Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (2024)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (1)

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  • Thread starterradartodd69
  • Start dateFeb 9, 2022

Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (2)


Rock Star

Silver Level

Dec 8, 2012
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  • Feb 9, 2022
  • #1

I have this thing in my head put in mainly by commentary from the likes of Mike Sexton that in order to win tournaments, you sometimes have to go all in pre flop. Is this true or can you play entirely by waiting for your hole cards to fit the flop? I ask because if it's true that you have to flip for pots, it seams like you are relying heavily on luck alone. I also have a catastrophic history of being at the losing end when I attempt to flip for pots. Something like only winning 1 in 10 of them. Aces have been the only hand that clears a board most times for me. Obviously you can't just wait for aces. What do you think?

Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (3)


Rock Star

Bronze Level

Nov 23, 2021
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  • Feb 9, 2022
  • #2

That's a good question. Every tournament I've made the final table in, I've gone all in pre flop at least twice. I think it would be a good experiment to see if you could at least get to the FT without going all in. It might be a long game though lol.

Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (4)



Bronze Level

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (5)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (6)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (7)

Nov 12, 2014
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Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (8)

  • Feb 9, 2022
  • #3

usually I go all in pre flop with accessible hands like AA QQ KK usually if I see that I have 20bbs or less I go without fear of the flop hitting bad !

Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (9)


Rising Star

Bronze Level

Mar 22, 2020
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  • Feb 9, 2022
  • #4

i play mainly 9-max turbo sngs and i would say that yes, especially for turbo tournaments you gotta put all your chips in the middle at least once every time, assuming you're playing the correct ranges. otherwise you just bleed out before you even get to the money lol

Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (10)



Bronze Level

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (11)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (12)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (13)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (14)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (15)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (16)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (17)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (18)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (19)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (20)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (21)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (22)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (23)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (24)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (25)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (26)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (27)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (28)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (29)

Oct 23, 2013
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  • Feb 9, 2022
  • #5

in most cases yes, specially in late stages you might have to shove all in in order to steal the blinds or to protect yours from the sb with a good hand. also you are probably going to face some coinflip all in preflop scenarios as well.



Rock Star

Bronze Level

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (30)

Dec 25, 2021
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  • Feb 9, 2022
  • #6

This is a wierd question.
Its like asking if you can win a tournament by just calling bet on the flop with set. Maybe its possible but its not the optimal way to play.
The value of chips+ antes is worth so much in the later stage, going all in preflop is the optimal way. You can play not optimal but why ?




Silver Level

Aug 7, 2020
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  • Feb 10, 2022
  • #7

By betting allin you can not influence the distribution of the result is that it is just a coin as in roulette. Allin put only a stack of 10-15 larger blinds or less.





  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (31)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (32)

Jun 3, 2019
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  • Feb 10, 2022
  • #8

Yes especially with short stacks you often need to move all-in preflop. And even with deeper stacks it can still be the best play. If your opponent 4-bets, and you hold AA or KK, there is very little reason to not put in 5-bet and hope, that he call with worse. Or just take down a big pot right here and now especially with KK, which can easily get drawn out on by any AX hand.

Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (33)




  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (34)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (35)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (36)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (37)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (38)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (39)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (40)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (41)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (42)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (43)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (44)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (45)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (46)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (47)

Apr 4, 2016
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Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (48)

  • Feb 10, 2022
  • #9

Since the blinds are constantly increasing in the tournament and at the late stage of the tournament there are a lot of players with a small number of blades and with a high degree of probability there will come a time when you need to take risks and go all-in !!!



Rock Star

Bronze Level

Nov 8, 2019
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  • Feb 11, 2022
  • #10

If you don't know how to play the push-fold stage, then you won't win the tournament.

Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (49)


Lost in the twilight zone

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  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (53)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (54)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (55)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (56)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (57)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (58)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (59)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (60)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (61)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (62)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (63)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (64)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (65)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (66)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (67)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (68)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (69)

Feb 21, 2018
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Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (70)

  • Feb 11, 2022
  • #11

You can wait until your hole cards hit the flop and win. The problem become how often will you win this way. Not very often. Also what hands are you happy with when you hit? do you need top pair or is 2nd good. You wont hit top pair that often and even then it may not be good. I think you need to go all in at time. Not a lot but some to win a tournament.





  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (71)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (72)

Jun 3, 2019
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  • Feb 11, 2022
  • #12

radartodd69 said:

I ask because if it's true that you have to flip for pots, it seams like you are relying heavily on luck alone.

But how is that any different, just because more cards have been dealt? Unless you only put in chips on the river, and only with the nuts, then you are either going to sometimes put them in behind (or dead on the river) or "rely heavily on luck alone", because you dont know, what your opponent has, and usually he has equity until the river. Like maybe you have AsKc on KhJh4d, and your opponent has Th9h. Then you are also "flipping", because he has a 12 out draw with two cards to come. So what is the difference between that situation and getting TT all-in preflop against AQ? The answer is, there is none. Luck is a big part of poker, and if this is difficult for you to accept, then honestly maybe its not the game for you? And I mean this in a 100% serious way Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (73)


Holdem Tycoon

Rock Star

Bronze Level

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (74)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (75)

Jun 28, 2017
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  • Feb 11, 2022
  • #13

Preflop Racing is part of tourneys. It might be possible, as anything is, regarding your question, however you should learn how to race, how you get to the starting line, what “race car” you should use…instead of building a strategy that don’t include that aspect at all. If you don’t participate, your a spectator.



Rising Star

Bronze Level

Oct 27, 2021
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  • Feb 11, 2022
  • #14

It's necessary,but win or lose depend on your luckIs going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (76)Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (77)Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (78)




Bronze Level

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (79)

Aug 29, 2021
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  • Feb 11, 2022
  • #15

Going pre flop allin becomes a dominating strategy when you are small stack ( 10 - 15BB). And at times even when you are large stack trying to pressurize mid size stacks near the Bubble.

Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (80)



Silver Level

Jan 30, 2022
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  • Feb 12, 2022
  • #16

You need to go to the bank if you have a good hand, this is my opinion

Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (81)



Platinum Level

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (82)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (83)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (84)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (85)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (86)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (87)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (88)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (89)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (90)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (91)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (92)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (93)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (94)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (95)

Jun 5, 2019
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  • Feb 12, 2022
  • #17

All in on the preflop is random. It is almost impossible to win several all-ins in a row. If you don't have good luck charms in your pocket. Today AK will win against 78, and in the next hand everything will change. Because the chances of winning are almost the same on the preflop.
For example, if I find myself at the table with poker legend Eric Seidel, I never win against him. But if I start pushing all in on the preflop at least 70% of the hands, then I will have a chance to win against a professional. Random increases the chances of weak players to beat the strong.

Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (96)



Platinum Level

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (97)

Jan 22, 2022
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  • Feb 13, 2022
  • #18

Some players on any pair go to All-in


No Bologna


Bronze Level

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (98)

Jun 13, 2020
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  • Feb 13, 2022
  • #19

No Bologna

I wouldn't say it's necessary, but it's a good way to chip up or be knocked out.

Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (99)



Platinum Level

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (100)

May 24, 2020
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Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (101)

  • Feb 13, 2022
  • #20

The Big Game

increase the bank is necessary this move is acceptable:icon_sant

Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (102)



Bronze Level

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (103)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (104)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (105)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (106)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (107)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (108)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (109)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (110)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (111)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (112)

Jan 16, 2016
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  • Feb 13, 2022
  • #21

Interesting topic. The truth is that in big tournaments I don't think there is a single player who advances to the final table without going all in preflop more than once. At least that is my perception of what I have seen live and what I have experienced and seen online. There is always, always, a time when you have to go all in preflop either because you have a high pair and want to make more chips, or because you need to steal the chips that are on the table. Regards.

Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (113)



Bronze Level

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (114)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (115)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (116)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (117)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (118)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (119)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (120)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (121)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (122)

  • Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (123)

Dec 14, 2016
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  • Feb 13, 2022
  • #22

It takes a pair,,, Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (124)

Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (125)



Silver Level

Jan 31, 2022
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  • Feb 13, 2022
  • #23

I think it's only reasonable when you are very short and have a decent hand. Otherwise, you will just waste the value of your premium hands and never get calls from worse. Slowplaying KK or QQ can be painful if you have to fold when there's an Ace on the board, but w/ KK you will still have top pair 80% of the time and be able to value bet for much more than the blinds and antes you get for a shove - without risking your stack.



Rising Star

Bronze Level

Jun 4, 2021
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  • Feb 13, 2022
  • #24

I think yes you do have to get your chips in pre flop a few times in order to win a tournament:

(1) You will bleed chips if you try to see too many flops.

(2) Going all in pre flop should eliminate other semi strong hands from seeing the flop and therefore increase your odds of winning the hand as u will be up against less players.

(3) Depending on how many big blinds u have left, u may need to shove anyway to try to double up.



Rock Star

Silver Level

Jan 31, 2022
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  • Feb 14, 2022
  • #25

It's all about the proper timing & the story you tell at the table.

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Is going all in pre flop necessary to win tournaments? (2024)


Should you ever go all in preflop? ›

The bottom line is that most poker pros do not go all in preflop very often unless they have an extremely strong hand. They would rather control the size of the pot and outplay their opponents after the flop instead.

How important is preflop? ›

Preflop is where everything begins. Also, developing a solid preflop game will make playing postflop a lot easier. It doesn't matter how much work you put into studying and improving your postflop game. If your preflop decision making is not optimal, then you will be facing a lot of tough situations postflop.

Should you always call all in with AK? ›

Most of the time in a single raised pot (which means there was just a raise and a call preflop), you should not be willing to go all in. It is better to just call instead with your AK, control the size of the pot, and try to get to a relatively cheap showdown.

How do I know when to go all in? ›

Poker All-In: When To Shove
  1. When you're short-stacked. Any time you're sitting with around 15 big blinds or less, it might be time to consider going all in. ...
  2. When you're making a 5-bet in a cash game. ...
  3. When you want to 4-bet versus a large 3-bet. ...
  4. When you want to put pressure on short stacks in a tournament.
Oct 8, 2020

How often do poker pros fold preflop? ›

Preflop, you will be most likely folding 70% of the time and only going in on hands when your cards are strong. The key is to establish a good set of hand ranges that you will be playing with.

What are the best hands in preflop? ›

The pocket pairs (Ace-Ace, King-King, Queen-Queen) are the best hands to play in the preflop betting round. The top suited connectors like AKs and medium pairs are the next best-starting hands.

Is poker more skill or luck based? ›

Like all gambling games, luck does play a major role in poker, especially in the short term. Poker is different than any other form of gambling, however. Unlike the other games on a casino floor, poker is a game of skill, and the world's top pros make money because they're the best players in the game.

What is the best hand preflop against aces? ›

What Hand Has the Best Odds Against Pocket Aces? Suited connector hands like 8♣ 7♣ and 7♣ 6♣ have the best odds against pocket aces, but are still a major underdog preflop. Pocket aces hold 76.83 percent equity against both of these hands if the suited connector doesn't share the suit with one of the aces.

What is the most important skill in poker? ›

"Discipline is the most important poker skill"

The most important thing in strategy poker is discipline. After that, good table selection will significantly influence the win rate of a good strategy.

Should you go all in with Ace Jack? ›

Ace-Jack suited is always worth raising with preflop as the first player in. Limping with it is very inadvisable because you will win smaller pots on average over time.

Should you shove with Ace King? ›

The question you will need to answer is: Should I call or should I shove? If you think your opponent has a balanced (aggressive) 4-betting range, you should always shove it in. If you think your opponent has a tight 4-betting range, it's best to just call, hoping to hit an Ace or a King on the flop.

Should I 4 bet with AK? ›

If you're not prepared to flip with AK, you should probably just fold it to the 3-bet. Your advice has some merit though when your really deep (200+ bb) or facing a 4-bet. You have much less fold equity when really deep, because pocket pairs and suited connecters are likely to call your 4-bet.

What is the best hand in poker? ›

As shown in the poker hand rankings chart, the order of poker rankings (from the highest to the lowest) is: Royal Flush, Straight Flush, Four-of-a-Kind, Full House, Flush, Straight, Three-of-a-Kind, Two Pair, One Pair, High Card. What is the best hand in poker? The Royal Flush is the best hand in poker.

When to shove in poker? ›

As a general rule, players often shove when they have a strong hand, when they have a short stack and need to double up, or when they want to put maximum pressure on their opponents.

When should I call preflop? ›

Call Preflop When You Are Playing in Position. If you're considering calling preflop, it's better to do it when you are likely to play in position post flop. Playing in position is just about the biggest advantage you can have in no limit hold'em. Playing in position means being the last to act in a betting round.

Should you always buy in for Max poker? ›

You don't have to buy in for the minimum or the maximum. “The last option is to simply buy in for whatever you're most comfortable with,” Brady says. “For example, suppose you sit at a table with a $300 max, but you're more comfortable risking $200 at a time instead.”

Should you always bet on the flop? ›

Never Bet The Flop Just Because (Always Know Why You're Betting) For every action you take in a given poker hand, you need to have a clearly defined reason for doing so. Every time you bet or raise, you're generally doing it for two distinct reasons, either as a value bet or as a bluff.

Do you have to go all-in poker? ›

Under normal circ*mstances, all other players still in the pot must either call the full amount of the bet or raise if they wish to remain in, the only exceptions being when a player does not have sufficient stake remaining to call the full amount of the bet (in which case they may either call with their remaining ...

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