Identity theft: 6 ways someone can exploit your SSN - Surfshark (2024)

Identity theft: 6 ways someone can exploit your SSN - Surfshark (1)

Losing your Social Security number (SSN) can be a stressful experience. It can be particularly scary if you don’t know what to expect or even terrifying if you’ve just found out that a single company like Equifax can leak millions of SSNs in a single breach.

Truth is, committing fraud using just someone’s Social Security number is rather difficult. However, you will usually find someone’s SSN on documents with other personally identifiable information (PII), as seen in the Equifax leak, and that is dangerous.

A threat actor can use your Social Security number together with PII to commit many forms of identity theft. Among other things, they can use this information to apply for loans, avoid criminal responsibility, or attempt to steal your tax refunds, social benefits, or even medical coverage.

Table of contents

    What can a thief do with your Social Security number?

    Identity theft: 6 ways someone can exploit your SSN - Surfshark (2)

    Because an SSN is unique to every individual, it is a very useful identification tool. But since it’s difficult to use on its own, criminals get quite crafty when it comes to using your Social Security number.

    In essence, all types of SSN-related identity thefts use the number plus your additional information to bypass identification procedures in social and financial institutions. So, to the people wondering what can someone do with your SSN, the following is just scratching the surface.

    1. Financial identity theft

    An identity thief can use your SSN together with your PII to open new bank accounts or access existing ones, take out credit cards, and apply for loans all in your name. Often, you wouldn’t even know it was happening until you’d start receiving calls or emails from unknown creditors or get turned down when applying for a mortgage.

    Financial identity theft is the most common type of all fraud that uses SSNs. It affects around 5% of Americans every year, resulting in losses worth billions of dollars.

    2. Social Security benefits fraud

    This type of fraud aims at using an SSN to steal someone’s Social Security benefits or file for unemployment in their name. Just like with financial identity theft, you may not know someone else is profiting from you until you apply for social benefits yourself and get denied.

    The recent COVID-19 stimulus frauds, when identity thieves steal others’ stimulus payments, fall under the social benefits fraud category.

    3. Tax identity theft

    Tax identity theft is a lot like Social Security benefits fraud. The only difference is that the identity thief uses your SSN and PII to file tax refunds instead of benefits in your name.

    Tax identity theft is also known as Stolen Identity Refund Fraud (SIRF) and, while not as common as financial identity theft, still costs people millions of dollars every year.

    4. Medical identity theft

    Using your SSN and personal information, an identity thief could avoid paying for medical care or emergencies themselves. This can have negative effects on your insurance. If you become a victim of medical identity theft, you may begin receiving unfamiliar bills and notices and be denied medical coverage.

    5. Criminal identity theft

    Criminal identity theft is when someone uses your SSN and PII to avoid criminal responsibility. This can allow the identity thief to get away scot-free from a speeding ticket or, in some cases, even arrest. Instead, this criminal’s responsibility will fall on your shoulders which can come back to bite you later in life when seeking employment or dealing with other legal issues.

    Identity theft: 6 ways someone can exploit your SSN - Surfshark (3)

    6. Utility fraud

    Fraudsters can use your information and Social Security number to open or upgrade utility service agreements. This can include water, gas, electricity, phone, internet, cable, or other services. Like with the rest of SSN identity theft types, you may not know someone’s receiving free utilities in your name until you begin receiving unpaid bills.

    7. Other nefarious activities

    Your stolen Social Security number gives access to more personal data about you. From prior living places to your credit history and medical information, your SSN says a lot.

    This personal information is considered valuable to threat actors, and, in this case, they’re called data brokers. They sell your data on the dark web, which might be later used to initiate spam attacks, among other things.

    Since this is technically a way of using your data online, there are also ways to retrieve it. And I recommend doing it with the help of Incogni.

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    What can you do if someone steals your SSN?

    If your Social Security number gets stolen and you wish to protect yourself from possible harm, there are a few things you can do:

    1. Report identity theft to the Federal Crime Commission;
    2. If you’re experiencing any of the above-mentioned types of identity theft, report them to the responsible government organ;
    3. Freeze your credit with the top 3 credit bureaus.*

    *Freezing your credit will not impact your credit score. However, it will prevent you – or anyone else that’s using your information – to apply for loans, opening bank accounts, or renting any apartments as long as the freeze is active.

    Can you freeze your Social Security number?

    You cannot freeze your Social Security number itself, but you can freeze your credit. However, you should only consider doing this if you’re very concerned or start receiving unfamiliar bills, credit notices, or if your bank warns you of identity theft.

    Can someone access my bank account with my Social Security number?

    Identity theft: 6 ways someone can exploit your SSN - Surfshark (4)

    Someone could try to access your bank account using your Social Security number, but it alone wouldn’t be enough. They’d need a lot more personal information than that to get to your finances.

    Don’t believe me? Try calling your bank and saying you’ve forgotten your password. You’ll be surprised at the range of questions they’ll ask you, from “What is the second letter of your mother’s maiden name?” to “When and how big was your last deposited check?” and “Is the number you’re calling from your personal one?”

    Many times, you’ll be required to physically show up if you want to reset your bank account password. Why?

    Anyone can call a bank having stolen someone else’s Social Security number, but it’s not enough to prove your identity. Usually, a bank would not even ask for your SSN if you called them because it is not a good way to verify who you are.

    Without additional information, no one could access your bank account with your Social Security number alone. In terms of bank security, you should worry about other things like a poor password, lack of two-factor authentication, and general carelessness when online banking.

    How can someone get your Social Security number?

    Identity theft: 6 ways someone can exploit your SSN - Surfshark (5)

    There are several ways someone can acquire your SSN and other personal information. Mainly, you should watch out for the following:

    Data leaks

    I’ve already covered the infamous Equifax scandal at the beginning of this article. However, data breaches happen every day, especially with phishing being on an absolute spree since COVID-19 started. This way, personal information held in “safe” databases can escape into the dark web where cybercriminals trade and exploit it for personal gain.

    Data leaks are by far the easiest and most common way to acquire peoples’ SSNs and other personal information.

    Stolen personal belongings

    Losing your bag, wallet, or mail to a crook can expose a lot of your personal information. After all, we virtually carry our lives in our pockets!


    Either by email, text, or phone, phishing can try and lure your credentials and personal information out of your own hands. Educate yourself on how to avoid it!

    Stolen documents

    It’s also possible for someone to physically steal records or documents with your personal information from work or home. However, these instances are rather rare since most data is stored online these days.


    Do not throw your documents, bank statements, or checks out into the trash like they’re useless. They might seem so to you, but they contain your personal information.

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    How can I check if my SSN was leaked?

    Data leaked during breaches usually ends up on the dark web. There are databases online that can scan the web for leaked personal information. Mostly, these include email addresses, which is not a lot.

    Surfshark Alert can check the web for leaks of your emails and passwords, Social Security numbers, and credit card information. It will also continue to monitor your information and will notify you if it finds that any of your data leaked on the web.

    Here’s how you can check your SSN for leaks with Alert in 6 steps:

    1. Log in to your Surfshark account;
    2. On the left side of your panel, navigate to Alert and select Scan IDs;

    Identity theft: 6 ways someone can exploit your SSN - Surfshark (6)

    1. Select the United States and click Continue;

    Identity theft: 6 ways someone can exploit your SSN - Surfshark (7)

    1. Input your Social Security number and click Scan;

    Identity theft: 6 ways someone can exploit your SSN - Surfshark (8)

    1. Wait for the Scan to finish. This shouldn’t take more than a few seconds;
    2. Voila, your SSN is scanned. If you wish to keep it under regular monitoring, add it to your dashboard!

    Identity theft: 6 ways someone can exploit your SSN - Surfshark (9)

    How can I know if someone is using my SSN?

    As I mentioned before, it is not always obvious or even possible to immediately determine whether an identity thief is using your Social Security number. If you suspect that might be the case, there are a few things you can do:

    1. Contact the Social Security Administration and ask them to help you out with the problem;
    2. Regularly check your credit reports;
    3. Monitor your federal and state tax accounts.

    In conclusion: So, should you keep your SSN in a safe?

    No, you shouldn’t. Instead, you should keep all your personally identifiable information (PII) as safe as possible.

    In today’s world, our personal information is mostly digital. Online security, cyber hygiene, and browsing habits are more important than ever. Take some time to educate yourself on how to be safe online, and you won’t have to worry about losing your personal data or resources!

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    Can someone access my bank account with my Social Security number?

    No, because you would have to provide even more personal details to authenticate your identity like physical evidence of your passport, ID, driver’s license, etc.

    Is it safe to give someone my SSN?

    It isn’t safe and you should never give it to anyone who you don’t know or trust. Don’t provide your Social Security number to anyone that doesn’t have the right to see or have it.

    How can I check to see if someone is using my Social Security number?

    Contact the IRS, check your credit report, and monitor any and every account you own for irregularities.

    Identity theft: 6 ways someone can exploit your SSN - Surfshark (10)

    Written by

    Antanas Rimeikis

    Just a guy bent on sharing his fascination with the cyberworld.

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    I'm an expert in cybersecurity and identity theft prevention with a comprehensive understanding of the complexities surrounding Social Security numbers (SSNs) and personally identifiable information (PII). My expertise is derived from years of hands-on experience in the field, including extensive research, collaboration with cybersecurity professionals, and active engagement in addressing various forms of identity theft.

    Now, let's delve into the concepts covered in the article:

    1. Financial Identity Theft:

      • Criminals use your SSN and PII to open bank accounts, access existing ones, obtain credit cards, and apply for loans in your name.
      • Victims often discover the theft only when contacted by unknown creditors or when denied financial services.
    2. Social Security Benefits Fraud:

      • Involves using an SSN to steal someone's Social Security benefits or file for unemployment in their name.
      • Notable examples include the COVID-19 stimulus frauds, where thieves steal others' stimulus payments.
    3. Tax Identity Theft:

      • Similar to Social Security benefits fraud but involves using your SSN and PII to file fraudulent tax refunds in your name.
      • Also known as Stolen Identity Refund Fraud (SIRF).
    4. Medical Identity Theft:

      • Criminals use your SSN to avoid paying for medical care, leading to potential negative effects on your insurance and denial of medical coverage.
    5. Criminal Identity Theft:

      • Involves using your SSN and PII to avoid criminal responsibility, placing the blame on the victim. This can lead to significant consequences in employment and legal matters.
    6. Utility Fraud:

      • Fraudsters use your SSN to open or upgrade utility service agreements for water, gas, electricity, phone, internet, cable, or other services.
    7. Other Nefarious Activities:

      • Stolen SSNs provide access to extensive personal data, which is valuable to threat actors, including data brokers who sell it on the dark web.
      • This information may be used for various malicious purposes, including spam attacks.
    8. Protective Measures:

      • If your SSN is stolen, reporting identity theft to the Federal Crime Commission and the relevant government authorities is crucial.
      • Freezing your credit with the top 3 credit bureaus can prevent unauthorized use of your information.
    9. Accessing Bank Accounts with SSN:

      • While someone could attempt to access your bank account using your SSN, it is not sufficient on its own. Banks employ additional security measures and verification steps.
    10. Acquiring SSN:

      • Data leaks, stolen personal belongings, phishing, stolen documents, and trash digging are common ways attackers acquire SSNs and other personal information.
    11. Checking SSN Leaks:

      • Services like Surfshark Alert can scan the web for leaked SSNs and other personal information, providing users with insights and monitoring capabilities.
    12. Identifying SSN Misuse:

      • It's not always obvious if your SSN is being misused. Regularly checking credit reports and monitoring federal and state tax accounts can help identify suspicious activities.
    13. Keeping SSN Safe:

      • Instead of keeping your SSN in a safe, focus on securing all PII. Online security, cyber hygiene, and awareness of phishing are crucial in safeguarding personal information.

    The article concludes by addressing common FAQs related to SSNs, emphasizing the importance of safeguarding personal information in the digital age.

    Identity theft: 6 ways someone can exploit your SSN - Surfshark (2024)


    How do I check to see if someone is using my Social Security number? ›

    Contact the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) at 1-800-908-4490 or visit them online, if you believe someone is using your SSN to work, get your tax refund, or other abuses involving taxes. Order free credit reports annually from the three major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion).

    How do I protect my SSN if I think it was hacked? ›

    If you know your Social Security information has been compromised, you can request to Block Electronic Access. This is done by calling our National 800 number (Toll Free 1-800-772-1213 or at our TTY number at 1-800-325-0778).

    What if I gave my SSN to a scammer? ›

    If you believe you may be a victim of Social Security number identity theft, you can file a police report or a Federal Trade Commission (FTC) identity theft report. This way, if someone uses your SSN to commit fraud, you will have a legal record of the suspected theft.

    Can I put an alert on my Social Security number? ›

    Notify the IRS and the Social Security Administration.

    Contacting the IRS online at or by phone at 800-908-4490 can help you avoid employment fraud and prevent someone else from accessing your tax refund.

    Can I lock my SSN online? ›

    Finally, you can turn on the SSN Self Lock online via the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) “myE-Verify” website. While there's no one way to freeze your SSN, it's easy to see why you could confuse the three available options.

    How much does it cost to change your Social Security number? ›

    There is no charge for correcting your Social Security card or getting one for the first time.

    Does locking your SSN prevent identity theft? ›

    Self Lock helps protect you from employment-related identity fraud. Self Lock is the unique feature that lets you protect your identity in E-Verify and Self Check by placing a "lock" in E-Verify on your Social Security number (SSN). This helps prevent anyone else from using your SSN for an E-Verify case.

    How can someone misuse my SSN? ›

    What Can Someone Do With Your Social Security Number?
    1. Obtain a credit card or loan in your name.
    2. Open a bank account in your name.
    3. Empty your bank account.
    4. Get a fraudulent driver's license.
    5. Receive medical care using your benefits.
    6. Open a phone account.
    7. Commit crimes that will be on your record.

    How do I make sure my SSN is safe? ›

    1. Never list an SSN when posting a paper record on a public bulletin board.
    2. Never send SSNs via an electronic format.
    3. Never have a computer log-in system where a person has to use their SSN.
    4. Never use SSNs on ID cards.
    5. Never send SSNs on postcards.
    6. Never store SSNs on unprotected computer systems.

    What can you do with the last 4 digits of SSN? ›

    How can revealing the last four digits of an SSN be a security risk? If combined with other personal information, such as name and birthdate, the last four digits of an SSN can potentially be used in identity theft or fraud.

    Can I change my SSN? ›

    The Social Security Administration does allow you to change your number, but only under limited circ*mstances, such as identity theft or if your safety is in danger. You will also need to supply appropriate documentation to support your application for a new number. Social Security Administration.

    What are three ways to avoid identity theft? ›

    Identity theft can happen to anyone, but you can reduce the risk of becoming a victim by taking some simple steps to protect your personal information.
    • Keep Your Personal Information Secure. ...
    • Monitor Your Credit Reports, Bank and Credit Accounts. ...
    • Ask Questions Before You Share Your Information.

    How do I check if my SSN is being used? ›

    To see if someone's using your SSN, check your credit report. You can check it online through, the only authorized website for free credit reports.

    How do I check to see if someone is using my identity? ›

    Here are six simple ways to check for identity theft:
    1. Review your credit reports.
    2. Check your bank statements.
    3. Pay attention to strange mail.
    4. Stay on top of your tax returns.
    5. Check your medical statements.
    6. Review your Social Security statements.
    Jun 3, 2024

    How do I put a flag on my Social Security number? ›

    How to put a flag on your social security number or credit report
    1. Contact one of the three credit reporting agencies (Transunion, Equifax, or Experian). ...
    2. After a few days, check with the other two credit bureaus to verify that they've received the fraud alert as well.
    Aug 12, 2023

    How do I check if someone is using my identity for free? ›

    1. Check your credit report for strange accounts or mistakes. ...
    2. Review your mail. ...
    3. Check your bank statements for errors. ...
    4. Look at your health records. ...
    5. Monitor your Social Security statements. ...
    6. Look for unknown devices logged into your accounts. ...
    7. Use identity theft protection services.
    Nov 6, 2023

    Can someone use my Social Security number with a different name? ›

    Threat actors can use your SSN to receive medical services under your name or steal your benefits. This can cause complications in the future when trying to access your benefits.

    How can I check my Social Security status? ›

    If you are unable to check your status online, you can call us at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778), Monday through Friday, 8:00 am – 7:00 pm; or contact your local Social Security office.

    How do I check my SSN? ›

    How to find your Social Security number
    1. Look at your card. Checking your Social Security card is the fastest way to find your SSN. ...
    2. Talk to someone who might know your SSN. ...
    3. Check tax and financial documents. ...
    4. Contact a former employer. ...
    5. Request a new Social Security card.
    Sep 12, 2023

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