Investor Home - the Bid/Ask Spread and Market Makers (2024)

Gary Karz, CFA Investor Home - the Bid/Ask Spread and Market Makers (1)
Host of InvestorHome
Principal, Proficient Investment Management, LLC

Investor Home - the Bid/Ask Spread and Market Makers (2)Online brokers and many investors are quick to point out that trades can now be made for commissions of $8 or less. This makes it easy to lose sight of the fact that commissions are not the only cost of buying and selling stocks. Investors are we'll served in becoming educated on the other cost of trading - the bid/ask spread.

Investor Home - the Bid/Ask Spread and Market Makers (3)Stock markets are not non-profit organizations staffed by social workers paid by the government to provide a public service. Brokers, specialists, and market makers don’t participate in the markets for their health. They trade only when they expect to make profits. Those profits are the price that investors and other traders pay in order to execute their orders when they want to trade.

Investor Home - the Bid/Ask Spread and Market Makers (4)The most common price for referencing stocks is the last trade price, but the last price is not necessarily the price that a person can subsequently trade now or in the future. At any given moment during market hours there is a best or highest "bid" price from someone that wants to buy the stock and there is a best or lowest "ask" price from someone that wants to sell the stock. Additionally, that bid and ask will be for a specific number of shares.

Investor Home - the Bid/Ask Spread and Market Makers (5)In every transaction one party is a price setter and the other party is a price taker. The price taker agrees to the price set by the price setter. In financial markets, a person who places a market order is effectively a price taker (a market sell order will be filled at the prevailing best bid price and a market buy order will be filled at the best ask price). A person who places a limit order is a price setter while a person who places a market order crosses the spread and effectively incurs a cost of half the spread. The person who placed the limit order captures that half spread. The risk for the person who places a limit order is that the order never gets filled because the price is never met.

Investor Home - the Bid/Ask Spread and Market Makers (6)Let take an example of Stock XYZ, which is currently quoted at 100 by 100.25. In other words someone is willing to buy XYZ at 100 and someone is willing to sell XYZ at 100.25. An investor that places an order to buy 100 shares of XYZ at the market will get executed at 100.25 while an investor the places an order to sell 100 shares of XYZ will get executed at 100. If the market maker placed both the bid and the ask and executed both orders he will earn the 0.25% as a profit. The market maker profits by doing this over and over again throughout market hours. The market maker loses money when he/she fills an order and reverses the trade at a worse price.

Investor Home - the Bid/Ask Spread and Market Makers (7)The following is an example of how a market maker can lose money. An institutional investor places a market order to buy 100,000 shares of XYZ. The specialist agrees to sell the shares at a price of 101. The market maker is now short 100,000 shares of XYZ and will make a profit if he can buy back the 100,000 shares for less than 101. However after completing the order, the same buyer places an order to buy another 200,000 shares. The market maker now has an outstanding order to buy shares yet his interest is also to buy shares back at a lower price. The term getting "bagged" is used by some to describe the market maker’s situation. In other words, a trader or market maker completes a trade only to have the opposing party push the price further by transacting even more shares in the market.

Investor Home - the Bid/Ask Spread and Market Makers (8)When transacting large orders, the market maker operates under the hope that the opposing party is finished transacting in that stock or that he has charged enough of a price concession to make up for any subsequent price impact from additional trades. But if the completed order is only part of a larger decision to buy more shares, the market maker can lose money as the additional buying pressure causes the stock to rise further.

Investor Home - the Bid/Ask Spread and Market Makers (9)Returning to the original XYZ example, let’s take an example of a person who places a buy order for 100 shares at 100.12. This person is attempting to save half the spread cost by placing a limit order. If the price rises and the order is never filled the investor will either have to live without the stock or pay a higher price. If the stock subsequently goes to 101, a person who placed a market order and paid 100.25 is clearly better off than the person who originally placed a limit order hoping to save .25, but never purchased the stock because it moved higher. Of course, we would all make the correct choice if we knew in advance what was going to happen. Therefore, the motivation for the trade must be considered when deciding whether to place a market order or a limit order. If the order is not time sensitive a limit order may end up costing less, but a market order may be the only way to get an order filled if the order is time sensitive and the price moves against you.

Investor Home - the Bid/Ask Spread and Market Makers (10)Institutional investors face the challenge of completing massive orders (often millions of shares) at a minimum cost. An institutional investor that exposes an order for a large number of shares can expect the price to jump immediately, so they may instead attempt to gradually work the order in small pieces over several days or weeks. Day traders will frequently try to buy or sell in advance of large working institutional orders if they can identify a large order in progress.

Investor Home - the Bid/Ask Spread and Market Makers (11)Institutional investors try to reduce their costs by trading with institutional brokers that specialize in handling large block orders and by using trading systems designed match to orders with other institutional traders. These systems attempt to eliminate the spread and any price impact. The first so-called Dark pool was ITG’s POSIT, but now there are many including Goldman Sachs's Sigma X, Credit Suisse's CrossFinder, Knightlink, Pipeline, and Liquidnet. Rosenblatt Securities, Advanced Trading and Traders Magazine are good sources of information on the dark pools. While trades completed through these system tend to have lower up front costs, traders run the risk of simply not getting their orders executed quickly or at all. Institutional investors incur opportunity costs as a result of not completing large orders and these costs can be a significant factor in performance. For more on opportunity costs see InvestorHome's trading costs page.

Investor Home - the Bid/Ask Spread and Market Makers (12)The purpose of a market is to provide a location where buyers and sellers can transact. The more buyers and sellers at any given time, the more efficient a market will be in matching buyers and sellers with minimum effort and costs. Electronic Communications Networks (ECNs) like Instinet work well when many market participants use the system simultaneously.

Investor Home - the Bid/Ask Spread and Market Makers (13)The NYSE and AMEX historically were specialist markets. A specialist was assigned to each stock and the specialist maintains a book of current bids and asks. In specialist markets, a market maker is expected to provide liquidity (by using their own capital) for large orders when buy and sell orders do not balance. The market maker takes the risk that prices will move against his position but also has the advantage of seeing the limit orders.

Investor Home - the Bid/Ask Spread and Market Makers (14)On NASDAQ there is no specialist so large orders can result in large price moves. NASDAQ uses a network of dealers connected electronically. Dealers place bid and ask prices on a continuous basis and trades are linked and executed electronically. Day traders historically tended to concentrate on NASDAQ stocks because orders and executions can be placed and confirmed with virtually no time delays. Orders placed on the NYSE historically could take longer.

Investor Home - the Bid/Ask Spread and Market Makers (15)The recent "flash crash" may have been caused by the buy limit orders being exhausted and as a result, market sell orders had little or no ask price to match with. Professor Larry Harris suggests a solution in How to Prevent Another Trading Panic in the WSJ (5/12/2010).

Investor Home - the Bid/Ask Spread and Market Makers (16)Generally, the more liquid the stock the smaller the spread. Penny stocks and options have notoriously large spreads. If a security has a spread of several percentage points, an investor or trader attempting to make money would have to get several percentage points of price movement just to break even on a trade using market orders. Day traders tend to trade in very liquid stocks that have very small spreads.

Investor Home - the Bid/Ask Spread and Market Makers (17)With the rapid growth of ETFs, investors and traders should become familiar with the spread costs associated with trading specific ETFs. That is the subject of When 'Cheap' ETFs Aren't Really Cheap in Smart Money (April 2010), which notes that comparable ETFs should be evaluated not just for size, but for trading liquidity.

Investor Home - the Bid/Ask Spread and Market Makers (18)A difference between a professional market maker and a day trader might be that a day trader will generally open a trade and immediately try to reverse the trade while a market maker will not immediately try to reverse each trade. Over the course of the day the market maker will try to balance his book, but he will generally have more capital available and is more concerned with the average of many trades than concentrating on each individual trade during the day.

Investor Home - the Bid/Ask Spread and Market Makers (19)A distinction to be made with professional market makers and day traders is when they cross the line from market making activities to taking positions in order to speculate on the direction of securities. Some day traders are truly speculators trying to outsmart the market by buying in advance of market rises and selling in advance of market declines. This however is a zero sum game where someone wins a dollar for every dollar lost by someone else. See The Winners and Losers of the Zero-Sum Game: The Origins of Trading Profits, Price Efficiency and Market Liquidity by Larry Harris for more on this topic.

Investor Home - the Bid/Ask Spread and Market Makers (20)We know that market making is a profitable business because public securities firms regularly report profits from their securities trading departments and NYSE specialist firms are very profitable. See Investment Costs for links to research on that topic. Whether or not day traders make money is a separate question that has yet to be fully determined. See Do day traders make money? Of course we know that day trading brokerage firms make money by charging their customers commissions and it’s certainly in their interest to encourage more trading. See also Ken French's paper titled The Cost of Active investing in the Journal of Finance (August 2008).

Investor Home - the Bid/Ask Spread and Market Makers (2024)


What is the bid-ask spread for market maker? ›

The bid–ask spread (also bid–offer or bid/ask and buy/sell in the case of a market maker) is the difference between the prices quoted (either by a single market maker or in a limit order book) for an immediate sale (ask) and an immediate purchase (bid) for stocks, futures contracts, options, or currency pairs in some ...

How to exploit bid-ask spread? ›

How to profit from bid-ask spread? Traders buy stocks at the bid price and proceed to make those stocks available for the next set of investors. They offer the bid price (price to buy) and ask price (price for sale) for the stocks. The difference between the bid and ask prices becomes the profit for them.

What is the formula for the spread of the bid-ask? ›

On the other hand, the formula to calculate the bid-ask spread percentage is the difference between the ask price and bid price, divided by the ask price. Since the bid-ask spread percentage is standardized, the metric is more practical for purposes related to comparability.

What is the bid-ask spread quizlet? ›

-Bid-ask spreads: Difference between what one can buy or sell shares. Mid‐point between the highest bid and the lowest ask=market price of stock at any point. Market order to buy/sell shares pays 1/2 of bid-ask spread.

How do dealers make money on bid-ask spread? ›

Through Spreads

Market makers buy and sell stocks on behalf of their clients, and they make money from the difference between the bid and ask price (the spread). The bid price is the highest price that a buyer is willing to pay for a stock, and the ask price is the lowest price that a seller is willing to accept.

How do you avoid the bid-ask spread? ›

How to Trade Stocks with Wide Bid/Ask Spreads. Use Limit Orders: Instead of blindly entering a market order for immediate execution, place a limit order to avoid paying excessive spreads. Let's assume David wants to purchase a small-cap stock and the best bid is 30 cents, while the best offer is 50 cents.

Do you lose money on bid-ask spread? ›

Examples of the Bid-Ask Spread

The spread as a percentage is $0.05 / $10 or 0.50%. A buyer who acquires the stock at $10 and immediately sells it at the bid price of $9.95—either by accident or design—would incur a loss of 0.50% of the transaction value due to this spread.

Do market makers still exist? ›

Many exchanges use a system of market makers who compete to set the best bid or offer so they can win the business of incoming orders. But some entities, such as the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), have what's called a designated market maker (DMM) system instead.

How do market makers make money? ›

How do market makers make money? Market makers profit by buying on the bid and selling on the ask. So if a market maker buys at a bid of, say, $10 and sells at the asking price of $10.01, the market maker pockets a one-cent profit. Market makers don't make money on every trade.

Is bid-ask spread always positive? ›

In short, the bid-ask spread is always to the disadvantage of the retail investor regardless of whether they are buying or selling. The price differential, or spread, between the bid and ask prices is determined by the overall supply and demand for the investment asset, which affects the asset's trading liquidity.

What is the bid-ask spread scalping strategy? ›

Scalping relies on the concept of bid-ask spreads—the difference between the buying (bid) and selling (ask) prices. Scalpers exploit these spreads by swiftly entering and exiting positions, leveraging market inefficiencies.

How to read a bid-ask spread? ›

For example, if a stock price has a bid price of $100 and an ask price of $100.05, the bid-ask spread would be $0.05. The spread can also be expressed as a percentage of the ask price, which in this case would be 0.05 percent.

Who controls bid-ask spread? ›

Market makers do play a part in how bid-ask spreads are formulated. They are able to make this impact because they: Provide Liquidity: Market makers continuously quote both bid and ask prices for securities, ensuring there are readily available prices at which traders can buy or sell.

Who pays the bid-ask spread? ›

Key Takeaways. The bid price refers to the highest price a buyer will pay for a security. The ask price refers to the lowest price a seller will accept for a security. The difference between these two prices is known as the spread; the smaller the spread, the greater the liquidity of the given security.

What is the risk of the bid-ask spread? ›

Market risks

Bid-ask spreads can widen during times of heightened market risk or increased market volatility. If market makers are required to take extra steps to facilitate their trades during periods of volatility, spreads of the underlying securities may be wider, which will mean wider spreads on the ETF.

What determines the bid-ask spread set by the market maker? ›

Ultimately, the bid-ask spread comes down to supply and demand. That is, higher demand and tighter supply will mean a lower spread. Today, with the help of technology, finding a buyer or seller can be done much quicker, helping make supply-and-demand dynamics much more efficient.

What is the bid-ask spread on a market order? ›

In financial markets, a bid-ask spread is the difference between the asking price and the bidding price of a security or other asset. The bid-ask spread is the difference between the highest price a buyer will offer (the bid price) and the lowest price a seller will accept (the ask price).

What is the bid-ask percentage spread? ›

The bid-ask spread is the difference between the bid price for a security and its ask (or offer) price. It represents the difference between the highest price a buyer is willing to pay (bid) for a security and the lowest price a seller is willing to accept.

What is the spread indicator for the bid-ask? ›

A spread indicator is a measure that represents the difference between the bid and ask price of a security, currency, or asset. The spread indicator is typically used in a chart to graphically represent the spread at a glance, and is a popular tool among forex traders.

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.