Insights Into IAS 36 - Identifying Cash-Generating Units - Accounting Standards - Ireland (2024)

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IAS 36 'Impairment of Assets' prescribes theaccounting for impairment reviews. While the guidance in this areahas not changed in recent years, it still remains a challengingarea to apply by preparers of financial statements.

The articles in our 'Insights into IAS 36'series have been written to assist preparers of financialstatements and those charged with the governance of reportingentities understand the requirements set out in IAS 36, and revisitsome areas where confusion has been seen in practice.

The next three articles our 'Insights into IAS 36'series are all about cash-generating units (CGUs). In this articlewe discuss how to identify them, and in our following articles howto allocate assets to them and also then to allocate goodwill tothem.

Identifying CGUs is a critical step in the impairment review andcan have a significant impact on its results. That said, theidentification of CGUs requires judgement. The identified CGUs mayalso change due to changes in an entity's operations and theway it conducts them.

A CGU is defined as follows:

The smallest identifiable group of assets that generates cashinflows that are largely independent of the cash inflows from otherassets or groups of assets

Roles of the cash-generating unit in the impairment review

A CGU serves two primary roles in the impairment review. Itfacilitates the testing of:

  • assets for which the recoverable amount cannot be determinedindividually, and
  • goodwill and corporate assets for impairment

Insights Into IAS 36 - Identifying Cash-Generating Units - Accounting Standards - Ireland (1)

Goodwill and corporate assets by definition do not generate cashinflows on their own and therefore, must be allocated to a CGU orgroups of CGUs for impairment testing purposes. The allocation ofgoodwill and corporate assets is discussed in our articles'Insights into IAS 36 – Allocating assets tocash-generating units' and 'Insights into IAS 36 –Allocating goodwill to cash-generating units'.

Identifying cash-generating units

The objective of identifying CGUs is to identify the smallestidentifiable group of assets that generates largely independentcash inflows. CGUs are identified at the lowest level to minimisethe possibility that impairments of one asset or group will bemasked by a high-performing asset.

To identify a CGU, an entity asks two questions:

  1. Does a group of assets generate largely independent cashinflows?
  2. Is there an active market for the output?

Insights Into IAS 36 - Identifying Cash-Generating Units - Accounting Standards - Ireland (2)

Does a group of assets generate independent cashinflows?

Put simply, identifying CGUs involves dividing the entity intoclearly identifiable components. Because the CGU definition isbased on cash inflows, the division process should focus on anentity's sources of revenue and how assets are utilised ingenerating those revenues. Management will need to consider variousfactors including how it monitors the entity's operations (suchas by product lines, businesses, individual locations, districts orregional areas) or how management makes decisions about continuingor disposing of the entity's assets and operations.

Practical insight – Operational structure overlegal structure

It may be the case that the design and management of anentity's operations does not reflect the legal structure of thegroup. Depending on the circ*mstances, a CGU might correspond to alegal entity, a division, product line, geographic region, physicallocation (such as a hotel or retail store) or collection ofassets.

The following examples illustrate the identification of thelowest aggregation of assets that generate largely independent cashinflows in different circ*mstances.

Example 1 – Identifying the CGU: lowest level of largelyindependent cash inflows

A bus company provides services under contract with amunicipality that requires minimum service on each of five separateroutes. Assets devoted to each route and the cash flows from eachroute can be identified separately. One of the routes operates at asignificant loss.


Because the entity does not have the option to curtail any ofthose bus routes, the lowest level of identifiable cash inflowsthat are largely independent of the cash inflows from other assetsor groups of assets is the cash inflows generated by the fiveroutes together. The CGU is the bus company as a whole.

Example 2 – Identifying the CGU: supermarketchain

Entity A owns and operates 10 supermarkets in a major city (CityB), each store residing in a different suburb throughout City B.Each supermarket in City B purchases its inventory through EntityA's purchasing centre. Pricing, marketing, advertising andhuman resources policies (except for the hiring of eachsupermarket's local staff) are decided by Entity A. Entity Aalso operates 50 other supermarkets in other major cities acrossthe country.


The supermarkets in City B probably have different customerbases as they reside in different suburbs. Accordingly, althoughoperations are managed at a corporate level by Entity A, eachsupermarket generates cash inflows that are largely independent ofthose of other supermarkets. Therefore, it is likely eachsupermarket in City B is a separate CGU.

In making its judgement about whether each supermarket is aseparate CGU, Entity A might also consider if:

  • management reporting monitors revenues on asupermarket-by-supermarket basis in City B, and
  • how management makes decisions about continuing or closing itssupermarkets (eg on a store-by-store or on a region/citybasis).

The IFRS Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) was asked to developan Interpretation on whether a CGU could combine more than oneindividual store location. The submitter developed possibleconsiderations including shared infrastructures, marketing andpricing policies, and human resources. The IFRIC noted IAS 36requires identification of CGUs on the basis of independent cashinflows rather than independent net cash flows and so outflows suchas shared infrastructure and marketing costs are not considered. Inits March 2007 agenda decision, the IFRIC took the view developingguidance beyond that already given in IAS 36 on whether cashinflows are largely independent would be more in the nature ofapplication guidance and therefore decided not to take this itemonto its agenda.

Is there an active market for the output?

When management has identified a group of assets that generatean output, but those assets do not generate largely independentcash inflows, it needs to consider if there is an active market forthe output.

For the purposes of applying IAS 36, even if part or all of theoutput produced by an asset (or a group of assets) is used by otherunits of the entity (ie products at an intermediate stage of aproduction process), this asset (or group of assets) represents aCGU if the entity could sell the output on an active market. Thisis because the asset (or group of assets) could generate cashinflows that would be largely independent of the cash inflows fromother assets (or groups of assets).

Practical insight – Vertically integratedbusinesses and an active market for output

This is a common issue for vertically integrated businesseswhereby some groups of assets do not generate independent cashinflows, only because each operation's output is usedinternally, rather than being sold externally. IAS 36 addressesthis issue by clarifying that even if part or all of the outputproduced by an asset (or a group of assets) is used by other unitsof the entity, this asset (or group of assets) forms a separate CGUif the entity could sell the output on an active market. An activemarket is defined in IFRS 13 'Fair Value Measurement' as'a market in which transactions for the asset or liability takeplace with sufficient frequency and volume to provide pricinginformation on an ongoing basis'. This may be the case forcertain commodities such as oil or gold.

Example 3 – Identifying the CGU: active market forthe output

Entity X produces a single product (widgets) and owns productionplants 1, 2 and 3. Each plant is located in a different region ofthe world. Plant 1 produces a component of the widgets that isassembled in either plant 2 or plant 3 and sold worldwide fromeither plant 2 or plant 3. Neither plant 2 nor plant 3 is operatingat full capacity.

The utilisation levels depend on the allocation of orderfulfillment between the two locations of order fulfillment betweenthe two locations.

Scenario 1: There is an active market for plant1's component.

Scenario 2: There is no active market for plant1's component.


Scenario 1: It is likely plant 1 is a separateCGU because there is an active market for its output. As cashinflows for plants 2 and 3 depend on the allocation of productionacross the two locations, it is unlikely the future cash inflowsfor plants 2 and 3 can be determined individually so they wouldprobably be combined into a single CGU.

Scenario 2: It is likely the three plants (1, 2and 3) are a single CGU because:

  • there is no active market for plant 1's output and its cashinflows depend on sales of the final product by plants 2 and 3
  • cash inflows for plants 2 and 3 depend on the allocation ofproduction across the two locations. It is unlikely the future cashinflows for plants 2 and 3 can be determined individually.

Where the cash inflows generated by an asset or CGU are affectedby internal transfer pricing, an entity uses management's bestestimate of future prices that could be achieved in an arm'slength transaction in estimating:

  • the future cash inflows used to determine the asset's orCGU's value in use (VIU), and
  • the future cash outflows used to determine the VIU of any otherassets or CGUs that are affected by the internal transferpricing.

Example 3 continued – Identifying the CGU: activemarket for the output

In Scenario 1, in determining the VIU of plants 1, 2 and 3,Entity X will adjust its financial budgets/forecasts to reflect itsbest estimate of future prices that could be achieved in arm'slength transactions for plant 1's output while alsoincorporating future cash outflows used to determine the VIU ofother assets impacted by the internal transfer pricing.

When the group of assets does not generate cash inflows that arelargely independent and there is no active market for its output(even if used internally), the group is not a CGU. Management thenhas to combine these assets with others that contribute to the samerevenue stream until a CGU is identified.

Changes in identified cash-generating units

Unless a change is justified, CGUs are identified consistentlyfrom period to period for the same asset or types of assets. If achange in CGUs is justified (eg an asset belongs to a different CGUthan in previous periods or previously recognised CGUs are combinedor subdivided), and an impairment loss is recognised or reversedfor the CGU, the entity should disclose additional information.

Practical insight – Triggers for a change in CGUstructure

IAS 36 does not provide examples of events or circ*mstances thatwould justify a change in CGUs. Such a change would generally beappropriate only if there has been a change in the entity'soperations – ie different revenue-generating activities ordifferent utilisation of assets in undertaking those activities.Typical triggers for a change might include:

  • business combinations or divestments
  • restructurings
  • introduction or withdrawal of products or services, or
  • entry to or exit from new markets or regions.

Practical insight – A change in CGU structure overtime

The factors that justify a change in CGU structure sometimesdevelop over time rather than being driven by a specific event. Forexample, an entity might gradually change the way it allocatesorder intake across its production facilities or how it utilisesassets to generate a revenue stream. In our view, the change in CGUstructure is justified if an asset's cash inflows become, orcease to be, independent even if this cannot be attributed to aspecific event. One practical suggestion for determining theeffective date of the change is to consider when management beganreviewing or assessing the CGUs differently (eg when managementreporting changed).

The content of this article is intended to provide a generalguide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be soughtabout your specific circ*mstances.

Insights Into IAS 36 - Identifying Cash-Generating Units - Accounting Standards - Ireland (2024)


How do you identify CGU in IAS 36? ›

IAS 36.70 stipulates that assets should be designated as a CGU if there exists an active market for their output. This applies even when the output is utilised internally, as often seen in vertically integrated entities.

How to identify cash-generating units? ›

To identify a CGU, an entity asks two questions: 1 Does a group of assets generate largely independent cash inflows? 2 Is there an active market for the output? Does a group of assets generate largely independent cash inflows? Is there an active market for the output?

What is the IAS 36 accounting standard? ›

About. The core principle in IAS 36 is that an asset must not be carried in the financial statements at more than the highest amount to be recovered through its use or sale. If the carrying amount exceeds the recoverable amount, the asset is described as impaired.

Is IAS 36 still applicable? ›

IAS 36 was reissued in March 2004 and applies to goodwill and intangible assets acquired in business combinations for which the agreement date is on or after 31 March 2004, and for all other assets prospectively from the beginning of the first annual period beginning on or after 31 March 2004.

What is an example of a CGU? ›

Determining a CGU should be a matter of fact, with a CGU being the smallest group of assets that generate largely independent cash flows - for example, individual hotels and retail stores usually generate income that is largely independent of others, so generally they form individual CGUs.

What is the difference between asset group and CGU? ›

A CGU is the smallest group of assets generating cash inflows that are largely independent of the cash inflows from other assets. Under U.S. GAAP, the assessment of independent cash flows for an asset group is generally based on the net cash flows (i.e., cash inflows and outflows).

What are examples of cash generating assets? ›

Cash Flow Generating Assets. Investment-related assets falling under the heading of cash flowing include, dividend stocks, bonds, real estate, money market funds, certificates of deposit, money market accounts and annuities.

Why is the cash-generating unit important? ›

Cash generating units (CGUs) are pivotal in accounting, particularly concerning asset impairment and goodwill valuation. Asset impairment assessments determine whether an asset's carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount, ensuring that assets are correctly valued.

What is the difference between asset and cash-generating unit? ›

Cash-generating assets are assets held with the primary objective of generating a commercial return. A cash-generating unit is the smallest identifiable group of assets that generate cash inflows from continuing use that are largely independent of the cash inflows from other assets or groups of assets.

What disclosure is required for IAS 36? ›

IAS 36 also requires the disclosure of information used in estimating the recoverable amount where goodwill or indefinite- life intangible assets have been allocated to a cash-generating unit (CGU) (or group of CGUs) for impairment review purposes (whether or not any impairment loss or reversal was recognised).

What is the IAS used for? ›

What are the International Accounting Standards (IAS)? The international accounting standards are a set of practices established by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). These practices are designed to make it simpler for businesses around the world to compare financial reporting and data.

What are the four types of financial assets as per IAS 39? ›

Subsequent measurement
Category – WHATSubsequent measurement – HOW MUCH
Financial assets at fair value through profit or lossFair value
Held-to-maturity financial investmentsAmortized cost using the effective interest method
Loans and receivables
Available-for-sale financial investments except belowFair value
10 more rows

How do you identify cash generating units? ›

The objective of identifying CGUs is to identify the smallest identifiable group of assets that generates largely independent cash inflows. CGUs are identified at the lowest level to minimise the possibility that impairments of one asset or group will be masked by a high-performing asset.

What is the maximum period for IAS 36? ›

Detailed, explicit and reliable financial budgets/forecasts of future cash flows for periods longer than five years are generally not available. For this reason, management's estimates of future cash flows are based on the most recent budgets/forecasts for a maximum of five years.

What is the basis for conclusions of IAS 36? ›

Therefore, IAS 36 requires that the enterprise should make its own estimate of future cash flows but that the discount rate should reflect, as far as possible, the market's assessment of the time value of money.

How do you identify relevant cash flows? ›

In order to decide if a cash flow is relevant, ask yourself: 'How will a cash flow change as a result of this decision being made? ' If the answer is that it won't change, then it is not a relevant cash flow for that particular decision.

How you determine the annual operating cash flows? ›

The simplest formula goes like this:
  1. Operating cash flow = total cash received for sales - cash paid for operating expenses.
  2. OCF = (revenue - operating expenses) + depreciation - income taxes - change in working capital.
  3. OCF = net income + depreciation - change in working capital.

How do you identify non performing assets? ›

The classification of a loan as a non-performing asset is typically based on non-payment duration, which is commonly set at 90 days. However, this timeframe may vary depending on the loan's terms. It's important to note that an NPA can be identified at any point during the loan's term or maturity.

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