It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (2024)


June 9, 2024

It’s getting cold in Australia now, so Andy is making a cauliflower, blue cheese and smoked bacon soup. And to NOT pair with it, Katelyn is drinking a Sicilian red, Nerello Mascalese.

Wine: Girolamo Russo ‘a Rina Etna Rosso, Sicily

US wine shops
– Primal wine (for Lucy M)
– KL Wines (for Oakridge, Voyager Estate, Leeuwin, NON, Reislingfreak, Joshua Cooper, Kaesler, Frankland Estate, Mac Forbes, Dominique Portet Rose (Provence style), Clonakilla, Yarra Yering, BY Farr, Castagna

Andy’s Instagram:
Katelyn’s Instagram:
Website with all Andy’s recipes:

#vlog #food #cooking #wine #raw #foryou #youtube #recipe

good evening hello everyone very serious tonight why why are we serious tonight Caitlyn’s in a mood and who put me in a mood not me wasn’t Andy it wasn’t me it was that Bloody Dog it was her dog which is really hard because he’s so damn cute it’s hard being mad at him tell us tell us babe what did he do a little [ __ ] so we’re looking after our par my parents dog at the moment so your parents fault no we can’t blame Nelly Nelly is here so Nelly’s a blue English staffy beautiful dog and her and duck get along very well however I think duck gets territorial every time that she’s here every time she’s here at some point he pisses on something like he never never does and every time she’s here or just after she’s left pisses on something and it has been my couch before which was so much worse than tonight and he I don’t think I talked to him for like 3 days tonight he they must have been playing tug of war or something cuz all the blankets were out of their they have it’s cold at the moment so they do have a blanket in their bed it’s cold it’s chilly uh it’s it’s getting down to what like 7° at night it’s freezing freezing chil chil for or Queensland um anyway the blankets were everywhere and duck just decided to piss on one which was also went onto my rug so he’s in the bad books put me in a mood Andy got caught in the crossfire we’re all we’re all good now duck has been sent to bed I’m not talking to him both the night and yeah it’s fine I’ve got one duck went to bed for dinner you know that like going to bed without dinner yeah no I I fed him I just want to sit down it was such a nice sunset tonight and I opened a bottle of wine put some music on and then found the patch of Wei on my rug so spent another half an hour cleaning that instead of sitting on the deck drinking a glass of wine so and I was having a shower so I come out of the shower and all hell’s broken loose and I’m the devil it was somehow my like powering like he was so far away from me and you know when he he’s upset their ears like go back it’s so cute he has this little face anyway no Angry him we’re mad anyway okay you’re doing things I’m doing things what are you making tonight we are making it’s cold it’s cold it’s Queens it’s not that cold cauliflower soup with uh bacon and blue cheese you’re doing a soup doing a soup you were just saying this week you don’t eat soup much notoriously always never eat soup sup but I just kind of I don’t know what maybe I you know what maybe think of this was Nagi Nagi my mate Nagi released a new cookbook she did and something special is happening in that cookbook that I can’t talk about cuz that’s her cookbook to she’s announced I can talk about that yeah anyway but that special thing that’s happening in the cookbook made me think of cauliflower soup okay yeah so all I’ve done already two onions uh olive oil 40 G of butter couple couple of tablespoons of olive oil 40 G of butter big pinch of salt sweated these onions down for like 20 minutes super super slowly sweat them down and I’ve just added five clothes of garlic this just the best smell it’s the best smell CED in Tim lingard will tell you about that yeah yeah good old Tim lingard he gets mentioned a lot he came up with last episode as well he’s going to get a big head uh and then the head of uh cauliflower cauliflowers are cheap at the moment in that goes and we’re going to sweat that down little bit of chicken stock Blitz done I got some bacon there and the that I had left over in the fridge from our YouTube shoot this week I did a breakfast outside oh yeah so I’ve just diced those up and I’ve just been rendering them down nice and golden nice and small just to garnish for the top I good use out of that we had it in uh dinner last night as well didn’t we no was in bacon no what did you put dinner no we had um pork rib like a I’m not going to try pronounce it it’s like a South American Argentinian stew with white beans uh squash pork ribs and Sho Shero I always get in trouble for pronouncing that wrong no the what we had on rice last night what do we have on Rice that’s meat cubes and meat oh no that was that was corn beef it was roast beef roast beef corn beef that was wag ribey Caitlyn called it corn beef jeez sorry it was tasty I hope so I thought it what I thought you it was what you were smoking all day no no that’s a fridge that’s pami this is how it’s like you forget how lucky I talk about this with my my mate Aaron at K all the time we’re like cuz that’s the beef company I work with and how lucky we are we eat like this incredible quality beef that your standards just get completely blown out of the window of what you should actually like what’s normal to eat you know like Anyway very lucky very fortunate to eat such good meat mhm mhm so so good Caitlyn thinks Waggy RI eyes corn beef I wagging are my favorite though like sometimes found it really fatty but the way it was cooked yesterday I feel like it was quite lean well thank you you’re welcome it’s cuz it was reheated that would be M what are you drinking Kaitlin so I haven’t really picked anything to necessarily go with the dish tonight because one it is a hard one just to pear it is a hard one and I did I did look into it cuz Smokey bacony bacon creamy cauliflower and then cheese yeah so you know you could go so I mean I would usually probably something so creamy cauliflower i’ be going like a white wine something it’s pretty heavy dish though yeah yeah know but something to cut through it yeah true um something rich acid but rich as well and a lot of texture um but blue cheese as well very overpowering flavor um so I wasn’t really sure but I actually chose the wi B based on the climate tonight and the fact that I just want to sit outside and have a wine by itself why didn’t you well we know that story um so and we actually usually you know I do usually drink Australian wines I have jumped to another country can you guess where this one’s from Italy it is from Italy yeah at naso so uh this is actually a Sicilian wine oh we’re going to sicil that’s why you chos it it is so I actually bought a couple of Sicilian wines probably about a month ago um and I felt like tonight was a little bit cool nice night to open it up so this is a uh wine from like M near Mount Etna um so it’s from a wine maker called Gil Roso and it’s a nuro mascalese uh which is a beautiful quite a light red um it kind of reminds me like similar to a um I would say game but it has has a little bit more tannin on it very pretty very pretty on the nose very light and lovely to drink great by itself but I also think I also think it would actually be great with a vegetable based dish or a vegetarian dish they have a lot of eggplant dishes in Sicily so I think it would work quite well with that um and we we’re one of the places we’re staying in sicy is actually not far from from this Vineyard so I’m just going to put it I’ve just figured out what’s happening here so you know like I’m thinking when we’re driving from palmo to mount ET now we just pop maybe we just pop in and just pick up a bottle for me um I think they have some great olive oil there as well um and I think they sell some local like dried pasta I can’t remember if they make it or someone else does so they yeah there some an anyway this is what we’re drinking tonight it’s really beautiful it’s not it’s not cheap I think this was $60 which is not yeah this is not my usual budget for big big spender I know I know that I mean a lot of the times when you have like good imported wines the cost just goes up I’d love to know actually if anyone’s lives in Italy or have had this wine before what it cost where they’re from probably like 12 or something yeah exactly but coming to a show it was 60 bucks I don’t usually drink a $60 bowl of wine by myself on a Saturday night but I just wanted to try it um and yeah it is it is really beautiful so I’m excited to go visit there when we’re in Sicily hey hey I’m imagining they don’t watch this channel somehow no that was at you that wasn’t at them oh at me that was at you just pre-warning you of our d T to their Winery you can get an Uber I don’t know how many Ubers there are around Manet um yeah lost one cauliflowers in cauliflowers in took the the bacon was ready y uh so I put the bacon fat in the cauliflower cuz bacon Fat’s yum M we you need to add some salt there yum yum going to sweat this cauliflower down a little bit nothing crazy how was your week Caitlyn yeah it was good good week a busy week wasn’t it yeah we came back from Melbourne um and then I feel like it was just yeah really busy with just here you filming me doing all sorts of stuff at the computer um lots of trips to plan lots of brand stuff oh it’s pretty mild pretty mild it’s kind of boring I think yeah it tastes like a break yeah I won’t mention the the brand but why so why have you why is it a mild what was the issue today the shops suck around here like you have to like we don’t have like a decent Deli or Supermarket I mean there’s a supermarket but it’s like two suburbs three suburbs over yeah I was H it’s like a 15 minutes yeah but I was in like my house pants and stuff I wasn’t like ready to walk into a supermarket she just went to the local loc went to the local local and it just sucks so bad sorry um chicken stock in about 500 mil 600 mil doesn’t taste like blue cheese at all it’s literally just Brie no and a bad one at that yeah so I it’s it’s tough with like you go to Melbourne and then we shot some cool videos and like oh we need to go get some stuff we go to the market South mour Market’s like my favorite place on Earth and there’s like literally everything you can want there you know um and that’s what like my Matt Lambert was talking about I kind of intrigued as to why he love New York so much and he’s like it’s the center of the world like you can just literally get anything you want you know fish come from Japan yeah meat from Spain meat from Australia meat from everywhere and I miss that about living in a metropolitan City when you live in I guess I mean Sunny Coast isn’t like I mean we live in the hinderland but it’s it’s still it’s not a city right like the holiday destination yeah anyway yeah we have good seafood y but yeah the produce that one has good markets really actually to it’s just tricky yeah we got a pretty good fruit and veg shop up the road yeah but you know they sell what people buy which is pretty average fair right like yeah nothing crazy how’s your weight uh good yeah yep little bit tired this week I don’t know Chang the seasons I think you know it’s cold now so it’s making exercise hard uh injured myself just mildly just to um pulled a muscle in my calf running on Thursday so makes it even harder to motivate yourself and yeah I think that’s normal in life to go have weeks where you feel a little bit lethargic yeah I I had my test thing today you what end of the challenge oh gross yeah we did testing too this week how did it go yeah good I beat beat all my things my PBS from 6 weeks ago so that’s good that’s good all right let’s get in some questions cuz I’m going have to Blitz this soon it’s going to make noise oh okay are we doing questions yeah I mean I got heaps and also like just follow up from last week people are really con concerned about your lack of a mandolin guard that you don’t like there’s there are lots of comments like one like people are like I can’t watch him do that cuz they’re just waiting for you to just grind your head some yes that’s such a so you don’t have one because you lost it right well no I think what happens is I open the mandolin box and then I put it in the bin okay right so you lost I don’t think I lost it I think I just right well someone offered to buy one for you someone also no you can um someone also offered they they said they opt for like these gloves instead like the to do it I just I’ll just risk it just have my DNA there are a couple of people who also said yeah I don’t use it either yeah but it does I don’t think I’ve ever seen a shift in a professional kitchen use the man lingard yeah but how many times you cut yourself oh it’s it’s just but it’s it slows you down so you take the the cut the risk yeah they cut every 6 months for the speed okay yeah right fair enough fair enough um last week question as well which was favorite protein so beef was definitely the clear winner beef beef uh beef chicken beef then Chicken Chicken’s pretty good then fish and then we had a couple of like unique ones like musk any duck no I don’t think I saw any duck musk ox mud crab legumes mud legumes legumes yeah vegan in the comments yeah just someone who prefers it shouldn’t um generalize yeah um also we cuz we were talking a little bit about calories last week so someone left this great comment James Beard the late the late American food writer and Chef once says a gourmet who counts calories is like a t tart who looks at her watch just saying that’s quite good yeah that’s good um okay follow up from last week you also did some coffee making stuff yes people want to know what the they said the cups with the cork on the bottom but it’s actually just the the UN it’s like the natural and the painted ones they’re two different these are from lamao themselves the the the Cofe machine comp well they’re they’re a collab with um I think it’s called Yuka Ceramics which is a a local is it from a mour I know yeah I I think it’s like a um Native Australian sort of brand right they’re very nice cups they’re beautiful these I think yeah these are made in Japan yeah made in Japan is a shop in Melbourne yeah which you can get the stuff and they have the shorter ones as well the espresso a lot of stuff’s made in Japan yeah I think we us the stuff’s all made in Japan those those are made made in Japan none of that stuff is they they little C with the they’re cute these are cute these are little like I I guess they’re oh they’re not psych cups but they’ve got little like just rest B well yeah that’s just the pattern on them okay but they got like yeah different Sushi things on them which is pretty cool we used to love popping in there when we lived in Melbourne um so we have a lot of their stuff um oh yeah you cuz you say marinade and marinate what’s the difference between the two I don’t know it’s probably a better question for me so marinate is the action and marinade is like the actual thing so you you make a marinade and then you marinate your chicken there you go um Andy when you’re planning out your cont content how do you decide which videos are best for Tik Tok versus YouTube so maybe that’s like short format versus long format there’s two types of content short format long format short format WE Post everywhere Tik Tok YouTube Facebooks Snapchat 60 seconds is and then long format we do for YouTube so we probably think about YouTube videos a bit differently now short format I can think of a recipe I want a cook and then we try and think of a interesting way or an engaging way to film that video right so hey blah blah blah BL yeah YouTube’s probably the same way as right but now it’s probably more like you know popular video we did recently like how to cook fish so we did like 10 different ways to cook fish or I think the days of like just doing uh cauliflower soup on YouTube and actually getting traction kind of kind of over it’s probably because there’s so many versions of it it’s very hard it’s kind of what we call like Evergreen content sometimes there is need for that stuff so like like a lasagna I think lasagna a great recipe to have which we did want not that long ago yeah so I guess they’re quite different thought processes and I don’t think of a recipe and then think of a format I more more the other way around think of a format that needs a recipe and then put a recipe in yeah okay cool um someone asked me what my um moisturizing preference is cu the skin is so great funny enough and I think we maybe talked about this last week a while we’ve talked about in previous studio so one of the olive oils that Andy uses is called Rich gland so they are a great Olive company uh based out in is it it’s in Victoria what’s the area GI is it gibsland I don’t know pour in the bottle fu is We yonga yonga There You Go um they also do skin care skincare which is based on olive oil um so Caitlyn actually wish she she was Italian I think this is what we’re learning today yeah all the Italian thing Italians are just they love the simple things in life and I’m all for that um yeah so I use their skin care and another one is MTI so I use a mix of both and I I don’t wear makeup that often I don’t really wear foundation so I think that just helps my skin stay moisturized [Applause] um Andy can you please confirm that mellow pops are the same or very similar to the Aussie chocolate Royals you don’t know can’t confirm or deny oh there you go um [Music] hold the phone and we’re back back sorry I thought me blending a soup would be pretty boring content so and it was making lots of noise lots of noise uh I did put a splash of milk in that as I was blending it if you’re wondering why it’s so creamy but cauliflower soup go pretty creamy and if you want it really smooth you got to get like I have to get like the Vitamix out like the big proper blender and like but this is a home soup this ain’t I like the demonstration there uh we just going to get that just up to temperature again and I’ll check for seasoning and then that’s pretty much done sorry what you saying I don’t know what it what was it I think you were doing questions oh okay yep um I’ve got one more for you okay um someone was very impressed with your run that you talked about run all right and wanted to know if you on straw no I was I kind of got who it’s careful that’s hot it’s like it’s like Ro to R going to wreck our bench should be it’s my bench but it’ll be fine our bench it’s like jam parus the other day you see his one the other day no he like when my wife says uh I asked my wife for something is and she’s refers to it as her bedroom and he’s like our bedroom what would you refer to duck is that our dog or my dog that’s your dog yeah uh no I’m not in strawber mhm uh used to be I kind of don’t do it anymore um I don’t know I find straber kind of weird sometimes just people knowing where I am kind not into that yeah fair enough doesn’t do anything still lots of questions about your knives so I think we should leave it for another episode though where you can actually maybe talk people through it a bit more all right we’ll film it next week but it won’t be for the week after oh there you go tune in just a nice video no cooking oh that’s nice okay there you go where’s my Ladle um it’s in the dishwasher cuz you used it for pancakes this morning uh and then I had a question question um someone from the US loves the wine that I feature and they came to check out some Australian wine makers however in the US shipping from Au companies is hard to find fair enough it’s very expensive um and at our wine shops Australia is often Yellow Tail or 19 primes sorry that’s not it’s not austral yeah please if that’s all you’ve had I I don’t I probably had yellow tow when I was very very young um I don’t think I’ve ever had 19 crimes um but that’s yeah definitely doesn’t represent the Australian wine region uh very well um so I don’t know any Australian wine makers that shipped to the US and probably there probably is a few around there but I did a bit of a Google search on um Us online wine stores and who stocks Australian wines and I found two which have similar wines to what I drink so the first one being um Primal wine so they have I think they’re more of a natural wine store so they had um Lucy Margot or Lucy M which is from South Australia and I have actually I think I’ve drunk a luciam win that’s from Anton Clopper he’s kind of like started the natural wine movement in Australia um yeah check out those otherwise um so they looks like quite a massive online quite a big was it K or KT no k um lots of different wines um that lots of Australian wines which are beautiful so oid Voyager estate Luen um they even had non which is the wine alternative um from Victoria so n’s Delicious By the way if you don’t if you don’t drink wine and you want if you don’t drink alcohol and you want something definitely check out n um they have Clon Killa which I love Yar yaring which is one of the oldest Vineyards in Victoria oh no sorry not in Victoria in the um Yara Valley which is one of our wine regions um by far and they have Dominique pet Ros which is a beautiful Rosé from Australia and it’s kind of done in that prant style so I’ll pop those ones in the that I found and some recommended wines just in the description for you um yeah hope that helps this looks really nice yeah beautiful I thought you were going to mix the blue cheese through it but you just crumbled it okay do we like do is that usually how it comes or that’s just how you’re set I do it okay Co awesome looks beautiful thank you any other questions before we sign off um no I think that’s it for today um we probably just need to leave the people with a with a question need short turn isn’t it did I do last week’s No I did the protein one was that you I thought that I thought that was me um okay well someone also commented last week that we we talked about like IG and Kmart and they’re from the US and they found that really interesting because those stores just don’t exist in the US anymore just Kmart from the US I think it was yeah yeah yeah it’s not Australian yeah they they definitely had it over there and they have like Walnut now I think they had she said that I don’t know if it was girl or guy they said that they had IG as well so whether it’s in the same sort of what but independent grossers Australia is what IG stands for right no no no iend Grocers association association so maybe it was over there as well anyway she was just like they were just like it’s really funny you’re talking about these stores that we haven’t had in the US for a very long time just seems weird anyway so I thought we could twist that to like restaurants or food what nostalgic restaurant that you wish was still around what’s gone and what do you remember growing up with that’s no longer here sounds good are you answering now or we answer next week me yeah oh uh I don’t know I had a restaurant’s growing up there was no like I’m I feel like most of them that I’m thinking of bit more like fast food yeah um we see actually American CH Denny’s a lot I think Denny’s is still around but it was terrible but there cuz it was open 24 hours and you could smoke and we thought we were cool we like teenagers like 2 a.m. smoking cigarettes so cool very cool I think the only one I remember growing up which is I don’t know if it exists anymore anywhere but it doesn’t exist on the coast anymore which is sizler Siz Sizzler’s gone I think yeah so the cheesy garlic bread or the cheesy bread that was always on the table as you start and then obviously go in and help yourself to the salad bar the salad bar American think is probably um but I feel like that’s where all the a lot of people had their birthday parties there growing up you ate three didn’t you Pard ate three on your birthday yeah maybe was just like a set price I feel it was like 20 bucks all you can eat and you just go hard on the dessert bar and then just hide all the extra Smarties and jelly beans in like paper like in your napkin and then put it in your pocket yeah I know tell say well doesn’t exist anymore so and then they have a they had a theory theyve painted the inside a certain color so it would make you not eat as much like orange or something or some theory around like psychological theory around the color of szla inside the restaurants there you go anyway what nostalgic restaurant doesn’t exist or doesn’t exist in your area that you wish was still around we’ll see you next week all right bye SP oh actually you might if you haven’t go watch the main channel YouTube like it comment on it and say comment on the main YouTube channel that you watch this video okay yeah challenge for everyone challenge


  1. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (1)

    @michelemaliano7860 2 weeks ago

    I always have a hard time seeing you guys is shorts when I’m wearing sweaters and you in sweats when I’m wearing shorts.

  2. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (2)

    @SamuelPeterDodgen 2 weeks ago

    Please try some South African wines. We have of the best in the world. Try wines from the Western Cape🇿🇦

  3. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (3)

    @DarkNightArtz 2 weeks ago

    15:00 he summarized it perfectly 😀 f*ck that guard, just a waist of time and it's also about not being called a little baby for being scared 😀

  4. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (4)

    @spre1501 2 weeks ago

    Comment of the video "Duck P**s" from Andy 🤣

  5. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (5)

    @rianparkin751 2 weeks ago

    Sizzler is what I was thinking of too

  6. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (6)

    @chuckberry7692 2 weeks ago

    Didn’t know you had this other channel. Bloody ripper just seeing you two laid back. Love it 🤘🇦🇺🍻

  7. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (7)

    @andymckinnon8082 2 weeks ago

    Has the thought ever crossed your mind you might lose a toe if your knife drops 😂😂

  8. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (8)

    @SharonFraser-ev4kj 2 weeks ago

    There is stuff called pets lab works a treat for dogs marking etc…..also your parents dog may be marking too so he is probably going where she has been

  9. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (9)

    @PippyLong1965 2 weeks ago

    so down to earth never change xx

  10. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (11)

    @padders1068 2 weeks ago

    Thanks for sharing guys, it almost feels like I'm in your kitchen with you! Peace and ❤

  11. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (12)

    @paulvenn4447 2 weeks ago

    Dayum, the boss has good tastes in wine!

  12. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (13)

    @golfer45nz 2 weeks ago

    Sizzler is big in Thailand.

    Cobb n Co Restaurants and Uncles Takeaways in New Zealand ohhhh and Georgie Pie!!!

  13. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (14)

    @sam8603 2 weeks ago

    Hey Chef, is there any use for the green leafy bits of the cauliflower. I can’t see the go to waste

  14. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (15)

    @dysfctn666 2 weeks ago

    Looking forward to the knives video 👍

  15. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (16)

    @rlsleosa 2 weeks ago

    Denny's is really bad here also…and so is Sizzler's.

  16. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (17)

    @rlsleosa 2 weeks ago

    Bon Appetit!

  17. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (18)

    @CarlBurtons 2 weeks ago

    Andy can you do your take on #sizzler cheese toast?

  18. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (19)

    @antmandcm 2 weeks ago

    Keen on the knife video, need to update mine at home

  19. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (20)

    @Dj1Crook 2 weeks ago

    shes not happy because she misses out on the mega pint of wine 😉

  20. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (21)

    @jimbrennan1181 2 weeks ago

    Ha ha ha ! I'm from the USA and read "It's Soup Season" and thought WTF? But you're down under so it all makes sense. Regardless, the blue cheese and bacon make this special and I'm definitely going to try this in 6 months!!! Liked and subscribed.

  21. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (22)

    @Dexterity_Jones 2 weeks ago

    You mentioned Mud Crabs, I keep seeing them at the local fish mongers here in QLD, any good recipes for them?

  22. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (23)

    @danlovestotravel8159 2 weeks ago

    Babes tiddly on the red,watch out Andy😂

  23. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (24)

    @carlostaopua9111 2 weeks ago

    Yummo very nice

  24. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (25)

    @NigelAinscoe 2 weeks ago

    It takes like, 5 seconds to chuck on an anti-cut glove. Maybe if you're a professional an you're using a Mandolin every day, go bare-skin. Everyone else get gloves.
    If you cut yourself when you didn't use groves or the gaurd, like this comment with a 😥

  25. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (26)

    @tinadedekind5257 1 week ago

    Andy, come to B-fresh in Warana mate, beautiful deli! Best on the coast. And yes, it's freezing atm.🥶

  26. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (27)

    @bonnienklyde918 1 week ago

    Wish there were the "old all you could eat country buffets". Long gone in usa

  27. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (28)

    @bonnienklyde918 1 week ago

    I watched this video,
    Not sure if in any other states but the Sizzler does not exist in Washington state any more. There were 2 locations in Spokane WA.

  28. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (29)

    @fama5736 1 week ago

    Where did you get that large cutting board next to your range top,

    All The Best

  29. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (30)

    @ravipeter-andrew1603 1 week ago

    Restaurants that prepared table side…Crepes Suzette, Caesar Salads, Chateaubriands, Sabayons,nPepper Steaks, etc etc

  30. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (31)

    @janterjehalsen3324 1 week ago

    SHOW US YOUR PARENTS! … 😀 It may explain a lot!

  31. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (32)

    @kimtaylor4480 1 week ago

    Rules of engagement Andy and Babe. Say what you truly feel. And it's okay to wait till you both calm down and take some breaths first. Tonight, Andy is NOT ok.
    Its always ok to send out a note to everyone to say "no vid tonight". Don't let anything come before your well being as a couple. The other sh*t is not worth it. Your love is what matters. Talk. Relationships die in the conversations that were never had.
    Ok. Off the old lady soapbox. 😂
    Be well. Be happy. ❤️😘

  32. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (33)

    @sing2me 1 week ago

    I was thinking Sizzler and was still thinking about others when ALAS – what did Kaitlyn say? "SIZZLER" 🤷‍♀️ How the heck did that happen? 🤣
    And last time when I think Andy mentioned KMart and they closed down the stragglers in 2020 just 1 month before Covid restrictions!
    Not a cauliflower lover but I watched the whole video bc this channel is terrific. I do adore a Butternut squash soup, Carrot and New England clam chowder. So, if you're on soup binge 😅 however we are having a heat wave so please intersperse some great sandwiches. I just made cucumber sandwiches. You know, the cream cheese and dill type. I eat zero tuna bc of mercury but I love canned salmon in its place. Some ideas would interest me but that may not fit your genre, IDK. AND please keep singing kitchen tips with Andy ❤ I love it.

  33. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (34)

    @liamross8641 1 week ago

    Hahaha Caitlyn thinking that waygu is corned beef i almost died laughing! That is spoilt haha gold!

  34. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (35)

    @markhiggins3054 1 week ago

    Try d’Or to Door for French and Italian wines – ripper

  35. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (36)

    @dinocub1 1 week ago

    Absolutely hilarious episode. Cracked us up. Katelyn…."you need an uber". LOL She was lovin' the wine before the taping even began. You go girl! LOL More episodes with you two together please. LOL
    A couple of comments/suggestions.
    LOVE this soup and will be doing it soon as the chilly weather continues here in Melbourne. Canadian here, recently moved here last year.
    1. A fab local white wine to go with this? Jack Rabbit from the Bellarine region – Pino Grigio. Light, fresh and won't compete with the stronger flavours of the cheese, bacon and herbs. At $32 bucks a bottle, won't break the bank. Support local!!
    2. A fab local red – The Musician Cabernet Shiraz from Majella of the Coonawarra region. A steal at $20/bottle. When I was in Canada, working for one of the top law firms in Canada, this was our major partner's fave wine from Australia. Went for $70 bucks a bottle in most high end eateries there. Yes…makes one laugh on the mark up in the Canadian market, but hey, it's a good Aussie wine. I can see this going very well with this comfort soup.
    3. IGA/K-Mart. These are still huge in Canada. I remember growing up in the 80's in British Columbia's far north. IGA was the major supermarket there at the time. IGA still has a huge market share in Canada. K-mart still has a few stores there, but not a big as they were in the 80's/90's.

    Side note, love the wine glasses. They look like Riedel, but had a looksee online, and can't find them. Brand please? 😉😉

  36. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (37)

    @dlee6985 1 week ago

    It’s 33 here in London Ontario Canada and I read “it’s soup season” and I’m like WTF? 😂 then I asked Alexa what season is it in Australia and was ah ok….i guess 😂

  37. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (38)

    @dlee6985 1 week ago

    We used to have Olive Garden and Big Boy restaurants here in Canada but they closed all their Canadian locations many years ago 😢

  38. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (39)

    @karensullivan9295 1 week ago

    Soup is year round for me🎉🎉🎉

  39. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (40)

    @itsdarparp 7 days ago

    What is the knife used in this?

  40. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (41)

    @libertybelle8244 7 days ago

    This video is so nice. It's homey. Your interacting is so comfortable and loving and playful. And the lowlights vibe is cozy. In your beautiful kitchen.

    It's like we're in your home and you're just talking to one another.

    And once in a while bring us outdoors…

    I feel like I want to spend Saturday nights at your home.

    Please, do more of these. It's subtle sexy, good mood videos

    Great choice, that delicious soup on a cold sissies night. You should eat it with us too.

    Ps. Sizzler and Ponderosa in the USA.

  41. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (42)

    @jaysonkeevy 7 days ago

    We just got back from a trip to Sicily and the Etna wines ranged from €16 to €30 for the reds!

  42. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (43)

    @tauroat 6 days ago

    Made this tonight – understand the comment about being like Rotorua once blended but super easy and so tasty thanks

  43. It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (44)

    @MyArgylesock 5 days ago

    I’ve been using a mandolin without a guard for years. You learn how to make it relatively safe. I’ve cut myself a few times, learned my lesson and still honor no guard.

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It's Soup Season - Dining and Cooking (2024)
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Author: Arielle Torp

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Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.