India's Auroville Experiential Community and How to Visit It (2024)

Auroville, near Pondicherry, attracts two types of visitors -- the curious who head there on a day trip, and the more serious spiritual seekers who want to experience the way of life there and stay in one of the guesthouses.

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About Auroville and How to Visit It

India's Auroville Experiential Community and How to Visit It (1)

Auroville, meaning the "City of Dawn", is an experiential spiritual community set up with the objective of human unity. It was founded in 1968 by a French woman called "The Mother". She was the successor of Sri Aurobindo, a renowned Indian spiritual leader whose teachings were based on the concept of integral yoga and surrendering to a higher consciousness.

According to The Mother, "There should be somewhere on earth, a place which no nation could claim as its own, where all human beings of goodwill who have a sincere aspiration could live freely as citizens of the world and obey one single authority, that of the supreme truth; a place of peace, concord and harmony...".

Hence, one of the goals of Auroville is to be free of religion, politics, and nationality. It's governed by a statutory foundation (the Auroville Foundation) that's controlled fully by the Indian government. Members of the Foundation's board are appointed by Ministry of Human Resource Development.

Although the government owns and controls Auroville, it doesn't fully finance the community. Most of the money comes from Auroville's flourishing commercial industry (which contributes part of its profits), compulsory payments from residents and guests, and donations. The underlying principle at Auroville is that "consciousness develops better in work done as an offering". All residents are required to take up an activity that's useful to the community. Residents are also expected to fund the building of their homes, which remain the property of the Auroville Foundation along with the land. Instead of cash, residents use an Auro Card, which functions as a debit card linked to their accounts. Guests are also encouraged to get a temporary Auro Card, although many business these days will accept cash.

Auroville's grounds are surprisingly vast, tranquil, and undeveloped. When Auroville was established, apparently the land was completely barren. It's now covered in thick jungle, planted by residents. The total area owned by Auroville is 2,000 acres (8 square kilometers). Currently, there are 120 settlements and a population of approximately 2,100 people from 43 different countries, including more than 900 Indian residents. However, this is substantially less than the 50,000 people that were expected to eventually be living in Auroville. The community has around 5,000 employees, many of whom are Indians from surrounding villages.

Is Auroville Utopia?

The idea of Auroville may sound rather blissful. However, Auroville is know to have its problems, particularly to do with money and internal bureaucracy. Substantial funds are required to join the community, and there's a huge divide between rich and poor. Those who want to join must prove that they can financially sustain themselves by working for free for two years. On top of that, there are the hefty ongoing payments that must be made, and the purchase of a home. The reality is that the community definitely is driven by money, but no one really knows where the money goes. Like any other place, there have been instances of murder, suicide and sexual harassment as well.

How to Get There

Auroville is located 12 kilometers north of Pondicherry. The most convenient way of getting there is to organize a car and driver from Pondicherry. Expect to pay around 1,000 rupees return, for a three hour trip.

Auroville Visitor's Center

The only area of Auroville that's accessible to casual visitors is the dedicated Visitor's Center. It's open daily from 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m., except during the Diwali and Pongal festivals. There, you'll be able to watch a video about Auroville, view the informational exhibits, eat at the cafeteria, and buy high quality products made by the community.

Entry to Auroville's landmark Matrimandir is highly restricted and the general public is not encouraged to visit it. The reasoning is that it was created for serious spiritual seekers only. However, you can go inside if you make a booking at least a day in advance (see more information below).

Staying at Auroville

It's possible to stay at Auroville as a guest. Many people enjoy the tranquil atmosphere, and it's a great way to experience the community without the complications and difficulties of residing there. Numerous cultural and wellness activities and classes are held. You can volunteer at certain projects as well, such as organic farming.

There are various options for accommodations in the settlements. Rates range from a few hundred rupees to over 7,000 rupees per night, depending on the location and facilities. The cheapest guesthouses, which can be described as "rustic", have thatched roofs and shared bathrooms. It's necessary to book well in advance, especially from December to March and August to September. You'll find details of guesthouses on this website and you can contact them directly. The guesthouses generally have a minimum stay period ranging from a few days to a week.

Do note that Auroville is really spread out. So, if you're staying there, you'll need to hire a scooter or ride a bicycle to get around.

More Information: Auroville website.

Auroville Quiet Healing Center

Located at a serene seaside village between Auroville and Pondicherry, the Quiet Healing Center offers an array of alternative healing therapies, courses, workshops, and events.Expect to pay 5,000-5,500 rupees per night for a double during the high season, including all meals. Substantial discounts are available in the low season.

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Matrimandir and How to Visit It

India's Auroville Experiential Community and How to Visit It (2)

Matrimandir, often described as "the soul of the city", is Auroville's gold plated concentration (meditation) dome and shrine to The Mother. According to The Mother, it's "a place...for trying to find one's consciousness" and "the cohesive Force of Auroville".

Construction of the Matrimandir took place from 1971 to 2008. It was designed by French Architect Roger Anger, who was a disciple of The Mother, in accordance with The Mother's vision. The concept is remarkable and astonishing. The inner chamber of the Matrimandir is completely white, with white marble walls and white carpeting. At its center is a pure crystal globe, measuring approximately 80 centimeters in diameter, that's infused with electronically guided sunlight. This light is believed to enhance the concentration experience. The Matrimandir also has 12 petals containing 12 meditation rooms, each named after virtues such as sincerity, humility, gratitude, and perseverance. It's devoid of any images, organized meditations, flowers, incense, and religious forms.

Matrimandir Viewing Point

The Matrimandir can be viewed in the distance approximately a kilometer from the Visitor's Center, at a dedicated viewing point. Free tickets need to be obtained from the Visitor's Center. They're issued from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Saturday, and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Sundays. The Viewing Point is closed on Sunday afternoons.

Alternatively, the Matrimandir can be seen more closely from the roadside in a certain area. If you've hired a taxi, your driver may know the exact location.

Going Inside Matrimandir

Access to the Matrimandir is highly regulated as it's been deemed to be for serious spiritual seekers only. If you would like to go inside, you'll need to make a "request for concentration" at least a day in advance, in person, at the Visitor's Center. This can only be done between 10-11 a.m. and 2-3 p.m., any day except Tuesday (Matrimandir is closed on Tuesdays). Places are strictly limited and fill up fast. On the day of your appointment, you'll need to arrive at the Visitor's Center at 8.45 a.m. to take the shuttle to Matrimandir. Photography is not permitted inside. The last shuttle back to the Visitor's Center departs at 11.30 a.m.

More Information: Matrimandir website.

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Sri Aurobindo Ashram and How to Visit It

India's Auroville Experiential Community and How to Visit It (3)

Sri Aurobindo Ashram was founded in 1926 and is one of India's most popular ashrams. While Auroville is an experimental community dedicated to human unity, Sri Aurobindo Ashram is where people have come to dedicate themselves to the practice of integral yoga, as taught by Sri Aurobindo. Its community consists of around 2,000 people.

Sri Aurobindo's concept of integral yoga doesn't have obligatory practices, rituals, compulsory meditations or systematic instructions. Devotees are free to determine their own paths. They only need to open and surrender themselves to higher consciousness, and allow it to transform them.

The Ashram is a hive of activity. Members work every day in the Ashram's diverse departments, which include farms, gardens, healthcare, guesthouses and engineering units.

One of the main attractions at the Ashram is the samadhi (burial shrine) of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo. It's a while marble tomb located in a central, tree filled courtyard. The Ashram also has an art gallery, library, photo section, visitor's information center, publications department, and school called the International Center of Education.

Visiting Sri Aurobindo Ashram

The main ashram building is located on Rue de la Marine, in Pondicherry's French Quarter. It (including the samadhi) is open to the general public from 8 a.m. to noon and 2-6 p.m. However, it can be visited at anytime from 4.30 a.m. to 11 p.m. if a pass is obtained. There's a meditation hall inside the building where you can sit. Visitors can participate in various ashram activities and tours. There's a group meditation around the samadhi from 7.25-7.50 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. This is open to everyone and no pass is needed.

Staying at Sri Aurobindo Ashram

The Ashram has a few guesthouses that provide accommodations for visitors, although they fill up fast and advance bookings are recommended. Details of the guesthouses can be found here.

More Information: Aurobindo Ashram website.

India's Auroville Experiential Community and How to Visit It (2024)


What is the procedure to visit Auroville? ›

Start at the Visitors' Centre to get a general idea. Get a token for a visit to the Matrimandir viewing point in the city's central Peace Area between 9 – 12pm or 2-4.30pm. A relaxed 15 minute shaded walk from the Visitors' Centre gets you there, or use a shuttle when needed.

Can I go to Auroville as a tourist? ›

Auroville is not a tourist destination, it is a live-in campus for material and spiritual research spread over a vast area. Access to casual visitors is limited to certain areas but volunteers, students, and people who wish to collaborate or learn from Auroville are most welcome.

What is special about Auroville India? ›

Today Auroville is recognised as the first and only internationally endorsed ongoing experiment in human unity and transformation of consciousness, also concerned with – and practically researching into – sustainable living and the future cultural, environmental, social and spiritual needs of mankind.

How much time is enough for Auroville? ›

I would say a few days in Auroville would be needed to get an understanding of the place, and then a few more days to really enjoy it and find good yoga classes and different spiritual and healing classes along with areas to explore.

Is Auroville free of cost? ›

Other expenses

The overall cost of living varies depending on individual needs and lifestyle, but for most people a minimum of Rs. 6,000 per person per month is needed to meet the most basic expenses.

Why do people visit Auroville? ›

Quiet Healing Centre, also known as Auroville's Health Spa offers a variety of services to its visitors including spas, massages, and other healing therapies which can help you relax and rejuvenate. Moreover, the centre is situated on the beach, has a perfect ambiance and helps you relax your mind like no place else.

Does Auroville have dress code? ›

Dress by local standards: Both men and women should wear modest clothes such as long pants or long shorts and tops with sleeves; no short- shorts, bathing costumes, or halter-tops.

Are phones allowed in Auroville? ›

Can I use my mobile phone in Auroville? Yes, Auroville is accessible by mobile phone networks, but not fully covered.

What is Auroville membership fees? ›

An Auroville contribution of 3400 Rs/month is paid by all residents and newcomers to sustain the overall expenses of the township.

Is Auroville open for public? ›

A place which should be visited in a quiet physical and mental state. The Visitors Centre is the first entry point for visitors coming to Matrimandir. Matrimandir Inner Chamber: The Inner Chamber is now open to visitors every morning except Tuesday & Sunday. Booking on an individual level is required.

What happens at Auroville? ›

The Mother turned Aurobindo's ideas into an international project to “realize human unity and establish an ideal society.” On Feb. 28, 1968, more than 5,000 people from 124 countries flocked to what, at the time, was a desolate red desert and a dream. They carried flags and soil from their home countries.

What are some fun facts about Auroville? ›

Auroville is also known as the City of Dawn. The founder Mira Alfassa is called The Mother. The 100+ year Banyan Tree in a way was responsible for the geographical location of Auroville. 5000 people from 124 countries attended the inauguration and deposited soil from their homeland to an urn.

Is it worth staying in Auroville? ›

Auroville is basically an experimental township where people from multiple nationalities are able to live in an integrated harmonious way, with a common purpose of realising human unity. A place where people come to live their dreams.

Is car allowed in Auroville? ›

Entry to Auroville is Free. Private vehicles are not encouraged ahead of the paid Vehicle Parking Lot. To travel within the campus you have bicycles for hire.

Is camera allowed in Auroville? ›

Travel Tips for Matrimandir-Auroville, Puduch*erry

Photography is strictly prohibited.

How do people survive in Auroville? ›

Auroville belongs to humanity as a whole. But to live in Auroville, one must be the willing servitor of the Divine Consciousness. Auroville will be the place of an unending education, of constant progress, and a youth that never ages. Auroville wants to be the bridge between the past and the future.

How many foreigners live in Auroville? ›

Auroville was founded as a project of the Sri Aurobindo in 1968 by his disciple Mirra Alfassa, popularly called "The Mother". About 2,000 people from 50 countries live in this planned village. Half of them are Indians and there are some 300 French people, 200 Germans and 150 Italians.

What is the best time to visit Auroville? ›

One can visit Auroville any time during a year. However, the best time to visit Auroville is winter season. Starting from October, the winter season in Pondicherry is the most pleasant time to explore the region. The season ends in the month of March.

What is inside Auroville? ›

The Matrimandir (Sanskrit for Temple of The Mother) is an edifice of spiritual significance for practitioners of Integral yoga, in the centre of Auroville established by The Mother of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram.

Is alcohol available in Auroville? ›

Get Premium Quality and Original Liquor from Genuine Liquor Retailers in Auroville, Pondicherry.

Is there alcohol in Auroville? ›

Auroville is well served by a variety of international and national carriers operating into Chennai airport. Pondicherry has a small airport with few commercial flights at present. The consumption of alcohol is strongly discouraged in Auroville. It cannot be purchased anywhere in the township.

Is non veg allowed in Auroville? ›

Cafe and restaurant, serving vegan, vegetarian and non-vegetarian, organic plates, Continental and Indian cuisine. Also pizza, snacks, ice cream, coffea, tea, and juices.

What language do they speak in Auroville? ›

Although the official langage of Tamil Nadu is Tamil, the official local languages of Auroville are English, Tamil, French and Sanskrit. Tamil is the dominant language spoken at home, followed by French and German. English is the lingua franca.

Is Auroville closed on Sunday? ›

It is open between 9 am to 1 pm on Sundays. You can stay at Auroville by booking your guest rooms between 9:30 am to 12:30 pm and 2 pm to 5 pm every day.

What does Auroville mean in English? ›

Designed by famous architect Roger Anger, Auroville is a must-visit attraction of Puduch*erry where people of different nationalities, cultures, and beliefs live together in harmony. In French, 'Aurore' means dawn and 'Ville' means city.

What can I learn from Auroville? ›

Auroville offers plenty of short programmes ranging from one or two days workshops to programmes lasting many weeks or months. Contents of these programmes vary from self-development, social development, sustainability, appropriate technologies, healing or arts.

Do you need visa for Auroville? ›

Q. Does one need a visa to come to India/Auroville? Yes, for foreign nationals.

Can you swim in Auroville beach? ›

Auroville Beach

Also known as Auro Beach, this beach offers a spectacular sunrise and the shallow waters make it an ideal spot for those fond of swimming.

Is there a dress code for Auroville? ›

To avoid risk, cover your body, and don't lie on the beach alone, to sunbathe. Dress by local standards: Both men and women should wear modest clothes such as long pants or long shorts and tops with sleeves; no short- shorts, bathing costumes, or halter-tops.

Who can join Auroville? ›

The child of an Aurovilian, upon reaching the age of eighteen (18) and thereafter, contacts the Entry Service once he / she is ready to join as an Aurovilian. The Entry Secretariat will provide the youth with an Application Form. The youth will be required to fill and submit this form.

Is money used in Auroville? ›

Economy. Instead of paper and coin currency, residents are given account numbers to connect to their central account. Visitors are requested to get a temporary account and an Aurocard, a special debit card for its citizens. Residents of Auroville are expected to make a monthly contribution to the community.

Can I stay in Auroville for lifetime? ›

Can I Stay In Auroville? Yes, you can. Auroville has both, private as well as 'Auroville' guesthouses, for stay. In case you want to stay at an Auroville-property, please check out the official website here.

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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.