Is 32GB of RAM overkill? | Vibox (2024)

When building or purchasing a new computer, one of the decisions you'll need to make is how much memory, or RAM, to include. RAM is a computer memory used to temporarily store your computer's active use or processing data. The more RAM you have, the more data your computer can access quickly, improving its overall performance.

32GB of RAM is considered high and is generally overkill for most users. For most everyday use and basic tasks such as web browsing, email, and basic office work, 8GB of RAM is more than enough. Even for gaming or video editing, 16GB is typically sufficient.

However, there are specific use cases where 32GB of RAM might be beneficial. For example, if you are running multiple demanding programs simultaneously or working with large files or data sets, having 32GB of RAM can help ensure that your computer can handle the workload without slowing down. Additionally, if you're into content creation, 3D modelling, or video editing, a high amount of RAM can help you with better performance for those specific tasks.

Is 32GB of RAM overkill? | Vibox (1)

What Would You Use 32GB of RAM For?

There are several specific use cases where having 32GB of RAM would be beneficial, particularly when it comes to video editing, Photoshop, and Adobe After Effects.

Video Editing

Video editing is a resource-intensive task that can benefit greatly from having a large amount of RAM. When editing video, your computer needs to be able to access and manipulate large amounts of data quickly, which can be challenging with less RAM. With 32 GB of RAM, your computer can more easily handle multiple high-resolution video tracks and large video files, allowing for smoother playback and more efficient rendering. This amount of RAM can also help you work with more complex visual effects, color correction, and audio syncing.


Photoshop is another resource-intensive program that can benefit from a bigger RAM. Large image files and working with many layers can slow down your computer with less RAM. With 32GB of RAM, you'll be able to work with larger image files and more layers, making your workflow more efficient. Additionally, high-amount RAM can speed up color correction, retouching, and compositing operations.

Adobe After Effects

Similarly, Adobe After Effects is a program that can benefit from a large amount of RAM, especially when working with 3D animations and complex visual effects. With 32GB of RAM, you'll be able to work with larger and more complex compositions, making your workflow more efficient and allowing you to create more advanced effects.

Do I need 32GB of RAM for Gaming?

Whether or not gamers need 32GB RAM depends on the types of games they play and the settings they run them at.

Generally, 8GB of RAM is enough for most modern games at 1080p and 60 FPS, which is considered the standard for gaming. However, if you play more demanding games or if you play at higher resolutions, such as 4K, or with higher frame rates, 16GB of RAM can be beneficial.

As for 32GB of RAM, it can be considered overkill for gaming alone. However, if you are also running other resource-intensive programs alongside your games, such as streaming or video editing software, having that much RAM can help ensure that your computer can handle the workload without slowing down.

Suppose you're into high-end PC gaming or running games with many mods. In that case, 32GB of RAM can allow you to run those games at higher settings, and with many mods that can improve your gaming experience, you may consider 32GB of RAM.

If you play most modern games at 1080p and 60 FPS, 8GB of RAM is generally enough. However, 16GB of RAM can be beneficial if you play more demanding games or at higher resolutions or frame rates. 32GB of RAM can be considered overkill for gaming alone, but it can help run other resource-intensive programs alongside your games or for high-end PC gaming.

What Does RAM Do To Gaming?

RAM plays a crucial role in gaming, as it temporarily stores data that your computer is actively using or processing. The more RAM you have, the more data your computer can access quickly, improving its overall performance.

While playing a game, your computer constantly loads and processes data, such as textures, models, audio, etc. This data is stored in your computer's RAM, accessed by your CPU and GPU to render the game on your screen. If your computer doesn't have enough RAM, it will struggle to access the data it needs, leading to stuttering, lag, and dropped frames.

More RAM can help prevent these issues by allowing your computer to quickly access the data it needs. Additionally, having more RAM can help improve the game's overall quality. For example, with more RAM, you can run games at higher settings, such as higher resolutions or more complex visuals, without compromising performance.

What amount of RAM is good for gaming?

The amount of RAM that's good for gaming depends on the types of games you play and the settings you run them at.

In general, 8GB of RAM is considered a good amount for most modern games at 1080p and 60 FPS, which is considered the standard for gaming. This amount of RAM will allow you to run most games at their recommended settings without any issues. However, some demanding games may require more than 8GB to run at their highest settings.

For more demanding games or for running games at higher resolutions, such as 4K, or higher frame rates, 16GB of RAM is recommended. This will allow your computer to handle more complex game environments, more characters, and more objects in a scene. It will also give you more headroom for multitasking, like running web browsers, streaming software, and other background processes, allowing for a fully optimized setup.

Some recent AAA titles or games with huge numbers of mods might require even more than 16GB for smooth gameplay.

8GB RAM - Advantages & Disadvantages


  • Cost-effective: 8GB of RAM is typically more affordable than 16GB or 32GB, making it a more cost-effective option for many users.

  • Sufficient for most tasks: For most everyday use such as web browsing, email, and basic office work, 8 GB of RAM is more than enough. It's also enough for gaming at 1080p resolution and 60 FPS.

  • Easy to upgrade: If 8GB of RAM is not enough for your needs, it's relatively easy to upgrade to more memory in the future.


  • Limited for more demanding tasks: For more demanding tasks such as video editing, 3D rendering, or running multiple demanding programs simultaneously, 8GB of RAM can become a bottleneck and slow down your computer.

  • Limited for future-proofing: With the advancement in technology and software, some new demanding games and applications may require more than 8GB of RAM in the future.

  • Limited for multitasking: Running multiple demanding applications or tasks simultaneously can be challenging with 8GB of RAM and lead to slower performance and frequent swapping between RAM and hard drive.

16GB RAM - Advantages & Disadvantages


  • Better performance for demanding tasks: With 16GB of RAM, you'll have more memory available to handle demanding tasks such as video editing, 3D rendering, and running multiple demanding programs simultaneously, 16GB is considered the sweet spot for most users.

  • Future-proofing: 16GB of RAM is more than enough for most of the current tasks and applications and provides some headroom for future-proofing.

  • Better multitasking: With more RAM, you'll be able to run multiple demanding applications or tasks simultaneously without slowing down your computer, which can improve your productivity.


  • Higher cost: 16GB of RAM is typically more expensive than 8 GB, which can disadvantage some users.

  • Overkill for basic tasks: If you only use your computer for basic tasks such as web browsing, email, and basic office work, 16GB of RAM may be overkill and not necessary.

  • It may not be the best option for budget-minded users: 16GB of RAM can be a good option for most users, but it may not be the best option for users looking to build a budget-friendly system.

32GB RAM - Advantages & Disadvantages


  • Extremely high performance for demanding tasks: With 32GB of RAM, you'll have a huge amount of memory available to handle extremely demanding tasks such as 3D animation, running multiple virtual machines, heavy video editing, and complex data analysis.

  • Maximum future-proofing: 32GB of RAM is the current maximum amount of RAM most motherboards and Operating systems can handle, meaning you'll be able to run almost all current and future applications without any issues.

  • Extremely good multitasking: With 32GB of RAM, you'll run many demanding applications or tasks simultaneously without slowing down your computer, which can improve your productivity significantly.


  • Extremely high cost: 32GB of RAM is typically much more expensive than 8GB or 16GB, which can be a disadvantage for many users.

  • Overkill for most tasks: If you only use your computer for basic tasks such as web browsing, email, and basic office work, 32GB of RAM may be overkill and unnecessary.

  • It may not be necessary for budget-minded users: 32GB of RAM can be a good option for power users or professionals, but it may not be necessary for budget-minded users looking to build an affordable system.

Can 32GB RAM cause any problems with your computer or game performance?

Having 32GB of RAM shouldn't cause problems with your computer or game performance. It can help to improve performance for demanding tasks and workflows, as well as provide maximum future-proofing.

However, there are some rare cases where having 32GB of RAM could cause problems. For example, if your computer's motherboard or operating system is not designed to handle more than 16GB of RAM, you might experience stability issues or errors. Before upgrading, you should check if the system is compatible with 32 GB RAM.

Additionally, if your computer cannot take full advantage of the additional memory, it could result in lower performance than expected. This could happen when you have an older system with a slow CPU, a weak GPU, or even an outdated Operating system.

It's also worth noting that having 32GB of RAM does not guarantee perfect performance. It still heavily depends on other hardware of your system. A powerful CPU, Graphics card, and a fast storage drive would be necessary to get the most out of that much RAM.

Are there any other ways to improve your gaming experience without spending a lot of money on hardware?

There are several ways to improve your gaming experience without spending much money on hardware. Here are a few:

  1. Optimize your settings: Many games come with various graphical and performance settings. Lowering the settings can improve performance, especially on older or less powerful systems.

  2. Update your drivers: Make sure you have the latest drivers for your graphics card and your other components. Up-to-date drivers can improve performance and fix bugs.

  3. Overclocking: Overclocking runs a computer component at a higher clock speed than it was designed for. This can give you a small performance boost, but it's not recommended for users unfamiliar with the process.

  4. Clean up your system: Over time, your computer may accumulate unnecessary files and programs that can slow it down. Regularly cleaning up your system can improve performance.

  5. Close background applications: Running multiple applications in the background can slow down your computer and close any unnecessary applications to improve performance.

  6. Game optimization: Many game developers release updates and patches that optimize game performance. Make sure you have the latest version of the game, and install the updates when they become available

In conclusion, whether or not 32GB of RAM is overkill for you depends on your specific needs and the types of tasks, you'll be using your computer for.

Is 32GB of RAM overkill? | Vibox (2024)


Is 32GB of RAM overkill? | Vibox? ›

RAM is a computer memory used to temporarily store your computer's active use or processing data. The more RAM you have, the more data your computer can access quickly, improving its overall performance. 32GB of RAM is considered high and is generally overkill for most users.

Do you really need more than 32GB RAM? ›

While professional users who create digital content on the computer or analyze large amounts of data usually need more than 32GB of RAM, the sensible amount of RAM for a home PC depends on what tasks you mainly use it for.

Is 32GB of RAM needed or will I be fine with just 16GB? ›

However, as a general guideline, professionals typically require a minimum of 32GB of RAM to handle the demands of their workloads efficiently. Having 32GB (or more) allows professionals to work with multiple resource-intensive programs simultaneously without running out of memory or experience significant slowdowns.

What is considered overkill for RAM? ›

System Requirements

For the average user who engages in basic tasks such as web browsing, word processing, and multimedia consumption, 64GB of RAM would indeed be considered overkill. In such scenarios, 8GB or 16GB of RAM would be more than sufficient to handle these tasks efficiently.

Is 32 GB RAM overkill for Windows 11? ›

32gb is a lot but, not overkill. It can come in pretty handy if you need to do more tasks whilst gaming, for example streaming. Streaming can take up just as much ram as the game itself so there's 16gb recommended. This will depend on what you're doing.

Is there a point to 32 GB of RAM? ›

32GB: This is the sweet spot for professionals and high-end gamers. It's enough to play any game, but pricing is still affordable. 48GB: Using non-binary memory kits can save you some money if 32GB of RAM just won't do, and 64GB is unneeded. 64GB and more: For enthusiasts and purpose-built workstations only.

How much RAM do you need in 2024? ›

You can check out all of our current deals here. For most gamers 16GB of RAM is still the sweet spot in 2024. This amount provides enough headroom for the operating system, background processes, and the game itself to run smoothly without any bottlenecks.

How overkill is 32GB RAM? ›

Having 32GB of RAM shouldn't cause problems with your computer or game performance. It can help to improve performance for demanding tasks and workflows, as well as provide maximum future-proofing.

How much RAM do I really need? ›

Generally, we recommend 8GB of RAM for casual computer usage and internet browsing, 16GB for spreadsheets and other office programs, and at least 32GB for gamers and multimedia creators.

Is there a lot of difference between 16GB and 32GB RAM? ›

The extra 16 GB of RAM in the 32 GB variant can significantly enhance multitasking capabilities. With more memory available, the system can efficiently handle many applications and tasks running simultaneously without encountering performance bottlenecks due to memory constraints.

What happens if RAM is too high? ›

If your RAM usage is at 100% when idle it means there's none left to open a program or app. But, as mentioned this will never happen unless you have an update in the background, a virus, or malware, or your computer has less than 4GB of RAM. In which case, it's worth getting more RAM. RAM is very inexpensive.

Is 32GB RAM enough for 4K gaming? ›

For a robust Gaming experience, especially for 1440p and 4K Gaming, we recommend 32GB of RAM as a baseline, with serious consideration for 64GB for futureproofing. Pair this with a decent RAM speed, and you'll have a setup that not only handles current Gaming demands but is also prepared for future Gaming trends.

Is 32GB RAM overkill for video editing? ›

However, by purchasing at least a 32GB capacity of RAM, you will significantly improve your video editing experience and be able to perform all the tasks needed without slowing down your computer.

Who needs 32GB of RAM? ›

In summary: 16GB is no longer enough if you want the optimal gaming experience, particularly at the highest resolutions and settings. 32GB will quickly become the minimum memory specification you'll want to upgrade to in 2023 to protect you for the future of gaming and more serious pursuits.

Is upgrading RAM from 16 to 32 worth it? ›

Conclusion. To wrap it all up, there's no doubt that the benefits of upgrading RAM from 16GB to 32GB are numerous. It will offer your computer a performance boost, making your apps run faster and more efficiently! Getting this done is an investment in your computer's capabilities.

Is 16GB of RAM overkill? ›

In the ever-evolving tech landscape, 16GB RAM strikes the perfect balance. It's not excessive, nor is it lacking. So, whether you're building a gaming rig, a creative workstation, or an everyday laptop, consider 16GB as your baseline. Your computer will thank you with smoother operations and fewer hiccups.

Will I ever need 16GB RAM? ›

For basic web browsing and document creation, 4GB or 8GB is usually sufficient. For tasks such as photo editing and streaming media, however, 16GB of RAM may be necessary. For gaming or video editing applications, even higher amounts of RAM (e.g., 32GB) may be needed to ensure optimal performance.

Is 128 GB RAM enough for gaming? ›

For more demanding tasks such as gaming, content creation, and professional workloads, 32GB to 64GB of RAM may be recommended to ensure smooth performance and multitasking capabilities.

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