Is Naples SAFE for Travel? (2024 • Insider Tips) (2024)

Whilst Naples does have a mixed reputation on the internet, you shouldn’t be put off from visiting this historic haven from a safety point of view. So here it is…

Yes, Naples is safe to visit.

Naples is a city that receives hundreds of thousands of visitors each year, and the vast majority of these visits are trouble free. However, there are issues that are worth making yourself aware of in order to improve your chances of a safe visit.

Safety always represents an unwinnable contest. Too much of it, and you never leave the house. Too little, and you end up exposing yourself to risks that aren’t worth taking.

This guide will supply you with all the ammunition you need to make informed decisions about how safe is naples, meaning you can strike the perfect balance between sightseeing, aperol spritzing, and staying safe. Whether you’re looking for a quick answer or are going for a proper trawl, this guide has all the advice you need.

Okay, let’s get stuck in… …is Naples safe?

There is no such thing as a perfect safety guide, as things change quickly. The question of “Is Naples Safe?” will ALWAYS have a different answer depending on who you ask.

The information in this safety guide was accurate at the time of writing. If you use our guide, do your own research, and practice common sense, you will probably have a wonderful and safe trip to Naples.

If you see any outdated information, we would really appreciate it if you could reach out in the comments below. Otherwise, stay safe friends!

Updated December 2023

Table of Contents Show

  • Is Naples Safe to Visit Right Now?
  • Safest Places in Naples
  • 21 Top Safety Tips for Travelling to Naples
  • How Safe is Naples to Travel Alone?
  • Is Naples safe for solo female travellers?
  • Where to Start Your Travels in Naples
  • Is Naples safe for families?
  • Getting around Naples Safely
  • Crime in Naples
  • What to Pack For Your Naples Trip
  • Naples Travel Insurance
  • FAQs on Safety in Naples
  • So, is Naples Safe?

Is Naples Safe to Visit Right Now?

According to the research conducted by AIMS Geosciences, Naples had 903,503 tourists arrivals in 2019. Most of these had a comfortable stay.

Whilst Naples does get a bad reputation, yes, travelling to Naples is safe. That said, there are several common scams, and you should be aware of your valuables, especially in crowded areas.

Naples ranks low on the list of hazardous cities in this amazing country (especially if you’re backpacking Italy)- even though organised crime is a well-known facet. The city used to have big problems with the Camerra gang, most famously because of a scandal involving waste disposal in the 1980s.

Is Naples SAFE for Travel? (2024 • Insider Tips) (1)

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People, as a result, tend to think that Naples is basically the most dangerous city in Italy. However, this is a bit of a silly notion really as organised crime syndicates are not interested in tourists; they have much bigger fish to fry.

The most common crime in Naples is often just petty theft, typically in crowded areas (especially tourist sights) and on public transport – the kind of crime you get in many municipalities. So whilst it’s worth taking the same precautions you would in any other city too, it is safe.

Obviously, there are some areas that are safer than others, but that’s just big cities for you: diverse. More on that later…

With all that in mind, we can confidently say that Naples is pretty safe to visit right now. Obviously, there are some issues, but that’s the case with any big city. As long as you keep your wits about you, you’ll have a great – and a safe – time in Naples.

Check out our detailed where to stay guide for Naples so you can start your trip right!

Safest Places in Naples

Unfortunately, crime data in this Italian city is a little more difficult to come by. There are several measures that can be found online, but many are subjective/perceptive, or outdated.

I’d advise widening your search for safe places to stay in Naples. Although 9/10 times you won’t have any issues, local knowledge and experience can save you a whole ton of hassle. You don’t want to end up in a sketchy area and ruin your trip. To help you out, we’ve listed areas that we know are safely visited and explored by bucketloads of tourists each year.

Is Naples SAFE for Travel? (2024 • Insider Tips) (2)
  • Centro Storico: Naples’ Centro Storico, or Old Town in English, is the true heart of Naples. The Centro Storico has been a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1995 and holds many of the best things to do in Naples. There is a bolstered police presence, but loadsa tourists attract a fair number of pickpockets too.
  • Chiaia: Chiaia is an upscale neighbourhood of Naples. Whilst it is a bit further away from the historical centre, Chiaia is considered to be one of the trendiest areas of Naples. Here, the streets are lined up with Italian designer fashion stores and artsy boutiques, but the area is still able to provide a semblance of quietude and relief from noisy city antics.
  • Vomero: Prices in Vomero are higher than in the rest of the city, as the neighbourhood remains a hip and artsy cluster. Italy can be expensive in general, but higher prices and more luxury also mean more security and CCTV cameras. Therefore, it’s a pretty safe area.During the day, the Castle of St Elmo (built 1275) is a great starter to seeing Napoli.

Unsafe areas in Naples

Unfortunately, not all places in Naples are safe. You need to be careful and aware of your surroundings pretty much anywhere you go in the world, and the same goes for visiting Naples.

  • Museo and Garibaldi Square: Can be sketchy after dark, watch out for your possessions!
  • Spaccanapoli: This is an area that receives a fair amount of attention from pickpockets. You should be aware that scams are common, and you should watch out for ‘fake’ items being sold.
  • Garibaldi Station: The area around the train station is littered with questionable-looking stands and intimidating characters. Although there is a reasonably thick police presence, you should try to avoid slipping down side streets or dark alleys.
  • Forcella: The centre of the old town and tourist district is very safe during the daytime (although you should watch your stuff), but at night it can attract the wrong crowd. Use your common sense when in and around this area.

There have been reports of aggressive taxi drivers, which you should watch out for, but not expect. Most taxi drivers in the city are helpful and just want you from A to B safely.

Trains and train stations are well known for being gathering points for opportunistic criminals, who won’t second guess swiping a loose wallet, bag or phone if left unattended. Take care to keep all of your valuables within line of sight when travelling by train!

It’s important to know that Naples is a pretty safe place, but a bit of caution and research before you start your travels will go a long way.

Keeping your money safe in Naples

One of the most common things to happen to you whilst travelling is losing your money. And let’s face it: the most annoying way for this to actually occur is when it’s stolen from you.

Petty crime is pretty much a problem all over the world.The best solution? Get a money belt.

Travel with peace of mind. Travel WITH a security belt.

Is Naples SAFE for Travel? (2024 • Insider Tips) (3)

Stash your cash safely with this money belt. It will keep your valuables safely concealed, no matter where you go.

It looks exactly like a normal beltexcept for a SECRET interior pocket perfectly designed to hide a wad of cash, a passport photocopy or anything else you may wish to hide. Never get caught with your pants down again! (Unless you want to…)

Hide Yo’ Money!

21 Top Safety Tips for Travelling to Naples

Is Naples SAFE for Travel? (2024 • Insider Tips) (4)

Naples is actually a safe place to visit – for the most part. However, it is always best to have some knowledge under your belt on how best to avoid crime. Here are some of our best safety tips to make sure you travel smart whilst still having an awesome time experiencing this cool city.

  1. Don’t wander around in secluded places by yourself– stick to where there are families and people; less risk of petty crime.
  2. Leave valuables locked up in your hotel– ideally in a safe. Important documents, your passport, bank cards, that sort of thing.
  3. Have copies of those important things handy– just in case any one of them goes missing
  4. Wander Naples only with a small amount of cash– the more you have, the more you can lose. Better yet, use a money belt.
  5. Be careful of your belongings on public transport– pickpockets operate quite commonly on Naples public transport, so stay alert and keep your bag close to you.
  6. Don’t leave your bag somewhere easy to grab – like hanging off the back of your chair, or next to your chair, at a cafe.
  7. Careful of how you wear your bag– off the shoulder? That’s easy for motorbike thieves who do snatch bags in the blink of an eye. Keep it across your body.
  8. Always keep an emergency stash of cash – Never keep all your cards/ currency in one place. And hide it all from thieves with a hidden money belt.
  9. Look like you know where you’re going– don’t be on your phone constantly as you will seem like even more of a target.
  10. Be aware of your surroundingsat all times– being oblivious and unsuspecting isn’t smart.
  11. Try not to look too much like a tourist– big SLR, wearing things that make you stand out, big Osprey daypack: these things make you stand out.
  12. Don’t leave anything valuable in the front of your backpack – if you do wear one.
  13. And don’t look like a target– looking wealthy, wearing expensive clothes and lots of jewellery, will single you out as a target for petty criminals.
  14. Keep an eye on your luggage – at the airport, ticket counter at the train station, even in your hotel lobby. It could go missing.
  15. Be very wary of those parking people– if you don’t want to pay the money, just find somewhere legitimate to park.
  16. Take a good medical kit with you – you never know when you might need it!
  17. Know what to do in the event of a disaster– it’s unlikely, butVesuviuswillerupt again. The Neapolitan government has evacuation measures in place, so you should know your stuff too. Earthquakes can happen, too, by the way.
  18. When you park your car don’t leave anything valuable on display– very tempting for thieves.
  19. Watch out for scams– with credit cards, and also being bamboozled by swapping money when people give you change.
  20. Beware of touts posing as legitimate guides– this happens at historic sights; the pushier the tout, the faker the guide.
  21. Learn some Italian– just a few phrases will really help you get by. We’ve got some tips on how to learn a new language here.

Naples is an amazing city, it’s got famous streets, great markets, but you should be vigilant of your surroundings. Shouldn’t stop you from completing an epic Naples travel itinerary though!

How Safe is Naples to Travel Alone?

Is Naples SAFE for Travel? (2024 • Insider Tips) (5)

At The Broke Backpacker, we are all about solo travel. There’s a whole lot of good stuff you can get out of seeing the world by yourself, not least the benefits of having to challenge yourself and reaping the rewards of personal growth as a result – and then there’s the freedom!

And the good news is that it’s safe to travel Naples alone – and here are some handy insider tips to keep you even safer.

  • Don’t isolate yourself. If you’re feeling low or out of it, phone someone back home for a chat – no doubt they’ll want to hear from you anyway.
  • Ask the staff at your accommodation about safety tips. They’ll know what areas are safe to wander around and explore by yourself. Not only that, but you could also simply ask them for some local tips on how your itinerary in Naples ought to look.
  • Try not to drink too much! The best way to no longer be aware of what’s going on around you is to get completely drunk.
  • Having said that, don’t be afraid togo out by yourselfin the city. Head toPiazza Belliniand join in the buzz of the weekend crowd; sit in one of the small bars with some wine and enjoy the live jazz. For something more informal you could try out a night atPiazza del Gesu,a relaxed place to have a cheap drink.
  • Travel around with your hotel or accommodation’s business card. In case you need to get back from a night out, you’re further than walking distance, or you’re just plain lost.
  • Be aware of your surroundings when you’re walking around the city. Being by yourself, you’ll have no one to tell you that a particular road seems sketchy. Use your common sense.
  • If somebody does try to take your phone, wallet, or whatever, by force, don’t resist. Stay calm and hand it over. It’s not worth getting into a fight or a dangerous situation over anything material you might be carrying around.
  • Don’t let yourself be the one who ends up losing all your cash for you. We’re talking spread the wealth – don’t keep all your money and bank cards in one wallet, because if that one wallet goes missing it’s notfun at all.
  • Try to travel light. You won’t want to be lugging several bags through Naples, we can tell you that much.
  • Be gentle to yourself. It’s important to be aware also that not everything’s going to go to plan, not everything’s going to be amazing. If something doesn’t work out, don’t be hard on yourself.

So whilst you’re in Naples, the most important thing really is to have fun. Don’t worry about hitting up all the sights that you can possibly see, but also don’t sweat the petty crime. Chances are you’ll avoid it and it won’t be an issue – if you travel smart, that is.

Is Naples safe for solo female travellers?

Is Naples SAFE for Travel? (2024 • Insider Tips) (6)

Naples is safe for solo female travellers.

Obviously, as a woman by yourself, there are some things to be aware of. We’ve gathered together some of our best tips for solo female travellers in Naples so that you can level up your travelling smarts and explore the authentic city streets totally trouble-free and no stress.

  • Know that cheap is not always best. Do your research, read reviews from fellow female travellers and book yourself a comfortable hotel or hostel in Naples, friendly and secure.
  • Don’t leave your drink unattended, whether it’s at a bar or a restaurant. Drink spiking does happen in Naples. Keep an eye on your beverage and don’t let random strangers buy you drinks, either.
  • Don’t feel like you have to tell every person you meet everything about yourself – where you’re staying, where you’re from, where you’re going next if you’re married or have a boyfriend. Strangers don’t need to know this! It’s safer to just make something up.
  • Make sure you know how to get homeafter a night out. Plan your route home, have a taxi ready, or if you go with people, meet them all before heading back to your accommodation.
  • Keep your handbag safe, secure and close to you. Handbags are often a target for thieves, because of how they’re usually worn dangling off the shoulder, so don’t be the person who gets their handbag snatched in Naples – be smart and wear it cross-body style.
  • If you’re travelling around the city by yourself, don’t be afraid to ask for help or directions. You don’t have to wander around lost all the time, relying on your sense of direction. It’s ok to look at gmaps or something every now and then.
  • Joining a tour is totally fine. In fact, we would recommend joining a tour especially if you’re relatively new to solo travel as a woman. It’s a great way to learn about the city’s history and culture, actually, get acquainted with the streets, and even get to talk to some other travellers.
  • Try to blend in with what you’re wearing. Look at the other ladies around you and how they’re dressed and then try to follow suit.
  • Share your itinerary. Online, or with your friends and family back home. It’s always safer that people have at least a rough idea of what you’re going to be getting up to.

My girlfriend recently solo travelled through Italy, and there is a fair amount of cat-calling. If you have to walk back alone (especially at night), call a friend for the duration of the journey, it’ll make you less of a target, and ease some of your stress about it too!

Where to Start Your Travels in Naples

Safest Area to stay

Is Naples SAFE for Travel? (2024 • Insider Tips) (7)

Safest Area to stay

Centro Storico

The Centro Storico, also known as the Old Town, boasts very well preserved historical buildings and was added to the UNESCO Work Heritage list in 1995. Today, you can still wander around the small cobbled streets lined with buildings dating back from as far as the Medieval times.

Is Naples safe for families?

How safe is Naples Italy for families? Well, families and children are a major part of life in Italy, and Naples is no different. It’s actually a super exciting place to travel with children in tow.

However, there also are some downsides. For example, the streets aren’t super pram friendly, there’s a lot of traffic, and while there are kid-friendly activities, they maybe aren’t super obvious.

Is Naples SAFE for Travel? (2024 • Insider Tips) (8)

Families are welcome in most places around the city. Local households eat late, and it’s normal for them to head out at 9 PM and stay out way past midnight for dinner.

Basically, though it’s not 100% geared towards family-friendly travel, Naples is still a safe and exciting place to travel with your family. You should hit up the website Napoli Per Bambini (Naples for Children). It’s in Italian, but just translate and you’ll find a wealth of things to do in the city!

Getting around Naples Safely

When you visit Naples, public transport should be your go-to. It is budget-friendly, modern and pretty straightforward once you get your head around the system.

First off there’sthemetro. It comprises of three lines: Line 1, Line 6 and the Naples Aversa Metro. It’s easy to use, but it’s not that comprehensive and gets a lot of pickpockets.

Is Naples SAFE for Travel? (2024 • Insider Tips) (9)

There are alsofunicular railways. There are three lines connecting central Naples with Vomere and a fourth that connects MergellinatoPosillipo. All lines run from 7 AM to midnight.

There is no central bus station in the city, but you can pick up most buses atPiazza Garibaldi.They run from 5:30 AM till roughly 11 PM and many don’t run on Sundays. Night buses are marked with an ‘N’ and are handy if you’re going out late.

You’ll also get to use atram networkin Naples. Opened in 1875, it’s a cool, classic way to see the city.

In conclusion, public transport in Naples is safe. You can even get a travel pass that runs between any time duration from mere hours to annually. If you don’t have a pass or a ticket that’s been stamped, you could get fined.

Crime in Naples

Unfortunately, this Italian city gets a really bad reputation online, most likely because of the fact that the real statistics are not available in English. If we delve into the Italian internet, however, we see that Naples is a lot safer than many of the traditional Italian tourist cities.

Pickpocketing is still common, and there are instances of nastier violent crimes, but Italy is rated as the third safest country in Europe, and Naples is not even top of the list within the country. You should be vigilant, but not worried about crime in this city.

What to Pack For Your Naples Trip

Everyone’s packing list is going to look a little different, but here are a few things I would never want to travel to Naples without…

Is Naples SAFE for Travel? (2024 • Insider Tips) (10)

Hanging Laundry Bag

Trust us, this is an absolute game changer. Super compact, a hanging mesh laundry bag stops your dirty clothes from stinking, you don’t know how much you need one of these… so just get it, thank us later.

Is Naples SAFE for Travel? (2024 • Insider Tips) (11)

Head Torch

A decent head torch could save your life. If you want to explore caves, unlit temples, or simply find your way to the bathroom during a blackout, a headtorch is a must.

Is Naples SAFE for Travel? (2024 • Insider Tips) (12)

SIM card

Yesim stands as a premier eSIM service provider, catering specifically to the mobile internet needs of travellers.

Is Naples SAFE for Travel? (2024 • Insider Tips) (13)

Monopoly Deal

Forget about Poker! Monopoly Deal is the single best travel card game that we have ever played. Works with 2-5 players and guarantees happy days.

Is Naples SAFE for Travel? (2024 • Insider Tips) (14)

Money Belt

This is a regular looking belt with a concealed pocket on the inside – you can hide up to twenty notes inside and wear it through airport scanners without it setting them off.

Naples Travel Insurance

ALWAYS sort out your backpacker insurance before your trip. There’s plenty to choose from in that department, but a good place to start is Safety Wing.

They offer month-to-month payments, no lock-in contracts, and require absolutely no itineraries: that’s the exact kind of insurance long-term travellers and digital nomads need.

Is Naples SAFE for Travel? (2024 • Insider Tips) (15)

SafetyWing is cheap, easy, and admin-free: just sign up lickety-split so you can get back to it!

Click the button below to learn more about SafetyWing’s setup or read our insider review for the full tasty scoop.

Visit SafetyWing Or Read Our Review!

FAQs on Safety in Naples

Here’s what we’re usually asked about staying safe in Naples.

How dangerous is Naples?

Not dangerous. Despite all the chatter, this city is a great place to go, and the statistics show that Naples has a relatively low rate of crime. Like any big city, there are dos and don’ts, but this should definitely not stop you from booking a trip to Naples, Italy!

Is it safe to walk around Naples at night?

It’s never truly safe to walk at night anywhere in the world, and we’d say that the same goes for Naples. Sticking with the main streets is a lot safer than the smaller side streets. Ideally, grab a taxi and stick with a group when getting around after dark.

Which parts of Naples are dangerous?

The Spanish Quarter and Forcella are known to be the sketchier parts of Naples. While it’s not properly dangerous, a bit more caution when walking around here is recommended. Garibaldi Piazza is also known for muggings (only at night) and pickpockets.

How bad is the crime in Naples?

It’s unlikely you will experience any crime on your visit to Naples. Tourists mainly have to deal with little crimes like pickpocketing and petty theft. There is some mafia activity in Naples, however, visitors would be considered unfortunate as hell if they experience any violent crime issues.

Is Naples LGBTQ+ friendly?

While you will probably get some stares from the older generations, Naples is perfecty safe for LGBTQ+ travellers, even when showing public affection. Of course, always make sure to stay respectful of the local culture and don’t go over the top.
Especially in the nightlife district, you can find gay bars and even a few hostels that are targeting LGBTQ+ members and promoting a very welcome and safe stay. If you’re visiting with your partner, you’ll have a great time in Naples.

Is Naples safe to live in?

Naples is safe to live in. The ex-pats and immigrants that find themselves here meet up with friends in crowded bars and get chatting with locals. When it comes to petty crime, tourists are easier targets and being a resident, you’ll blend in and won’t be frequenting the same locations. There are many reports that try to paint Naples as a crime-ridden city, when there’s so much more going for it than that.

So, is Naples Safe?

Being safe anywhere in the world is often all about your own judgement, which means being aware first.

Having at least some knowledge about the issues, current politics and crime levels in a place you’re about to visit is a good thing. The facts aren’t here to scare you, they’re to stop you from doing stupid stuff.

Because you know the city can be riskier in certain areas, you know to stay alert or avoid them. Pickpockets operate, so you don’t carry a bulging wallet. It’s pretty simple – and it’s the very basics of travelling smart.

When it comes to visiting Naples, being smart is key. Blend in, look as little like a tourist as possible, don’t have stuff in your pockets to steal, and stay away from dodgy areas. You’ll be totally fine.

Is Naples SAFE for Travel? (2024 • Insider Tips) (16)

Looking for more info on traveling to Naples?

  • Let me help you choose where to stay in Naples
  • Swing by one of these fabulous festivals
  • Don’t forget to add an epic national park to your itinerary
  • Check out my favorite Airbnbs in the centre of all the action
  • Plan the rest of your trip with our fantastic backpacking Italy travel guide!

Disclaimer: Safety conditions change all over the world on a daily basis. We do our best to advise but this info may already be out of date. Do your own research. Enjoy your travels!

Is Naples SAFE for Travel? (2024 • Insider Tips) (2024)


Is Naples SAFE for Travel? (2024 • Insider Tips)? ›

Yes, Naples is safe to visit.

How safe is it to travel to Naples? ›

As a tourist, the one that you should be more concerned about is petty crime (aka muggings and pick-pocketing). While the mafia (known as the “camorra” in this region) does cause some problems for local businesses, they're pretty unlikely to have any interaction with tourists.

Is the area around Naples airport safe? ›

That said, the vast majority of tourists just about anywhere are unlikely to crime victims. And the airport in Naples is not noted as a high crime area of the city.

What is the safest area in Naples? ›

The areas of Chiaia and Posillipo are generally considered the safest neighborhoods in the city. For history buffs, Posillipo is the final resting place of the great Roman poet Virgil. The areas stretch along the waterfront and up the hill. The stunning coastal roads offer beautiful views of the entire Bay of Naples.

Is it safe to travel alone to Naples? ›

Solo travel Naples: Is it safe? Naples sometimes gets a bad reputation, but it's perfectly safe to travel here alone. Do be sure to stay extra aware of your surroundings though, as drivers and motorcyclists can get pretty crazy.

Is Naples safe in 2024? ›

Yes, Naples is safe to visit.

However, there are issues that are worth making yourself aware of in order to improve your chances of a safe visit. Safety always represents an unwinnable contest. Too much of it, and you never leave the house.

Is Naples Florida safe for tourists? ›

According to another report about Naples, FL crime data, the total crime index for Naples is 28 out of 100. This means Naples is safer than only 28% of neighborhoods in the United States.

Where not to go in Naples? ›

  • It is important that people know the places to avoid while visiting Naples. ...
  • The most dangerous place in Naples where cars encounter injuries is the Amalfi coast. ...
  • Another dangerous neighbourhood to be avoided by tourists is forcella at night. ...
  • The cabbies are also known to bring tourists in safety areas.
Mar 30, 2016

Is it safe to stay near Naples Central Station? ›

The area around Napoli Centrale station is unpleasant rather than unsafe - although pedestrians always have to look out.... Why not look at it on google streetview to see if you like the look of it?

How far is downtown Naples from airport? ›

Naples Airport (APF)

It is only five miles from downtown Naples and it gets you as close to the heart of the city as possible.

Is it safe to walk around Naples at night? ›

Is it safe to walk at night in Naples, Italy? Somewhat. If you're in a central, tourist-oriented area, it is safe to walk around Naples, Italy at night so long as you take the necessary precautions. Avoid walking along isolated or overly quiet streets and try to stick to crowded areas.

What is the nicest area of Naples? ›

The nicest neighbourhoods in Naples
  • Campi Flegrei. Area with fishing villages, volcanoes, crater lakes, beaches and natural spas. ...
  • Capri & Anacapri. ...
  • Pompei & Ercolano. ...
  • Napels Quartieri Spagnoli & Rione Sanità ...
  • Napels San Ferdinando & Chiaia. ...
  • Napels San Giuseppe & Porto. ...
  • Napels San Lorenzo & Pendino. ...
  • Napels Vomero.

Is there Uber in Naples? ›

Consider Uber as an alternative to taxis when getting around Napoli. With Uber, you can trade flagging down cabs for requesting rides on demand, no matter the time of day. Request a ride from an airport to a hotel, head to a restaurant, or visit another place. The choice is yours.

Is Naples or Rome safer? ›

As of 2020, Naples ranks #95 on Numbeo's World Crime Index by City (ranked most to least dangerous), not far from Rome at #110. That being said, tourists should take precautions to mind their possessions and be wary of being ripped off by tourist scams, as in any tourist destination.

Is the Spanish Quarter in Naples safe? ›

The Quartieri Spagnoli (Spanish Neighborhood) have been painted for many years as a place to avoid, one of the most dangerous areas of Naples.

Can you get around Naples without a car? ›

The historic centre of Naples can be easily explored on foot, but the bus network is a good way to reach its outskirts and nearby sights.

What is the safest city in Italy? ›

What are the safest districts in Italy?
  • Florence: Florence is a smaller city and all areas are quite safe. ...
  • Rome: The city center is always the safest choice. ...
  • Milan: Milan is different from other cities in Italy because it's industrial. ...
  • Naples: Naples has a reputation for being unsafe, but this is just a misconception!

Is Italy safe for American tourists? ›

Violent crime is uncommon. However, being a top tourist destination, Italy does have its fair share of pickpocketing, purse-snatching, and theft — especially in “touristy” places like Rome, Venice, and Milan.

Why is Naples, Italy so run down? ›

Over recent years, Naples is slowly emerging from its dark shadows; the city has struggled to free itself from the stifling hands of the mafia and of violence and social unrest, an image that couldn't be further from La Dolce Vita. That kind of foreign fantasy runs out of breath here.

Is it worth it to go to Naples, Italy? ›

Visit Naples for splendid panoramic views

If you love good city views and stunning panoramas, then you are in luck. Naples Italy is blessed with a perfect location. The city overlooks the sparkling Bay of Naples with mighty Mount Vesuvius on the horizon.

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Author: Neely Ledner

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Views: 6596

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Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.