Investing Explained: Types of Investments and How To Get Started (2024)

What Is Investing?

Investing, broadly, is putting money to work for a period of time in some sort of project or undertaking in order to generate positive returns (i.e., profits that exceed the amount of the initial investment). It is the act of allocating resources, usually capital (i.e., money), with the expectation of generating an income, profit, or gains.

One can invest in many types of endeavors (either directly or indirectly) such as using money to start a business, or in assets such as purchasing real estate in hopes of generating rental income and/or reselling it later at a higher price.

Investing differs from saving in that the money used is put to work, meaning that there is some implicit risk that the related project(s) may fail, resulting in a loss of money. Investing also differs from speculation in that with the latter, the money is not put to work per-se, but is betting on the short-term price fluctuations.

Key Takeaways

  • Investing involves deploying capital (money) toward projects or activities that are expected to generate a positive return over time.
  • The type of returns generated depends on the type of project or asset; real estate can produce both rents and capital gains; many stocks pay quarterly dividends; bonds tend to pay regular interest.
  • In investing, risk and return are two sides of the same coin; low risk generally means low expected returns, while higher returns are usually accompanied by higher risk.
  • Investors can take the do-it-yourself approach or employ the services of a professional money manager.
  • Whether buying a security qualifies as investing or speculation depends on three factors—the amount of risk taken, the holding period, and the source of returns.

Understanding Investing

Investing is to grow one's money over time. The expectation of a positive return in the form of income or price appreciation with statistical significance is the core premise of investing. The spectrum of assets in which one can invest and earn a return is a very wide one.

Risk and return go hand-in-hand in investing; low risk generally means low expected returns, while higher returns are usually accompanied by higher risk. At the low-risk end of the spectrum are basic investments such as Certificates of Deposit (CDs); bonds or fixed-income instruments are higher up on the risk scale, while stocks or equities are regarded as riskier. Commodities and derivatives are generally considered to be among the riskiest investments. One can also invest in something practical, such as land or real estate, or delicate items, such as fine art and antiques.

Risk and return expectations can vary widely within the same asset class. For example, a blue chip that trades on the New York Stock Exchange will have a very different risk-return profile from a micro-cap that trades on a small exchange.

The returns generated by an asset depend on the type of asset. For instance, many stocks pay quarterly dividends, whereas bonds generally pay interest every quarter. In many jurisdictions, different types of income are taxed at different rates.

In addition to regular income, such as a dividend or interest, price appreciation is an important component of return. Total return from an investment can thus be regarded as the sum of income and capital appreciation. Standard & Poor's estimates that since 1926, dividends have contributed nearly a third of total equity return for the S&P 500 while capital gains have contributed two-thirds. Capital gains are therefore an important piece of investing.

Economists view investing and saving to be two sides of the same coin. This is because when you save money by depositing in a bank, the bank then lends that money to individuals or companies that want to borrow that money to put it to good use. Therefore your savings is often someone else's investment.

Types of Investments

Today, investment is mostly associated with financial instruments that allow individuals or businesses to raise and deploy capital to firms. These firms then rake that capital and use it for growth or profit-generating activities.

While the universe of investments is a vast one, here are the most common types of investments:


A buyer of a company's stock becomes a fractional owner of that company. Owners of a company's stock are known as its shareholders and can participate in its growth and success through appreciation in the stock price and regular dividends paid out of the company's profits.


Bonds are debt obligations of entities, such as governments, municipalities, and corporations. Buying a bond implies that you hold a share of an entity's debt and are entitled to receive periodic interest payments and the return of the bond's face value when it matures.


Funds are pooled instruments managed by investment managers that enable investors to invest in stocks, bonds, preferred shares, commodities, etc. Two of the most common types of funds are mutual funds and exchange-traded funds or ETFs. Mutual funds do not trade on an exchange and are valued at the end of the trading day; ETFs trade on stock exchanges and, like stocks, are valued constantly throughout the trading day. Mutual funds and ETFs can either passively track indices, such as the S&P 500 or the Dow Jones Industrial Average, or can be actively managed by fund managers.

Investment Trusts

Trusts are another type of pooled investment. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are one of the most popular in this category. REITs invest in commercial or residential properties and pay regular distributions to their investors from the rental income received from these properties. REITs trade on stock exchanges and thus offer their investors the advantage of instant liquidity.

Alternative Investments

Alternative investments is a catch-all category that includes hedge funds and private equity. Hedge funds are so-called because they can hedge their investment bets by going long and short on stocks and other investments. Private equity enables companies to raise capital without going public. Hedge funds and private equity were typically only available to affluent investors deemed "accredited investors" who met certain income and net worth requirements. However, in recent years, alternative investments have been introduced in fund formats that are accessible to retail investors.

Options and Other Derivatives

Derivatives are financial instruments that derive their value from another instrument, such as a stock or index. Options contracts are a popular derivative that gives the buyer the right but not the obligation to buy or sell a security at a fixed price within a specific time period. Derivatives usually employ leverage, making them a high-risk, high-reward proposition.


Commodities include metals, oil, grain, and animal products, as well as financial instruments and currencies. They can either be traded through commodity futures—which are agreements to buy or sell a specific quantity of a commodity at a specified price on a particular future date—or ETFs. Commodities can be used for hedging risk or for speculative purposes.

Comparing Investing Styles

Let's compare a couple of the most common investing styles:

  • Active versus passive investing: The goal of active investing is to "beat the index" by actively managing the investment portfolio. Passive investing, on the other hand, advocates a passive approach, such as buying an index fund, in tacit recognition of the fact that it is difficult to beat the market consistently. While there are pros and cons to both approaches, in reality, few fund managers beat their benchmarks consistently enough to justify the higher costs of active management.
  • Growth versus value: Growth investors prefer to invest in high-growth companies, which typically have higher valuation ratios such as Price-Earnings (P/E) than value companies. Value investors look for companies that have significantly lower PE's and higher dividend yields than growth companies because they may be out of favor with investors, either temporarily or for a prolonged period of time.

How to Invest

Do-It-Yourself Investing

The question of "how to invest" boils down to whether you are a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) kind of investor or would prefer to have your money managed by a professional. Many investors who prefer to manage their money themselves have accounts at discount or online brokerages because of their low commissions and the ease of executing trades on their platforms.

DIY investing is sometimes called self-directed investing, and requires a fair amount of education, skill, time commitment, and the ability to control one's emotions. If these attributes do not describe you well, it may be smarter to let a professional help manage your investments.

Professionally-Managed Investing

Investors who prefer professional money management generally have wealth managers looking after their investments. Wealth managers usually charge their clients a percentage of assets under management (AUM) as their fees. While professional money management is more expensive than managing money by oneself, such investors don't mind paying for the convenience of delegating the research, investment decision-making, and trading to an expert.

The SEC's Office of Investor Education and Advocacy urges investors to confirm that their investment professional is licensed and registered.

Roboadvisor Investing

Some investors opt to invest based on suggestions from automated financial advisors. Powered by algorithms and artificial intelligence, roboadvisors gather critical information about the investor and their risk profile to make suitable recommendations. With little to no human interference, roboadvisors offer a cost-effective way of investing with services similar to what a human investment advisor offers. With advancements in technology, roboadvisors are capable of more than selecting investments. They can also help people develop retirement plans and manage trusts and other retirement accounts, such as 401(k)s.

A Brief History of Investing

While the concept of investing has been around for millennia, investing in its present form can find its roots in the period between the 17th and 18th centuries, when the development of the first public markets connected investors with investment opportunities. The Amsterdam Stock Exchange was established in 1602, and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in 1792.

Industrial Revolution Investing

The Industrial Revolutions of 1760-1840 and 1860-1914 resulted in greater prosperity as a result of which people amassed savings that could be invested, fostering the development of an advanced banking system. Most of the established banks that dominate the investing world began in the 1800s, including Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan.

20th Century Investing

The 20th century saw new ground being broken in investment theory, with the development of new concepts in asset pricing, portfolio theory, and risk management. In the second half of the 20th century, many new investment vehicles were introduced, including hedge funds, private equity, venture capital, REITs, and ETFs.

In the 1990s, the rapid spread of the Internet made online trading and research capabilities accessible to the general public, completing the democratization of investing that had commenced more than a century ago.

21st Century Investing

The bursting of the bubble—a bubble that created a new generation of millionaires from investments in technology-driven and online business stocks—ushered in the 21st century and perhaps set the scene for what was to come. In 2001, the collapse of Enron took center stage, with its full display of fraud that bankrupted the company and its accounting firm, Arthur Andersen, as well as many of its investors.

One of the most notable events in the 21st century, or history for that matter, is the Great Recession (2007-2009) when an overwhelming number of failed investments in mortgage-backed securities crippled economies around the world. Well-known banks and investment firms went under, foreclosures surmounted, and the wealth gap widened.

The 21st century also opened up the world of investing to newcomers and unconventional investors by saturating the market with discount online investment companies and free-trading apps, such as Robinhood.

Investing vs. Speculation

Whether buying a security qualifies as investing or speculation depends on three factors:

  • The amount of risk taken on: Investing usually involves a lower amount of risk compared with speculation.
  • The holding period of the investment: Investing typically involves a longer holding period, measured quite frequently in years; speculation involves much shorter holding periods.
  • Source of returns: Price appreciation may be a relatively less important part of returns from investing, while dividends or distributions may be a major part. In speculation, price appreciation is generally the main source of returns.

As price volatility is a common measure of risk, it stands to reason that a staid blue-chip is much less risky than a cryptocurrency. Thus, buying a dividend-paying blue chip with the expectation of holding it for several years would qualify as investing. On the other hand, a trader who buys a cryptocurrency to flip it for a quick profit in a couple of days is clearly speculating.

Example of Return From Investing

Assume you purchased 100 shares of XYZ stock for $310 and sold it exactly a year later for $460.20. What was your approximate total return, ignoring commissions? Keep in mind, XYZ does not issue stock dividends. The resulting capital gain would be (($460.20 - $310)/$310) x 100% = 48.5%.

Now, imagine that XYZ had issued dividends during your holding period, and you received $5 in dividends per share. Your approximate total return would then be 50.11% (Capital gains: 48.5% + Dividends: ($500/$31,000) x 100% = 1.61%).

How Can I Start Investing?

You can choose the do-it-yourself route, selecting investments based on your investing style, or enlist the help of an investment professional, such as an advisor or broker. Before investing, it's important to determine what your preferences and risk tolerance are. If risk-averse, choosing stocks and options, may not be the best choice. Develop a strategy, outlining how much to invest, how often to invest, and what to invest in based on goals and preferences. Before allocating your resources, research the target investment to make sure it aligns with your strategy and has the potential to deliver desired results. Remember, you don't need a lot of money to begin, and you can modify as your needs change.

What Are Some Types of Investments?

There are many types of investments to choose from. Perhaps the most common are stocks, bonds, real estate, and ETFs/mutual funds. Other types of investments to consider are real estate, CDs, annuities, cryptocurrencies, commodities, collectibles, and precious metals.

How Can Investing Grow My Money?

Investing is not reserved for the wealthy. You can invest nominal amounts. For example, you can purchase low-priced stocks, deposit small amounts into an interest-bearing savings account, or save until you accumulate a target amount to invest. If your employer offers a retirement plan, such as a 401(k), allocate small amounts from your pay until you can increase your investment. If your employer participates in matching, you may realize that your investment has doubled.

You can begin investing in stocks, bonds, and mutual funds or even open an IRA. Starting with $1,000 is nothing to sneeze at. A $1,000 investment in Amazon's IPO in 1997 would yield millions today. This was largely due to several stock splits, but it does not change the result: monumental returns. Savings accounts are available at most financial institutions and don't usually require a large amount to invest. Savings accounts don't typically boast high-interest rates; so, shop around to find one with the best features and most competitive rates.

Believe it or not, you can invest in real estate with $1,000. You may not be able to buy an income-producing property, but you can invest in a company that does. A real estate investment trust (REIT) is a company that invests in and manages real estate to drive profits and produce income. With $1,000, you can invest in REIT stocks, mutual funds, or exchange-traded funds.

Is Investing the Same as Gambling?

No, gambling and investing differ greatly. With investing you put your money to work in projects or activities that are expected to produce a positive return over time - they have positive expected returns. Gambling is to place bets on the outcomes of events or games. Your money is not being put to work at all. Often, gambling has a negative expected return. While an investment may lose money, it will do so because the project involved fails to deliver. The outcome of gambling, on the other hand, is due purely to chance.

The Bottom Line

Investing is the act of distributing resources into something to generate income or gain profits. The type of investment you choose might likely depend on you what you seek to gain and how sensitive you are to risk. Assuming little risk generally yields lower returns and vice versa for assuming high risk. Investments can be made in stocks, bonds, real estate, precious metals, and more. Investing can be made with money, assets, cryptocurrency, or other mediums of exchange.

There are different types of investment vehicles, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and real estate, each carrying different levels of risks and rewards.

Investors can independently invest without the help of an investment professional or enlist the services of a licensed and registered investment advisor. Technology has also afforded investors the option of receiving automated investment solutions by way of roboadvisors.

The amount of consideration, or money, needed to invest depends largely on the type of investment and the investor's financial position, needs, and goals. However, many vehicles have lowered their minimum investment requirements, allowing more people to participate.

Despite how you choose to invest or what you choose to invest in, research your target, as well as your investment manager or platform. Possibly one of the best nuggets of wisdom is from veteran and accomplished investor Warren Buffet, "Never invest in a business you cannot understand."

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

Investing is the act of allocating resources, usually capital (i.e., money), with the expectation of generating an income, profit, or gains. It involves deploying money towards projects or activities that are expected to generate a positive return over time. The returns generated depend on the type of project or asset. For example, real estate can produce both rental income and capital gains, while stocks often pay quarterly dividends, and bonds tend to pay regular interest [[1]].

Investing differs from saving in that the money used is put to work, meaning there is some implicit risk that the related project(s) may fail, resulting in a loss of money. It also differs from speculation, where the money is not put to work per se, but is betting on short-term price fluctuations [[1]].

There are various types of investments available. Some common types include:

  1. Stocks: When you buy a company's stock, you become a fractional owner of that company. Stockholders can participate in the company's growth and success through appreciation in the stock price and regular dividends [[2]].

  2. Bonds: Bonds are debt obligations of entities such as governments, municipalities, and corporations. When you buy a bond, you hold a share of the entity's debt and are entitled to receive periodic interest payments and the return of the bond's face value when it matures [[2]].

  3. Funds: Funds are pooled instruments managed by investment managers that allow investors to invest in stocks, bonds, preferred shares, commodities, and more. Mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are two common types of funds [[2]].

  4. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs): REITs invest in commercial or residential properties and pay regular distributions to investors from the rental income received from these properties. REITs trade on stock exchanges and offer investors the advantage of instant liquidity [[2]].

  5. Alternative Investments: This category includes hedge funds and private equity. Hedge funds can hedge their investment bets by going long and short on stocks and other investments, while private equity enables companies to raise capital without going public [[2]].

  6. Options and Other Derivatives: Derivatives are financial instruments that derive their value from another instrument, such as a stock or index. Options contracts are a popular derivative that gives the buyer the right but not the obligation to buy or sell a security at a fixed price within a specific time period [[2]].

  7. Commodities: Commodities include metals, oil, grain, and animal products, as well as financial instruments and currencies. They can be traded through commodity futures or ETFs [[2]].

When it comes to investing, there are different styles to consider. Two common styles are:

  1. Active vs. Passive Investing: Active investing aims to "beat the index" by actively managing the investment portfolio, while passive investing advocates a passive approach, such as buying an index fund, recognizing that it is difficult to consistently beat the market [[2]].

  2. Growth vs. Value: Growth investors prefer to invest in high-growth companies, while value investors look for companies with lower price-earnings ratios and higher dividend yields that may be out of favor with investors [[2]].

Investing can be approached in different ways. You can choose the do-it-yourself route, where you select investments based on your investing style, or you can enlist the help of an investment professional, such as an advisor or broker. There are also roboadvisors, which provide automated investment solutions based on algorithms and artificial intelligence [[3]].

The history of investing dates back centuries, but in its present form, it can be traced to the development of public markets in the 17th and 18th centuries. The Amsterdam Stock Exchange was established in 1602, and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in 1792. The Industrial Revolutions of the 18th and 19th centuries led to the development of an advanced banking system and the establishment of banks that dominate the investing world today. In the 20th century, new concepts in asset pricing, portfolio theory, and risk management emerged, and new investment vehicles were introduced. The 21st century brought advancements in technology, making online trading and research accessible to the general public [[4]].

Investing is not the same as gambling. Investing involves putting money to work in projects or activities that are expected to produce a positive return over time, while gambling involves placing bets on the outcomes of events or games purely based on chance. Investing carries some level of risk, but it is based on the expectation of positive returns, whereas gambling often has a negative expected return [[4]].

In conclusion, investing is the act of allocating resources with the expectation of generating income or profits. It involves deploying capital towards projects or activities that are expected to generate a positive return over time. There are various types of investments available, including stocks, bonds, funds, real estate, and alternative investments. Investing can be approached in different styles, such as active vs. passive investing and growth vs. value investing. It is important to research and understand the target investment and consider one's preferences and risk tolerance before investing.

Investing Explained: Types of Investments and How To Get Started (2024)


What are the 4 main investment types? ›

Bonds, stocks, mutual funds and exchange-traded funds, or ETFs, are four basic types of investment options.

How should a beginner start investing? ›

  1. 8-Step Guide to Investing in Stocks.
  2. Step 1: Set Clear Investment Goals.
  3. Step 2: Determine How Much You Can Afford To Invest.
  4. Step 3: Determine Your Tolerance for Risk.
  5. Step 4: Determine Your Investing Style.
  6. Choose an Investment Account.
  7. Step 6: Fund Your Stock Account.
  8. Step 7: Pick Your Stocks.
May 20, 2024

What is the best way to explain investing? ›

Investing, broadly, is putting money to work for a period of time in some sort of project or undertaking to generate positive returns (i.e., profits that exceed the amount of the initial investment).

Where do I start when it comes to investing? ›

Here are 5 simple steps to get started:
  • Identify your important goals and give them each a deadline. Be honest with yourself. ...
  • Come up with some ballpark figures for how much money you'll need for each goal.
  • Review your finances. ...
  • Think carefully about the level of risk you can bear.

What is the first asset to buy? ›

A good piece of advice to investors is to start with simple investments, then incrementally expand their portfolios. Specifically, mutual funds or ETFs are a good first step, before moving on to individual stocks, real estate, and other alternative investments.

Is it better to invest in stock or mutual funds? ›

Mutual funds diversify investments, reducing risk, but also limit potential gains. Stocks offer higher returns but come with higher risk and volatility. Explore key differences between Mutual funds and Stocks in this blog.

What is the first thing a good investment should do? ›

The first step to successful investing is figuring out your goals and risk tolerance – either on your own or with the help of a financial professional.

How do I educate myself on investing? ›

Here are four ways to do just that.
  1. Reading is fundamental. There's an entire library of books on investing and personal finance out there, and many, although not all, of them are excellent. ...
  2. Watch and wait. Choose a few stocks you find interesting, ones you're considering investing in. ...
  3. Learn the lingo.
Nov 29, 2023

What is the best investment app for beginners? ›

Compare the Top Investment Apps for Beginners
  • SoFi Invest Review. Acorns Invest. ...
  • Acorns review. Ally Invest. ...
  • Ally Invest review. TD Ameritrade. ...
  • TD Ameritrade review. Public. ...
  • Public Investing review. Stockpile.
4 days ago

What investment is best for beginners? ›

Best ways for beginners to invest money
  • Stock market investments.
  • Real estate investments.
  • Mutual funds and ETFs.
  • Bonds and fixed-income investments.
  • High-yield savings accounts.
  • Peer-to-peer lending.
  • Start a business or invest in existing ones.
  • Investing in precious metals.
Jul 18, 2024

How much money do I need to invest to make $1000 a month? ›

Invest in Dividend Stocks

A stock portfolio focused on dividends can generate $1,000 per month or more in perpetual passive income, Mircea Iosif wrote on Medium. “For example, at a 4% dividend yield, you would need a portfolio worth $300,000.

How much money do I need to invest to make $3,000 a month? ›

Imagine you wish to amass $3000 monthly from your investments, amounting to $36,000 annually. If you park your funds in a savings account offering a 2% annual interest rate, you'd need to inject roughly $1.8 million into the account.

What are the 3 most common investments? ›

Investments are generally bucketed into three major categories: stocks, bonds and cash equivalents. There are many different types of investments within each bucket. Here are six types of investments you might consider for long-term growth, and what you should know about each.

What are the four major asset classes? ›

Investing in several different asset classes ensures a certain amount of diversity in investment selections. Diversification reduces risk and increases your probability of making a positive return. The main asset classes are equities, fixed income, cash or marketable securities, and commodities.

What is the 4 fund investment strategy? ›

The Four Fund Combo is built on four index funds (or exchange-traded funds) that include the most basic U.S. equity asset classes: large-cap blend stocks (the S&P 500 SPX, +0.27%, in other words), large-cap value stocks, small-cap blend stocks, and small-cap value stocks.

What are the 4 seasons of investing? ›

The seasons consist of spring (infancy), summer (adolescence), fall (maturing), and winter (mature). Timing is everything: Investing too early in the season can be reckless while investing too late generally generates insufficient returns.

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.