India Domestic Credit, 1999 – 2024 (2024)

Agricultural Procurement: Rice: All India (Ton th) 10,236.000 2022 yearly 1997 - 2022 India Agriculture Census: Number of Operational Land Holdings: Size Group: All H... (Unit) 146,453,741.000 2016 yearly 2001 - 2016 India Agricultural Production: Major Crops: Achievements: Pulses (Ton mn) 27.504 2023 yearly 1956 - 2023 India Agricultural Yield: Foodgrains: Rabi (kg/ha) 2,775.000 2022 yearly 1967 - 2022 India Agriculture Output Value (INR mn) 24,665,349.800 2021 yearly 2012 - 2021 India Agriculture Stock: Foodgrains: Wheat (Ton mn) 26.812 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1997 - Jul 2024 India Area: Horticulture Crops: Flowers (ha th) 296.738 2024 yearly 2005 - 2024 India Agricultural Offtake: Rice: TPDS (Ton th) 2,881.011 Jun 2024 monthly Oct 2011 - Jun 2024 India Agriculture Output Value: 2011-2012p: Cereal: Wheat (INR mn) 1,362,060.800 2021 yearly 2012 - 2021 Agricultural Procurement: Wheat: All India (Ton th) 43,344.000 2022 yearly 1997 - 2022 India Agriculture Stock: Foodgrains: Rice (Ton mn) 32.750 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1997 - Jul 2024 India Agriculture Census: Area of Operational Land Holdings: Size Group: All Hol... (ha) 157,817,336.260 2016 yearly 2001 - 2016 India Agriculture Output Value: Oilseed (INR mn) 1,736,855.762 2020 yearly 2012 - 2020 India Categories of Land Use: Total Cropped Area (ha th) 100,964.000 2020 yearly 2003 - 2020 India Chemical Fertilizers: NPK Production: Nitrogen (Ton mn) 13.715 2021 yearly 1982 - 2021 India Area: Horticulture Crops: Aromatic (ha th) 742.087 2024 yearly 2005 - 2024 India Agriculture Census: Average Size of Operational Land Holdings: Size Group:... (ha) 1.080 2016 yearly 2001 - 2016 India Area: Horticulture Crops (ha th) 28,628.570 2024 yearly 2005 - 2024 India Chemical Fertilizers: NPK Production: Phospate (Ton mn) 4.739 2021 yearly 1982 - 2021 India Livestock Production: Milk (Tonne th) 221,063.500 2022 yearly 1951 - 2022 Chemical Fertilizers: NPK Consumption: Per Hectare: All India (kg/ha) 137.150 2021 yearly 2001 - 2021 India Agricultural Production: Major Crops: Achievements: Oilseeds (Ton mn) 40.996 2023 yearly 1957 - 2023 India Production: Horticulture Crops (Ton th) 352,231.129 2024 yearly 2005 - 2024 India Area: Horticulture Crops: Fruits (ha th) 7,046.082 2024 yearly 1991 - 2024 India Agricultural Yield: Foodgrains: Rice (kg/ha) 2,809.000 2022 yearly 1951 - 2022 India Production: Horticulture Crops: Fruits (Ton th) 112,627.988 2024 yearly 1991 - 2024 India Agriculture Output Value: 2011-2012p (INR mn) 13,824,197.750 2020 yearly 2012 - 2020 India Agriculture Output Value: Cereal: Paddy (INR mn) 3,512,026.800 2021 yearly 2012 - 2021 India Production: Horticulture Crops: Spices (Ton th) 12,248.197 2024 yearly 2005 - 2024 India Area: Horticulture Crops: Spices (ha th) 4,789.113 2024 yearly 2005 - 2024 India Livestock Production: Egg (Unit mn) 129,600.126 2022 yearly 1951 - 2022 India Agriculture Output Value: 2011-2012p: Pulse (INR mn) 782,023.100 2021 yearly 2012 - 2021 India Chemical Fertilizers: NPK Imports (Ton mn) 9.770 2022 yearly 1982 - 2022 India Fish Production (Ton th) 17,545.000 2023 yearly 1981 - 2023 India Rainfall: North West: Deviation (%) 15.000 11 Sep 2024 weekly 16 Jan 2008 - 11 Sep 2024 India Agricultural Allotment: Rice: TPDS (Ton th) 3,206.727 Jun 2024 monthly Oct 2011 - Jun 2024 Rainfall: All India: Deviation (%) 14.000 11 Sep 2024 weekly 16 Jan 2008 - 11 Sep 2024 India Rainfall: Central: Actual (mm) 79.200 11 Sep 2024 weekly 16 Jan 2008 - 11 Sep 2024 India Agriculture Stock: Foodgrains (Ton mn) 72.295 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1997 - Jul 2024 India Production: Horticulture Crops: Plantations (Ton th) 18,374.323 2024 yearly 2005 - 2024 India Production: Horticulture Crops: Aromatic (Ton th) 645.272 2024 yearly 2005 - 2024 India Fish Production: Marine (Ton th) 4,432.000 2023 yearly 1981 - 2023 India Rainfall: East and North East: Deviation (%) -52.000 11 Sep 2024 weekly 16 Jan 2008 - 11 Sep 2024 India Chemical Fertilizers: NPK Production (Ton mn) 18.454 2021 yearly 1982 - 2021 Chemical Fertilizers: NPK Consumption: All India (Ton th) 29,796.250 2022 yearly 1952 - 2022 India Categories of Land Use: Gross Irrigated Area (ha th) 43,220.000 2020 yearly 1951 - 2020 Rainfall: All India: Normal (mm) 44.600 11 Sep 2024 weekly 16 Jan 2008 - 11 Sep 2024 India Rainfall: South Peninsula: Actual (mm) 37.500 11 Sep 2024 weekly 16 Jan 2008 - 11 Sep 2024 India Livestock Production: Milk: Per Capita Availability (g/Day) 444.000 2022 yearly 1951 - 2022 India Production: Horticulture Crops: Vegetables (Ton th) 204,958.083 2024 yearly 1993 - 2024 India Area: Horticulture Crops: Vegetables (ha th) 11,111.570 2024 yearly 1993 - 2024 India Rainfall: South Peninsula: Normal (mm) 34.200 11 Sep 2024 weekly 16 Jan 2008 - 11 Sep 2024 India Production: Horticulture Crops: Flowers Loose (Ton th) 2,284.460 2024 yearly 2012 - 2024 India Rainfall: North West: Actual (mm) 37.600 11 Sep 2024 weekly 16 Jan 2008 - 11 Sep 2024 India Rainfall: East and North East: Normal (mm) 69.800 11 Sep 2024 weekly 16 Jan 2008 - 11 Sep 2024 India Area: Horticulture Crops: Plantations (ha th) 4,642.981 2024 yearly 2005 - 2024 India Livestock Production: Egg: Per Capita Availability (Unit/Annum) 95.000 2022 yearly 1951 - 2022 India Livestock Production: Meat (Ton th) 9,292.130 2022 yearly 1999 - 2022 India Fish Production: Inland (Ton th) 13,113.000 2023 yearly 1981 - 2023 India Rainfall: Central: Normal (mm) 49.700 11 Sep 2024 weekly 16 Jan 2008 - 11 Sep 2024 India Rainfall: East and North East: Actual (mm) 33.500 11 Sep 2024 weekly 16 Jan 2008 - 11 Sep 2024 India Rainfall: South Peninsula: Deviation (%) 10.000 11 Sep 2024 weekly 16 Jan 2008 - 11 Sep 2024 India Rainfall: Central: Deviation (%) 59.000 11 Sep 2024 weekly 16 Jan 2008 - 11 Sep 2024 Rainfall: All India: Actual (mm) 50.900 11 Sep 2024 weekly 16 Jan 2008 - 11 Sep 2024 India Rainfall: North West: Normal (mm) 32.700 11 Sep 2024 weekly 16 Jan 2008 - 11 Sep 2024 India Exports: Fish: Volume (Ton th) 1,735.286 2023 yearly 1981 - 2023 India Exports: Fish: Value (INR mn) 639,691.400 2023 yearly 1981 - 2023 India Commercial Banks: Scheduled: Credit (INR mn) 169,136,942.504 2024 yearly 1951 - 2024 India Commercial Banks: Scheduled: Deposits (INR mn) 212,533,580.681 2024 yearly 1951 - 2024 India Commercial Banks: Financial Ratio: Investment Deposit (%) 29.200 2015 yearly 1969 - 2015 India Commercial Banks: Financial Ratio: Cash Deposit (%) 5.600 2015 yearly 1969 - 2015 India Commercial Banks: Financial Ratio: Credit Deposit (%) 79.600 2024 yearly 1969 - 2024 Reserve Bank of India: Gold Coin and Bullion (INR mn) 5,118,180.000 23 Aug 2024 daily 18 Oct 1996 - 23 Aug 2024 Reserve Bank of India: Total Liabilities or Assets (INR mn) 70,913,050.000 23 Aug 2024 daily 18 Oct 1996 - 23 Aug 2024 Reserve Bank of India: Loans and Advances: Central Government (INR mn) 0.000 23 Aug 2024 daily 21 Mar 1997 - 23 Aug 2024 Reserve Bank of India: Notes Issued (INR mn) 34,786,500.000 23 Aug 2024 daily 18 Oct 1996 - 23 Aug 2024 Reserve Bank of India: Notes Issued: Notes in Circulation (INR mn) 34,786,350.000 23 Aug 2024 daily 18 Oct 1996 - 23 Aug 2024 Reserve Bank of India: Loans and Advances: State Government (INR mn) 268,020.000 23 Aug 2024 daily 28 Mar 1997 - 23 Aug 2024 Reserve Bank of India: Loans and Advances: Scheduled Commercial Banks (INR mn) 67,080.000 23 Aug 2024 daily 18 Oct 1996 - 23 Aug 2024 Reserve Bank of India: Foreign Currency Assets (INR mn) 50,510,910.000 23 Aug 2024 daily 18 Oct 1996 - 23 Aug 2024 Reserve Bank of India: Investments (INR mn) 20,640.000 23 Aug 2024 daily 18 Oct 1996 - 23 Aug 2024 India Scheduled Commercial Banks: Non Performing Assets: Net (INR mn) 1,353,331.242 2023 yearly 1997 - 2023 India Scheduled Commercial Banks: Non Performing Assets: Private Sector Banks: N... (INR mn) 295,071.901 2023 yearly 1999 - 2023 India Scheduled Commercial Banks: Liabilities: Banking System: Demand and Time D... (% pa mn) 2,914,093.100 09 Aug 2024 daily 11 Oct 1996 - 09 Aug 2024 India Scheduled Commercial Banks: Assets: Banking System: Others (INR mn) 1,230,936.800 09 Aug 2024 daily 11 Oct 1996 - 09 Aug 2024 Reserve Bank of India: Other Assets (INR mn) 114,170.000 23 Aug 2024 daily 18 Oct 1996 - 23 Aug 2024 Reserve Bank of India: Rupee Securities including Treasury Bills (INR mn) 13,162,590.000 23 Aug 2024 daily 18 Oct 1996 - 23 Aug 2024 India Scheduled Commercial Banks: Balances with Reserve Bank (INR mn) 9,710,519.400 09 Aug 2024 daily 11 Oct 1996 - 09 Aug 2024 India Scheduled Commercial Banks: Financial Ratio: Credit, Investment-Deposit (%) 108.850 2023 yearly 2000 - 2023 India Scheduled Commercial Banks: Liabilities: Banking System: Borrowings from B... (INR mn) 1,308,938.300 09 Aug 2024 daily 11 Oct 1996 - 09 Aug 2024 India Scheduled Commercial Banks: Non Performing Assets: Public Sector Banks: Gr... (INR mn) 4,281,973.700 2023 yearly 2004 - 2023 India Scheduled Commercial Banks: Gross Advances (INR mn) 147,618,378.300 2023 yearly 2004 - 2023 India Scheduled Commercial Banks: Investment (INR mn) 63,273,629.900 09 Aug 2024 daily 11 Oct 1996 - 09 Aug 2024 India Scheduled Commercial Banks: Cost of Funds (%) 4.050 2023 yearly 2000 - 2023 India Scheduled Commercial Banks: Financial Ratio: Term Loan-Total Advances (%) 62.100 2023 yearly 2000 - 2023 India Scheduled Commercial Banks: Financial Ratio: Net interest Income-Total Ase... (%) 3.220 2023 yearly 2000 - 2023 India Scheduled Commercial Banks: Financial Ratio: Operating Profits-Total Aseet... (%) 2.210 2023 yearly 2000 - 2023 India Scheduled Commercial Banks: Cash-Deposit Ratio (INR mn) 4.970 09 Aug 2024 daily 11 Oct 1996 - 09 Aug 2024 India Scheduled Commercial Banks: Financial Ratio: Wage Bills-Total Expenses (%) 17.910 2023 yearly 2000 - 2023 India Scheduled Commercial Banks: Net Interest Income (INR mn) 7,396,206.869 2023 yearly 1990 - 2023
India Domestic Credit, 1999 – 2024 (2024)
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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.