of Use.

Kinross Gold Corporation (TSX:K) Stock Price & News | The Motley Fool Canada (3)

{'Fiscal Year ends in' | i8ln tLang }{ | momentjs true 'MMM'}
{}{'in' | i8ln tLang }{data.units | i8ln tLang}{'except per share data' | i8ln tLang }
{ report.reportDate | momentjs true 'MMM YY' }
{ | splitString | i8ln tLang}{ report| getIndex binders.types.getSelectedReport | getIndex | units_financial data.units | numeraljs '0,0[.]00' '—' }

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Financials Data

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{tplLang.nodata| toLang tLang}: {data.symbolstring}

Financial Market Data copyright © 2022 QuoteMedia. Data delayed 15 minutes unless otherwise indicated (view delay times for all exchanges). RT=Real-Time, EOD=End of Day, PD=Previous Day. Market Data powered by QuoteMedia. Terms of Use.

Kinross Gold Corporation (TSX:K) Stock Price & News | The Motley Fool Canada (4)


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{| toLang tLang}

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{tplLang.tinstheld| toLang tLang}:

{ | numeraljs '0.00a' '--' tLang '0'}

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{ | numeraljs '0.00a' '--' tLang '0'}

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{ | numeraljs '0.00a' '--' tLang '0'}

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{ | numeraljs '0.00a' '--' tLang '0'}

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{ | numeraljs '0.00a' '--' tLang '0'}

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{ | numeraljs '0.00a' '--' tLang '0'}

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{tplLang.invalidsymbol| toLang tLang}: {data.symbolstring}

{tplLang.nodata| toLang tLang}: {data.symbolstring}

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Kinross Gold Corporation (TSX:K) Stock Price & News | The Motley Fool Canada (5)

{tplLang.upcomingdividends | toLang tLang}

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{dividend.amount | asQHLast tLang '--' true} {dividend.currency}

{dividend.frequency | asDividendFrequency}







{dividend.divtype | asDividendType}

{tplLang.nofuturedividends | toLang tLang} {} {tplLang.asof | toLang tLang} { | momentjs true 'MMM Do, YYYY' tLang}. {tplLang.paymentofdividends | toLang tLang}

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{dividend.amount | asQHLast tLang '--' true} {dividend.currency}

{dividend.adjustedAmount | asQHLast tLang '--' true} {dividend.currency}

{dividend.frequency | asDividendFrequency}







{dividend.divtype | asDividendType}

{tplLang.nodata| toLang tLang} { | momentjs true 'MMM Do, YYYY' tLang}

Financial Market Data copyright © 2022 QuoteMedia. Market Data powered by QuoteMedia. Dividends by EDI/Mergent (USA) and TSX (CDN). Terms of Use.

Kinross Gold Corporation (TSX:K) Stock Price & News | The Motley Fool Canada (6)

{ report.reportDate }
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{tplLang.ce_toolname| toLang tLang}

{tplLang.invalidsymbol| toLang tLang}:{data.symbolstring}

{tplLang.nodata| toLang tLang}:{data.symbolstring}

Financial Market Data copyright © 2022 QuoteMedia. Market Data powered by QuoteMedia. Earnings and Analyst Ratings by Zacks. Earnings Events by Wall Street Horizon. Terms of Use.

Kinross Gold Corporation (TSX:K) Stock Price & News | The Motley Fool Canada (7)

Kinross Gold Corporation (TSX:K) Stock Price & News | The Motley Fool Canada (2024)


Is Kinross Gold a buy right now? ›

Kinross Gold Corp. has a consensus rating of Moderate Buy which is based on 8 buy ratings, 3 hold ratings and 1 sell ratings. The average price target for Kinross Gold Corp. is C$14.03. This is based on 12 Wall Streets Analysts 12-month price targets, issued in the past 3 months.

What is the target price for Kinross Gold? ›

Stock Price Target KGC
Current Price$8.61

How high can Kinross Gold go? ›

Kinross Gold (KGC) Price Targets
Average Price TargetHighest Price TargetUpside to Average Price Target

Is KGC a good stock to buy? ›

Kinross also produces and sells silver. KGC sits at a Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy), holds a Value Style Score of A, and has a VGM Score of A. Compared to the Mining - Gold industry's P/E of 15.8X, shares of Kinross Gold are trading at a forward P/E of 15.6X.

What is the future of Kinross? ›

KGC Stock 12 Month Forecast

Based on 11 Wall Street analysts offering 12 month price targets for Kinross Gold in the last 3 months. The average price target is $10.47 with a high forecast of $12.00 and a low forecast of $9.00. The average price target represents a 18.31% change from the last price of $8.85.

Is Kinross undervalued? ›

Within the past 12 months, KGC's P/CF has been as high as 7.74 and as low as 4.18, with a median of 5.44. These figures are just a handful of the metrics value investors tend to look at, but they help show that Kinross Gold is likely being undervalued right now.

What is the Kinross Gold stock forecast for 2025? ›

Kinross Gold Stock Prediction 2025

The Kinross Gold stock prediction for 2025 is currently $ 9.55, assuming that Kinross Gold shares will continue growing at the average yearly rate as they did in the last 10 years. This would represent a 10.23% increase in the KGC stock price.

How much debt does Kinross Gold have? ›

Kinross Gold long term debt for 2022 was $2.557B, a 60.82% increase from 2021. Kinross Gold long term debt for 2021 was $1.59B, a 11.63% increase from 2020.

Who owns Kinross Gold? ›

The ownership structure of Kinross Gold (KGC) stock is a mix of institutional, retail and individual investors. Approximately 29.64% of the company's stock is owned by Institutional Investors, 0.91% is owned by Insiders and 69.44% is owned by Public Companies and Individual Investors.

What is the guidance for Kinross in 2024? ›

Kinross' Board of Directors declared a quarterly dividend of $0.03 per common share payable on June 13, 2024, to shareholders of record at the close of business on May 30, 2024. On track to meet annual guidance: On an attributable basis6, Kinross expects to produce 2.1 million Au eq.

How much is Kinross Gold all in sustaining cost? ›

Kinross' 2024 all-in sustaining cost (AISC) per gold equivalent oz. guidance at $1,360 (+/-5%) is somewhat higher than Agnico Eagle's 2024 AISC per oz. guidance in the range of $1,200-$1,250, but lower than AngloGold Ashanti's AISC per oz. guidance of $1,575-$1,675 and Northern Star's FY 2024 AISC per oz.

How high will Gold go in the next 5 years? ›

Gold Price Forecast Summary
YearForecast Range
2024$2,000 – $2,399.62 oz
2025$2,300 – $3,000/oz
2026-2030$1,600 – $3,000 General sentiment: Upbeat trend
Jun 25, 2024

What gold stock is the best buy? ›

7 best gold stocks by one-year performance
TickerCompanyPerformance (Year)
NGDNew Gold Inc89.05%
KGCKinross Gold Corp.73.74%
FSMFortuna Mining Corp.51.72%
EGOEldorado Gold Corp.48.44%
4 more rows
Jul 8, 2024

How often does KGC pay dividends? ›

Regular payouts for KGC are paid quarterly.

What is the best metal stock to buy? ›

According to Zen Score, the 3 best precious metal stocks to buy right now are:
  • Silvercrest Metals (NYSEMKT:SILV) ...
  • Triple Flag Precious Metals (NYSE:TFPM) ...
  • Mcewen Mining (NYSE:MUX) ...
  • Metalla Royalty & Streaming (NYSEMKT:MTA) ...
  • Buenaventura Mining Co (NYSE:BVN) ...
  • Hecla Mining Co (NYSE:HL) ...
  • Silvercrest Metals (NYSEMKT:SILV)

Is this the right time to buy gold? ›

Which month is best to buy gold? If you're eyeing the calendar, January, August, September, and December have historically been good months for buying gold. Prices tend to go up during these times, so you might catch a good deal.

Will Argonaut gold stock go up? ›

Based on the Argonaut Gold Inc stock forecast from 2 analysts, the average analyst target price for Argonaut Gold Inc is CAD 0.43 over the next 12 months. Argonaut Gold Inc's average analyst rating is Strong Buy.

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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.