Is Pet Insurance Worth It In Australia? The Pros & Cons - (2024)

Written ByVedrana Nikolic| Canine Coach, B.A Ethnology & Anthropology, M.A Semiotics.
Edited & Fact Checked By Renae Soppe | B.A Journalism & Science.
Last Updated: 13th January 2024

Should I get pet insurance for my dog? That’s a question every new pet parent should ask. In Australia, pet insurance isn’t mandatory (unlike some other countries), which leaves it up to you to decide whether it is worth it or not.

So is pet insurance worth it in Australia? Well, the answer is, it depends. The best pet insurances can be incredibly valuable when you are faced with expensive vet bills that need to be paid ASAP, there are various other factors that you need to take into account before settling on a pet insurance policy for your dog.

Table Of Contents

What Does Pet Insurance Cover in Australia?

Does Pet Insurance Cover “Ordinary” Expenses?

What Is Not Cover By Pet Insurance In Australia?

#3 Insurance Premium Prices Are Not Fixed

#4 You Still Have to Budget for Other Expenses

#5 Getting the Money Can Be Difficult

How Much For Pet Insurance In Australia?

Should I Get Pet Insurance?


What Does Pet Insurance Cover in Australia?

The area that almost every pet insurance policy is designed to cover is accidents. So, any decent plan will cover the cost of treatment caused by accidents and unexpected circ*mstances (and not your own negligence).

Depending on the plan, this can include costs of vet consultations, hospitalisation, surgery, x-rays, and necessary treatments. Some plans cover only accidents while others cover illness too, so they might cover the necessary treatments for most illnesses your dog might get, cancer treatments, skin conditions, tick paralysis treatments and more.

Sometimes the cost will be covered completely by the insurance, but more often than not, you opt for a certain benefit percentage - from 60% to 90%, approximately. This means the insurance pays the agreed percentage of the vet bills, and you pay the remaining amount out of pocket.

In short, it is hard to say what exactly will be covered, as the insurance plans do vary. The important area is to check your provider’s PDS - the Product Disclosure Statement, which will include a complete list of everything that is covered. It’s crucial to pay attention to this and read the fine print to find what fits best for your and your dog’s lifestyle and circ*mstances.

Does Pet Insurance Cover “Ordinary” Expenses?

Does pet insurance cover desexing? Does pet insurance cover vaccinations? Those are certainly some of the first questions that pop up in the mind of a first-time pet parent with a puppy on their hands and considering pet insurance as an option.

Well, here is the blunt answer: typically, it does not.

"Pet insurance policies are designed to help provide protection for unexpected vet expenses. They are not designed to cover predictable or expected expenses, which may include things like vaccinations or desexing, as these are costs that are foreseen and can be planned for." - Kylie Mitchell, veterinary adviser and relationship manager at PetSure for Money Mag (1)

However, this does not mean these expenses can’t be covered, and these days there are comprehensive/premium plans and add-ons you can add on top of your plan to cover ‘routine care’. What this includes is not strictly defined, but some plans will cover vaccinations, desexing, and other costs involved in routine vet visits. Some will also cover dental care while others will not.

What Is Not Cover By Pet Insurance In Australia?

As already mentioned, routine care and predictable treatments that even healthy dogs need (such as vaccinations) might not be covered, depending on the plan. Pre-existing conditions are also very rarely covered by pet insurance plans.

Others areas may also not be covered which might surprise you. For example, some insurance providers won’t cover treatment for an illness your dog was vaccinated for but caught it anyway.

What is also often excluded are elective treatments, preventative care, behavioural problems, and anything related to breeding and pregnancy.

Is Pet Insurance Worth It In Australia? The Pros & Cons - (1)

The Pros & Cons of Pet Insurance

As you can see, the picture of pet insurance in Australia is anything but black and white. It’s not a simple choice of being covered or not. There are many nuances to consider and factors to weigh. To help you get through the process yourself, let’s go over the main pros and cons of pet insurance:

Pros & Overall Benefits

#1 Peace of Mind

The main advantage of pet insurance is giving you peace of mind in case of unexpected problems. Accidents, injuries, expensive surgeries, illnesses that you never expected but now require expensive treatments…

In the unfortunate case that any of this does happen, you’ll surely be happy to know that you can give your pet the green light to do whatever is necessary for your dog’s health.

#2 Pet Insurance in Australia is Better These Days

In 2019, the pet insurance industry in Australia, as a whole, got crowned with the Shonky Award by the consumer advocacy group Choice. In short, they didn’t find any of the pet insurance policies on offer to be acceptable (2). From low caps on certain expenses to various minute technicalities in the contracts that greatly narrowed the scope of what is covered, there were quite a lot of complaints in this area.

Luckily, in the 3 years that have passed since then, many pet insurance providers have addressed the concerns of customers, and some of them are offering decent plans with reasonable coverage.

#3 There Is a Lot of Competition in the Market

There are more companies than ever offering pet insurance plans, which should not surprise us considering that the percentage of Australian homes that include pets is growing every year. What this also means is there is a lot of competition, which makes the insurance companies strive to provide better and more affordable plans. You’ll always have multiple options and you’ll be able to shop around. Just keep in mind that cheaper is not always better and make sure to review the terms of the contract in detail before signing up.

Cons & Potential Problems

#1 Pet Insurance Premiums Can Get Expensive

Yes, you’ll often hear the supporters mention that pet insurance can be quite affordable.

However, that’s simply not always the case. Pet insurance premiums depend on many factors, including, for example, the breed and the age of your dog.

"There can be a big difference in price between dog breeds. For example, French bulldogs are really expensive to insure due to the many genetic health complications associated with this breed." - Uta Mihm, CHOICE pet insurance expert (3)

On top of that, many cheap insurance plans don’t cover a whole lot of areas, and if you want comprehensive coverage the cost can add up quickly.

#2 Your Dog Might Not Even Be Eligible for Insurance

There are various exclusions and restrictions that different pet insurance providers impose. Sometimes, there is an age cut-off, so older pets can’t even be insured, while other times the option is there but it gets more expensive the older your dog is.

Furthermore, some providers might not even insure certain breeds or choose to not cover the things that worry you the most. Congenital diseases and problems caused by genetic predispositions are often excluded from pet insurance coverage, for example.

If your dog has pre-existing conditions, you’ll have a really tough time finding insurance that will cover your vet bills. Pre-existing conditions are usually excluded from insurance plans, but in some cases, they might be covered provided that they are ‘temporary’ or ‘cured’.

Finally, some providers might refuse to insure rescue dogs without known medical histories.

#3 Insurance Premium Prices Are Not Fixed

Insurance premiums can, and often do increase. There can be various causes for the premium increases, but often it automatically happens as your pet ages. You’ll generally pay less if you insure your dog while still a puppy, but that doesn’t guarantee that the cost will stay low. If your pet gets sick often, this can end up increasing your future premiums too.

#4 You Still Have to Budget for Other Expenses

A pet insurance plan that will cover all of your pet’s needs is difficult, if not impossible to find. While seldom included in basic plans, things like vaccinations, desexing, and dental care can sometimes be added, but not always. And even then, there might be caps on the maximum amount of funds to cover these treatments, which might not always be satisfactory.

#5 Getting the Money Can Be Difficult

This problem can often be mitigated by choosing a reputable insurance provider. We are by no means saying this will always be a problem, but occasionally getting the insurance to accept your claim can be a real struggle. And that’s not what anyone wants to hear when their pet is dealing with serious medical issues!

How Much For Pet Insurance In Australia?

How much will pet insurance cost per month? It’s quite difficult to give you a reliable range. Pet insurance premiums depend on a range of factors, including your dog’s breed, age, ongoing costs, medical history, where you live, and more.

But, in recent years, the typical quotes for pet insurance monthly premiums for a young dog of a popular breed that isn’t associated with any particular health problems can range from around $50 for the cheapest options to $150 for premium plans.

Should I Get Pet Insurance?

Will getting pet insurance pay off in the long run? Well, you’ll most likely need a crystal ball to answer that!

This is a question that’s almost impossible to answer. Pet insurance, just like any insurance, is about managing risk. And we cannot make sound calculations regarding incidents that might or might not happen (such as your pet getting seriously ill and racking up thousands in vet bills). But, what we can do is sort of a risk/benefit analysis to figure out what is the best solution for each of us.

If you ask individuals around you if pet insurance was worth it, you’ll probably get answers shaped by the experiences of that person and their pet(s). For somebody who just got pet insurance, and their pet ended up in an accident that involved an expensive intervention that was covered by insurance, it was worth it. For someone who has been paying for pet insurance for years, but has a healthy pet that never required much special care, the insurance might not seem worth it in hindsight.

That’s especially true when we consider the fact that many insurers don’t cover so-called routine care. If that’s all your pet ends up needing, you’d probably be better off setting a bit of money apart for pet costs every month, rather than paying an insurance premium.

But when insurance does come in handy is with those big, unexpected costs, that usually need to be paid immediately. The costs of surgeries or cancer treatment can easily get to five figures. If footing that cost yourself would ruin you financially, that might not be a risk you want to take. And surely no one wants to come into a situation where they have to put a pet down because they can’t pay the bills for expensive treatments.


Still, that does not mean you should just go ahead and throw your money at an insurance company. Understanding the specific policy and what it offers is incredibly important, so make sure you do your research before settling on a pet insurance plan.


  1. Field, N. October 13, 2021. “Is pet insurance really worth the cost?”. Money Mag. Retrieved October 9, 2022.
  2. Gorman, A. October 9, 2019. “'Riddled with exclusions': pet insurers slapped with a Shonky award”. The Guardian. Retrieved October 9, 2022.
  3. Engel, P., Mihm, U. October 27, 2021. “Pros and cons of pet insurance”. Choice. Retrieved October 9, 2022.
Is Pet Insurance Worth It In Australia? The Pros & Cons - (2024)


Is pet insurance in Australia any good? ›

Pet Insurance Australia holds a 4.6 Star rating on Google, reviewed by local Australians.

What is the average cost of pet insurance in Australia? ›

Average Costs of Pet Insurance

The average monthly cost for comprehensive pet insurance in Australia generally ranges from $81 to $120. However, this can fluctuate depending on specific variables such as breed, age, and hereditary health conditions, which may increase the premiums for certain pets.

Is pet insurance mandatory in Australia? ›

It's not mandatory to get pet insurance in Australia. Australia has one of the highest rates of pet ownership in the world. According to Animal Medicines Australia, about 61% of Aussie households own pets and as many as 90% of households have had pets at some point in time.

Who is the largest pet insurer in Australia? ›

The Hollard Insurance Company Pty Ltd, and its related entity, PetSure (Australia) Pty Ltd, together are Australia's leaders in pet insurance.

What is the best pet insurance in Australia? ›

  • Our Pick of the Best Comprehensive Pet Insurance Policies.
  • Potiki Cat Insurance Platinum Cover.
  • Pet Insurance Australia: Major Medical Cover.
  • ahm Pet Insurance Platinum Cat Cover.
  • Trupanion.
  • Bow Wow Meow Peace of Mind Plan.
  • Fetch Pet Insurance.
  • Knose Pet insurance.
Jan 18, 2024

What is the number one pet in Australia? ›

Out of all pet owners in Australia, 48% of them own dogs. Over 30% of pet owners have a cat. Fish are the third most popular pet in Australia. Pet ownership in Australia is most prevalent among people under 65 years old.

What does pet insurance cover in Australia? ›

Pet insurance is a form of coverage that pays a portion of your eligible vet bills, up to an agreed amount. Vet visits are sometimes general check-ups and yearly vaccinations, but can also involve treatment for an injury or illness that impacts your pet, and in serious cases surgical procedures may be required.

How much should I be spending on pet insurance? ›

According to our research, pet insurance costs $768 a year for dogs and $324 a year for cats, with an overall average monthly cost landing at $49 per month.

What is the cheapest and best pet insurance? ›

Here are the eight best and most affordable pet insurance companies based on our review:
  • ManyPets: Cheapest pet insurance for cats.
  • Lemonade: Cheapest pet insurance for dogs.
  • ASPCA Pet Health Insurance: Our pick for older pets.
  • AKC Pet Insurance: Our pick for breeders.
  • Healthy Paws: Most affordable unlimited coverage.
Apr 23, 2024

What is a disadvantage of pet insurance? ›

Pet insurance reimburses you for veterinary expenses, meaning you have to pay them upfront. Pet insurance doesn't cover pre-existing conditions, meaning once your pet is sick, it's too late to sign up. Not all health issues are covered by pet insurance.

Is there a waiting period for pet insurance in Australia? ›

For Pet Insurance Australia, a 30-day waiting period applies for any eligible claims related to illness such as cancer, diabetes and any other condition considered an illness^. Eligible Accident claims do not incur a waiting period.

Is it OK to not have pet insurance? ›

But without insurance coverage, the cost to treat unexpected pet emergencies can present a financial burden for the majority of pet parents — in fact, six out of 10 Americans have less than $1,000 in savings to spend in an emergency. In the worst cases, a pet medical emergency can lead to long-term expenses .

Who are the Big 3 insurance companies in Australia? ›

Life insurers

As a result, the largest three life insurance companies in Australia, TAL, AIA and Zurich, account for over 60% of total market share and are all overseas owned.

Which insurance company has the highest customer satisfaction in Australia? ›

Most caring car insurer

We also asked respondents to rate their experience of feeling cared for as a customer and found that insurers that rated well for customer experience took out the top spots. RAA (77%), RACQ (74%) and Apia (73%) customers were most likely to feel that care was "above average" or "excellent".

Does Qantas do pet insurance? ›

Get travel insurance for your pet through an insurance company to consider the conditions, premium, exclusions and options available. Qantas Freight does not provide insurance for your pet's travel.

Why are vets so expensive Australia? ›

Each veterinarian sets the fee for service based on the nature and technique of the treatment, the expertise available as well as the cost of supplying the service. This will include salaries, overheads and specialist equipment. These costs can vary from clinic to clinic.

Why is insurance so expensive in Australia? ›

“Wherever you live in Australia, whether you're directly exposed to extreme weather impacts or not, premium prices are rising because of the escalating costs of natural disasters, the growing value of our assets making them more costly to replace, inflation driving up building and vehicle repair costs, and the ...

How many people have pet insurance Australia? ›

New research from Roy Morgan shows that in the year to March 2018, an estimated 609,000 pet owners had pet insurance. Given that some 7.3 million Australians have a dog or cat, or at least have one in their household, this is a very small number.

Do you think pet insurance is worth it? ›

Can you afford to pay that bill? If not, pet insurance might be worth considering. Pet insurance helps cover the cost of medical care for your furry friend. It can reimburse you for expenses like cancer treatment, emergency care, prescription medications and surgery.

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