Income Report January 2016 (4th Month Blogging) - Passive Income Wise (2024)


Income Report January 2016 (4th Month Blogging) - Passive Income Wise (1)Welcome to my monthly income report for January2016!

Since October 2015, every month I publish a detailed report with all the accounts for my online businesses. On them I include the earnings and expenses, I tell a little bit about my personal experience and what new things I have been trying during this period of time.

I explain as well what my future targets are and if the previous ones have been achieved or not. Why doing this?

  1. It helps me to keep track of my personal finances.In any moment of time, I can look back at my reports and see what steps and results I got from determined strategies, like a log book.
  2. Increase trusting.I also want to show you that I am a real person starting from the first step. There are many amazing bloggers out there reporting their incomes of thousands of dollars, but I found very little bloggers reporting low amounts of money like me. I think this can help to starters and to people who are not decided yet to start their own online business.
  3. Motivation. Writing here my results will put me on that kind of uncomfortable position in which I need to demonstrate that I can go one step further instead of getting lazy and rely on excuses. My finances are open to everybody!

All earnings here reported are coming from Passive Income sources. I am not including any kind of outsourcing because the intention is you show you how far I can go with only passive income sources.

This is my fourthmonth reporting my accounts and I’m liking it a lot despite the little time I’ve been spending due to some personal stuff.I love blogging!

You can have a look to my previous monthly income reports:

  • Income Report October 2015: $75.91
  • Income Report November 2015: $117.61
  • Income Report December 2015: $161.53


For the purposes of this section I will include the posts/pages created for each of my Niche Sites and then for the PIW blog:

Niche Site 1

I’ve published 6new posts, oneof them with more than 6,000 words and the others between 1,000 and 2,000. I’m focusing in quality content. The truth is that 3 of these posts have been written by participants voluntary, people passionate about my Niche that want some exposure and I happilyaccepted. Two of them are doing wellwith 325and 144 visits from organic traffic. Ouh yeah! I just realised that the higher the Domain Authority of your website the sooner Google will index your new posts in high ranks.

I created a new content strategy for NS1 which requires a lot of work but that hopefully will multiply my traffic x3. For it I need to create new content and optimize the SEO of almost 400 already created posts. That’s why this month I put a lot of energy in my NS1 and Ialready updated around 200 posts out of 400. These updates are giving more value to the content and include some long tail keywords which will help to rank higher. For February I need to keep working on it since still there is a lot of work to do.

Nothing else, in particular, a little bit of maintenance here, some comments reply there… and that’s it! A total of around 35hours spent on my Niche Site 1.

Passive Income Wise

Here is the list the posts and pages included during this time so you can have a look at what I’ve been working on this month

  • Passive Income Report December 2015
  • 10 Tips to Save Money and Increase Your Savings in a 30%
  • How Did I Save $179.67 in My Car Insurance
  • The Ultimate Guide to Smart Link Building (respecting the Penguin). This last one it’s a very interesting tutorial (updated for 2016) about how to do proper backlinking and improve your SEO.

This month I have written two“saving” posts. With them, I intend to help people saving money because life is not only a matter of earning more but saving too. That’s why I created the “Save Money” page on the blog.


Google Adsense (from niche site 1): $135.07

  • Previous Month: $152.07
  • Difference: –$17.00

Monumetric Ads (from niche site 1): $84.37 Start with Monumetric for free if you have more than 80k pageviews

  • Previous Month: Not included
  • Difference: +$84.37

YouTube (from niche site 1): $1.28

  • Previous month: $2.04
  • Difference: –$0.76

Amazon Affiliate Program: $0.00

  • Previous month: $2.52
  • Difference: – $2.52

ShareASale Affiliate Program: $6.66 Click here to read my post aboutShareASale

  • Previous Month: $4.90
  • Difference: +$1.76

AdWorkMedia CPA Affiliate Program: $0.95 Click here to register for free withAdWorkMedia

  • Previous Month:No available
  • Difference: +$0.95

Bluehost: $0.00 <How to start a blog with WordPress and Bluehost

  • Previous Month: $0.00
  • Difference: + $0.00

Another month with zero earnings from Bluehost. Hopefully one day I will get anything from it because it’s a really good service to promote and for somebody trying to start it would be an amazing purchase.


This month I needed to upgrade the hosting for my Niche Site 1. Before I was using a shared hosting with a limitation of 150 GB of transfer data, now I have my own VPS in where I have up to 5,000 GB and host a unlimited number of domains.A total of$70.00.

The initial investment for the hosting and domain name (for PIW) was done in Octoberand this one is already running for free.

Net Total Balance: $228.33

  • Previous month: $161.53
  • Difference: + $66.80 (+ 41.3%)

Januaryhas been the best month so far since I started in October 2015. The amazing here is the addition of The Blogger Network as an advertising network for my Niche Site 1; $84.37 for a month where the ads started displaying the 20th of January, so in only 11 days I can see is a bigsuccess and will be my great ally for the next month for sure. As a consequence, Adsense earnings decreased a little bit because now it’s sharing ad blockswith The Blogger Network.I display TBN ads in the header and sidebar, and Adsense blocks inside the content. They fit really nicely both together but I have some suspects that if I only display TBN ads my earnings will increase.

Anyway, I will let both running together for one whole month and then start experimenting to see the performance of each one.

This is my fourthmonth reporting my accounts and is going up and up.Obviously, it’s nothing to compare with other famous bloggers (which you can find in my Favourite Bloggers Income Reports), but for a starter like me, it’s considered an important milestone. I am above the $200and this is starting to be very exciting.


Since last month I decided that I’m going to report only the most important metrics for each of my websites because before I was reporting pretty much everything and perhaps at some point, it was so much information. This month I add all the metrics and then a small comment by the end.

Niche Site 1

In JanuaryI wrote 6 new posts and I updated around 200 posts. However, the results from those 200 updates will take some time to see. Almost not social media promotion and I didn’t work in backlinks. This website is working now on auto pilot.

Income Report January 2016 (4th Month Blogging) - Passive Income Wise (3)

Page views: 299,810(+36,042compared to December2015)

Average Session Duration: 2min 41secs (2min 38secs on December2015)

Number of new people visiting the site: 58,816 (+6,830compared to December2015)

Income Report January 2016 (4th Month Blogging) - Passive Income Wise (4)

A total of 92,447visits is coming from organic search, 99% of them from Google. In fact, organic traffic has always been the real target. Three months ago the organic traffic was only a third of what has been in January, this is crazy!

The reason why I have this large amount of Organic Traffic is because since the beginning I started using a very powerful tool: Long Tail Pro. This tool allowed me to find keywords with low competition and high search volume. 90% of the traffic is coming from long tail keywords which are the ones I obtained from Long Tail Pro. You can try it out, they offer a 10 days free trial, time enough to do proper research before starting a website. In my case, I use it almost every day each time a write a new piece of content.

Niche Site 1 is a gold mine and I need to keep working on it. The goal is to increase this amount x3 by the end of 2016, will it be possible?

Google Adsense Metrics

I would really like to share more data from my Adsense account but since the politics of Adsense are very restrictive I will post the maximum I can.

  • Cost per Click (CPC): $0.21
  • Clicks: 668 with a total of 693k ads impressions
  • Page RPM: $0.66

Now you will wonder why this low CPC and RPM. The explanation here: Niche Site 1 is in a niche that is not lucrative, however as you can see it is easy to get a high volume of traffic. When I first created Niche Site 1 the idea wasn’t making money out of it but with the time I realised the potentiality of creating a small business with it.

Join my email list for free to receive more content and guides about Google Adsense metrics and how to increase your CPC.

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Passive Income Wise

PIW has increased the traffic compared with last month. Traffic is more stable as well and every day I received a minimum of 30 visits. Since the beginning of the month, I have been working actively in a marketing forum (Warrior Forum) and I have received some visits from there too.

Income Report January 2016 (4th Month Blogging) - Passive Income Wise (5)

Page views: 3,376 (+983compared to December2015)

Average Session Duration: 1min 56secs (2min 11secs on December2015)

Number of new people visiting the site: 1,358 (+353compared to December2015)

Income Report January 2016 (4th Month Blogging) - Passive Income Wise (6)

Interesting numbers. Referrals and Organic continue increasing compared with December. This is because I created My own personal list of Favourite Bloggers and their Income Reports. What I did is to send comments to those bloggers added to the list telling them that they are part of it. Some visits from organic search meaning that Google has already indexed Passive Income Wise. That’s good stuff!

Income Report January 2016 (4th Month Blogging) - Passive Income Wise (7)

With almost double visits than the second one, the Favourite Bloggers page is the most popular in the entire blog. As every month, the previous income report is always one of the most visited too, it seems people like to read them. Other of the popular post has been The Marvelous 17 Steps to Start a Blog with Bluehost, apparently, there is a big demand in online tutorials and people learn by reading them.


In December I started this new section and I will be keeping this month too. It includes the global and general stats of my Passive Income Wise blog. These indicators are SEO metrics which will help me to know “more or less” how the website is growing at the time.

Income Report January 2016 (4th Month Blogging) - Passive Income Wise (8)

I am very surprised of the growth in terms of SEO. With a total of 432 backlinks and Domain Authority of 12, I am sure that February will have much more organic traffic. After all, SEO is about numbers. I am quite happy with these metrics because out of the 432 backlinks I only created less than half of them, so the other half is coming from people sharing my content =)

To check the number of backlinks and where they are coming from I useMozor Ahrefs, however, Semrushoffers a really good service too.

If you want to learn about how to do proper backlink and increase your SEO as I did, you should read The Ultimate Guide to Smart Link Building (respecting Google Penguin). All my strategies are reported there and you can follow them step by step and obtain similar results than me or even better.


Since last month I only report social media related with PIW.

Facebook.Support Passive Income Wise Liking us on Facebookor with a Friend Request.

  • Likes Page: 161 (+94 New Likes)
  • Friends: 1,430 (+1,191 New Friends)

Twitter.If you don’t want to miss any of my new tweets followPassive Income Wise on Twitter

  • Followers: 1,040(+214 New Followers)

Pinterest. Check out my new Pins by following Passive Income Wise on Pinterest

  • Followers: 506 (+506 New Followers)

Email List.

  • Subscriptions: 48(+34 New Subscriptions)

To join my email list write your email address below:

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In January I joined Pinterest as I read that many bloggers drive a lot of traffic from there. So, why not? Let’s give it a try.

Last month I was worried about email subscriptions. What I did this month is to add an Opt-in at the beginning of every post and giving for free a guide about How to Create the Right Niche in 3 Steps. If you don’t have it yet, perhaps it’s time to think about subscribing. For the Opt-in I use this plugin, PopupAlly,very easy to implement.


  • Earn $150from Google Adsense (Keep the same amount than last month)COMPLETED
  • Create 5 to 10 newposts for Passive Income Wise. ALMOST
  • Update content in Niche Site 1 and create at least 10 new posts. ALMOST
  • Double the traffic in Passive Income Wise.FAIL

This month I spent most of my time changing the SEO in Niche Site 1 and therefore I couldn’t complete most of my targets. Still, I’m happy because I did so many other productive things. Perhaps I’ve been a little bit greedy in thinking about doubling the traffic, I don’t know.


As a future work for December2015 the followings are my targets:

  • Earn $300 from Advertisem*nt Networks
  • Create 5 to 10 newposts for Passive Income Wise.
  • Update the remaining 200 posts in content in Niche Site 1.
  • Create at least 10 new posts for Niche Site 1.
  • Double the traffic in Passive Income Wise.
  • Create an “in depth” guide about how to use Long Tail Proand doing keyword research.

This month is going to be very challenging, my targets are very high and I will need to work hard towards them. Plus on top of that, I am finishing the second year of my Ph.D. and my company is asking for results and reports.

Did you like my JanuaryIncome Report?Are you interested in earning income online?

If you are thinking about starting your own blog, I createda tutorial-guide that will helpyou start your own blog for cheap, You need very little investment, starting at only $3.95 per month (this dealis only through my link) for blog hosting. Additionally, you will geta free blog domain (valued at $12-15) through myBluehost link, onlyif your purchase is for at least 12 months of blog hosting. My recommendation is for you to beself-hosted. This is importantif you want to monetize your blog because your website will look more professional.

Income Report January 2016 (4th Month Blogging) - Passive Income Wise (2024)
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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.