Karmic Debt: What It Is, How to Calculate It, & Ways to Repay It (2024)

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Everything you need to know about karmic debt and calculating your own karmic debt number

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1What is karmic debt, anyway?

2So, what is karma?

3Signs You Have Karmic Debt

4How To Calculate Your Karmic Debt

5How to Repay Or Clear Your Karmic Debt

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Co-authored byJennifer McVey, Cht

Last Updated: June 15, 2024Fact Checked

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Feeling persistently stuck in a negative cycle of some kind? Burdened by what feels like repetitive bad luck, hard times, or difficult relationships? Karmic debt might be playing a role. While it may feel like something that is completely out of your control, gaining an understanding and awareness of your own karmic debt can empower you to break the cycle. We’ve gathered everything you need to understand what karmic debt actually is, recognize the signs of karmic debt in the patterns of your life, calculate your own personal karmic debt numbers, and move in the direction of clearing it out. Invite new energy into your life now!

Section 1 of 5:

What is karmic debt, anyway?

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  1. Karmic debt is accrued, negative karma. Accrued karma results from past actions in this life or a previous one.[1] Karmic debt is essentially the belief that misdeeds and mistakes made by your spiritual being in past lives are carried into the next life. Like any debt, this karmic energy that you’ve accrued in past lives, will eventually come due and must be repaid.

    • Repayment of this debt can be understood as an opportunity for your spiritual being to correct the past mistakes or misdeeds. This is accomplished by growing or evolving yourself so that you can learn the lesson that you missed out on previously, and break the cycle of karmic debt.
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Section 2 of 5:

So, what is karma?

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  1. Karma is rooted in Buddhist and Hindu traditions. Karma is generally understood as the concept that your life experiences, whether good or bad, are a direct reflection of your actions, thoughts, and words in this life or a past one. This spiritual boomerang effect means that the energy you throw out into the world, ultimately and always, finds its way back to you.[2]

    • Karma is a Sanskrit word that means “action.” And while the emphasis is on your actions (the things you’re saying, doing, and thinking), it is really the intent behind your actions that represents your karma. Good deeds and kind words that are carried out for morally bankrupt reasons, like trying to manipulate or exploit someone, will generate the karma of manipulation or exploitation, not the karma of a good deed or a kind word.[3]
    • A slightly nuanced concept of karma sees it more as a recognition that our words and thoughts shape our actions. Are you persistently thinking and talking about how awful you are at romantic relationships or how difficult they are? Your actions within those relationships will reflect your words and beliefs. The boomerang still returns, but in a way that shapes the actions of your life as it actually unfolds.[4]

Section 3 of 5:

Signs You Have Karmic Debt

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  1. 1

    You can identify patterns of adverse situations in your life. This might manifest as cyclical difficulties with finances, relationships, addictions, or emotional instability.[5]

  2. 2

    You respond to the things that pop up in life with intense, difficult emotions. This might feel like being fully overwhelmed, distraught, or brokenhearted.[6]

    • Of course, feeling these things every now and again is just a part of life. But if you look at your life through an honest lens and you can spot a cyclical pattern of returning to these intense emotional states across time, this may be a signal that you have karmic debt.[7]
    • Repaying karmic debt through emotional turmoil is also seen as an opportunity to grow your level of compassion and empathy. Leaning into the latter could help guide you out of the cycle.[8]
  3. 3

    You have a history of toxic, abusive, or difficult relationships. Repetitive cycles of toxic, abusive, or difficult relationships is a strong indicator that you are carrying karmic debt and need to learn a lesson before the cycle will cease.[9]

  4. 4

    You have a history of being a selfless caregiver. Though this may not make intuitive sense on first pass, it can be a sign that you are burdened with repaying a karmic debt of selfishness in a past life.[10]

  5. 5

    You struggle with an irrational fear of something. If there is a specific, unexplainable fear manifest in your life, it could be a sign of karmic debt from a misdeed in a past life.[11]

  6. 6

    You have a pattern of not forgiving easily or frequently. Though there may be understandable situations in which forgiveness is extremely difficult or not forthcoming, if you can see a pattern of this across your life, karmic debt may be present.[12]

  7. 7

    You have a karmic debt number in your numerology chart. Once you complete the karmic debt calculations below, you’ll know with certainty whether you have karmic debt to repay.[13]This is considered the easiest and most precise way to know that you have karmic debt.

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Section 4 of 5:

How To Calculate Your Karmic Debt

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  1. 1

    Know the 4 karmic debt numbers. Numerology is the belief that numbers carry energetic vibrations which impact and influence your life on a cosmic level. By identifying the numbers associated with different aspects of your life, you gain meaningful insight and guidance.[14] Since numerology is all about numbers, in numerology karmic debt can actually be calculated by looking at your own personal numerology chart. To get started, you need to know that there are four karmic debt numbers: 13, 14, 16, and 19.

  2. 2

    Know the key areas of your numerology chart. When it comes to karmic debt, the most important areas of your numerology chart are: Life Path, Personality, Birth Day, Expression, and Heart’s Desire. If any of the four karmic debt numbers (13, 14, 16, & 19) are present in any of these key areas of your chart, then you carry karmic debt.

    • You analyze each of the key areas separately. If one of the karmic debt numbers is present in any of the areas, then you carry karmic debt.
    • The area of Life Path is the most important in numerology and also the most important for determining karmic debt. So, if you only want to focus on karmic debt in one area of your numerology chart, Life Path is the most important and influential one.
  3. 3

    Find your Life Path number. Start by adding up the individual digits that make up your complete birthdate. For instance, if you were born on April 13, 1976, then your calculation would look like this: 0+4+1+3+1+9+7+6 = 31. Now, simply the result into a single digit. 31 = 3+1 = 4. The Life Path number for this exact birthdate is 4.[15]

    • In the equivalency chart below, 4 is equivalent to 13, making it a karmic debt number. This indicates that karmic debt is present.
  4. 4

    Find your Personality number. The Personality number is calculated using the same method as the Life Path number but using only the month and day of your birth, not the year. The simplification process and equivalencies are the same.[16]

    • Using the same example, April 13, 1976, the calculation would look like this: 0+4+1+3 = 8. The Personality number for this date is 8.
  5. 5

    Find your Birth Day number. The Birth Day number is calculated using the same method as the Life Path and Personality number, but using only the day of your birth, not the month or year. The simplification process and equivalencies are the same.[17]

    • Using the same example, April 13, 1976, the calculation would look like this: 1+3 = 4. The Birth Day number for this birthdate is 4.[18]
    • In the equivalency chart below, 4 is equivalent to 13, making it a karmic debt number. This indicates that karmic debt is present.
  6. 6

    Find your Expression number. Start by representing each of the letters in your full name as a number in accordance with the single-digit number assigned to that letter in numerology.

    • (A, J, S = 1), (B, K, T = 2), (C, L, U = 3), (D, M, V = 4), (E, N, W = 5), (F, O, X = 6), (G, P, Y = 7), (H, Q, Z = 8), (I, R = 9)
    • Now, calculate a single-digit number for your full name (first, middle, and last name). For example, if your full name is Mickey The Mouse, the calculation would be 4+9+3+2+5+7 (Mickey) + 2+8+5 (The) + 4+6+3+1+4 (Mouse) = 63. 63 simplifies to 6+3 = 9. This represents the Expression number for this name.[19]
    • The number 9 is not one of the karmic debt numbers, per the equivalency chart below.
  7. 7

    Find your Heart’s Desire number. The Heart’s Desire number is calculated using the same method as the Expression number but using only the consonants in your full name. The simplification process and equivalencies are the same.

    • For Mickey The Mouse, using only the consonants, the calculation would be 4+3+2 (M,c,k) + 2+8 (T,h) + 4+1 (M,s) = 24. 24 simplifies to 2+4 = 6. This represents the Heart’s Desire number for this name.
    • You may see this number referred to as your “Soul Urge” number as well.[20]
  8. 8

    Understand karmic debt number equivalencies. With certain exceptions, numerology really only deals with the numbers 1 through 9. So, in order to know if you have a karmic debt number in a key area, your calculation in that area gets simplified to a single-digit number. Each of the four karmic debt numbers (13, 14, 16, or 19) have a single-digit equivalence: 4, 5, 7, and 1.[21] This means that if you end up with a 4, 5, 7, or 1 in a key area, then you have karmic debt. You can try to understand why this is, or you can just accept it, and use this handy chart:

    • 4 is equivalent to 13. If you have a 4, it is the same as having a 13.
    • 5 is equivalent to 14. If you have a 5, it is the same as having a 14.
    • 7 is equivalent to 16. If you have a 7, it is the same as having a 16.
    • 1 is equivalent to 19. If you have a 1, it is the same as having a 19.
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Section 5 of 5:

How to Repay Or Clear Your Karmic Debt

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  1. 1

    Know your karmic debt number. If your calculations conclude that a karmic debt number is present in any of these areas of your numerology chart (Life Path, Personality, Birth Day, Expression, or Heart’s Desire), then you are burdened with karmic debt. To better understand what that means and how to repay the debt, you have to consider the significance of the individual karmic debt numbers.

  2. 2

    Karmic Debt Number 13. This karmic debt number represents a pattern of difficulty in completing tasks. It might manifest as obstacles, burdens, or frustrations that make the completion of any task exponentially more difficult than it seems like it should be. Or it might lead to abandonment of the task altogether, creating a cycle of feeling like goals and objectives are unattainable.[22]

    • To repay this debt: Be very cognizant of staying focused, maintaining good order and organization, and leaning into the opportunities that come your way.[23] Breaking the burden of this karmic debt requires harnessing your ability to stay on task.[24]
  3. 3

    Karmic Debt Number 14. This karmic debt number represents a pattern of experiencing constantly changing or unexpected circ*mstances. It might manifest as addictive behaviors around (or extremely strong proclivities for) drugs, alcohol, sex, and food. [25]

    • To repay this debt: An effort toward flexibility, adaptability, and commitment is essential, and a focus on moderation in all areas is key. In addition, moving toward your goals and maintaining personal power, while being careful not to take power away from others can help.[26]
  4. 4

    Karmic Debt Number 16. This karmic debt number represents being stuck in a cycle of birth and rebirth.[27]It is heavily associated with ego and arrogance. It might manifest as a pattern of situations in which your life seemingly falls apart, humbling you in the process, and drawing you to seek a higher purpose. It is meant to ultimately break down the barriers that your ego has placed between you and your source, or an opportunity for spiritual cleansing.[28]

    • To repay this debt: You should pursue a path of spiritual connection and mindfulness. Move away from ego and appearances and toward the divine and meaningful.[29]
  5. 5

    Karmic Debt Number 19. This karmic debt number represents being stuck in a pattern of loneliness and isolation associated with an individualism and self-reliance that is out of balance with the need to connect with and accept help from others.[30]

    • To repay this debt: You must develop an ease with both giving and receiving help.[31] Help in this sense might also look like being open to sharing and hearing other’s perspectives. It’s about drawing yourself toward the connection, inspiration, and input of others.[32]
  6. 6

    Other things to be aware of in clearing karmic debt. As a general rule, clearing karmic debt should also always include embracing gratitude, love, and forgiveness in the broadest sense, even when those things might be challenging. Forgiveness is thought to be especially balancing because of how difficult it can be to truly do. Bring a grateful awareness to every experience, whether good or bad. Treat others with love and make sure that your own actions are coming from a place of love. Cultivate a positive attitude. Since negative thoughts, feelings, and actions only fuel the negative karma boomerang, this definitely can’t hurt!

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      More References (23)

      1. https://www.learning-mind.com/karmic-debt-number/
      2. https://subconsciousservant.com/karmic-debt/)
      3. https://subconsciousservant.com/karmic-debt/t) (subconsciousservant.com)
      4. https://subconsciousservant.com/karmic-debt/t) (subconsciousservant.com)
      5. https://www.numerology.com/articles/about-numerology/
      6. https://occultspirits.medium.com/karmic-debt-number-what-it-is-and-how-to-settle-it-367ff8e5c95
      7. https://occultspirits.medium.com/karmic-debt-number-what-it-is-and-how-to-settle-it-367ff8e5c95
      8. https://occultspirits.medium.com/karmic-debt-number-what-it-is-and-how-to-settle-it-367ff8e5c95
      9. https://occultspirits.medium.com/karmic-debt-number-what-it-is-and-how-to-settle-it-367ff8e5c95
      10. https://occultspirits.medium.com/karmic-debt-number-what-it-is-and-how-to-settle-it-367ff8e5c95
      11. https://www.worldnumerology.com/numerology-soul-urge/
      12. https://occultspirits.medium.com/karmic-debt-number-what-it-is-and-how-to-settle-it-367ff8e5c95
      13. https://www.worldnumerology.com/numerology-karmic-debt-numbers/
      14. https://www.worldnumerology.com/numerology-karmic-debt-numbers/
      15. https://occultspirits.medium.com/karmic-debt-number-what-it-is-and-how-to-settle-it-367ff8e5c95
      16. https://www.worldnumerology.com/numerology-karmic-debt-numbers/
      17. https://occultspirits.medium.com/karmic-debt-number-what-it-is-and-
      18. https://occultspirits.medium.com/karmic-debt-number-what-it-is-and-how-to-settle-it-367ff8e5c95
      19. https://www.worldnumerology.com/numerology-karmic-debt-numbers/
      20. https://occultspirits.medium.com/karmic-debt-number-what-it-is-and-how-to-settle-it-367ff8e5c95
      21. https://www.worldnumerology.com/numerology-karmic-debt-numbers/
      22. https://occultspirits.medium.com/karmic-debt-number-what-it-is-and-how-to-settle-it-367ff8e5c95
      23. https://www.worldnumerology.com/numerology-karmic-debt-numbers/

      About This Article

      Karmic Debt: What It Is, How to Calculate It, & Ways to Repay It (45)

      Co-authored by:

      Jennifer McVey, Cht

      Spiritual Director

      This article was co-authored by Jennifer McVey, Cht. Jennifer McVey is a Spiritualist, Seer, and the Spiritual Director of Spiritual Answers and Solutions. With more than 22 years of experience, she specializes in manifesting, ghosts and spirit attachments, hypnotherapy, channeling, and spiritually based life coaching. Jennifer has also published 13 Affirmation Image and six Word Search Puzzle books in spirituality and self-help and has produced over 600 audio sessions. This article has been viewed 88,391 times.

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      Co-authors: 5

      Updated: June 15, 2024


      Categories: Hinduism

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      Karmic Debt: What It Is, How to Calculate It, & Ways to Repay It (2024)


      How do you pay back a karmic debt? ›

      Luckily, karmic debt can be cleared, simply by following the five steps below:
      1. Acknowledge and Understanding Your Karma. To start clearing your karmic debt, first acknowledge the presence of these patterns. ...
      2. Actively Make Amends. ...
      3. Engage in Good Karma Actions. ...
      4. Meditate. ...
      5. Learn Through New Experiences.
      Apr 19, 2024

      How do you calculate your karmic debt? ›

      Karmic Debt numbers are 13, 14, 16 and 19. This is the simplest method, and it involves correlating your day of birth with the karmic debt numbers. If you happen to share a birthday with the values 13, 14, 16 or 19, then these digits are automatically associated with you.

      How do I repay my bad karma? ›

      Be charitable. Mahatma Gandhi famously said: “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” You can reverse bad karma by practicing positive actions. This may include: Donating your time to a cause that you believe in (i.e. volunteering at an animal shelter or a soup kitchen)

      Does karmic debt end? ›

      Thus, there is escape of the punishment incured through bad karma. The more you remember the Supreme Soul, the more of your karmic debts gets burnt away. Believe it or not, it's truly a tried and tested method for many mediators or spiritual beings.

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      How to Get Out of a Karmic Relationship
      1. Find sources of support. It's common for people in karmic relationships to feel dependent on their partner. ...
      2. Be firm. When you end things, be clear and firm in your feelings. ...
      3. Cut off contact. ...
      4. Practice self-care. ...
      5. Consider therapy.
      Jan 27, 2023

      How do I settle my karmic account? ›

      Forgiving those who wrong us, especially when it seems undeserved, allows us to close old karmic accounts and create positive energy for our future. It's an act of liberation, not just for the other soul, but for ourselves, freeing us from the chains of past mistakes and opening the door to new beginnings.

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      One way is, slowly, by doing the right things through a few lifetimes, you will get there. Another way is, you remain in your present circ*mstances, do the best you can do, keep yourself open and focused and make yourself available to the process. In the last moment of your life, we will see that it happens.

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      6th house associated with Karmic Debt:- Please read and share to know the reason for your sufferings. In Vedic astrology, the sixth house is connected to Karma. It's strongly linked to the Karma we're meant to experience in our current life.

      How do you do a karmic cleanse? ›

      You can clean your karmic dishes with practices such as contemplation, higher knowledge, meditation, devotion, selfless service, and by letting go of limited desires. Keeping your karmas clean is like keeping your house clean. Your house may start out clean, but then it gets messy and you have to clean it again.

      How to remove karmic debt? ›

      Repayment of this debt can be understood as an opportunity for your spiritual being to correct the past mistakes or misdeeds. This is accomplished by growing or evolving yourself so that you can learn the lesson that you missed out on previously, and break the cycle of karmic debt.

      How do you neutralize bad karma? ›

      Learn from the mistakes

      Once you admit your wrong doings, your energy will shift towards positivity. Audit your past mistakes and understand how you could have done better or differently.

      Which mantra removes bad karma? ›

      Om Haraya Namah is a mantra dedicated to Lord Shiva to clear bad karma. The mantra means “I bow to the Shiva; the one who cleanses the sins of all living beings”.

      How to calculate karmic debt? ›

      There is no karmic debt calculator. Look at your numerology chart. If you see the numbers 13, 14, 16, or 19, you have that karmic debt number. For example, numerology has five core numbers that contribute to a person's character, like your heart's desire, personality, or expression numbers.

      How do you know when a karmic cycle has ended? ›

      A complete karmic cycle ( end of reincarnation ) according to me, ends when we have reached a very high level of wisdom. Those who successfully arrived there, i.e at the end of the cycle, will automatically know it. They will feel a sense of freedom they have never felt before.

      Is 2024 a karmic year? ›

      According to numerology, 2024 is the year of karma because the number 8 is considered karmic and signifies rebirth, death, and transformation. In numerology, the number 8 is also ruled by Saturn, which represents karma.

      How to clear karmic debts? ›

      Adding positive actions (with determination to transform the past) will make a shift in the karmic history. The more good fortune one accumulates the weaker the impact of negative debt. In Nichiren Buddhism, this principle is called “ lightly received” - that is lightly receive the impact of the negative past.

      How do you clear karmic cycles? ›

      One of the best and easiest ways to break out of a karmic cycle is to turn the tables and do something different. Karma is a balance of cause and effect, so make a new decision that causes something new to happen.

      How does karmic debt work? ›

      Karmic debt is accrued, negative karma.

      Karmic debt is essentially the belief that misdeeds and mistakes made by your spiritual being in past lives are carried into the next life. Like any debt, this karmic energy that you've accrued in past lives, will eventually come due and must be repaid.

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      Author: Neely Ledner

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      Name: Neely Ledner

      Birthday: 1998-06-09

      Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

      Phone: +2433516856029

      Job: Central Legal Facilitator

      Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

      Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.