Investment Banking Resume: Examples, Template & Complete Guide | Cleverism (2024)

Investing capital is a risky business, especially in this ever-changing business environment. In order to do it properly, companies often hire investment bankers or consultants to do it in their name. Not everyone can do this job, but there are a lot who can.

Also, since it is the field of finance and business, there are a lot of schools that offer some kind of business and finance education.

So, if you would like to get some kind of a business degree and find your way into the world of investment banking, you will need to stand out of the crowd and make yourself be noticeable by recruiters.

The best way to do that is to have a resume that would present you in the best possible way. In order to make a good resume, you will have to do some research, see what skills are important for investment banking jobs, compare those skills to skills you have and see if you meet the criteria.

But, apart from that, you should also include a lot of other things in your resume, while making sure it is not too long.

All of that could be a very tricky business. So, we are here to help you by offering our career advice that could help you find the right resume objective and achieve your goal of getting that job as an investment banker.

Before we begin with the general guide for writing the perfect Investment banking resume, we are going to present some samples of the great investment banking resume.

After that, we are going to focus on explaining what are the most important investment banking resume parts and what information should go in each part. Some general tips about job applications will also be included.

If, after all that, you still feel overwhelmed and think you are not able to write your own resume, feel free to use our resume template builder and you will be able to make your perfect investment banking resume in one moment.

Without any further due, let’s start with our guide, by showing some investment banking resume samples. Strap in and let’s begin!

Investment Officer Resume Example

Investment Banking Resume: Examples, Template & Complete Guide | Cleverism (2)

Investment Associate Resume Example

Investment Banking Resume: Examples, Template & Complete Guide | Cleverism (4)

Create your own resume


Every resume should begin the same, with some personal information.

The way you write this section will determine whether you will leave a good first impression on recruiters. In this section, you should write basic stuff, like your name, phone, email and some additional information we will talk about.

Resumes shouldn’t be too long. So, when writing your resume, you will need to separate good information from ban information. Therefore, some personal information will have to be excluded, which is perfectly fine.

Let’s see what is the most important personal information you should share in your investment banking resume.

Full name

Just like when you are meeting someone for the first time, it is polite to state your name. Since a resume is our business card, it is fitting to start writing it by sharing your full name.

The reason we say “full name” is because your resume should look professional, in order to attract more attention from recruiters.

Sharing your nicknames is not a good idea if you want to succeed and have a good resume. Let’s take a look at a practical example down below.

Hilda Beyers
Hilda “Nanny” Beyers


Now that recruiters are aware of your full name, you should share your previously held title, so they could get the initial picture of your potential experience.

If you are a fresh graduate without any practical experience, you can put your highest education title, for instance, MSc in Business Finance.


Most investment banking companies will not ask you to share your photo in your resume, but there is no reason not to do it.

By sharing a photo, you make it easier for recruiters to recognize you if you get invited to an interview, which is especially important for big companies, with lots of potential candidates.

However, not just any photo will do the trick. The photo you put in a resume should look professional, so don’t put a random Facebook photo in a bikini or in a coffee shop, drinking coffee with friends.

Get some nice haircut, dress well and take some nice photos for business purposes.

Phone number

One of the very usual ways of communication is via phones. So, sharing your phone number, more precisely nowadays, mobile phone number, is practically a must.

Recruiters usually like to call potential candidates, ask them a few questions and get a clearer picture of whether they might be worthy for the job or not.

Also, emails can often have some problems, so it is better to have an alternative way of communication, in case you need to contact the company or they need to contact you.


Sharing your home address in your resume is mostly not needed, but why simply not do it? It can benefit you a lot. If you are far away from the workplace, you could get paid transport or simply get a higher salary so you could pay for transportation.

Also, big companies with daughter firms in different towns or countries can use this information to put their employees closer to their homes.

E-Mail Address

Nowadays, email is necessary for most job applications, so it is practically impossible to write a good resume without sharing your email address.

However, you shouldn’t share your random email addresses, such as the one in the example below.

Instead, create a new one that will be used just for business. It should contain your full name or a bit shorter version of it if your full name is too big.

However, never put any nicknames and randomly generated emails in your resume, because it would look unprofessional. Just follow the example below and you will have no problems.

[email protected]
[email protected]

Social media profiles

Social media platforms have become so popular nowadays, that you can do almost everything and find almost anything there.

You are in the USA and you want something from China, which cannot be found on any online store. You can do that via social media. You can meet people from all around the world and so much other stuff.

Companies can advertise themselves on social media platforms and try to get more customers by utilizing new kinds of marketing strategies via digital marketing. There are simply no clear restrictions on what you can do.

Therefore, a large number of people tend to share their social media profiles on their resumes. It is not something which is required, but there is no harm to do it if you do it properly.

And by doing it properly, we mean making your social media profiles look professional enough. You are free to choose whether you want to share your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. However, one social media platform we definitely suggest to share is LinkedIn.

This is especially important for investment banking resumes. LinkedIn allows you to connect to very important people, so you could meet some very important clients and open new possibilities for yourself. Before you do it though, make sure to edit your LinkedIn profile link to look a bit more professional, just as shown in the table below.


Even though resumes should be short, up to one of max two pages in length, it is a good idea to write a small section dedicated to summarizing everything that is said in your resume.

So, let’s find out how to write an investment banking resume career summary.

You should keep resume summary short, but still informative enough to interest recruiters. Write the most important information about your experience, skills, and accomplishments.

Let’s take a look at another example.


Investment Officer with over 5 years of experience in the field of investment banking. Capable of increasing companies’ profits by finding and closing excellent investing deals and opportunities. Comes with perfect knowledge of the banking system and financial instruments. Great negotiating and teamwork skills.


Investment Officer with over 5 years of experience.

As you can see, one of these summaries is very informative and yet short enough, while the other is simply bland and empty.

It doesn’t say almost anything useful, while another summary gives a lot of useful information about the job applicant.


When it comes to writing the experience section of your investment banking resume, you should use the reverse-chronological order to write all your previous and current jobs.

That means is that first you need to write the job you have now or the one you had quit before applying for a new job. And finish with your first job.

Apart from that, it would be a good idea to write something about each job, like for instance, your responsibilities, skills you might’ve used and some achievements if you had some.

All that could help to create a bigger picture of your personality and help recruiters decide whether you are fitting for the job they offer or not.

Investment Banking Resume: Examples, Template & Complete Guide | Cleverism (13)
Investment Banking Resume: Examples, Template & Complete Guide | Cleverism (15)


Writing the education section is completely the same as writing the experience section. You should start by stating your latest completed or in progress education and finish with earlier ones.

However, there is no need to state every school you had ever attended, especially if you are a highly experienced person.

Apart from that, make sure to include some information about each school, what you did, your grades if they were good, some possible achievements, etc. Let’s take a look at the example to make it clearer.

Investment Banking Resume: Examples, Template & Complete Guide | Cleverism (17)
Investment Banking Resume: Examples, Template & Complete Guide | Cleverism (19)


One thing to remember when writing something about your skills in your resume is not to write every skill you have.

Yes, it is a good thing if you have a lot of skills in multiple areas, big clap for you, but putting everything in your resume would just add unimportant information and make your resume bigger without reason.

Therefore, make sure just to include skills that are and might be important for the job you are applying for. That way, you will increase your chances of getting the job you want.

Also, as shown in the example, try to separate skills into categories, by using bulleting lists.

It would make the whole list easier to read and would allow recruiters to easily compare the skills you have with the skills they need.

Investment Banking Resume: Examples, Template & Complete Guide | Cleverism (21)
Investment Banking Resume: Examples, Template & Complete Guide | Cleverism (23)


That was it about the general guide on how to write a perfect investment banking resume.

However, we are not done yet.

There are a few more things to consider when writing a job application, which we want to cover as well, to make it easier for you when you decide to apply for an investment banking job.

  • Selecting the right font style – when it comes to choosing a font for your resume, you really want to make your resume look professional and easy to read, so you shouldn’t pick any handwritten font styles, because they are a bit hard to read, so recruiters could have a hard time. Just pick one of the normal fonts, that represents your personality.
  • Resume size – a lot of rookies, and even some experienced people tend to make the same mistake and write their resume on several pages. A resume is called that for a reason. It’s a “resume” of your life, experience, skills, and education so it shouldn’t be too big. The optimal size for a resume is one or two pages, no more. Just make sure to include everything that could be important and help you get the job you want.
  • Resume template – there are a lot of online resume templates out there to choose from. If you are a busy person, you should select an already premade template. Try to find that would fit the job position you are applying for and your personality. However, it would be best to create your own template if you are not too lazy to do it. Also, we have to offer you our resume template builder, to spare you the trouble of trying to find templates online. Simply click on the link, fill in the template we made for you and you will have your perfect investment banking resume in no time.
  • Checking emails – emails tend to be a bit buggy from time to time, so it is a good idea to check your emails on a regular basis when you apply for a job. Emails tend to get lost in the spam folder, which would be very bad for you if you don’t check it regularly. You might miss the message from the company and miss your interview. So, make sure to check your inbox, as well as the spam folder.
  • Returning to the resume – did you finish writing your resume? Yes? Great! Now read it again. Make sure to pretend to be a recruiter and try to see if you had included everything important in your resume. This is a good way to perform a self-check and correct your own mistakes, thus polishing your investment banking resume.
  • Shall I state my political views? – sometimes sharing your political views can benefit you, especially if higher-ranking people from the company you want to apply for share the same political opinion. However, you can never know what their opinion is, until they reveal it, so it is safer not to state your political opinion in your resume.
  • Don’t make grammar mistakes – no one wants to see typos in a resume. Make sure to check your grammar every time you write or edit your resume, in order to avoid the shame of having a lot of typos in it. That would make you look unprofessional and lessen your chances of getting the job you want.
  • Edit your resume – whenever you acquire new skills and knowledge, you should update your resume with that information. That way you will always be ready to send job application if a nice one pops up.


Today we’ve learned how to write a well-organized and targeted resume for investment banking.

We’ve covered some of the most important things regarding what information should and shouldn’t be included in each part of the resume.

Since now you know how to make a perfect investment banking resume, go ahead and try it for yourself. A good job in finance won’t wait too long, so get to work!

Create your own resume

Investment Banking Resume: Examples, Template & Complete Guide | Cleverism (25)


Investment Banking Resume: Examples, Template & Complete Guide | Cleverism (2024)


How to write a good CV for investment banking? ›

Consider following these steps when creating a CV for an investment banking role:
  1. Choose a format. ...
  2. Add a header. ...
  3. Write a professional summary or objective statement. ...
  4. Add your work experience. ...
  5. List your education experience. ...
  6. Add any certifications. ...
  7. Include specific achievements. ...
  8. Add a skill section.
Aug 9, 2023

How do I tailor my resume to investment banking? ›

Here are 10 tips to make sure your resume stands out in investment banking.
  1. #1 Use Clear and Concise Format.
  2. #2 Tailor your Resume to the Job.
  3. #3 Use Strong Action Verbs.
  4. #4 Include Quantifiable Results.
  5. #5 Spotlight your Skills.
  6. #6 Emphasize your Education.
  7. #7 Highlight Your Internships and Work Experience.

How many pages should an investment banking resume be? ›

The ideal length for an Investment Banker's resume is typically one to two pages. However, the length of your resume will depend on your experience and career stage. For entry-level or early-career Investment Bankers, one page is usually sufficient.

How long should a resume be for investment banking? ›

Ensure it's only one page long. Set a reasonable margin (you can maximize the space, but don't make the margin so small it looks bad) Optimize the line spacing to fit more information in, but as with the point above, don't over do it. Highlight any transaction or investment banking related experience very prominently.

How to make a CV for JP Morgan? ›

Building Your Resume

Highlight your skills and abilities: We want to know your accomplishments and what drives you. Share relevant experiences and specific attributes like self-discipline, collaboration and attention to detail to show us why you'd be a great fit.

How to stand out in an investment banking application? ›

What are the best ways to stand out in a competitive Investment Banking job market?
  1. Build your network.
  2. Master the technical skills. Be the first to add your personal experience.
  3. Develop the soft skills.
  4. Stay updated on the industry. ...
  5. Tailor your application. ...
  6. Here's what else to consider.
Dec 14, 2023

What is the best resume format for a bank? ›

We recommend starting with a reverse-chronological format, and then following the best layout practices. Use a captivating resume summary or objective. In the work experience section, highlight your most notable achievements, not your daily duties. Match your banking resume with a convincing cover letter.

How many hours a week should I do investment banking? ›

How Many Hours do Investment Bankers Work? Investment bankers work notoriously long hours, with the typical work week filling in 60-80 hours per week, and the occasional high-intensity work week that can push a banker to 100+ hours.

What font is used for investment banking CV? ›

Times New Roman

Times New Roman is widely-considered the most classic and traditional font to use on a resume. If you want to play it safe, this is the #1 font to use.

How old is the average investment banking associate? ›

The Investment Banking Career Path
Position TitleTypical Age RangeTimeframe for Promotion
Associate25-353-4 years
Vice President (VP)28-403-4 years
Director / Senior Vice President (SVP)32-452-3 years
Managing Director (MD)35-50N/A
1 more row

What will investment banking look like in 10 years? ›

The future will likely require that investment banks shed non-core assets and redesign their service delivery around a connected flow model—moving capacity and processes among various geographies and ecosystem partners—and optimize the use of financial technology, data, and analytics to generate differentiated insight ...

Are investment banking jobs hard to get? ›

The lucrative and fast-paced career of an investment banker is a highly competitive one. For instance, in a recent year, 236,000 applicants competed for roughly 3,500 internships at Goldman Sachs. This is common across the industry where acceptance rates for programs are typically less than 2%.

What is the best CV format for banking? ›

The right format for a banking resume depends on how much experience you have, what kind of position you're applying for, and the company, but you can't go wrong with a reverse chronological format in this industry.

What do banks look for in a CV? ›

What the banks are looking for is potential and passion.” It's more important to demonstrate commitment to the field (and role) than it is to tick every past experience box directly. Besides, your unique experience might be more useful to a bank than you think.

How to make a resume for Goldman Sachs? ›

Goldman Sachs recruiters like bullet points ❤️

If you want a job at Goldman, put some bullet points in your CV. The resume above is good because recruiters can see "very quickly see how this individual has benefited the firms they have worked for," said Ibrahim.

How do I write a CV for a bank with no experience? ›

Consider the following steps to learn how to write a bank teller resume without experience:
  1. Create a header. Include your name, location, phone number, and e-mail address in the header at the top of your resume. ...
  2. Write a professional summary. ...
  3. List your educational credits. ...
  4. Review the job description. ...
  5. Proofread your resume.
Jun 28, 2024

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.