Impermanent Loss Explained | Binance Academy (2024)


If you’ve been involved with DeFi at all, you almost certainly heard this term thrown around. Impermanent loss happens when the price of your tokens changes compared to when you deposited them in the pool. The larger the change is, the bigger the loss.

Wait, so I can lose money by providing liquidity? And why is the loss impermanent? Well, it comes from an inherent design characteristic of a special kind of market called an automated market maker. Providing liquidity to a liquidity pool can be a profitable venture, but you’ll need to keep the concept of impermanent loss in mind.


DeFi protocols like Uniswap, SushiSwap, or PancakeSwap have seen an explosion of volume and liquidity. These liquidity protocols enable essentially anyone with funds to become a market maker and earn trading fees. Democratizing market making has enabled a lot of frictionless economic activity in the crypto space.

So, what do you need to know if you want to provide liquidity for these platforms? In this article, we’ll discuss one of the most important concepts – impermanent loss.

What is impermanent loss?

Impermanent loss happens when you provide liquidity to a liquidity pool, and the price of your deposited assets changes compared to when you deposited them. The bigger this change is, the more you are exposed to impermanent loss. In this case, the loss means less dollar value at the time of withdrawal than at the time of deposit.

Pools that contain assets that remain in a relatively small price range will be less exposed to impermanent loss. Stablecoins or different wrapped versions of a coin, for example, will stay in a relatively contained price range. In this case, there’s a smaller risk of impermanent loss for liquidity providers (LPs).

So why do liquidity providers still provide liquidity if they’re exposed to potential losses? Well, impermanent loss can still be counteracted by trading fees. In fact, even pools on Uniswap that are quite exposed to impermanent loss can be profitable thanks to the trading fees.

Uniswap charges 0.3% on every trade that directly goes to liquidity providers. If there’s a lot of trading volume happening in a given pool, it can be profitable to provide liquidity even if the pool is heavily exposed to impermanent loss. This, however, depends on the protocol, the specific pool, the deposited assets, and even wider market conditions.

How does impermanent loss happen?

Let’s go through an example of how impermanent loss may look like for a liquidity provider.

Alice deposits 1 ETH and 100 DAI in a liquidity pool. In this particular automated market maker (AMM), the deposited token pair needs to be of equivalent value. This means that the price of ETH is 100 DAI at the time of deposit. This also means that the dollar value of Alice’s deposit is 200 USD at the time of deposit.

In addition, there’s a total of 10 ETH and 1,000 DAI in the pool – funded by other LPs just like Alice. So, Alice has a 10% share of the pool, and the total liquidity is 10,000.

Let’s say that the price of ETH increases to 400 DAI. While this is happening, arbitrage traders will add DAI to the pool and remove ETH from it until the ratio reflects the current price. Remember, AMMs don’t have order books. What determines the price of the assets in the pool is the ratio between them in the pool. While liquidity remains constant in the pool (10,000), the ratio of the assets in it changes.

If ETH is now 400 DAI, the ratio between how much ETH and how much DAI is in the pool has changed. There is now 5 ETH and 2,000 DAI in the pool, thanks to the work of arbitrage traders.

So, Alice decides to withdraw her funds. As we know from earlier, she’s entitled to a 10% share of the pool. As a result, she can withdraw 0.5 ETH and 200 DAI, totaling 400 USD. She made some nice profits since her deposit of tokens worth 200 USD, right? But wait, what would have happened if she simply holds her 1 ETH and 100 DAI? The combined dollar value of these holdings would be 500 USD now.

We can see that Alice would have been better off by HODLing rather than depositing into the liquidity pool. This is what we call impermanent loss. In this case, Alice’s loss wasn’t that substantial as the initial deposit was a relatively small amount. Keep in mind, however, that impermanent loss can lead to big losses (including a significant portion of the initial deposit).

With that said, Alice’s example completely disregards the trading fees she would have earned for providing liquidity. In many cases, the fees earned would negate the losses and make providing liquidity profitable nevertheless. Even so, it’s crucial to understand impermanent loss before providing liquidity to a DeFi protocol.

Impermanent loss estimation

So, impermanent loss happens when the price of the assets in the pool changes. But how much is it exactly? We can plot this on a graph. Note that it doesn’t account for fees earned for providing liquidity.

Impermanent Loss Explained | Binance Academy (1)

Here’s a summary of what the graph is telling us about losses compared to HODLing:

  • 1.25x price change = 0.6% loss

  • 1.50x price change = 2.0% loss

  • 1.75x price change = 3.8% loss

  • 2x price change = 5.7% loss

  • 3x price change = 13.4% loss

  • 4x price change = 20.0% loss

  • 5x price change = 25.5% loss

There’s something important you also need to understand. Impermanent loss happens no matter which direction the price changes. The only thing impermanent loss cares about is the price ratio relative to the time of deposit. If you’d like to get an advanced explanation for this, check out pintail’s article.

The risks of providing liquidity to an AMM

Frankly, impermanent loss isn’t a great name. It’s called impermanent loss because the losses only become realized once you withdraw your coins from the liquidity pool. At that point, however, the losses very much become permanent. The fees you earn may be able to compensate for those losses, but it’s still a slightly misleading name.

Be extra careful when you deposit your funds into an AMM. As we’ve discussed, some liquidity pools are much more exposed to impermanent loss than others. As a simple rule, the more volatile the assets are in the pool, the more likely it is that you can be exposed to impermanent loss. It can also be better to start by depositing a small amount. That way, you can get a rough estimation of what returns you can expect before committing a more significant amount.

One last point is to look for more tried and tested AMMs. DeFi makes it quite easy for anyone to fork an existing AMM and add some small changes. This, however, may expose you to bugs, potentially leaving your funds stuck in the AMM forever. If a liquidity pool promises unusually high returns, there is probably a tradeoff somewhere, and the associated risks are likely also higher.

Closing thoughts

Impermanent loss is one of the fundamental concepts that anyone who wants to provide liquidity to AMMs should understand. In short, if the price of the deposited assets changes since the deposit, the LP may be exposed to impermanent loss.

As an enthusiast deeply immersed in the world of decentralized finance (DeFi), I've actively engaged with various protocols, including Uniswap, SushiSwap, and PancakeSwap. My firsthand experience extends to providing liquidity in these platforms, and I've navigated the intricacies of impermanent loss, a critical concept in the realm of automated market makers (AMMs).

Let's delve into the key concepts discussed in the article:

Impermanent Loss: The Basics

Impermanent loss occurs when you provide liquidity to a pool, and the price of your deposited assets changes compared to when you initially deposited them. The magnitude of this change determines the extent of the loss, and it's crucial for liquidity providers (LPs) to be aware of this phenomenon.

Market Making in DeFi

DeFi protocols have democratized market making, allowing individuals with funds to become LPs and earn trading fees. Despite the potential for impermanent loss, providing liquidity can be profitable, especially when offset by trading fees.

How Impermanent Loss Happens

The article provides a clear example of impermanent loss. In an AMM scenario, the ratio of assets in the pool changes as prices fluctuate. Arbitrage traders play a role in maintaining this ratio. The loss becomes apparent when a liquidity provider withdraws funds, realizing that the value is less than if they had simply held the assets.

Impermanent Loss Estimation

The article presents a graph illustrating impermanent loss at different price change scenarios. The loss is depicted as a percentage relative to the "HODLing" strategy, emphasizing that impermanent loss can occur regardless of the direction of price change.

  • 1.25x price change = 0.6% loss
  • 1.50x price change = 2.0% loss
  • 1.75x price change = 3.8% loss
  • 2x price change = 5.7% loss
  • 3x price change = 13.4% loss
  • 4x price change = 20.0% loss
  • 5x price change = 25.5% loss

Risks and Mitigations

The term "impermanent loss" might be slightly misleading since the losses only become realized upon withdrawal, at which point they become permanent. Despite this, trading fees can offset losses, making liquidity provision still potentially profitable. However, LPs should exercise caution, especially with more volatile assets, and consider starting with smaller deposits to gauge potential returns.

Closing Thoughts

Understanding impermanent loss is fundamental for anyone venturing into providing liquidity in AMMs. The article emphasizes the need for caution, suggesting LPs be wary of highly volatile pools and consider the reputation and stability of the chosen AMM. It's a comprehensive guide for individuals navigating the complexities of DeFi liquidity provision.

Impermanent Loss Explained | Binance Academy (2024)


Impermanent Loss Explained | Binance Academy? ›

Impermanent loss happens when the price of your tokens changes compared to when you deposited them in the pool. The larger the change is, the bigger the loss. Wait, so I can lose money by providing liquidity?

What is an impermanent loss for dummies? ›

Impermanent loss is better defined as an opportunity cost. Put simply, impermanent loss occurs when you provide liquidity to a given pool and the price of your assets in the pool changes. This is much easier to understand with an example.

What is impermanent loss Binance? ›

Impermanent loss can arise when there is a price discrepancy between the two assets a trader holds on a DEX, usually a cryptocurrency and a stablecoin (such as USDC). When the price of the cryptocurrency falls relative to the stablecoin, the trader can experience a loss due to the difference in prices.

Is impermanent loss worth it? ›

Despite the risk of impermanent loss, you can still determine whether a particular liquidity pool is profitable. If your yield returns are more significant than your impermanent loss, you will have higher returns than simply holding your assets.

What is il in crypto? ›

What Is Impermanent Loss? Impermanent loss is one of the risks involved when engaging with yield farming in a decentralised finance (DeFi) protocol. It occurs when there is a change in the token price of the deposited assets: The larger the difference, the more risk to loss is exposed.

What is an example of an impermanent loss? ›

For example, if the value of the assets in the pool decreases by 10%, but the value of the LP tokens only decreases by 5%, the user will have incurred a 5% impermanent loss. It indicates how much more the value of your assets would be if you just HODL instead of providing liquidity.

Why is impermanent loss bad? ›

Impermanent loss is the difference in value between retaining assets separately and supplying liquidity. The nature of DeFi's liquidity provision is inherently risky since LPs are exposed to the possibility of asset price divergence. If prices continue to diverge, temporary loss turns into permanent loss.

How do you solve impermanent loss? ›

The Basic Formula to Calculate Impermanent Loss

It is based on the change in price ratio (k) of the two assets in the liquidity pool. This formula provides a more direct calculation, where: k is the price ratio of the two assets after the price change, divided by the price ratio before the price change.

How do you recover from impermanent loss? ›

Impermanent loss is the potential loss that materializes when liquidity providers withdraw funds from a pool after a major price change of one or more of the pool's assets. The only way to recover from impermanent loss is to leave the funds in the pool until prices return to levels recorded at the time of deposit.

What is the solution to impermanent loss? ›

Choosing low correlation asset pairs for liquidity provision is a risk mitigation strategy gaining traction. Pairs with assets that have a lower degree of price correlation reduce the risk of impermanent loss.

Can you lose money with impermanent loss? ›

In the simplest terms, impermanent loss occurs when you deposit assets into a pool and suffer a loss when you withdraw them at a later date compared to just holding these assets throughout this period. As such, you don't actually have to lose money for impermanent loss to occur.

How long does impermanent loss last? ›

It is impermanent because the supply of tokens in the pool can return to a 1 BTC to 10 ETH ratio in the future. The loss becomes permanent once funds are withdrawn from the pool. But if a liquidity provider gains enough exposure, rewards from transaction fees can potentially make up for the impermanent loss.

Can impermanent loss reversed? ›

If the asset prices return to their original levels, the impermanent loss can be reversed. However, if the funds are withdrawn from the liquidity pool before the assets' prices return to their original levels, the impermanent loss becomes permanent.

How do you not lose money in liquidity pool? ›

Provide liquidity in pools that are not in a 50/50 ratio

Generally, liquidity pools offer a 50/50 ratio as they prioritize creating a balance pool and the chance of impermanent loss is higher with this ratio. This way the more volatile of the pair will be in a small ratio helping LP mitigate against IL.

What are the downsides of liquidity pool? ›

Depositing your cryptoassets into a liquidity pool comes with risks. The most common risks are from DApp developers, smart contracts, and market volatility. DApp developers could steal deposited assets or squander them. Smart contracts might have flaws or exploits that lock or allow funds to be stolen.

How can I make money in liquidity pools? ›

Liquidity pools pave a way for liquidity providers to earn interest on their digital assets. By locking their tokens into a smart contract, users can earn a portion of the fees that are generated from trading activity in the pool.

What is impermanent loss and how do you avoid it? ›

Impermanent Loss is the loss suffered by Liquidity Providers when the exchange rate between two tokens moves. Most Liquidity Pools are constituted by two token reserves of the same value. But when the exchange rate changes, the quantity of each token in the Liquidity Pools changes to maintain the Value Parity.

What is impermanent loss and what is the difference compared to permanent loss? ›

Impermanent loss occurs when the price of assets deposited in a liquidity pool changes from the time they were deposited. This creates a difference in value compared to holding them outside the pool. Basically, it's the potential loss you face in a liquidity pool due to volatility in asset prices.

What is the difference between divergent loss and impermanent loss? ›

Divergence loss is another term for impermanent loss. Since the value of your pooled assets diverge as a result of market volatility. You can either HODL (hold) your assets or deposit them in a liquidity pool (become an LP).

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