Insurance statistics 2023 (2024)

Table of Contents
Statistics on Reasons to Buy Life Insurance 83% of Americans consider covering burial and final expenses an important reason to buy life insurance. 68% of Americans consider covering the income of a deceased wage earner an important reason to buy life insurance. 63% of Americans consider it important to buy life insurance to help transfer wealth or leave an inheritance. 60% of Americans without life insurance report the cost of life insurance as a major reason why they aren't covered. 55% of Americans report their other financial priorities are a major reason why they don't buy life insurance. 53% of consumers report a major reason why they don't buy life insurance is because they are unsure what type they should get. The Relationship of Financial Security and Life Insurance 68% of people with life insurance feel financially secure, while only 47% of non-owners feel the same way. After the death of a primary wage earner, 10% of people would feel the financial strain within one week and 44% would feel the consequences within six months. Among those who need life insurance but don't have coverage, 49% report they aren't covered because life insurance is too expensive. 20% of people indicate they have a financial safety net of five years or more in the event of the death of their primary wage earner. 78% of life insurance owners with both worksite and individual coverage feel financially secure. Insurance Industry Statistics by Types of Insurance Property and casualty insurance companies have the largest net profit margin of any insurance type, at 23.26%. Property and casualty premiums account for 48% of all premiums. 16% of consumers say they need life insurance but do not have it. 38% of Americans purchase travel insurance. Life Insurance Facts by Gender 53% of American men own life insurance compared to 46% of women. 43% of women report needing life insurance compared to 39% of men. 33% of women report needing life insurance but don't own a policy. 29% of men report needing life insurance but don't own a policy. Of women with dependents under the age of 18, 51% have life insurance coverage. In 2022, 31% of women reported they planned to buy coverage within the next year, compared to 42% of men. 35% of women report wishing they purchased life insurance earlier in life. 33% of women don't feel the need for life insurance. While “expense” is the top reason most women don't buy life insurance, 80% of women are overestimating policy costs. The Relationship of Financial Security and Life Insurance 68% of people with life insurance feel financially secure, while only 47% of non-owners feel the same way. After the death of a primary wage earner, 10% of people would feel the financial strain within one week and 44% would feel the consequences within six months. Among those who need life insurance but don't have coverage, 49% report they aren't covered because life insurance is too expensive. 20% of people indicate they have a financial safety net of five years or more in the event of the death of their primary wage earner. 78% of life insurance owners with both worksite and individual coverage feel financially secure. Conclusion FAQs

Have you ever wondered about the statistics behind insurance? How do insurance companies determine the premiums you pay and the coverage you receive? Understanding the numbers behind insurance can help you make better decisions when it comes to protecting yourself and your assets.

Insurance is a crucial part of our lives, providing financial protection for a variety of risks. However, many people are unaware of the statistical factors that drive insurance policies. From accident rates to health conditions, insurance companies rely on data to assess risk and set prices.

In this article, we will explore the world of insurance statistics and how they impact your coverage. By understanding these numbers, you can make informed choices when it comes to selecting the right insurance policies for your needs.

Whether you are looking for auto insurance, health insurance, or home insurance, knowing the statistics can help you navigate the complex world of insurance with confidence.

Insurance statistics 2023 (1)


Insurance is a contract or agreement in which an individual or entity pays a premium to a company in exchange for financial protection against specified risks or losses.

Statistics on Reasons to Buy Life Insurance

83% of Americans consider covering burial and final expenses an important reason to buy life insurance.

The overwhelming majority of Americans recognize the financial burden associated with funeral and end-of-life expenses. They understand that life insurance can provide essential funds to cover these costs, alleviating the strain on their loved ones during an emotionally challenging time.

Having this financial protection ensures that grieving families can focus on healing and honoring their departed without added financial stress.

68% of Americans consider covering the income of a deceased wage earner an important reason to buy life insurance.

The majority of individuals understand that life insurance can serve as a crucial safety net for their families. In the event of their death, the life insurance payout can replace the lost income, helping ensure that their loved ones can maintain their standard of living and meet ongoing financial obligations.

This financial support offers peace of mind, knowing that their family's future is safeguarded even in their absence.

63% of Americans consider it important to buy life insurance to help transfer wealth or leave an inheritance.

Life insurance serves not only as a means to provide for immediate expenses but also as a powerful estate planning tool. Many individuals view it as an opportunity to transfer their wealth and financial legacy to their beneficiaries, ensuring financial security and opportunities for future generations.

By leaving behind a life insurance benefit, policyholders can support educational pursuits, invest in their family's future, or contribute to charitable causes, leaving a lasting impact on their community.

60% of Americans without life insurance report the cost of life insurance as a major reason why they aren't covered.

Despite recognizing the importance of life insurance, a significant number of individuals remain uninsured due to perceived high premium costs. Addressing affordability concerns is crucial for increasing life insurance coverage rates and ensuring that more people have access to financial protection.

Offering flexible and cost-effective policy options can make life insurance more accessible to a broader segment of the population.

55% of Americans report their other financial priorities are a major reason why they don't buy life insurance.

Financial planning involves balancing various priorities, and some individuals may prioritize other financial goals over obtaining life insurance.

To overcome this barrier, financial education, and awareness campaigns can emphasize the role of life insurance as a foundational component of a comprehensive financial plan, providing security and stability for one's family and loved ones.

53% of consumers report a major reason why they don't buy life insurance is because they are unsure what type they should get.

The insurance landscape can be complex, and individuals may feel overwhelmed by the different types of life insurance available.

Simplifying the explanation of policy options, providing personalized advice, and clarifying the benefits of each type of coverage can empower consumers to make informed decisions and select the best-suited policy for their needs.

The Relationship of Financial Security and Life Insurance

68% of people with life insurance feel financially secure, while only 47% of non-owners feel the same way.

Having life insurance contributes significantly to a sense of financial security and peace of mind. Policyholders know that their loved ones will be protected in the event of their passing, which can alleviate anxiety about financial uncertainties. This security enables individuals to make long-term financial plans with confidence, knowing that their family's future is safeguarded.

After the death of a primary wage earner, 10% of people would feel the financial strain within one week and 44% would feel the consequences within six months.

The absence of life insurance can have swift and profound financial repercussions on families, particularly when a primary wage earner passes away.

With a substantial percentage of individuals experiencing financial strain shortly after death, the importance of timely life insurance planning cannot be understated. Securing coverage as early as possible ensures that families are protected during life's unexpected events.

Among those who need life insurance but don't have coverage, 49% report they aren't covered because life insurance is too expensive.

Affordability remains a significant obstacle for many potential policyholders who recognize the need for life insurance.

Implementing strategies to make life insurance more affordable and accessible, such as introducing competitive pricing, discounts, or flexible payment options, can help bridge this gap and encourage more individuals to secure coverage.

20% of people indicate they have a financial safety net of five years or more in the event of the death of their primary wage earner.

A substantial portion of the population lacks adequate financial protection for their families, indicating a need for broader life insurance coverage. Creating awareness about the potential financial vulnerabilities faced by families without life insurance can motivate individuals to prioritize this critical form of protection.

78% of life insurance owners with both worksite and individual coverage feel financially secure.

Combining worksite and individual life insurance coverage can enhance financial security for policyholders and their families. By leveraging both types of coverage, individuals can maximize their protection and ensure comprehensive financial support in various scenarios, reinforcing their sense of financial security.

Insurance Industry Statistics by Types of Insurance

Property and casualty insurance companies have the largest net profit margin of any insurance type, at 23.26%.

Property and casualty insurance, which includes coverage for property damage, liability, and other risks, proves to be a lucrative sector within the insurance industry. The ability to mitigate various risks effectively contributes to the high profitability of these companies.

Property and casualty premiums account for 48% of all premiums.

Property and casualty insurance holds a significant share of the insurance market, indicating its widespread adoption by businesses and individuals seeking protection against property-related risks and liability.

The wide-ranging applicability of this type of insurance makes it an essential aspect of risk management for various entities.

16% of consumers say they need life insurance but do not have it.

The discrepancy between the perceived need for life insurance and the actual coverage presents an opportunity for insurance companies to reach out to those with an acknowledged need for protection.

Tailored marketing campaigns and informative materials can help bridge this gap and encourage more individuals to consider life insurance.

38% of Americans purchase travel insurance.

The substantial number of Americans purchasing travel insurance reflects their recognition of its value in safeguarding their investments and well-being during trips.

The popularity of travel insurance underscores its importance in providing peace of mind while exploring new destinations or engaging in adventurous activities. Travel insurance can offer financial protection against unexpected travel disruptions, medical emergencies, and other travel-related risks.

Life Insurance Facts by Gender

53% of American men own life insurance compared to 46% of women.

The disparity in life insurance ownership between genders highlights the need for targeted outreach efforts to encourage more women to secure coverage. Empowering women with knowledge about the benefits of life insurance and how it can protect their families can contribute to closing this gap.

43% of women report needing life insurance compared to 39% of men.

Women recognize the importance of life insurance and express a higher perceived need for coverage compared to men. Insurance providers can leverage this understanding to engage women in discussions about their specific life insurance requirements and offer tailored policies that cater to their unique circ*mstances.

33% of women report needing life insurance but don't own a policy.

Despite acknowledging the need for life insurance, a significant proportion of women remain uninsured. Understanding the reasons behind this discrepancy, such as cost concerns or lack of awareness about available options, can guide the development of strategies to increase female life insurance ownership.

29% of men report needing life insurance but don't own a policy.

Men also have an unmet need for life insurance, indicating an opportunity for targeted marketing and education campaigns to address their specific concerns and encourage them to take steps to secure coverage.

Of women with dependents under the age of 18, 51% have life insurance coverage.

Women with children understand the responsibility of providing financial protection for their families. This statistic highlights the role of life insurance as a fundamental tool for safeguarding the well-being and future of dependents, particularly for women with young children.

In 2022, 31% of women reported they planned to buy coverage within the next year, compared to 42% of men.

Men appear to be more proactive in expressing their intentions to purchase life insurance. To close this gap, tailored marketing strategies can be designed to engage women and provide them with the information and support needed to make well-informed decisions about life insurance.

35% of women report wishing they purchased life insurance earlier in life.

Many women express regret about not obtaining life insurance earlier, indicating that timely education and outreach efforts about the benefits of early-life coverage can lead to improved financial preparedness and future security.

33% of women don't feel the need for life insurance.

Some women may not fully grasp the significance of life insurance or perceive a low need for coverage, underlining the importance of education to dispel misconceptions and raise awareness about the crucial role life insurance plays in providing financial protection.

While “expense” is the top reason most women don't buy life insurance, 80% of women are overestimating policy costs.

Misconceptions about life insurance costs could be a major deterrent for women. Providing clear and transparent information about policy pricing and dispelling myths about expensive premiums can empower women to consider life insurance as a viable and affordable financial tool.

The Relationship of Financial Security and Life Insurance

68% of people with life insurance feel financially secure, while only 47% of non-owners feel the same way.

The significant disparity in financial security between those with life insurance and those without highlights the crucial role life insurance plays in providing peace of mind and stability.

Policyholders experience a higher sense of confidence knowing that their loved ones will be financially protected in the event of their passing, ensuring that their family's future is secure even during challenging times.

After the death of a primary wage earner, 10% of people would feel the financial strain within one week and 44% would feel the consequences within six months.

The absence of life insurance coverage can have immediate and profound financial consequences for families. This statistic underscores the urgency of securing life insurance to protect dependents and loved ones against potential financial hardships following the death of a primary wage earner.

Timely life insurance planning ensures that families have the necessary financial resources to weather the storm and maintain their financial stability.

Among those who need life insurance but don't have coverage, 49% report they aren't covered because life insurance is too expensive.

Cost remains a significant barrier preventing many individuals from obtaining life insurance, even though they recognize the need for coverage.

Reducing the perception of high insurance costs through affordable policy options and flexible premium structures can help bridge this gap, making life insurance more accessible to a wider range of people.

20% of people indicate they have a financial safety net of five years or more in the event of the death of their primary wage earner.

While a portion of individuals may have adequate financial preparations for the future, this statistic also reveals that many families lack sufficient financial protection in the form of life insurance.

A more substantial financial safety net is essential to ensure long-term security for dependents, making life insurance a critical tool for safeguarding their well-being.

78% of life insurance owners with both worksite and individual coverage feel financially secure.

Combining worksite and individual life insurance coverage provides policyholders with comprehensive protection, enhancing their overall financial security. These individuals experience greater peace of mind knowing they have layered protection that can address various financial needs and scenarios, contributing to their sense of financial stability.


In conclusion, these statistics demonstrate the significant impact life insurance has on financial security and stability. People with life insurance generally feel more financially secure, knowing that their families will be protected in the event of their passing.

The swift and substantial financial strain experienced by those without life insurance following the death of a primary wage earner emphasizes the urgent need for coverage to safeguard against unforeseen circ*mstances. Affordability remains a key concern for those without coverage, necessitating efforts to create more cost-effective insurance options.

Encouragingly, many individuals recognize the value of life insurance and express a desire to have a more extended financial safety net, underscoring the importance of accessible and comprehensive coverage.

Finally, combining worksite and individual coverage can further enhance financial security, as policyholders benefit from layered protection to meet their specific financial needs. By understanding these insights, the insurance industry can tailor its offerings and educational efforts to empower individuals with the tools they need to achieve lasting financial security and protect their loved ones' futures.

Source: Annuity, Zippia

Insurance statistics 2023 (2024)


What is the insurance industry results in 2023? ›

In 2023 net premiums earned grew by 8.9 percent, from $746 billion to $813 billion. The premium growth was mainly driven by rate increases, principally for personal lines business – private passenger auto and homeowners' insurance.

How many Americans don't have enough life insurance? ›

About 100 million Americans are either without life insurance or inadequately insured, acknowledging their need for additional coverage, according to data from LIMRA. A record high of 30% of consumers have indicated their intention to buy life insurance in the upcoming year, also according to LIMRA data.

What are the interesting statistics about insurance? ›

52% of Americans have a life insurance policy. 30% of Americans say they need life insurance but don't have it yet. More than 100 million Americans are uninsured or underinsured when it comes to life insurance. More than half (55%) of those surveyed overestimated the cost of a $250,000 term life policy by $300.

How many Americans have life insurance in 2023? ›

In January 2023, 52% of consumers reported owning life insurance (e.g., individual, employer-sponsored, etc.), which is up from 50% in 2022 but down from 63% in 2011. Overall, there are more than 100 million uninsured and underinsured Americans who say they need (or need more) life insurance coverage.

What is the world's largest insurance company in 2023? ›

Ranking of the 20 largest insurance companies according to Forbes
1UnitedHealth Group335.94
2Ping An Insurance Group166.37
4AXA Group110.92
16 more rows
Jun 28, 2023

Is the insurance industry doing well? ›

The US P&C insurance industry enters 2024 with strong momentum. Profitability was below insurers' cost of capital last year, but strong premium increases, easing claims cost inflation and higher investment returns began to boost industry results by 2H23.

Who are the most uninsured in America? ›

Two-thirds of all uninsured persons are members of lower-income families (earning less than 200 percent of FPL). One-third of all members of lower-income families are uninsured.

What percentage of US citizens don't have insurance? ›

States With The Highest/Lowest Uninsured Rates
RankState% in last week of survey
21South Carolina8.3%
47 more rows
Mar 26, 2024

What percent of Americans don't have insurance? ›

Highlights from the report include: 8.4% or 27.6 million Americans of all ages did not have health insurance in 2022 compared to 10.3% or 33.2 million in 2019. In the same time period, 4.2% or 3 million children did not have health insurance compared with 5.1% or 3.7 million in 2019.

What is the biggest threat to the insurance industry? ›

As the insurance sector grapples with multifaceted challenges, identifying and understanding these risk factors is the first step in crafting a resilient strategy for the future.
  1. Compliance changes. ...
  2. Cybersecurity threats. ...
  3. Technology changes. ...
  4. Climate change & other environmental factors. ...
  5. Talent shortage. ...
  6. Financial risks.
Mar 21, 2024

What are the 3 most important insurance? ›

There are many types of insurance available, but there are some which top the charts in terms of importance. Home or property insurance, life insurance, disability insurance, health insurance, and automobile insurance are five types that everyone should have.

Who needs insurance the most? ›

Young adults and single people
  • You have co-signed loans you don't want to leave behind after you're gone.
  • You have a parent or sibling who depends on your income for support.
  • You want to leave loved ones enough money to cover your final expenses.

How many 30 year olds have life insurance? ›

52% of millennials own life insurance, even though 80% recognize they need it. 9 in 10 overestimated the cost of a life insurance policy for a 30-year-old.

Do Americans have enough life insurance? ›

U.S. life insurance ownership has remained relatively steady since 2021, with about half of adults reporting having coverage. The latest study, now in its 14th year, finds a record-high number of American adults (42%) — representing 102 million adults — saying they need (or need more) life insurance.

What is the outlook for the insurance industry? ›

The insurance industry has a promising future, but it must remain agile and innovative in their approach. By embracing new technologies and meeting the changing needs of policyholders, insurance companies can remain competitive and relevant in a rapidly evolving landscape.

Will insurance increase in 2023? ›

According to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) increased by 3.4% for all items in 2023. And that's coming off the heels of a 6.5% CPI increase in 2022. But by far the category that was hit the hardest was motor vehicle insurance, which saw a CPI increase of 20.3% in 2023!

What is the future outlook of insurance? ›

Over the next five years (2024‒28), we forecast that total insurance premiums will grow by 7.1% in real terms, well above the global (2.4%), emerging (5.1%) and advanced (1.7%) market averages. At this rate, India will have the fastest growing insurance sector of the G20 countries.

How much did insurance go up in 2023? ›

Other measures show an even steeper jump in car insurance premiums. In 2023, the average U.S. rate for full auto coverage rose to $2,019 per year, up 24% from $1,633 in 2022 and nearly 29% from 1,567 the prior year, according to insurance comparison shopping site Insurify.

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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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