Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (2024)

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Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (17)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (18)

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Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (20)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (21)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (22)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (23)

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Regular price $3.39 Sale price


as low as $2.54

25 Seeds Per Packet




Grow the famous Jack O Lantern Pumpkin from fresh Cucurbita pepo seeds. Jack O Lantern produces 12 to 16 inch pumpkins with deep orange skin. Each Pumpkin plant will produce about 3 to 5 fruits per vine & each fruit will weigh about 10 to 24 pounds each. The plants themselves will grow to a mature height of only 12 to 24 inches tall and spreads to a varying length of 10 to 15 feet long. Pumpkins are popularly used for pies and the Jack O Lantern Pumpkin makes a great pie. It is also the number one, most popular variety for carving during the autumn and halloween season.

Pumpkins have a number of health benefits and are fairly easy to grow from fresh Pumpkin seeds. Because of it’s high content of beta-carotene (which is converted to vitamin A) pumpkins are great for improving eye sight. Other benefits of this delicious fruit include: Healthy & younger looking skin, improved immunity and strengthened immune system and weight loss. Some studies show that Pumpkins can even lower your risk of cancer as well.

Check out our Pumpkin category for a list of all of our most popular Pumpkins. You might also be interested in purchasing our “Spooky Mixture” for a blend of all sorts of different pumpkins. Included are a favorites such as “Small Sugar” and “Atlantic Giant” as well.

Sowing The Seed

Jack O Lantern Pumpkins are best established directly outdoors in the summer. Be sure to select a large enough area for the plants to grow and vine outwards. Remove all unwanted plant life from your sowing area, turning the dirt, or replacing the dirt with a fresh soil. Create mounds of dirt or “hills” roughly 18 to 24 inches wide and at least 8 inches high. Sow 4 seeds per mound at a depth of 1 inch under topsoil. (See "Germination & Growth"for spacing and other growth habits)

Growing Conditions

Jack O Lantern Pumpkins enjoy the heat of summer and will thrive in temperatures that are above 75F. The soil should be rich in organic matter, but will also need to be well drained. To improve drainage, it is recommended to add a light compost to any hard, compacted soil in the sowing area. This will prevent the roots from rotting. Water the seeds daily with a mild setting so that the seeds and seedlings are kept moist until germination occurs.

Germination & Growth

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin seeds will begin to sprout open in roughly 7 to 14 days after sowing. The plants will grow to a mature height of 1 to 2 feet tall and 10 to 15 feet long. These plants will need a large area to grow outwards and can be spaced by hills or mounds of dirt, rather than rows.As explained above mounds should be 18 to 24 inches wide and at least 8 inches tall. Space each mound at least 6 to 8 feet apart from one another. When sprouts become visible, direct the vines outwards towards areas that do not contain other plant life.

Harvesting Jack O Lantern Pumpkins

When your vines start to establish pumpkins, be sure to place straw under the fruits to prevent them from touching the bare ground beneath, as this can cause rotting. Your Jack O Lantern Pumpkin fruits will be ready for harvesting in roughly 105 days after first sprouts appear. Cut the stems at least 2 to 3 inches from the actual fruits, otherwise the fruits will rot.

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Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (26)



We will never knowingly sell GMO based seed products. Hardly any exist in the market anyways, but if they do, you can trust that we will steer clear of them. We pledge to always supply Non-GMO seeds.

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (27)



99% of all seeds on our website are heirloom and are passed down from generation to generation. Bred for quality of flavor, productivity, hardiness and adaptability.

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (28)



Yes, our seeds are untreated! We never knowingly purchases treated seed products. We also do not treat any of our seeds with substances such as neonicotinoid or thyram.

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (29)



Seeds by Seed Needs are not certified organic, no. But we are firm believers that "organic" is how YOU decide to grow things. You can still organically grow your own produce with, non certified seeds.


Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (30)

Our Seeds

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (31)

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Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (35)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (36)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (37)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (38)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (39)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (40)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (41)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (42)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (43)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (44)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (45)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (46)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (47)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (48)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (49)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (50)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (51)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (52)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (53)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (54)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (55)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (56)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (57)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (58)


Seed Needs has been providing gardeners with quality seed products since 2010 and has shipped millions of packets to happy customers all over the US. We offer flowers, herbs, vegetables, vines, wildflower blends, seed packet collections and seed packet favors.

With the success of our brand, we have kept our promise to continually donate to different organizations and personally sponsor children all over the globe each and every month. We grew our sponsorships from just 1 child to over 100 children worldwide in only a few years. We would like to sincerely thank all who support us because it wouldn't be possible without you!

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (59)


We sponsor children from all over the world. Check out how many kids we currently sponsor below!

100+ KIDS

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We love animals as much as the next person! We currently donate the amount below monthly!


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St. Jude

Cancer is a terrible thing, especially in children... We have committed to donating to SJCH.



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Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (62)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (63)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (64)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (65)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (66)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (67)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (68)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (69)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (70)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (71)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (72)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (73)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (74)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (75)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (76)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (77)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (78)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (79)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (80)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (81)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (82)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (83)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (84)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (85)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (86)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (87)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (88)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (89)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (90)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (91)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (92)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (93)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (94)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (95)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (96)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (97)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (98)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (99)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (100)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (101)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (102)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (103)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (104)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (105)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (106)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (107)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (108)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (109)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (110)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (111)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (112)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (113)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (114)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (115)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (116)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (117)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (118)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (119)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (120)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (121)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (122)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (123)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (124)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (125)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (126)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (127)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (128)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (129)

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (130)


Seed Needs LLC

PO Box 480258

New Haven MI 48048

United States


St. Jude Childrens Hospital


Seed Needs consistently ships thousands of seed packets on a weekly basis. The vast majority of our seed products are packaged based on customer demand, and are stored in a temperature controlled environment for maximum freshness. We are happy to offer moisture resistant packaging which keeps our seeds fresh for extended periods of time.


Seed Needs always guarantees the successful growth of any seed product sold. If you ever run into any issues growing something, or aren't happy with the results of your seed products, simply contact us so we can make it right! We guarantee all seeds up to 365 days from the purchase date.


© 2024, Seed Needs LLC

Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (131)
Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (132)
Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (133)
Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (134)
Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (135)
Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Seeds For Planting (Cucurbita pepo) (2024)
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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.