Is my phone listening to me? How to stop it (2024)

Is it true that my phone is listening to me?

Yes, your phone is listening to you. It eavesdrops through virtual assistants via your device’s built-in microphone. In 2011, Apple introduced Siri, the first virtual assistant designed for iPhones. It paved the way for Alexa, Cortana, and many others. They listen to your voice all the time and, after you trigger a special command, recognize you so you can make calls, send texts, ask questions, and control your device. However, things are not that simple.

Apple randomly selects a small portion of users’ conversations with Siri to analyze them and see how they can improve the quality of the service. In 2019, a report revealed that Siri can sometimes be mistakenly activated and record private matters, such as people having sex, discussing business, and even talking with their doctors, all of which might later be passed on to contractors responsible for analyzing voice recordings. Apple apologized to its users and promised to improve its policies and default settings. But Siri’s case is not an exception, as Amazon’s Alexa and Google Assistant are using similar systems and default settings.

Why is my phone listening to me?

Your phone is listening to you so it can hear your voice commands and assist you through assistant apps and personalized ads. For example, when you ask Google Assistant or Siri to find something, this information is used for targeted ads. It’s no different from typing something into Google Search. If you’re looking for car dealerships in your city, related ads will start chasing you across the internet. In a way, a virtual assistant is just another search engine.

How to test if your phone is spying on you

It is easy to test if your phone is spying on you — simply select an unrelated topic and talk about it a few times within earshot of your phone. You can follow these steps to find out if your phone has been listening and logging your conversations:

  • Select a good topic. It should be something different from what you’re usually interested in, something that can’t be associated with your personality.
  • Choose the topic away from your phone. It is critically important that you select this topic far away from your phone and other devices. Do not use your phone to search for information on this topic. Just think of the topic, but don’t research it or talk about it. In case you really need to talk about it, turn off your phone completely or hide it in a soundproof space before discussing your idea with anyone. Make sure you have never Googled this topic.
  • Select keywords. Think of a list of keywords that could trigger search engines. Let’s take Alaska as an example. Some keywords might include “holidays in Alaska,” “Alaska tours,” “flights to Alaska,” “hotels in Alaska,” or “what to do in Alaska.”
  • Discuss the topic out loud next to your phone. You can do this alone or with someone else for several minutes at a time. Do this a few days in a row. Make sure you don’t use search engines to find information on this topic — your spoken words should be the only way your phone can learn of your interest in this topic.

After you complete these steps, you will probably start receiving ads about trips to Alaska and everything related to it. This test should prove that your phone does listen to you.

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Our experiment: Is your phone really listening to you?

A few workers in our office decided to test this technique, picking topics that none of them had ever shown any interest in. Laura chose to talk about traveling to Alaska, Jason talked about buying a new Volvo, and Peter talked about getting a pet lizard.

Three days in a row, these three colleagues would get together and each talk about their topic for a couple of minutes at a time. Before discussing their topic, they would place their phones on the table, within close range.

They monitored their phone ad results over the three days to see if there was any change in frequency and subject matter.

What we discovered

The test results were mixed. Peter never received any reptile ads. He does, however, own a dog and is constantly bombarded with ads for local pet stores, vets, and dog trainers. But no ads ever involved other pets — they all featured dogs, suggesting that the phone knew exactly what Peter needed.

Similarly, Laura didn’t receive any ads about trips to Alaska. However, she received a few cheap flight ads, but those could be attributed to the upcoming holiday season.

Jason was the only one who began receiving ads related to his topic of Volvo cars. He had never owned a car before, had never searched for one online, or had any interest in buying a car. Nonetheless, after three days of experimenting, Jason was flooded with Volvo ads.

What does this prove?

Based on our collective browsing results, search engines can compile a frightening amount of data about an individual: age, location, sex, hobbies, workplace, and interests. Using this data, an effective profile can be built and targeted for specific adverts.

Jason is in his thirties, lives in a city, and works at a cybersecurity company. While he often reads about the latest tech and occasionally watches Formula One, would this be enough to trigger a deluge of Volvo ads? It’s possible. But it’s also possible that this was just a coincidence. There isn’t enough evidence so far to fully attribute the change in ads to his phone listening in.

The test results could also depend on the device used, along with its settings. Those who obsessively manage their app permissions may not be receiving as many ads as someone who is more lax with their app permissions.

Results vary from person to person, and ad targeting can use a whole host of different data points to build a profile. While Jason’s results seem uncanny, they can also be chalked up as pure coincidence.

Is it legal for my phone to listen to me?

It is legal if you’ve agreed to the terms and conditions of the service provider of your virtual assistant. For instance, if you’ve given your consent in your virtual assistant settings, it’s legal to track your conversations with Google Assistant, Siri, or Alexa for marketing purposes.

It only becomes illegal if an app is spying on you without your consent. That’s why it’s important to review the permissions you’re giving to certain services and learn about the ways your phone is tracking you. If the photo editor you just downloaded asks to access your microphone, consider it fishy, as it can record your voice in the background and use this information for malicious purposes.

How to make my phone stop listening to me

To make your phone stop listening, you should turn off your microphone. A virtual assistant is just another feature on your smartphone, speaker, watch, or any other device. If you don’t use it or feel unsafe, you can disable it. Here is how to do it on different devices:

How to turn off microphone access on an iPhone

Follow these steps to disable Siri on iOS:

  1. Go to “Settings” and tap “Siri and search.”
  2. Toggle off “Listen for “Hey Siri,” “Press side button for Siri,” and “Allow Siri when locked.”
  3. Tap on “Turn off Siri” in the pop-up.

How to turn off microphone access on Android

Follow these steps to disable Google Assistant on Android:

  1. Open Google app.
  2. Tap your profile image in the top-right.
  3. Tap “Settings.”
  4. Tap “Google assistant.”
  5. Tap “General.”
  6. Toggle off “Google assistant.”

Other ways to turn off the microphone on your phone

There are a few other steps you can take to limit microphone activity on your device. For example, you can edit the audio permissions for individual apps on your phone. Most applications that use the microphone in some way can have their access revoked in the settings. Remember that removing microphone permissions may limit certain apps’ overall functionality.

There is also a range of more physical solutions available. You can cover your device’s microphone to prevent it from effectively picking up or recording nearby audio. You can use small stickers and pieces of tape to at least partially limit the microphone’s range, or buy specialized phone cases and attachments. However, before purchasing any products that claim to block microphones, read their reviews online.

Check out our video on how to know whether your phones is spying on you below.

Is my phone listening to me? How to stop it (1)

Six tips to protect your privacy on a smartphone

1. Only download virtual assistant apps from official stores. Google Assistant and Siri are the most popular options among smartphone users, but there are a handful of more specialized virtual assistants. If you download one from a questionable provider, you risk installing malware and providing your personal information and voice recordings to the questionable provider.

2. Review app permissions. Check your phone settings and review the permissions you’ve given to your apps. If some of them can access your microphone for no solid reason, it’s a red flag.

Check if there are apps on your phone that you don’t recognize. If you’ve fallen for a phishing attack, clicked on a dodgy link or ad, or downloaded malware instead of a legitimate file from a website – these unfamiliar apps on your phone could be spyware.

Spyware and malware can sometimes get installed on your phone via various scams and phishing attacks. And often this spyware can be disguised inside an app that forces itself onto your device to secretly run in the background and spy on your every move. So make sure you routinely check for rogue apps and delete them immediately.

3. Delete your Google Voice history. While Siri claims not to keep your voice request history, Google Assistant does not. If you ever lose your phone, somebody could find it and extract your search results to use them for malicious purposes. In case you’re wondering “What does Google know about me?” — the short answer is: a lot.

Google and other search engines store your voice request recording to improve their voice recognition software. But that’s not all — they also monitor your search terms and all of the websites you visit. This data is often sold to advertisers who build consumer profiles and target you with “relevant” ads. To avoid these ads and increase your privacy, delete your Google Voice history.

4. Delete your Alexa history. As convenient as Alexa is, it raises some privacy concerns. Amazon is known for collecting Alexa’s recordings and using them for marketing purposes and sharing them with third-parties. On top of that, Amazon employees also listen to their customer’s recordings, which is a blatant privacy violation. To enhance your privacy, simply delete your Alexa history.

5. Use a VPN. A VPN for Android or, if you prefer Apple, a VPN for iPhone, masks your IP address and encrypts your web traffic, which enhances your privacy. If you’re looking for ways to avoid snoopers and hackers, get the NordVPN app. It works by wrapping your phone traffic in an encrypted secure layer and masking your IP address, mitigating the risks of being attacked online. (Note: It won’t affect voice monitoring services that you have authorized.)

Your ISP also knows your IP address as well as everything you do online, which could reveal your personal details, like your location. It’s risky if the information falls into the wrong hands. Learn more about what someone can do with our IP address and learn how to protect it.

NordVPN also offers the Threat Protection feature that blocks malicious ads and prevents you from landing on dodgy websites. If you’re using the desktop version, Threat Protection can also block trackers and warn you when trying to download a malicious file.

6. Update your software regularly. Hackers exploit known software vulnerabilities while developers patch security flaws to stay one step ahead. Updates are tedious, but they enhance your privacy immensely. And if you want to take your Android device privacy even further, take some practical steps to improve your Android security, like enabling two-factor authentication or turning off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. If you’re an iOS fan, follow similar tips to protect your iPhone, like changing your passcode or turning on the Erase Data feature.

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Is my phone listening to me? How to stop it (2024)


Is my phone listening to me? How to stop it? ›

Is my Android always listening? For Android devices, “wake words” include “o*k, Google,” but your phone might be listening for certain other keywords as well. That doesn't mean that there are audio recordings of everything you say being uploaded to Google. Most of that voice data would have no advertising value.

How can I stop my phone from listening to everything I say? ›

Here's how to check (and turn on and off) the listening permissions on Android:
  1. Open Settings.
  2. Tap Security & privacy.
  3. Open the Privacy dropdown menu.
  4. From the dropdown, select Privacy controls.
  5. Toggle the Microphone access switch to turn permission on or off.
Dec 5, 2023

Is my phone always listening to my conversations? ›

Is my Android always listening? For Android devices, “wake words” include “o*k, Google,” but your phone might be listening for certain other keywords as well. That doesn't mean that there are audio recordings of everything you say being uploaded to Google. Most of that voice data would have no advertising value.

Is your smartphone listening to everything you say? ›

While it is true that your phone isn't covertly recording every conversation, it does actively listen for specific keywords to activate its voice assistant, like "Hey Siri" or "OK Google." These assistants aid in tasks such as calls, messaging, reminders, music, web searches, etc.

Does your phone listen to you and suggest ads? ›

But the truth is that although advertisers gather data about their target audience from their phones, it's not through audio spying, and it's not a coincidence — it's simply highly targeted advertising and data collection.

How do I turn off all listening on my iPhone? ›

To disable microphone access for apps on your iPhone, follow the steps below:
  1. Open your iPhone Settings.
  2. Select Privacy & Security.
  3. Tap Microphone.
  4. You will see a list of all the apps that have access to your microphone.
  5. Toggle off any app you'd like to deny access to the microphone, and you are good to go.
Aug 3, 2023

How to block out listening devices? ›

How to Block Out Listening Devices
  1. Distort the sound that reaches the device by talking quietly or speaking only when there is loud ambient noise.
  2. Use another sound to mask your voice, like white noise, blaring music, or a vacuum cleaner.
  3. Block the sound completely using an audio jammer.
Sep 13, 2023

How do you test if your phone is listening to you? ›

How to know if your phone is listening to you
  1. Choose a topic. Come up with a topic that is completely unrelated to you. ...
  2. Come up with things to say about this topic. ...
  3. Talk about the topic out loud next to your phone. ...
  4. Check if any relevant ads show up.
Mar 7, 2023

Is my phone listening to thoughts? ›

Yes, your phone listens to you. Phone listening is a proven fact, as voice assistants require your microphone to be enabled at all times, and they need it to pick up trigger words.

Why do I see ads for things I talk about? ›

Once your device microphone picks them up, it gives advertisers the ability to identify what you've just been watching or talking about. Different apps on your phone can listen for these beacons to keep an eye on what you're doing—and this is why some apps ask you for permission to access your microphone.

How do I stop Google from listening? ›

Turn voice and audio activity on or off
  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open your device's Settings app Google. Manage your Google account.
  2. At the top, tap Data & privacy.
  3. Under "History settings," tap Web & App Activity.
  4. Next to "Include voice and audio activity," check or uncheck the box.

Are you being watched through your phone? ›

Another sign that someone is potentially watching or listening to you through your smartphone is photo, video, or audio files saved on your device or in your cloud storage that you didn't create. If you find suspicious files on your phone, they might contain malware – so handle them with care.

How do I stop someone from monitoring my calls? ›

How to stop someone from listening to your calls on an Android phone
  1. Download Clario AntiSpy and create an account.
  2. Go to Spyware scan.
  3. Select Run a deep scan. This will find any hidden spyware on your device.
Feb 22, 2024

How do I make my phone not listen to my conversations? ›

2. Turn off the microphone on your phone
  1. Go to the Settings app.
  2. Tap Security and privacy > Privacy > Permission manager.
  3. Tap Microphone.
  4. Look through the apps and choose which ones you want to stop giving microphone access to.
  5. Tap the app, then tap Don't allow.
Mar 7, 2023

Why is my phone narrating everything I do? ›

TalkBack is an accessibility feature that helps people who are blind or have low vision to interact with their Android devices using touch and spoken feedback. When TalkBack is on, items on the screen are outlined with a focus box, and the device gives audio cues about what is on the screen.

How do I stop microphone access? ›

Change a site's camera & microphone permissions
  1. On your Android device, open the Chrome app .
  2. To the right of the address bar, tap More. Settings.
  3. Tap Site Settings.
  4. Tap Microphone or Camera.
  5. Tap to turn the microphone or camera on or off.

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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

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Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.