Jesus Calling: June 16 (2024)

What a blessedness, what a joy divine, leaning on the everlasting arm. That's what I am doing Lord, so thank You that I have Your arms to lean on.
Thank You for another day. We plan it and if it's not according to Your will, You redirect our steps. You know BEST, so let Your will be done.

Oh JC family, many, many thanks again for the love, support and prayers! I greatly appreciate and I'm soooooo thankful that I have you guys to pour my heart out to and you can pray with and for me without judging me!
It's now after 1am eastern time. Yesterday June 15, the day of my mom's arrival, turned out to be totally opposite from what I expected. To fill you all in, her flight from TN at 11:10am was supposed to land in Newark, NJ at 2:25 pm. I took an uber to avoid the hassle of going in to baggage claim, getting her things etc..and getting a parking ticket. Well, glad I did and not so glad I did! Flight was delayed because of United mishap that caused incoming and outbound halts at the airport.
I was told her southwest flight was in Baltimore and had been rescheduled for arrival at 3pm, so I waited, 3pm changed to 4:40, 4:40 changed to 6:35, and finally, 6:45 changed to 8:20pm!!! By the time I got her luggages and called uber, we got home at 9:45pm!! Yes, ALL this time, I was at the airport! Stressed out and NO call from my mom!
But she made it! after almost 5 years of not seeing her (No communications for 3), I look over my shoulder and could barely recognize the person I saw. Petite, but so frail, being pushed in a wheel chair to baggage claim, her head covered with a scarf!! Dear God, I said, but tried to control my emotions because I really didn't know what her reaction was going to be like.

The enemies that brought the destruction and separation only to gain from my efforts, FAILED and didn't have the soul conscience or decency to care for her! They are the ones she loves, but this God that I serve, has a Great sense of humor! LOL! The rejected lonely one is now being used by Him to be the chief cornerstone and take on the responsibilities again despite!
Wow God!! I said, You are good, way too good to comprehend!! What can I say?
This takes me back to the sermon I heard when I was betrayed again: BLESSINGS IN BROKENNESS!
Okay Lord I said, You must have a REALLY good plan for the latter part of my life. Yes? Then I surrender all to You! Just please, please give me Patience, strength, perseverance and oh yes, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, dont let Your light go off from me, and I will keep thanking You!
MY JC Family, I could go on, and on, but God got this, I gotta believe it!
What I feel now after seeing my mom, is pity, compassion and yes love.
She needs me whether she know or believes it or not. But I know who KNOWS, GOD! He's using me and in the process breaking me to give me TESTIMONIES! So, I'll trust Him to take care of ALL the details!
Yes Lord, I trust You know exactly what You are doing! Thank You!
I cover her in Your blood and ask for health restoration while still trusting You to breakrhrough for her salvation!
I'll endure, only if You promise not to let me down, lol! (I'm kidding Father, I know You will NEVER. I love You Lord, Thank You).

Family, let me not bore you any further and get to bed. It's now almost 2am (2 nights in a roll, not enough sleep).

Love you all JC Family, so grateful that I can share my heart with y'all. Please continue to pray for strength and perseverance for me and my mom's health and salvation. Thank You. Master Jesus is in control!

Saying prayers for ALL of you and your circ*mstances, we serve a Great God, a mighty Great God! Let us NOT weaver, but stay on the high road with Him because we are all called by Him to different paths, some of His children's paths will be easy, while others like mine will be tough, but He's still loving and kind! What an AWESOME GOD!

A great and Blessed Sunday all, let's keep Praising Him.

Maplewood NJ

Jesus Calling: June 16 (2024)
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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Author information

Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.