James Michael Plumlee Financial Advisor | CakeResume (2024)

James Michael Plumlee Financial Advisor | CakeResume (1)

President of MPAC • Dallas, Texas •[emailprotected]

James Michael Plumlee is a financial advisor in Dallas, Texas. He is the owner and President of MPAC Consulting Group.

As of 2019, he has been working in the financial services industry for 30 years, accruing experience, insight, ad industry knowledge that has lead him to head multiple different businesses. He is dedicated to providing his clients with the best possible strategic solutions to their financial needs.

As a financial advisor, James Michael Plumlee likes to help people get control of their finances and understand the financial services they have at their disposal.Outside of his career, James Michael Plumlee loves to kick back and relax on the green. He’s a big fan of golf and always enjoys a round to help him unwind. There’s something therapeutic about being out in nature and hitting around a few balls.

For the latest from James Michael Plumlee, financial advisor, check out his blog!

James Michael Plumlee lives and works in Dallas, Texas.

Southern Methodist University

Bachelor's Degree in Political Science and Government

MPAC Consulting Group, 1998 - Present

As the President and Owner of MPAC, James (Mike) Plumlee is responsible for providing clients with expert financial wealth planning and management for his clients.

James Michael Plumlee shares information on his 3 websites about financial planning, business and his hobby, golf!

James Michael Plumlee Financial Advisor | CakeResume (2)

James Michael Plumlee Financial Advisor | CakeResume (3)

James Michael Plumlee Financial Advisor | CakeResume (4)

James Michael Plumlee is an avid blogger who writes about gaining financial freedom, planning for retirement, running a business, and how to swing a golf club!

James Michael Plumlee Financial Advisor | CakeResume (5)

Golf is a game of many skills. However, what you do on the green might be the most important of them all. Let’s take a look at some ways to improve your putting.

It’s happened to all of us. Our best employees have resigned out of nowhere. Not only do you have a brand new set of challenges to tackle, but you have to consider how the departure will affect the rest of your staff. When employees leave, their coworkers start to wonder if they should also be thinking about new career opportunities.

James Michael Plumlee Financial Advisor | CakeResume (6)

James Michael Plumlee Financial Advisor | CakeResume (7)

For a small business to get off the ground or to keep operating effectively, a small business loan is often the best course of action. However, it usually isn’t as simple as merely stepping into a bank and applying for one. Therefore, here are some of the steps and suggestions you should take when applying for a small business loan.

No matter if you’re new to management or a seasoned veteran, it’s never too late to learn a few tips on being an effective leader. Therefore, the following list includes three ways you can begin to hone your leadership skills and make them as useful as possible.

James Michael Plumlee Financial Advisor | CakeResume (8)

James Michael Plumlee Financial Advisor | CakeResume (9)

In many instances, investors suffer from a dilemma of whether to invest in initial public offerings or not. Popularly known as IPO (Initial Public Offerings) is the process of publicly trading the company’s shares in a new stock issuance. This mostly happens when the company is at a young age to boost its growth potentially. In this year only, approximately 120 companies have gone public to sell shares on stock exchanges. Nevertheless, IPOs are highly volatile and can move up by 10% in just one day and vice versa. To cope up with these fluctuations, here are four key metrics a company should take into consideration before opting for IPO’s.

No matter the issue, there are going to be situations that arise within any company which warrant the need for remote work. This, of course, can lead to a serious disruption of day to day work, which may eventually lead to less than stellar revenue at the end of the month. Therefore, companies must make a plan that involves how they will prep when a company needs to move to remote work. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when preparing your company for remote work.

James Michael Plumlee Financial Advisor | CakeResume (10)

James Michael Plumlee Financial Advisor | CakeResume (11)

Millions of Americans receive a tax refund each year. For some, this is inevitable because of their income levels. For others, it’s due to their withholding. There are ways to maximize a tax return. Some will lead to higher refunds, while others will lead to a lower tax bill.

Beautiful areas in our nation’s upper midwest may be very well known as hunting and fishing paradises for the sportsman. Still, real golf enthusiasts are well aware that these same areas also have some of the most beautiful, challenging, and brilliantly laid-out public golf courses found anywhere on earth. Listed here are but a few of the many that avid golfers on public courses can take on in their travels throughout these gorgeous regions. And outside of inner golf circles, who would’ve thought that Wisconsin has such highly-rated, outstanding golf destinations? Here are but a few of the notable ones.

James Michael Plumlee Financial Advisor | CakeResume (12)

James Michael Plumlee Financial Advisor | CakeResume (13)

Business plans can become outdated with time. Technology changes and the needs of potential consumers can change as well. Those that have businesses that are functional still need to look at opportunities to update the business plans because updates can produce greater returns on investment.

As the podcast revolution takes the world by storm, millions of listeners are flocking to personal finance and investment channels to learn valuable lessons on money management and wealth accumulation. Here are the top 3 podcasts available on the internet to begin your journey to financial freedom.

James Michael Plumlee Financial Advisor | CakeResume (14)

James Michael Plumlee Financial Advisor | CakeResume (15)

Retirement seems like a long time away. In fact, when we are young, retirement may feel like something in the far distant future rather than the inevitable fact of life that it really is. Many people do not have adequate retirement money set aside. Some people even have no retirement funds set aside at all. Discover tips that can help you grow your retirement savings and prepare you for a hopefully calm, stress-free, and enjoyable end to your life.

Every year is an interesting time to run a business. The business plan that was developed a few years ago may need to be changed completed this year. These are only a few trends to consider for doing business in 2020.

James Michael Plumlee Financial Advisor | CakeResume (16)

James Michael Plumlee Financial Advisor | CakeResume (17)

The end of the year is the best time to take a look at your finances and begin to regain control. With retailers keen on moving merchandise through the holiday season, the beginning of tax season, and the motivation that accompanies a new year, now is the best time to set some concrete financial goals and begin working on strategies for your financial success. With these four steps, you can be well on your way to getting your financial house in order for 2020.

Like all things, having a great life during your retirement years starts with a good plan. While many folks start planning for retirement early, many things happen along the way to derail their original plans. Hardships happen in life, you may borrow against your 401K to purchase a home, many folks discover that a divorce decimates income they’d counted on for their retirement years.

James Michael Plumlee Financial Advisor | CakeResume (18)

James Michael Plumlee Financial Advisor | CakeResume (19)

Company pensions are increasingly becoming scarce. Therefore, one of the vehicles that was available to the workers of previous decades are no longer accessible for most private sector workers. More and more companies are moving toward 401(k) plans as the primary retirement savings option for their workers. Here are some important points about contributing to a 401(k).

When an individual authors a will or plans how their estate’s final affairs are to be handled, many issues must be resolved. One such consideration that often arises is the designation of beneficiaries (persons who receive the decedent’s assets). During the process of designating beneficiaries, someone might need to identify a contingent beneficiary.

James Michael Plumlee Financial Advisor | CakeResume (20)

James Michael Plumlee Financial Advisor | CakeResume (21)

Everyone who has a financial adviser should be asking them some questions. It is important for the client to think about their investment portfolio and plans every year.

Everyone knows about homeowners and auto insurance. These are musts, and they protect policy-holders in the event of accidents and lawsuits. The trouble can arise in the event of a lawsuit. If someone is sued and the judgment ends up being more than the dollar value of their policy, that can put their personal assets at risk. This means that their home, money and even future wages can be at risk. What, if anything, can be done?

James Michael Plumlee Financial Advisor | CakeResume (22)

James Michael Plumlee Financial Advisor | CakeResume (23)

If someone were to offer you $500 now or $500 a year from now, which would you choose? Without question, most people would choose to have $500 now rather than a year from now. As the old saying goes, a bird in hand is worth two in the bush. A more compelling question, however, is whether you would rather have $500 now or $550 a year from now? Or, how about $500 now or $800 a year from now?

When it comes to your retirement, you’re the only one who’s ultimately going to be looking out for your best interests. While a financial advisor can help you through the steps of making sure that your retirement funds are properly secured, it’s up to you to make sure that you have enough money set aside to help you in your later years. That means understanding the most common threats that put retirement funds at risk. Keep these in mind before you sit down and define with your retirement goals.

James Michael Plumlee Financial Advisor | CakeResume (24)

James Michael Plumlee Financial Advisor | CakeResume (25)

When it comes to building wealth, few avenues are as effective as investing in the stock market. However, just because investing in the market is generally effective, it doesn’t mean that everyone knows where to start. Here are some tips that can help those who are unfamiliar with investing get started.

It is not uncommon for people to procrastinate on estate planning. Even people who already have an estate plan may not have reviewed it in some time. Changes in the family, such as births and deaths, or in tax laws should trigger a review. Otherwise, people should review the plan every five years to ensure that it still reflects their financial situation and their wishes.

James Michael Plumlee Financial Advisor | CakeResume (26)

James Michael Plumlee Financial Advisor | CakeResume (27)

The best time to start saving for retirement is when a worker joins the workforce. Workers can save for retirement through workplace retirement plans, individual retirement accounts, or both.

One of the more common investment options that financial gurus recommend for retirement savings is the Roth IRA. This type of retirement account has some features that are similar to the Traditional IRA option, but it also has some that are much different. Here are some of the reasons a Roth IRA can be a great option for saving for retirement.

James Michael Plumlee Financial Advisor | CakeResume (28)

James Michael Plumlee Financial Advisor | CakeResume (29)

When it comes to planning for social security, there’s one big question that looms over the rest. Should you take your benefits now or wait and let them mature? But that’s not the only question to consider. It’s important to take these other factors into consideration as you assess your upcoming retirement.

Financial planning can be a stressful concept for some people. It includes things like budgeting, retirement planning, saving, insurance and getting out of debt. Sometimes it’s easier to hire a financial advisor, but sometimes taking steps to lay the groundwork for your financial future can be done by you and your family.

James Michael Plumlee Financial Advisor | CakeResume (30)

James Michael Plumlee Financial Advisor | CakeResume (31)

When most people hear the term financial planner, they only think about someone who is going to cut their spending and tell them that they need to save for retirement. But financial advisors have the tools to help individuals manage finances, plan for retirement, analyze their investment portfolio, and save for future expenses. Financial advisors are in place to guide you through your financial future and if you are still unsure about hiring one, here are a few reasons to consider an advisor.

While most people understand the importance of your credit score when it comes to making large purchases such as a home or auto, the truth is, your credit score affects far more than that. It also determines the interest rate you pay on credit cards and even how much you pay for auto insurance. If your credit score is low, it can be causing you more problems than you know. This is why it is important to know your credit score. There are a number of companies that will show you your credit score for a fee, but there are also ways to find out your credit score for free. Here are 3 ways to find out your credit score for free.

James Michael Plumlee Financial Advisor | CakeResume (32)

James Michael Plumlee Financial Advisor | CakeResume (33)

All interest isn’t created equally, and that’s why it’s important to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each type of interest before applying for a loan. The route you take could have a significant effect on your finances, and there’s no singular best fit solution for every situation.

Many people new to investing expect larger returns than they actually receive and this can frustrate them. When they don’t earn 7-10% annual returns on their investments, they feel as though they have been cheated in some way. This is why so many people give up on investing after a few bad experiences. Exposing yourself to a more realistic view can help you appreciate the returns you will receive.

James Michael Plumlee Financial Advisor | CakeResume (34)

James Michael Plumlee Financial Advisor | CakeResume (35)

It’s widely advised that every individual and every family have an emergency fund. It’s difficult to predict unexpected hardships, and preparing can mean the difference between ending up in debt or weathering the storm. But less publicized is the notion of an opportunity fund. An opportunity fund prepares you for unexpected circ*mstances, but it’s built to help you take advantage of positive ones rather than guard you against negative ones.

Finance is a highly technical subject that takes years to learn and fully master. Supplementing your formal education or job experience with these five finance books can help you master the subject faster. That being said, these titles are also a good read for finance enthusiasts who enjoy reading about financial markets and investment products.

James Michael Plumlee Financial Advisor | CakeResume (36)

James Michael Plumlee Financial Advisor | CakeResume (37)

Business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs often focus all of their time and effort on learning the technical skills needed to operate a commercial entity. While skills, such as accounting and bookkeeping, are essential to keep a business running smoothly, not giving soft skills, the proper attention can be a disadvantage to entrepreneurs. Here’s five that you should try to build:

James Michael Plumlee often takes his written content and turns them into vidoes!

James Michael Plumlee Financial Advisor | CakeResume (2024)


What is the success rate of financial advisors? ›

What Percentage of Financial Advisors are Successful? 80-90% of financial advisors fail and close their firm within the first three years of business. This means only 10-20% of financial advisors are ultimately successful.

How much money should you have to get a financial advisor? ›

Some traditional financial advisors have minimum investment amounts they require to work with clients. These can range from $20,000 to $500,000 or even more. Why? Because their fees need to cover their time and expertise, and managing smaller portfolios may not be cost-effective for them.

Who is the most famous financial advisor? ›

The most famous financial guru today is probably Warren Buffett.

What percentage is normal for a financial advisor? ›

Most financial advisors charge based on how much money they manage for you. That fee can range from 0.25% to 1% per year. Some financial advisors charge a flat hourly or annual fee instead.

Why do so many financial advisors quit? ›

Lack of work ethic. It takes a lot of hard work and discipline to break into a career as a financial advisor. While many are willing to work hard for a period of time, fewer are willing and able to maintain the high-level work ethic required to survive and thrive as a successful advisor.

Are financial advisors really worth it? ›

A financial advisor is worth paying for if they provide help you need, whether because you don't have the time or financial acumen or you simply don't want to deal with your finances. An advisor may be especially valuable if you have complicated finances that would benefit from professional help.

Is 2% fee high for a financial advisor? ›

Most of my research has shown people saying about 1% is normal. Answer: From a regulatory perspective, it's usually prohibited to ever charge more than 2%, so it's common to see fees range from as low as 0.25% all the way up to 2%, says certified financial planner Taylor Jessee at Impact Financial.

Do financial advisors beat the market? ›

But even the best financial advisors are at the whim of the market. Most professional investors who try to beat the market actually underperform it over a given time period. And those who do manage to outperform the market over one time period can rarely outperform it again over the subsequent time period.

Should you put all your money with one financial advisor? ›

Whether you should consider working with more than one advisor can depend on your overall goals and financial situation. If you're fairly new to investing and you haven't built up a sizable net worth yet, for instance then one advisor may be sufficient to meet your needs.

Do the wealthy use a financial advisor? ›

Wealth advisors are the financial professionals whom affluent individuals often turn to when they need assistance managing their fortunes.

How many millionaires have a financial advisor? ›

The Role of Financial Advisors and Benefits of Financial Advisor Marketing. When seeking guidance, the wealthy turn to financial advisors at a much higher rate. The study reveals that 70% of millionaires work with a financial advisor, compared to just 37% of the general population.

What financial advisor has the lowest fees? ›

Robo-advisors are typically the least expensive, followed by online financial planners. An in-person advisor will be the most expensive and may charge you more than 1 percent of your assets annually.

Is a 1% financial advisor worth it? ›

But, if you're already working with an advisor, the simplest way to determine whether a 1% fee is reasonable may be to look at what they've helped you accomplish. For example, if they've consistently helped you to earn a 12% return in your portfolio for five years running, then 1% may be a bargain.

Are advisor fees tax deductible? ›

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017 put an end to the deductibility of financial advisor fees, as well as a number of other itemized deductions. As of January 2018, these fees no longer contribute to reducing your tax bill.

Who is the ideal candidate for a financial advisor? ›

"I think a good financial advisor must have strong problem-solving and critical-thinking skills to help a client reach their financial goals. Analytical skills, computer proficiency, and the ability to make good sales decisions are also important.

What is the failure rate for financial advisors? ›

Meanwhile, the rookie failure rate hovers around 72%. As the industry grapples with such a low success rate for new advisors entering the industry, firms must grow their talent pipeline and better communicate the role and training timeline of a financial advisor.

How hard is it to succeed as a financial advisor? ›

In the initial stages of your career, you'll likely find yourself dedicating a significant amount of time to networking, making phone calls, sending emails, and attending conferences. Building a client base from scratch can be a strenuous process, and competition within the financial advisory industry is fierce.

What percentage of financial advisors quit? ›

Over 90% of financial advisors in the industry do not last three years. Putting it simply: 9 advisors out of 10 would fail!

Do most financial advisors beat the market? ›

But even the best financial advisors are at the whim of the market. Most professional investors who try to beat the market actually underperform it over a given time period. And those who do manage to outperform the market over one time period can rarely outperform it again over the subsequent time period.

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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.