I Talked To A Financial Planner About What You Can Do In Your 20s To Save For Future You (2024)

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According to 2018 data from the National Institute on Retirement Security (NIRS), two-thirds of millennials had nothing saved for retirement. And no, it's not because we spent too much on lattes or avocado toast. It's because we (and Gen Z) are burdened with loads of student debt and wages that aren't really keeping up with inflation. Oh, and those piddly little expenses necessary to our survival — like rent, food, gas, and other bills — that keep going up. At the same time, when you're young, you have the most finite resource of them all on your side: time. If you can afford to start socking even just a little cash away for your retirement and other long-term goals now, you can tap into the magic of compound interest. You can think of it as a Katamari ball of sorts. As you push the ball along, it collects more objects along the way, and gets larger and larger. So how exactly can you save for Future You when money is tight? For some pointers, I spoke to Faron Daugs, a certified financial planner and founder and CEO of the Harrison Wallace Financial Group, on how to start saving up for long-term goals like investing for retirement when you’re in your 20s. Here's what he had to say: 1. First, it’s important to know what you’re getting into. So before you start, do some research on investing and get familiar with how things work. 2. You’ll want to start small, and save early and consistently. A tax-advantaged retirement account — think a 401(k), a 403(b), or an IRA — can be a great place to start. 3. When you’re saving for Future You, it’s important to understand the connection between risk and reward. When you invest in high-risk assets like stocks, you usually have a greater potential for gains. 4. If you’re pretty new to investing, Daugs recommends a diversified portfolio to start. 5. And as your investment funds grow over time, you might want to carve out a small portion of your portfolio to invest in specific sections, says Daugs. 6. This might go without saying, but don't ignore your student debt. 7. At least once a year, do an annual check-in and assess your entire financial picture. 8. To make sure you’re on the right path, consider working with a professional, such as a financial coach or counselor. 9. Last, you’ll want to have a cash reserve set aside for both emergencies and opportunities. The golden rule is to aim for three to six months of your living expenses. Finally, Daugs says, "Don’t wait to save too late — it’s more difficult to catch up in later years if you did not start your savings plan early." FAQs

    It'll take less money in your younger years to build your nest egg than if you wait until later.

    by Jackie LamBuzzFeed Contributor

    According to 2018 data from the National Institute on Retirement Security (NIRS), two-thirds of millennials had nothing saved for retirement. And no, it's not because we spent too much on lattes or avocado toast. It's because we (and Gen Z) are burdened with loads of student debt and wages that aren't really keeping up with inflation. Oh, and those piddly little expenses necessary to our survival — like rent, food, gas, and other bills — that keep going up.

    21st Century Fox / Via giphy.com

    The undeniable squeeze with being young and wanting to save is that after all your living expenses, debt, and other money obligations are tended to, you might not have that much spare change to play around with.

    At the same time, when you're young, you have the most finite resource of them all on your side: time. If you can afford to start socking even just a little cash away for your retirement and other long-term goals now, you can tap into the magic of compound interest.

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    What’s compound interest, you ask? In short, it’s when the money you put into a retirement plan or investment account earns interest. And over time, you earn money on not just what you initially put in, but on the interest you earned too. As years go by, that chunk of money in your investments can grow big time.

    You can think of it as a Katamari ball of sorts. As you push the ball along, it collects more objects along the way, and gets larger and larger. So how exactly can you save for Future You when money is tight?

    For some pointers, I spoke to Faron Daugs, a certified financial planner and founder and CEO of the Harrison Wallace Financial Group, on how to start saving up for long-term goals like investing for retirement when you’re in your 20s. Here's what he had to say:

    1. First, it’s important to know what you’re getting into. So before you start, do some research on investing and get familiar with how things work.

    I Talked To A Financial Planner About What You Can Do In Your 20s To Save For Future You (2)

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    “Know what you are really investing in,” Daugs says. “Buy the things [stocks] that you use; buy the things that you see other people using and where there is high demand.” And luckily, there are tons of great books, podcasts, and websites that can help you get your head around investing.

    I like sites and resources by

    Amanda Holden


    The College Investor

    , and podcasts like Investing Insights from Morningstar, and Money for the Rest of Us. You can also check out our roundup of podcasts, books, and online courses we love to help you understand how the stock market works.

    2. You’ll want to start small, and save early and consistently. A tax-advantaged retirement account — think a 401(k), a 403(b), or an IRA — can be a great place to start.

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    As the term implies, you can reap some tax breaks by contributing to these accounts. Since you have nothing but time on your side, start squirreling some money away every month into a 401(k) or IRA, even if you can only spare $10. If you’re self-employed, you can also look into anSEP IRA or a Solo 401(k).

    “Once you have that money invested in a new asset, and you’re not to see it in your checking account, you won’t miss it,” says Daugs. “You’ll be paying yourself first.” Along with saving small, aim to be consistent. “As the cash flow increases, increase your retirement funding as well,” says Daugs.

    If you're already diligently socking away small amounts of money into a retirement plan, see if you can go about saving in a methodical fashion into a separate investment account, says Daugs. If you can swing it, ideally have those contributions come straight out of your checking or savings accounts on the regular.

    3. When you’re saving for Future You, it’s important to understand the connection between risk and reward. When you invest in high-risk assets like stocks, you usually have a greater potential for gains.

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    To know if you can stomach that risk, you’ll want to gauge your comfort level with the possibility that you could lose a significant chunk of your money. However, over time historically your money will most likely grow. And as mentioned before, you have gobs of time on your side.

    “Understand the investment risks,” says Daugs. “But ideally, since you have a long-time horizon for your retirement plan, consider a higher percentage in stock investments to achieve potentially higher returns."

    Why's that? Well, if you're young, you'll have more time to weather the ups and downs of the stock market (there will inevitably be awesome periods and not-so-awesome periods). In turn, you'll be able to recover from any crummy periods, and possibly earn more money from investing.

    Plus, as Daugs points out: The power of compounding is impressive, and it will take less money in your younger years to build your nest egg than if you wait until later.

    4. If you’re pretty new to investing, Daugs recommends a diversified portfolio to start.

    I Talked To A Financial Planner About What You Can Do In Your 20s To Save For Future You (3)

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    In other words, instead of picking individual stocks, which can be quite risky, check out ETFs or mutual funds. “This allows you to have access to many different stocks, bonds, and securities with one investment,” says Daugs. “And it helps diversify your overall risk.”

    If you’re not sure what to choose, you can also look into target date funds. In general, these types of investments help you manage risk. Let’s say you want to retire in 40 years. A target-date fund will have higher-risk, higher-gain investments (i.e., stocks) when you’re younger. Then, as you near your retirement age or target date, it gets more conservative (i.e., more bonds) and reduces your risk.

    5. And as your investment funds grow over time, you might want to carve out a small portion of your portfolio to invest in specific sections, says Daugs.

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    Or maybe you can handpick a few individual stocks you have strong feelings about and where you have more time to invest in.If you won’t need this money for at least five years, consider more stock-focused investments, recommends Daugs.

    “That said, always maintain a solid [aka larger percentage] of core investments that you plan to hold onto for a prolonged period of time,” says Daugs. “This strategy allows you to participate in some of the new and upcoming industries, while still participating in the overall movement of the market.”

    6. This might go without saying, but don't ignore your student debt.

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    Missing payments will ding your credit score, which in turn can affect your future opportunities when it comes time to finance, say, a car or home, or to tap into financing for some other need. "Make sure you understand the exact terms of your student loan, and if you have more than one, consider doing a consolidated student loan," says Daugs.

    This can certainly be easier said than done. But aim to keep your student debt top of mind, and know your options with both federal and private student loan debt. Federal loans have more repayment options and protections than ones through private lenders.

    Just an FYI: Federal student loan payments will restart in February 2022, so if your loans have been paused, this is a good time to plan how you'll start making payments again when the time comes.

    7. At least once a year, do an annual check-in and assess your entire financial picture.

    I Talked To A Financial Planner About What You Can Do In Your 20s To Save For Future You (4)

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    We’re talking checking on your savings, how much you have in retirement, all of your debt (i.e., student loans, car loans, credit card balances), as well as your monthly budget and income. Go through your accounts carefully, and make sure nothing gets left off.

    Next, it’s vision board time. Think about what you’d like to achieve in the next few years. How much money would you need to get there? And by when?

    “Even if you are just starting out, it’s good to have a goal or plan in place for your savings and protection needs,” says Daugs. This means reviewing your employer benefits to be sure you are maximizing all that is being offered. “You’ll also want to monitor your savings and investments,” says Daugs. “That way, you understand what you own in your investments, and that it aligns with your goals and risk tolerance.”

    8. To make sure you’re on the right path, consider working with a professional, such as a financial coach or counselor.

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    Your workplace might also offer free money coaching sessions through its employee assistance program (EAP).

    Or you can also work with a financial advisor. If you do, make sure they’re fee-only and a fiduciary. A fiduciary means that they always make recommendations based on your best interests. Check out the XY Planning Network, and do a search for someone who might be a good fit for your needs that you vibe with.

    9. Last, you’ll want to have a cash reserve set aside for both emergencies and opportunities. The golden rule is to aim for three to six months of your living expenses.

    I Talked To A Financial Planner About What You Can Do In Your 20s To Save For Future You (5)

    Natnan Srisuwan / Getty Images

    What does this have to do with investing? Well, having a cash reserve will protect all the amazing headway you’ve worked so hard on making. Without a financial cushion, your investments and other savings could feel like a fragile house of cards.

    “Starting a ‘rainy day’ fund or ‘cash reserve,’ as I call it, is essential to prevent the need to incur potential credit card or loan debt in the event of an emergency or loss of job,” says Daugs.

    Finally, Daugs says, "Don’t wait to save too late — it’s more difficult to catch up in later years if you did not start your savings plan early."

    “By starting early in an IRA and taking advantage of matching contributions [with an employer-sponsored plan], you allow for the power of compounding to help you build and grow your savings.”

    I Talked To A Financial Planner About What You Can Do In Your 20s To Save For Future You (2024)


    What should you start saving for in your 20s? ›

    Making smart financial choices in your 20s can help set you up for long-term success. That includes creating a plan to pay off student loans, avoiding credit card debt, building an emergency fund and working toward hitting bigger goals, like having enough money for a down payment on a house.

    Should you see a financial advisor in your 20s? ›

    Financial advisors provide a comprehensive perspective of your financial situation and assist you in making informed decisions to attain your financial objectives. While not often considered by young adults, financial planning's importance for those in their 20s can't be overstated.

    How to get ahead financially in your 20s? ›

    To that end, here are nine things everyone in their 20s should be doing to set themselves up financially.
    1. Map Out Your Goals. ...
    2. Build An Emergency Fund. ...
    3. Budget. ...
    4. Think Through Major Purchases. ...
    5. Advance Your Career. ...
    6. Use Tax Advantages. ...
    7. Be Properly Insured. ...
    8. Take Breaks.
    Apr 26, 2024

    Which of the following is a financial strategy usually recommended for people in their 20s? ›

    Pay down debt.

    Most often, it's in the form of student loans or a credit card balance. Look for places you can reduce spending. Then reroute those funds toward paying off debt. Hold yourself accountable by building payments into your budget and automating them if possible.

    What do most 25 year olds have in savings? ›

    The national average for Americans between 25 and 30 years of age is $20,540. According to Ryze, this amount is achievable for young adults save a minimum of 15% of the average annual salary of early 20s workers in the U.S. “The median salary for this age group is around $38,500 per year.” Ryze says.

    How to spend your 20s wisely? ›

    20 Things to Do in Your 20s
    1. Make a plan—but be willing to change. Setting goals is great. ...
    2. Make a budget and stick to it. ...
    3. Learn how to set boundaries. ...
    4. Take care of your mental health. ...
    5. Save up an emergency fund. ...
    6. Embrace the season you're in. ...
    7. Pay off all debt (especially student loans). ...
    8. Get out of your parents' house.
    Jan 30, 2024

    What's the smartest thing you do for your money? ›

    8 of the smartest things you can do for your finances
    • Make a budget.
    • Pay yourself first.
    • Build an emergency fund.
    • Maximize your employee benefits.
    • Review your insurance coverage.
    • Write down your financial priorities.
    • Meet with an advisor.
    • Rebalance your portfolio.

    How can I make big money in my 20s? ›

    Self-Made Millionaires: 7 Smart Ways To Make the Most of Your 20s Financially
    1. Yes, You Do Need a Budget. When you're in your 20s, you might just be starting your career. ...
    2. Invest in Yourself. ...
    3. Start a Business. ...
    4. Invest in Real Estate. ...
    5. Invest in the Stock Market. ...
    6. Pursue a High-Paying Career. ...
    7. Increase Your Savings Rate. ...
    8. Bottom Line.
    Nov 6, 2023

    How can I be financially free at 25? ›

    Write down your fixed monthly expenses so you know how much you're spending each month, then calculate how much you have left for savings, entertainment and other items. Make a plan to eliminate debt — Paying off large bills — credit cards, student loans, car loans, etc. — can free up money for other priorities.

    What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

    The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals. Let's take a closer look at each category.

    What can a financial planner do for me? ›

    A financial planner is a professional who works with clients to manage their financial affairs, develop financial goals and create strategies to achieve those goals. Financial planners offer expertise and guidance for budgeting, investing, retirement, tax planning, insurance and estate planning.

    How much money should a 21 year old have in savings? ›

    Either way, you haven't hit your peak earning years, so you're not earning a lot. However, a good rule of thumb for a 21-year-old is to have $6,000 in a savings account for emergencies and long-term financial goals. And that requires you to learn how to start budgeting and saving money.

    Where should I be financially at 20? ›

    Financial Goals You Should Set in Your 20s. At this stage in life, first, you'll need an emergency fund and a plan to get out of any debt. Then, you'll want to start investing, save for short-term savings goals in your 20s, and start making retirement contributions. Learn why and how you can easily tackle these goals.

    What should a 20 year old invest in? ›

    Fixed income. If you're a more risk-averse investor, fixed-income investments such as bonds, money-market funds or high-yield savings accounts can allow you to ease your way into the investment landscape. Fixed-income securities are generally less risky than stocks, though you'll also earn lower returns.

    Is 25 a good age to start saving? ›

    The earlier you can start saving for retirement, the better. If you can set aside money when you are 25 years old, you can use the power of compounding for an extra 10 years compared to if you started saving at age 35.

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    Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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    Author information

    Name: Maia Crooks Jr

    Birthday: 1997-09-21

    Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

    Phone: +2983088926881

    Job: Principal Design Liaison

    Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

    Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.