Is It True What They Say About "If You Love Him, Set Him Free"? (2024)

Are you considering walking away from your partner to get him to fight for you?

Perhaps you’re wondering whether this is a successful strategy to make a man care about you more?

If so, you’re in the right place.

In this guide, we explain why walking away from your partner can sometimes strengthen your relationship, and how to do it effectively.

However, before I explain this, it’s important you read the next few sentences carefully.

There is a powerful aspect of male psychology called the ‘Hero’s Instinct’, which has a huge impact on how men perceive their romantic partners.

If you can learn to activate this psychological trigger, it is common that your partner experiences feelings of intense pride, power and purpose. Naturally, he feels more loving and devoted to a woman makes him feel this way.

Before I learned about the ‘Hero’s Instinct’, I always found it difficult to keep men interested in me. Now, it’s so much easier to find passionate and affectionate relationships (read my story to learn more).

This is an easy skill to perform, yet so few people seem to know about it. It’s a great way to make him feel like no other woman could.

If you’re hoping to strengthen your existing relationship, I’d urge you to learn more about how I discovered the power of the ‘Hero’s Instinct’.

However, the guide below explains how walking away from him could also make your relationship stronger.

Table of Contents

Does walking awayactually get him back?

In short, yes, itshould get him running back to you.

However, it is alldependent on his feelings towards you and the severity of the situation youfind yourself in. So, I need to tell you before we go any further that if heisn’t interested in you, he won’t come back if you walk away.

For example, if hedoesn’t reciprocate your feelings and you decide to walk away from him, he willmost likely not come running back into your arms, simply because that’s notwhere he wants to be. This sounds awful, and I understand that it is not whatyou probably want to hear, but I think it’s important to warn you that if hedoesn’t like you, having you walk away won’t change that for him.

Is It True What They Say About "If You Love Him, Set Him Free"? (1)

However, thisshouldn’t be looked at in a negative light. If you walk away from someone andthey don’t come back to you, then walking away was the right thing to do. Youhave moved on from a situation that was holding you back from finding your truelove, and that should be celebrated.

On the other hand, ifthis man does have feelings for you, even if they might be hidden, having youwalk away will make him come straight back to you. So, firstly we are going tohave a look at the reasons why walking away makes men come back.

Men like to be challenged.

This is where mendiffer from women. When women fall in love with someone, we want it to bebeautiful and effortless. To men, this is boring and leaves them feelingunsatisfied. They like to have a challenge set before them, and they don’t likehaving something that seems too easy.

So, this could bewhere you have gone wrong along the way. Did you perhaps give this man too muchof you, too quickly? Maybe you respond to his every beck and call? He doesn’twant that. What he wants is to work for you and your attention. If you seemeasy to him, he will get bored easily.

Therefore, if you walkaway you will have presented a challenge for him to take on. He then needs topursue you, and this should make him feel a certain type of thrill.

We all never realize what we have until it’s gone.

This point is not just for men. A lot of us don’t realize what we have or appreciate what we have until it's gone. Then, we start to miss it and want it back. This works the same when we are talking about relationships. Maybe your man is just too used to you being around and he doesn’t appreciate you and what you do for him anymore.

Therefore, if youdecide to walk away, he will realize that he was taking you for granted when hehad you by his side. He will also start to miss you and will want you back morethan ever before. He will then come running after you, with more love andappreciation than ever before.

How can you walk awayfrom him effectively?

Now we have had a lookat the reasons why your man will react positively to you walking away from him,it’s time to show you how you can start to distance yourself and walk away fromhim, in an effective way.

Get busy.

The first thing youcan do is rearrange your priorities. Therefore, this means putting him a littlelower down the pile than he was before you decided to walk away from him. Ofcourse, he might secretly still be at the top of your list, but he doesn’t needto know this, and you certainly can’t let him.

Is It True What They Say About "If You Love Him, Set Him Free"? (2)

You need to startputting your life before him, to show him that you are busy, and you are nolonger letting him take over your life. What did you spend the majority of yourtime doing before you met him? Start doing that again. This could be meeting upwith your friends and family multiple times a week, playing a sport or spendingyour time setting up your own business. Whatever it is that you used to do,start doing it again and let it take precedence over him.

Use this tool to check whether he actually is who he says he is
Whether you're married or have just started seeing someone, infidelity rates are on the rise and have increased over 40% in the last 20 years, so you have all the right to be worried.

Perhaps you want to know if he's texting other women behind your back? Or whether he has active Tinder or dating profile? Or worse yet, whether he has a criminal record or is cheating on you?

This tool will do just that and pull up any hidden social media and dating profiles, photos, criminal records, and much more to hopefully help put your doubts to rest.

Initially, it mighttake a bit of time for him to clock on to the fact that you are busy, and youhave stopped making as many plans with him, but then he will notice that he’sseeing you less, and that is when he will want to see you more. He will startasking you out or trying to talk to you more, but you need to remainbusy.

You need to show himthat your life is your own to live, and you have better things to do than waitfor his calls and spend all your time at his house.

He will not onlyprobably find it extremely sexy that you are still the independent bad-ass thatyou were when he first met you, but he will feel compelled to try and see youmore often and fit into your busy schedule. At the end of the day, we all wantwhat we can’t have, so use this to your advantage and don’t let him have youtoo easy.

Don’t initiate conversation anymore.

Stop yourself from messaging or calling him first. Are you normally the one that always messages first?Stop doing that straight away. Firstly, a relationship should always be equally two-sided, so you shouldn’t be the one constantly initiating the conversation anyway. Your man will start to realize that you are no longer going to be the one to start the conversations, and he will miss speaking to you, so he will start to get in touch with you first. This is of course, great. But you still need to make sure you are keeping up the ‘busy’ bravado. Don’t reply to him too quickly, and don’t answer his calls the first time it rings.

You are trying to be alittle harder to get, so even if you are desperate to speak to him, don’t beopen about it. Always make yourself a little bit unavailable, because it willonly make him want you more.

Interact with him less on social media.

In thetechnology-driven world that we all live, we always need to think about how youinteract with your man on social media. For example, if you are making yourselfmore unavailable to him in real life but then liking and commenting oneverything he posts on social media, you are not going to be walking away fromhim effectively. So, the simple answer is to stop interacting with him onsocial media. This can be even more powerful if you are pretty connected withhim normally on social media. He will notice that you have stopped liking hisposts or commenting on his statuses.

This will probablylead to him searching for your name amongst his other likes, as well as goingon your profiles to see what you have been up to on social media if you haven’tbeen interacting with him. It might also be beneficial for you to let him guesswhat’s going in your life by posting less or being less open with what you’reup to through your online presence.

If he’s not able to see you or speak to you in real life and then on social media too, you will become an enigma for him. Therefore, you present yourself as a challenge that he will want to take on. He will be hungry to find out what you have been up to, and this will probably lead to you receiving lots of texts from him asking when you can next catch up. If this happens, you are on the way to winning and getting him back into your life.

Is It True What They Say About "If You Love Him, Set Him Free"? (3)

Don’t wait for him.

This is one of themost important things that you need to do, however, no physical action is required,and this is more about you than it is about him. In your mind, you need to havedecided to walk away. You need to stop waiting for him to message you, ask youout or drop by. Even though the reason you are doing all these things is to gethim running back to you, you need to make sure you are not waiting around forhim.

You need to realizethat you are still going to be ok when you don’t speak to him or see him. Takeeverything in your stride, and if he comes back to you then the mission isaccomplished. If he isn’t reacting the way that you wanted, let it wash overyou. He will come back in time, but don’t hang around for it. You need to trulyshow him you are an independent woman that owns her own life, so you betterstart believing that and acting like it.

What are the possibleoutcomes when you walk away from him?

He will miss you.

Without you beingavailable or being in touch with him, he will start to miss you. He willrealize what he had with you and how amazing you are. He will drive himselfcrazy thinking of what you’re doing and why he isn’t involved in it. He willmiss you so much that he will be the one to always message first, ask to meetup, and will always want to know what you’re doing.

He won’t ever act inthe way he did before you walked away because now he realizes how his life iswithout you in it – simply not as good.

He will come after you.

He will realize thatyou are too busy to be making an effort with him, and he will start chasing youbecause he wants your time. He will love that the ball is very much in hiscourt because it’s his time to stand up to the challenge and come after you. Hewill want you so much more because he knows that you aren’t hanging off hisevery word anymore.

Is It True What They Say About "If You Love Him, Set Him Free"? (4)

He won’t respond in the way you had wished.

I spoke about thisearlier, but your man might not react in the way that you want. When you walkaway, he might do the same. This can be hard to deal with because you are inthe situation of unrequited love. However, you need to see this as a blessing.Are you not glad that you walked away to see if he would follow you? Now youwill be able to see that he was never worthy of you, and you deserve so muchmore. He has allowed you to be set free in a world of love, to find your truesoulmate.


I hope that thisarticle has helped you to not only understand why walking away will get yourman to come back to you, but also how you can effectively do it.

Did this article helpyou at all? If it did and you liked what you read, please let us know in thecomments. We would love to hear from you.

Utilize this tool to verify if he's truly who he claims to be
Whether you're married or just started dating someone, infidelity rates have risen by over 40% in the past 20 years, so your concerns are justified.

Do you want to find out if he's texting other women behind your back? Or if he has an active Tinder or dating profile? Or even worse, if he has a criminal record or is cheating on you?

This tool can help by uncovering hidden social media and dating profiles, photos, criminal records, and much more, potentially putting your doubts to rest.

Is It True What They Say About "If You Love Him, Set Him Free"? (5)

Olivia Surtees

After realizing I was the person that everyone around me always came to for dating advice, I decided to merge this skill with my profession – writing. So, I came about to be a relationship advice writer! Being able to show not only my passion for writing, but also my passion to help others in their relationships, means the absolute world to me and I hope to continue doing so. Studying the vast and complicated world of relationships entices me, and I am constantly striving to learn more, so I can then help others with more knowledge and experience.

Read full bio

Is It True What They Say About "If You Love Him, Set Him Free"? (2024)


Is it true that if you love someone you should set them free? ›

You may have heard the old saying, "If you love something set it free." Although it may not be applicable in every relationship, deciding when to let go of a connection can be essential in maintaining healthy dynamics in your life. Studies show that healthy relationships can improve mental health and mood overall.

What's the saying "If you love someone, set them free"? ›

The full proverb, “If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it's yours. If not, it was never meant to be,” is a reminder to let go and trust in a bigger plan. It's about surrendering something beloved in the hopes that fate will intervene and bring it back—if it's truly meant to be ours.

Is it true that if you love someone, let them go? ›

It is possible to love someone but let go. If you can't give the person you love what they need to feel truly happy and fulfilled, it's only with the utmost love that you'd be able to let that person go. Because it means putting their needs before yours.

What does your love set me free mean? ›

There is a saying that goes, “If you love someone, set them free; if they come back to you, it was meant to be.” This phrase implies that relationships should not be forced or a product of guilt or manipulation.

How do you know if you truly love someone? ›

When you're in love with someone, you'll start to develop strong compassion for them. The powerful urge to be connected to this person brings new aspects to your relationship, such as emotional or physical intimacy, passion, and a desire to know everything about them, and be known by them in return.

Does true love come back after a breakup? ›

Does accurate love return after a breakup. According to a 2013 study, several couples who lived together experienced separation and got back together. Of course, this doesn't mean we can be sure that true love brought them back. However, there are some things people do to reestablish their love life.

Will someone leave you if they truly love you? ›

Can a person leave you if they love you? Yes, a person can choose to leave someone even if they love them. Love is a complex emotion, and relationships are influenced by a variety of factors beyond love alone.

Can someone who truly loves you let you go? ›

Someone who truly loves you will let you go once it becomes clear your relationship has run its course. Love isn't all or nothing, and with time, romantic love may transform into lasting friendship.

What are the stages of letting go of someone you love? ›

They are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance, according to Mental-Health-Matters. These are the natural ways for your heart to heal.

Is true love letting go? ›

Letting go doesn't always mean the end of a relationship or the abandonment of something you care about. Rather, it can be an act of love. By releasing control and allowing someone else freedom in their life, you can create a healthier relationship based on respect and understanding.

Will true love find its way back? ›

True love exists, and this shows that a genuine relationship will always find a way to reconnect. If a couple is meant to be together, no obstacles or difficulties will stand in their way. Because love triumphs like no other, it always prevails regardless of the circ*mstances.

Is it true that what is meant for you will come to you? ›

The above statement is very true and that's called destiny. What is supposed to be yours, will somehow find its way and come to you, even if you do not want it and what is not meant to be yours, even if you want it, it'll just go away within a blink of an eye.

Does love have to be freely given? ›

Love is always freely given. Love cannot be demanded. We can request things of each other, but we must never demand anything. Requests give direction to love, but demands stop the flow of love.

Should you let someone go even if you love them? ›

Knowing when to let go of someone can be challenging when you still feel love for them. That said, sometimes it can be the best decision for both people's long-term happiness. Some signs that it may be time to let go of someone you love include: A loss of trust in them.

At what point do you give up on someone you love? ›

When should I give up on love? Giving up on a particular relationship may be warranted if it no longer makes you happy, if it's actively harming you, or if you and the other person want different things, for example.

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.