Is Polygon (MATIC) a Good Investment? (2024)

Is Polygon (MATIC) a Good Investment? (3)

One of the names that has gained a lot of momentum in the fast-moving world of cryptocurrency is Polygon (MATIC). Created mainly to fix Ethereum’s toughest problems, including scaling, velocity and transaction prices, among other things, Polygon is an expression of creativity among alternatives for Layer 2 scalability. But with crypto market’s well-known unpredictability, does it make sense to invest in Polygon (MATIC)?

Key Takeaways:

  • Polygon is one of the leading Layer 2 scaling solutions for Ethereum (ETH) that optimizes speed and reduces costs.
  • MATIC, native token of Polygon, has experienced significant market volatility over time.
  • Currently, Polygon is undervalued and there are upcoming catalysts that will surge its value.

What is Polygon?
Polygon, formerly known as Matic Network at its core, is a complex blockchain platform seeking to scale Ethereum through an interconnected and multi-chain system. It’s like creating a parallel universe where Ethereum’s functionalities can grow unhampered by their original bounds.

Why Does Polygon Matter?
Ethereum, despite all of its innovations, has fallen prey to the trappings of its own success. Since the advent of decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), there has been congestion on its network leading to higher transaction costs and slower processing. This can be remedied according to Polygon through the creation of a framework for constructing blockchain networks that can interface with the main Ethereum chain thereby allowing for quicker and cheaper transactions.

MATIC: More Than Just a Token
MATIC, the native token of Polygon, serves multiple purposes within the ecosystem, including paying transaction fees and participating in proof-of-stake consensus.

Is Polygon (MATIC) a Good Investment? (4)

Are you staking your Polygon tokens yet? Consider staking with StakeBaby! We’re active developers and contributors in Web3, and by staking with us, you’ll support our efforts to build awesome tools, smart contracts, and content. Plus, you’ll earn delicious rewards!

From Matic Network to Polygon
Matic Network initially started off as a project centered upon scalability but it renamed itself to Polygon once it realized just how much wider scope it could have. The goal of this evolution was not only about improving Ethereum’s scaling capacity but also shaping how interoperability would play out in future blockchains.

MATIC’s Market Trends
Potential investors should analyze the performance of MATIC. Over time, MATIC has shown significant volatility, with large price rises followed by quick reversals. This is a common occurrence in crypto markets hence it needs to be approached with care by investors.

Is Polygon (MATIC) a Good Investment? (5)

How Polygon Enhances Ethereum
The Polygon architecture is designed to make Ethereum more efficient. By executing transactions off-chain and then batching them into Ethereum, congestion is reduced and transactions speed up and costs come down. This benefit is especially useful to DeFi app developers and NFT marketplaces where timing and fees matter.

Polygon’s Unique Proposition

Polygon stands out due to its versatility. It supports two types of major Ethereum-compatible blockchain networks: secure chains (Layer 2 chains) and independent chains (sidechains). In this way, it allows for the development of scalable applications without restrictions such as those on Ethereum’s mainnet that appeal to programmers looking for more elastic solutions.

Introduction to Polygon (MATIC): The Internet of Blockchains

This video offers a beginner-friendly explanation of Polygon and its significance in the blockchain ecosystem, highlighting its role as a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum.

Polygon’s adoption has stood out with many projects choosing to construct on its platform, from DeFi protocols to NFT platforms, the diversity and number of applications running on Polygon speak to its robustness and developer-friendly environment.

Why Developers Choose Polygon

  • Scalability: Offers the ability to process transactions quickly and at a fraction of the cost compared to Ethereum’s mainnet.
  • Security: Maintains a high level of security through its proof-of-stake consensus mechanism.
  • Ecosystem Support: Provides a range of tools and resources to facilitate development and deployment.

Polygon’s Ecosystem Growth

One of the strongest indicators for Polygon’s value proposition is how fast its ecosystem has been growing. Its network effects are seen through thousands of decentralized applications it has. This growth not only benefits users and developers but also contributes to intrinsic value of MATIC.

Table 1: Polygon Ecosystem Overview

Is Polygon (MATIC) a Good Investment? (6)

Challenges and Considerations

However, despite having wonderful features and a strong ecosystem, Polygon faces challenges such as competition from other Layer 2 solutions then there is the problem related with volatility in the crypto market. In addition to these factors, investors should consider aspects like technological advancements and market position.

Looking Forward: The Future of Polygon

The evolving Ethereum with its upcoming upgrades might change polygon’s role within the ecosystem. The project’s ability to be agile and innovative will play a key role in maintaining relevance for both developers as well as investors who want more than just trends.

Explore MATIC on Polygon’s Official Site

If you want to dig deeper into MATIC and how it works in the Polygon ecosystem, there are comprehensive resources on documentation at the official Polygon website.

The company has been in the forefront of forging strategic alliances that increase its usage and acceptance across various sectors in blockchain space. Such partnerships range from DeFi and NFT platforms to gaming and decentralized social networks, all of which contribute to the resilience and appeal of the platform.

Strategic Partnerships:

  • DeFi Alliances: Polygons’ involvement with top DeFi platforms improves liquidity and simplifies accessibility to financial services.
  • NFT & Gaming: Partnerships with various NFT marketplaces and blockchain-based games create unique use cases and promote user engagement.
  • Infrastructure & Tooling: Working closely with infrastructure providers is important in making sure that developers have the right tools for building big data applications that can scale out and be secure on the network.

Table 2: Notable Polygon Partnerships

Is Polygon (MATIC) a Good Investment? (7)

These collaborations not only demonstrate Polygon’s commitment to creating a versatile ecosystem but also emphasize its value proposition as an Ethereum-scaling solution.

Polygon’s roadmap is filled with ambitious projects and upgrades designed to improve its scalability, interoperability, and user experience. More importantly, the development of technologies like zkRollups or optimistic rollups within Polygon’s ecosystem should not go unnoticed since these solutions have promises for even faster transactions speeds at lower costs.

Emerging Technologies:

  • zkRollups: Zero-knowledge rollups are a promising technology to scale transactions while maintaining user’s privacy, at the same time ensuring their safety.
  • Optimistic Rollups: By assuming transactions are valid by default, optimistic rollups can drastically enhance processing speed.

Polygon’s Roadmap Highlights

  • Integration of zkRollups: The use of zero-knowledge proofs enables faster private transaction processing.
  • Expansion of the DeFi Ecosystem: By bringing more DeFi projects to the platform, this would increase TVL (total value locked).
  • Enhanced Developer Support: Supplying more resources and tools to motivate the enhancement of decentralized applications (DApps).

Polygon (MATIC) investment comes with a distinct set of prospects and hurdles. Regarding MATIC’s being one of the most significant Layer 2 solutions, it implies that investors will have an opportunity to participate in Ethereum’s growth and as such may reduce some scalability limits for Ethereum. Nonetheless, due to the unstable nature of the cryptocurrency market, investors should opt for diversified strategies.

Even though it’s currently valued at almost $11 billion (as of 1:06 AM, 10 March 2024 UTC) in market cap, some experts do think it is relatively undervalued right now compared to most crypto market leaders by at least 2 times. This is mainly because, Polygon has huge catalyst events coming up over the next 3 months:

  1. Polygon AggLayer

The first upcoming upgrade is the Polygon AggLayer technology. This technology offers a new way of aggregating all the liquidity and decentralized applications on these sub-networks under Polygon and under the same bridge contract and the staking layer.

Is Polygon (MATIC) a Good Investment? (8)

Polygon is not one single blockchain, instead, it has many networks under its umbrella. Polygon has three official networks, the POS side chain, the zkeVM, and the upcoming Miden. Then it has a lot of different project networks that are built under Polygon CDK and these are huge projects we are talking about.

Is Polygon (MATIC) a Good Investment? (9)

For example:

  • Canto
  • Astar Network
  • Manta Network
  • Immutable X (Immutable zkEVM)
  • Gnosis Pay
  • IDEX

These are some of the hundreds of millions or sometimes, billion dollar projects that are built using Polygon CDK.

Under this AggLayer upgrade, all of these sub-networks can communicate directly with each other without having to go through multiple bridges. For example, you can do a DeFi transaction on Chain A and have it be committed on Chain B in a matter of seconds. Sounds efficient, right?

Is Polygon (MATIC) a Good Investment? (10)

This is a hundred times better than what you need to do on other networks where you have to swap to other token and bridge it to Ethereum mainnet then bridge it back out to the other Layer 2 network you want and then swap it back to some other token.

With this AggLayer design, we can truly have cross-chain DeFi applications that you only need to sign a transaction on one chain while you can perform multiple steps on multiple chains. Currently, Polygon is the only Layer 2 provider that is offering this kind of solution. Optimism and Arbitrum do not have them yet

2. Polygon zkEVM

Is Polygon (MATIC) a Good Investment? (11)

The second major catalyst coming for Polygon is the zkEVM narrative. On the 13th of March, Ethereum will go through the next major upgrade of EIP-4844 which directly benefits all ZK roll-up Layer 2 blockchains because EIP-4844 is a major fee upgrade which solves the big fee problem that’s been plaguing most of the zkEVMs out there. Right now on most ZK roller blockchains, you need to spend more than 10 cents for a single swap transaction. After EIP-4844 goes live, that is going to be reduced to under 1 cent.

This is why the major race for zkEVM blockchains to go to mainnet is on right now. In fact, most of the large airdrop projects and large info projects this year are all around the ZK narrative. You most likely have heard of these projects on the the list:

  • zkSync Era
  • Starknet
  • Polygon zkEVM
  • Linea
  • Scroll; and
  • Taiko
Is Polygon (MATIC) a Good Investment? (12)

These six Layer 2 projects will all be valued at multiple billions of dollars at launch. In fact, we have already seen some of them launch this month. Starknet has already launched its token and it currently sits at $25,124,009,591 FTV (as of 3:50 AM, 10 March 2024 UTC).

Is Polygon (MATIC) a Good Investment? (13)

Additionally, zkSync will be even crazier because they have raised over $450 million of private funding that is going to put them at least 2–3 billion dollars in private sale valuations. Experts also expect that zkSync token in public trading to be more than Starknet, maybe even reaching $20 billion.

With so many of these ZK tokens launching, there is an inherent ZK wave that is building up right now. However, what’s really cool about Polygon is that it is the only live token for an info provider that has good tokenomics. Unless you want to buy into the huge inflation coming up for Starknet at $24 billion in fully diluted valuation (as of 7:10 AM, 10 March 2024 UTC).

But honestly, you and other crypto guys don’t have much choice either. Your only other choice is Polygon which is a far superior technology compared to Starknet because it supports the EVM stack, Ethereum language solidity. While Starknet only has a proprietary language and the adoption is nowhere to that of Polygon. This is the biggest reason why experts think that Polygon token is currently undervalued.

Assuming we will get a major ZK wave in the next 2–3 months, all of the money in the market right now will have to flood into Polygon because it is the only choice of a token. By the time zkSync, Linea, Scroll, and Taiko all launch, we shall see if zkSync is valued at $20 billion as there is no reason for its closest competitor, Polygon, to be valued at only $10.9 billion (as of 7:10 AM, 10 March 2024 UTC) especially given that Polygon has almost all of the token supply circulating which means there is no upcoming sell pressure. This superior tokenomics should also play in its favor. Last but not the least, most of the Layer 1 and Layer 2 projects, have all had major run-ups since the beginning of the year 2024.

We have Arbirtrum which had a run-up of $1 all the way up to $2.10 and is currently at $21 billion FDV (as of 7:24 AM, 10 March 2024 UTC). Optimism had a similar run-up from $1.50 to $4.75. It is at $20.4 billion FDV (as of 7:24 AM, 10 March 2024 UTC). Last but not the least, Avalanche has had a bigger run-up from $17 to $43.40 and now sits at $18.9 billion FDV (as of 7:24 AM, 10 March 2024 UTC). Although AVAX is not a Layer 2 technology, it is often in the same conversation as Polygon because their target is very similar types of enterprise adoption, such as gaming, entertainment, and etc.

When you look at these 3 market giants, they have all gone up to $18–21 billion of fully diluted valuation. Whereas, Polygon only sits at $11.8 billion FDV right now (as of 7:24 AM, 10 March 2024 UTC).

3. Polygon’s 2.0 Tokenomics

Polygon 2.0 tokenomics is just around the corner where the MATIC token will be migrated to the pole token. Check also on Polygon’s governance forum and it really seems like this token upgrade is the last step before the major run-up for Polygon happens.

Is Polygon (MATIC) a Good Investment? (14)

They are just ironing out the last kinks such as how to reduce the extra supply that is already being burnt and what the new inflation schedule will be which will be very small, only around 1% annually.

4. Polygon’s Price Chart

Lastly, looking at the price chart of Polygon, we are seeing some very healthy signs with an uptrend forming. However, experts think that this is still very early and are fully expecting to test towards its previous all time high above $2 and potentially reach $2.50 once the pole tokenomics goes live and once the full ZK season is in play.

Regardless of where your entries are at, I really think that the current prices are super cheap compared to the other major Layer 1 and Layer 2 blockchain valuations.

Why POLYGON (MATIC) is my #1 Cryptocurrency for 2024!

This video presents a compelling argument on why Polygon (MATIC) holds significant potential for growth, making a case for its selection as a top cryptocurrency investment.

  1. What makes Polygon (MATIC) unique among Layer 2 solutions?

Considering the rest of the Layer 2 solutions, Polygon is outstanding due to its one-of-a-kind multi-chain architecture that allows it to be flexible and scalable.

2. How does Polygon (MATIC) contribute to the Ethereum ecosystem?

Polygon enables more effective and less costly transactions by providing scalable solutions that relieve the congestion of Ethereum network, thus increasing the general utility of Ethereum.

3. Is it too late to invest in Polygon (MATIC)?

Given its ongoing projects and blockchain technology’s rising adoption, there are a lot of growth opportunities for Polygon. As stated previously in this article, provided all the considerations, Polygon is still undervalued and the prices are super cheap compared to its competitors.

4. How can investors evaluate MATIC’s potential for growth?

Investors should look into platform adoption rate, advancements in technology, partnerships as well as broader market tendencies. Staying up-to-date with developments in the crypto market at large and within the Ethereum ecosystem is also fundamental.


Exploring the potential market capitalization of MATIC and what it would take for Polygon to reach such a valuation. This video delves into the factors that could drive Polygon’s growth to new heights.

By examining Polygon’s strategic partnerships, upcoming projects, and the evolving landscape of blockchain technology, investors can gain insights into the potential risks and rewards of investing in MATIC. As with any investment, thorough research, and consideration of market conditions are essential to making informed decisions.

From analyzing Polygon’s strategic partnerships, forthcoming projects and changing blockchain landscape, investors may comprehend risks and rewards involved in MATIC investment. As with any investment, thorough research plus consideration of market conditions are crucial to making informed decisions.

Polygon (MATIC) is a hub for developers and investors who want to work in another dimension where Ethereum has no limitations on its features. Polygon has been the roller-coaster of the crypto market; in the big picture it is still undervalued. This is exemplified by almost $11 billion in market cap at the start of March 2024, implying that there might be indications of breaking out soon in the form of: The AggLayer upgrade and the zkEVM story.

There are opportunities abound that go from bridging the gap between multiple chains to reducing transaction costs to practically zero. Today’s gold may become a lesson on volatility tomorrow.

The cards that you have are strong with an update coming up and also a growth story that could shoot your stakes higher than ever before. Nonetheless, diversification has always had its place — your bets should be spread across different sectors to weather unknowns within cryptos.

For those yearning for depth or maintaining constant touch with Polygon, they can easily get inside. Engage with the community, look through upcoming project layers and lastly, pry into what goes on around crypto.

So, is Polygon (MATIC) a good investment? Possibly yes! Nonetheless, like every other investment especially in cryptocurrencies’ vibrant yet unpredictable world, cautiously going forth side by side of optimism may well be your smartest choice ever.

Go deeper, be curious and above all invest wisely.

Is Polygon (MATIC) a Good Investment? (15)

Support our dedication to web3 and enjoy tasty rewards by staking with StakeBaby.

Is Polygon (MATIC) a Good Investment? (2024)


Is Polygon Matic still a good investment? ›

Coin Price Forecast has a reasonably bullish outlook for Polygon, as it leaves the Polygon's future price should continue to strengthen over time. While initially dipping slightly during 2024, they expect Polygon's projected value to reach $3.82 by 2030.

Can Polygon Matic hit $10? ›

Polygon (MATIC) price might reach $10 by 2028.

Can MATIC hit $1,000? ›

While it is difficult to predict prices of tokens and their long term value, following the current pattern of 20% yearly growth, it would take more than 30 years for MATIC to reach $1000. Overall Polygon has seen steady innovation and funding rounds over the years which indicates a promising future.

How high can MATIC realistically go? ›

DigitalCoinPrice predicts that MATIC could reach $2.43 in 2023 and $3.91 in 2025. Their long-term projection for 2030 is $11.45.

Can Polygon reach $50? ›

2030 Polygon (MATIC) Price Prediction

AMBCrypto's analysis presents an optimistic forecast, suggesting that Polygon (MATIC) could reach an average trading price of approximately $51.01 by 2030.

Has Polygon got a future? ›

Polygon's growing ecosystem positions it well for future growth and increased token utility. Polygon (MATIC) exemplifies the volatile nature of the crypto market. Despite facing significant challenges, the long-term outlook for Polygon remains promising.

Which coin will boom in 2024? ›

Top 10 Cryptos in 2024
CoinMarket CapitalizationCurrent Price
Binance Coin (BNB)$73.99 billion$507.14
Solana (SOL)$62.45 million$133.76
Ripple (XRP)$30.62 billion$0.54
Dogecoin (DOGE)$14.25 billion$0.097
6 more rows
Sep 6, 2024

Can polygons reach $100? ›

Whether Polygon (MATIC) can reach $100 is difficult to answer. It might be technically possible, but not within the foreseeable future. This is due to the fact that Polygon's bullish spike would require a significant increase in the adoption and usage of the Polygon network.

Can MATIC reach $3? ›

A price target of $3 for Polygon's token might be achievable given the uptick in development activity and a generally warmer climate in the cryptocurrency sector as a whole.

What will a Polygon be worth in 2025? ›

Polygon (MATIC) Price Prediction 2030
2024$ 0.378602
2025$ 0.397532
2026$ 0.417409
2027$ 0.438279
1 more row

What will MATIC be worth in 2050? ›

According to our Polygon price prediction, the anticipated maximum trading price for Matic in 2050 is projected to be approximately $678.04. Our analysis indicates that by the year 2050, it could achieve an average price of around $625.16.

Which crypto will boom in 2026? ›

Here are three cryptos with tenfold growth potential by 2026.
  • Ethereum (ETH-USD) Source: Side. ...
  • Bitcoin (BTC-USD) Source: Sittipong Phokawattana / ...
  • Solana (SOL-USD) Source: Postmodern Studio /
Mar 5, 2024

Which coin is best to invest in? ›

Discover Best Crypto Coins for Long-Term Investment
  • LuckHunter (LHUNT)
  • Cardano (ADA)
  • BlockDag (BDAG)
  • MoonBag (MBAG)
  • Pepe Unchained (PEPE)
1 day ago

Which crypto will explode? ›

Cryptos that could boom in 2024 include Render Token (a rendering network) and Solana. Bitcoin and Ethereum could also be poised for strong performances in 2024, thanks to the SEC's approval of Bitcoin ETFs and Ethereum ETFs.

What will a Polygon be worth in 2040? ›

Based on our long-term Polygon Coin price forecast, we anticipated that prices could reach a new all-time high this year. By 2040, the maximum price of the MATIC Coin is projected to be around $31.26. Our average price forecast for Polygon is $30.62 in 2040.

Will MATIC ever go back up? ›

According to your price prediction input for Polygon, the value of MATIC may increase by +5% and reach $ 0.502454 by 2030.

Which coin is best to buy now? ›

The following is a list of the best cryptocurrency to buy now for jaw-dropping returns:
  • LuckHunter (LHUNT)
  • Tron (TRX)
  • Ripple (XRP)
  • Kaspa (KAS)
  • Sandbox (SAND)
  • Ethereum (ETH)
  • Solana (SOL)
  • Polygon (MATIC)
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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

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