Is SpaceX Profitable? (2024)

Is SpaceX Profitable? Whether the company is profitable or not can only be based on estimations. SpaceX is a private company that doesn’t reveal its annual revenue data from Starlink or launch, two of its key verticals, to the public.

According to financial expert analysis, SpaceX makes $980 million and $2.27 billion in Starlink and launch revenues, respectively. Elon Musk, the founder, has been raising money through investors to keep the business afloat. In 2022, the company raised $2.2 billion to make it the most valuable private company in the U.S.

In 2023, SpaceX launched a new round of funding to raise $750 million. If successful, this will set the company’s value at $137 billion. Andreessen Horowitz, a venture capital firm, will spearhead the funding round. Other partners involved in the funding drive include Founders Fund, Gigafund, and Sequoia.

Does raising funding increase the company’s chances of profitability? Despite revolutionizing the space and technology industry, SpaceX has had to wade through some challenges, which we shall discuss later in the article. Here are comprehensive details about SpaceX’s current financial position.


Timeline of SpaceX’s Financial Growth and Funding

SpaceX timeline of growth and financing started before the company was launched. In 2001, Elon Musk and his friends visited Russia to buy intercontinental ballistic missiles. He was not ready to start a business yet and wanted to buy a Russian rocket at a friendly price. He would use the rocket to deliver mice or plants to Mars and guarantee their safe return. Elon would later launch SpaceX in 2002, ushering in the commercial spaceflight era. SpaceX is the short form of Space Exploration Technologies Corporation.

1998-2005: Peter Thiel, the co-founder of Confinity, merged with Elon’s to create PayPal. The platform facilitated the use of eBay. eBay later acquired PayPal in 2002 for $1.5 billion. Thiel used the funds to establish Palantir Technologies in 2004 before launching the Founders Fund in 2005. The venture capital firm invested in various companies, including SpaceX. SpaceX revealed plans to develop a human-rated commercial space project, which later became the Dragon spacecraft.

2006-2010: SpaceX made its inaugural Falcon 1 launch, which ended prematurely despite starting successfully due to a fuel leak and fire. However, the company’s launching order revenue was in the sum of millions of dollars. Other unsuccessful Falcon 1 launches occurred in March and August 2007 and 2008, respectively. In September 2008, SpaceX successfully launched a liquid-fueled rocket into orbit.

The company would win a NASA International Space Station servicing contract worth over $1 billion. SpaceX’s financial position started changing when its fourth launch attempt succeeded. Elon divided his remaining $30 million between Tesla and SpaceX. In December, the company won NASA’s first Commercial Resupply Services (CRS) contract, saving it from a financial crash.

NASA committed to purchasing various commercial flights as long as they demonstrated particular capabilities, accelerating the development of Falcon 9. This development began with seed capital from the COTS (Commercial Orbital Transportation Services) program in 2006. The entire contract was worth US$278 million.

2012-2016: In early 2012, Elon owned nearly two-thirds of SpaceX stock, with his 70 million shares estimated to be worth $875 million. SpaceX’s value then was $1.3 billion. In May 2012, the company’s Dragon C2+ would become the inaugural commercial spacecraft to transport cargo to the ISS. After the flight, SpaceX’s equity valuation almost doubled to $20 per share, or $2.4 billion. Then, SpaceX was running on around $1 billion in funding in its premier decade of operations.

Out of this amount, private equity provided around $200 million, with Elon investing around $100 million while other investors invested approximately $100 million. In 2014, 20 contracts were competed openly worldwide, out of which SpaceX won nine. Arianespace requested European governments to provide extra subsidies to face SpaceX’s competition.

During the same year, SpaceX’s pricing and capabilities started influencing the market for the initiation of U.S. military payloads, which had been dominated by the ULA (United Launch Alliance.) This monopoly had triggered the rise of U.S. launch costs to more than $400 million. At the beginning of 2015, SpaceX raised $1 billion in funding from Fidelity and Google for 8.3% of the company. After this funding, SpaceX’s valuation was estimated to be $12 billion.

2017-2021: SpaceX made $350 million in July 2017, raising the company’s valuation to $21 billion. In the same year, the company gained a 45% global market share for allocated commercial launch contracts. By early 2018 the company had over 100 launches, representing around $12 billion in contract income.

SpaceX established The Boring Company in 2017 and started building a test tunnel adjacent to the SpaceX manufacturing and headquarters facility. The Boring Company later became a separate corporate entity whose 6% of the equity was channeled to SpaceX. In late 2020, SpaceX raised $1.9 billion worth of funding, raising its valuation to $46 billion.

The company raised another $1.61 billion in 2021 from 99 investors, raising its valuation to around $74 billion. By 2021 SpaceX had raised more than $6 billion in equity financing, raising its valuation to $100.3 billion. In the same year, the company entered into a contract with Microsoft Azure to offer networking and on-ground computer services for Starlink.

When did SpaceX first Become Profitable?

SpaceX first became profitable in 2013 after launching the Falcon 9 rocket. The company’s profitability has grown massively as it became one of the world’s most prosperous space transportation firms. According to a Wall Street Journal analysis, SpaceX’s income peaked in 2014 before falling to $945 million in 2015.

The company makes very little profit from its income, regardless of how much it earns. In 2017, analysts predicted a 3% profit margin for SpaceX 2018 based on how successful their operations would have been that year. The analysts mentioned that SpaceX could boost its profit margin if it started reusing damaged rockets. SpaceX strives to reduce space transportation costs by reusing rockets and remodeling technology.

Financial Performance of SpaceX: Overview of revenues, expenses, and profits

According to compiled data, SpaceX has raised up to $9.8 billion in 32 rounds. They raised their latest funding in July 2022. The company is funded by 80 investors, with the International Holding Company and Alpha Dhabi being the latest investors.

SpaceX Revenue

SpaceX’s valuation data shows that the company’s worth in 2010 was more than $1 billion. This figure has grown from approximately $33.3 billion in May 2019 to $46 billion in August 2020. SpaceX’s worth in October 2021 and July 2022 was $100 billion and $127 billion, respectively. The company’s market value has grown fourfold in three years.

With a $140 billion valuation, SpaceX has overtaken industry giants like Lockheed Martin and Boeing and could be at the same level as ByteDance. According to a Bloomberg Billionaires index estimation, Elon owned 44% of shares in the company. As a result, the SpaceX stock valuation in his personal holdings was approximately $61.6bn.

SpaceX Expenses

According to Elon Musk, the Falcon 9 rocket’s launch cost since 2016 is $62 million. Christopher Couluris, the director of vehicle integration at SpaceX, can reduce launch costs by $30 million. During a media briefing held in 2020, Couluris said ″The rocket costs $28 million to launch; that’s with everything. Reusing the rockets brings the price down significantly.”

Chances are that the Inspiration4 mission cost much more, especially because its additional resources required a crew. SpaceX had to guarantee the crew’s safety in orbit and on landing back to earth during this launch. However, the launch expenses are less than the money collected from raffle ticket sales.

SpaceX Profits

SpaceX makes a huge percentage of its money from launching satellites into orbit. Commercial businesses pay the company to launch satellites they can leverage for their firms. The launch fee per service is $62 million, but could be higher for complex launches. As we’ve mentioned in the beginning, SpaceX is a private company that neither discloses how it makes money. As a result, there is no factual information on the company’s profitability. Still, financial analysts point out satellite launches as SpaceX’s core profit earner.

Analysis of Disruptive Impact on the Traditional and Modern Space Industry

SpaceX made history in February 2017 when it launched the Falcon Heavy, which SpaceX says is “the most powerful operational rocket in the world by a factor of two.” In December 2018, a Wall Street Journal report suggested that the company was raising $500 million to fund a big satellite internet project named Starlink. After launching Falcon 9, the company claimed the process cost was approximately $90 million.

SpaceX has achieved cost efficiencies, which Elon Musk explained in an interview. He said the company was running on a “Silicon Valley operating system and DNA as applied to the problem of space transport.” SpaceX is a vertically integrated company that has built its supply chain from scratch, innovating technology and its processes.

The launch of SpaceX’s inaugural reusable rocket proves that rocket launch costs will drop significantly. Elon plans to send humans to Mars, and after launching the Falcon Heavy, he is edging closer to achieving his plans.

Impact on the Cloud Industry

SpaceX and Google have collaborated to transform the cloud industry. They plan to deliver applications, cloud services, and data to consumers at the network edge, relying on Google’s cloud infrastructure and SpaceX’s Starlink low-Earth-orbit satellite constellation to offer high-speed broadband internet across the globe.

Google and SpaceX are committed to managing the connectivity demands of firms with broad footprints, like companies operating in remote or rural areas requiring access to cloud applications, businesses with a network edge presence, and public sector agencies.

With this partnership, SpaceX will start locating Starlink ground stations within Google data center properties. This will enable data delivery for over 1,500 Starlink satellites released to orbit points at the network edge through Google cloud.

SpaceX Business Financials

A recent report from Bloomberg showed that SpaceX had authorized insiders to sell their shares at $77, which would have raised the company’s valuation to around $140 billion. In 2022, SpaceX raised over $2 billion, including the $250 million funding in July. According to a CNBC report, the company’s valuation was $127 in May during an equity round.

Potential for Profitability

Many industry experts and institutional investors are sure that SpaceX will be more valuable than Tesla. Morgan Stanley, an analyst, wrote, “the majority of our clients (by survey and client discussions) believe SpaceX could ultimately command a higher valuation and significance than even Tesla.”

Tesla’s market value is $858 billion, while SpaceX attained a $100.3 billion valuation following a secondary share sale. Morgan surveyed to establish which between SpaceX and Tesla was a more irresistible investment, and which between the two could become more valuable in the long term. He received 32 responses, out of which 63% of answers were in favor of SpaceX.

Challenges that SpaceX Faces as a Business

SpaceX faces various challenges as a business, with competition being one of the biggest challenges. The company faces competitors like OneWeb, based in London and backed by Richard Branson of Virgin Group and the SoftBank Group Corp. of Japan, as well as LeoSat Enterprises, Inc., based in Washington, D.C., Arianespace and Boeing Satellite Systems, Inc.

The international market for commercial space launches is not large, with analysts estimating it to rotate about $6 billion yearly. While SpaceX claimed almost half of the market, the demand for geostationary satellites dropped significantly in 2016, with the average number of launches for the subsequent three years being eight per year. Arianespace, one of SpaceX’s main competitors, says ten launches per year would be viable.

Military market access. SpaceX recently missed out on a contract award from the U.S. Air Force, which controls national-security space programs. While SpaceX can compete in the program’s second phase, the U.S. government is unlikely to fund a new launch rocket or vehicle engine for the company.

Civil space safety. After learning that Elon had smoked marijuana through a podcast, James Bridenstine, the NASA administrator, ordered a safety evaluation of the two companies authorized to transport astronauts to the ISS. This evaluation may delay SpaceX’s efforts to get space clearance and continue operations.

Weak business profitability. Media coverage of gloomy debt placement by SpaceX showed that the company generates approximately $2.5 billion annually. However, Bloomberg’s debt placement reports revealed that SpaceX incorporated customer pre-payments and excluded various research expenditures. Were not for those adjustments, the company would have incurred a loss.


SpaceX’s value has grown tremendously in recent years. The company’s plans to raise funds to work on Starlink and the advanced rocket Starship would grow its value to $127 billion. Despite its high valuation records, reports about SpaceX’s profitability may not be conclusive, since the company doesn’t reveal its records. What is certain, however, is that the company makes a percentage of its money through launches. Considering the expense of operations, SpaceX’s profit margin may be low.

I'm a seasoned enthusiast in the field of space technology and finance, deeply immersed in the complexities of SpaceX's journey and the nuances of its financial operations. My insights stem from a broad spectrum of sources, including extensive research, analyses from financial experts, publicly available data, and a keen interest in the developments within the aerospace industry.

SpaceX, founded by Elon Musk in 2002, revolutionized commercial space travel. The company's trajectory is intricately tied to its funding rounds, which began even before its official inception. Musk's strategic maneuvers, including leveraging previous successful ventures like PayPal to fund SpaceX's nascent stages, underscore his acumen in fundraising and sustaining the business.

Regarding SpaceX's profitability, it's crucial to note that the company's financial data remains largely undisclosed. However, through meticulous analysis by financial experts, estimations suggest the company's revenue streams. For instance, in recent years, SpaceX purportedly generated $980 million from Starlink and $2.27 billion from its launch services.

The company's valuation surged from $1.3 billion in 2012 to an astounding $137 billion in 2023, achieved through multiple rounds of funding. Notably, SpaceX's profitability milestone arrived in 2013 after the successful launch of the Falcon 9 rocket. However, despite significant revenues, the company's profit margin remained relatively low due to substantial operational expenses.

SpaceX's revenue sources primarily revolve around satellite launches, which are sought after by commercial entities. The company charges around $62 million per launch but remains discreet about its financial specifics. Analysts attribute a sizable portion of SpaceX's earnings to these satellite launches, emphasizing their significance in the company's revenue model.

The company's disruptive impact on the space industry is evident, characterized by milestones like Falcon Heavy's launch in 2017 and the ongoing Starlink project. Through innovative technology and a vertically integrated approach, SpaceX continuously strives to reduce launch costs, exemplified by the successful reuse of rockets, driving cost efficiencies.

Moreover, partnerships like the one with Google indicate SpaceX's foray into the cloud industry, aiming to provide high-speed broadband globally through Starlink's satellite constellation integrated with Google's cloud infrastructure.

However, challenges persist for SpaceX, including intense competition from other players like OneWeb and LeoSat Enterprises, financial pressures, and regulatory hurdles exemplified by safety evaluations following Elon Musk's public actions.

In conclusion, while SpaceX's valuation and industry influence are undeniable, the intricacies of its profitability remain somewhat opaque due to undisclosed financial data. Yet, the company's strategic initiatives, revenue streams from satellite launches, and visionary projects like Starlink underscore its pivotal role in transforming the space and technology landscape.

Is SpaceX Profitable? (2024)


Is SpaceX actually profitable? ›

It was recently announced that in Q1 of 2023, Starlink achieved ”breakeven cash flow”, and that SpaceX turned a profit in 2023.

Is it worth investing in SpaceX? ›

Is it worth investing in SpaceX? SpaceX could be a worthwhile investment. The space exploration company is rapidly growing its revenue as it expands its launch services and satellite internet businesses. Those drivers are fueling a rapidly rising private market valuation.

Is SpaceX cash flow positive? ›

When pressed further about Musk's comments at a Washington conference last month, SpaceX Chief Financial Officer Bret Johnsen said, “I don't know that I want to quantify those numbers, but we are in positive cash flow and profitable territory for our satellite business now.”

Does SpaceX or Tesla make more money? ›

Tesla earned an operating margin of almost 17% in 2022. Jonas' profit projections leave SpaceX trading for about 6.7 times his estimated 2035 profits. There aren't many good ways to compare that to the market.

Why is Starlink losing money? ›

Define “territory”: Elon Musk and other SpaceX execs say their satcom network is cash flow positive and in “profitable territory.” But sources who spoke to Bloomberg News last week paint a more negative picture, saying that the company is leaving launch costs out of data it shares with investors and is losing money on ...

What is the SpaceX controversy? ›

The new lawsuit filed Wednesday accuses SpaceX and Musk of violating federal and state labor law, and accuses Musk of “knowingly and purposefully created an unwelcome hostile work environment” and retaliating against the workers for “opposing the discrimination, harassment, and hostile work environment that they ...

Is SpaceX undervalued? ›

The new valuation is a record for an American private company, but is still lower than the $268 billion valuation of Chinese company ByteDance Ltd., parent of social video phenom TikTok. Already, SpaceX is on par with some of the world's largest, publicly traded companies by market capitalization.

What company is highly invested in SpaceX? ›

SpaceX investment summary:

Elon Musk: Founder and CEO, 54% Founders Fund: 10.4% Fidelity Investments: 10.2% Google (Google Ventures): 7.5%

What is the success rate of SpaceX? ›

Rockets from the Falcon 9 family have been launched 370 times over 14 years, resulting in 367 full successes (99.19%), two in-flight failures (SpaceX CRS-7 and Starlink Group 9-3), and one partial success (SpaceX CRS-1, which delivered its cargo to the International Space Station (ISS), but a secondary payload was ...

Is Starlink making profit? ›

Razors and blades... and profits

As it turns out, Starlink's internet service is very profitable indeed. In its 2024 forecast, Payload Research estimated that Starlink will record revenue of $6.8 billion this year, most of which will come from internet subscriptions.

Is Starlink financially viable? ›

Quilty Space estimates Starlink's EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes,depreciation, and amortization) to reach $3.8 billion in 2024, a significant leap from negative $128 million in 2022.”We expect Starlink to achieve positive free cash flow for the first time in 2024,” said Quilty.

Has Starlink broken even? ›

Nov 2 (Reuters) - SpaceX CEO Elon Musk said on Thursday the rocket company's satellite internet unit, Starlink, had achieved cash flow breakeven. In 2021, Musk said SpaceX would spin off and take Starlink public once its cash flow was reasonably predictable.

Has SpaceX ever turned a profit? ›

Aug 17 (Reuters) - Elon Musk-owned SpaceX's surging revenue helped it turn a small profit in the first quarter of 2023 after two annual losses, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday, citing documents.

Why is SpaceX so valuable? ›

SpaceX generates its cash flow by launching rockets carrying customer cargo, and NASA astronauts, into space. (The company conducts more than half of all orbital space launches around the globe today.) And by offering its Starlink space-based Wi-Fi service.

What percentage of SpaceX does Elon Musk own? ›

And Deutsche Bank analyst Emmanuel Rosner wrote Wednesday after meeting with Tesla management in Munich that third-quarter profit margins might be a little worse than expected. Musk isn't the sole owner of SpaceX. He owns 42% and had almost 79% of its voting power as of March, the Journal reported.

Has SpaceX ever been successful? ›

Both the Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy are certified to conduct launches for the National Security Space Launch (NSSL). As of 4 August 2024, the Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy have been launched 370 times, resulting in 367 full mission successes, one partial success, and one in-flight failure.

How much money does SpaceX get from the government? ›

SpaceX's ties to the US government

SpaceX is, after all, primarily a government contractor, racking up $15.3 billion in awarded contracts since 2003, according to US government records. Its most important businesses are launching astronauts and scientific missions for NASA, and flying satellites for the US military.

Did NASA give SpaceX money? ›

WASHINGTON (AP) — NASA has awarded SpaceX an $843 million contract to build the vehicle that will bring the International Space Station out of its longtime orbit of Earth when its operating lifespan ends in a few more years.

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