HS getting even MORE expensive?! (2025)


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  • Oct 11, 2011
  • #1

So I went to eBay (I know, bad idea) and because of those insane asking prices, people at garage sales and cragslist are following the HIGH end on eBay as a pricing guide.

It has finally got to the point that collecting and building is no longer fun. Might as well play Warhammer at this point..lol (well, not really).

I know I, as well as others, have voiced frustration over this ad nauseum. More venting I suppose.

Might have to start doing proxies and learning how to cast molds..lol.

But to move on to my question, what is everyone's opinion on the future of prices? They don't seem to be letting up at all. Things like Aubrien Archers, Gladiatrons, Sacred Band, Armoc Vipers, Aquilla's Alliance, TJ, TT, RttFF and even master sets are seriously expensive. Are we going to see a hike here soon in price or is there going to be a "crash" when people move on?


Saving the world - one lonely Marro at a time

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  • Oct 11, 2011
  • #2

I think that most of the prices people are

actually getting

on eBay have peaked and are edging downward. Tundra sets that were routinely going for $100 or more are now sitting unpurchased at $85. Some of the "rarer" pieces like Aquilla's Alliance and Wave 4 seem to be holding steady, but at least the upward spiral appears to have halted.

Carnival Man

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  • Oct 11, 2011
  • #3

Yup, wave 4 is still going up...for xmas last year I treated myself to one squad of Aubriens for $27+shipping. I just checked the last couple of completed sales of AA's were $33 & $39 so an average of $36+shipping. HS getting even MORE expensive?! (4)


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  • Oct 11, 2011
  • #4

The ONLY "rare" scores I have gotten on eBay over the past few weeks were Sir Hawthorne for $4 and Sujoah for $24. Both were buy it now and I jumped on them after seeing other auctions.

I don't mind spending the money, but for a game that probably has no official future (unlike things like Magic), I cannot see spending that type of money. They can only come down with no future interest in sight. Just MHO.

$20 for Aubriens I understand but $45+ ?!?!?! That is insane! LOL


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  • Oct 11, 2011
  • #5

(Can you tell I struggle with the line of "collector" and "player"? lol)


I reserve my inappropriate love for Heroscape.

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  • Oct 12, 2011
  • #6

I think the time for finding deals was earlier this year. I routinely found huge lots on Ebay and Craigslist for deals to steals. It seems like all I see now are people who want to group things into smaller chunks and get top dollar. I'm sure patience will win the day like in most cases. Of course as soon as I finished completing my classic collection, I found C3G and had to get all those figures. HS getting even MORE expensive?! (8) Luckily Heroclix is much easier to find and other than a few figures, much lighter on the wallet.


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  • Oct 12, 2011
  • #7

Completing the classic collection is now officially out of my range. Customs, proxies and HeroClix is my new path..lol


quoting myself - insanity beckons
  • Oct 12, 2011
  • #9

I think once the retail avenues for getting any of the Master Sets is when prices in general will come down.

Once people fail to see SotM, or more likely BftU, on places like Amazon, or a larger online gaming retailer, the opportunity to be intruduced to the game will dimnish, and in turn fewer will be on the hunt. Which is when I think the cost on ebay will finally start to fall.

Carnival Man

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  • Oct 12, 2011
  • #10

nyys said:

I think once the retail avenues for getting any of the Master Sets is when prices in general will come down.

Once people fail to see SotM, or more likely BftU, on places like Amazon, or a larger online gaming retailer, the opportunity to be intruduced to the game will dimnish, and in turn fewer will be on the hunt. Which is when I think the cost on ebay will finally start to fall.

BftU is already $60 & SotM $80 on funagaingames...So we know that those prices won't be going back to just 1x retail anytime soon. HS getting even MORE expensive?! (13)


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  • Oct 13, 2011
  • #11

Just a MONTH ago BftU was $22 at my local game store and they had about 10 of them. I wasn't interested because people told me it wasn't nearly worth it. I've since buried their bodies in my back yard..lol HS getting even MORE expensive?! (15)

But seriously, lol, I have a feeling this cost is due to hoarders and miserly collectors that don't even play. I'd be happy with total reprints that are next to worthless..lol


Saving the world - one lonely Marro at a time

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  • Oct 13, 2011
  • #12

Carnival Man said:

BftU is already $60 & SotM $80 on funagaingames...So we know that those prices won't be going back to just 1x retail anytime soon. HS getting even MORE expensive?! (17)

Chachi said:

Just a MONTH ago BftU was $22 at my local game store and they had about 10 of them. I wasn't interested because people told me it wasn't nearly worth it. I've since buried their bodies in my back yard..lol HS getting even MORE expensive?! (18)

But seriously, lol, I have a feeling this cost is due to hoarders and miserly collectors that don't even play. I'd be happy with total reprints that are next to worthless..lol

The few times I've looked at Funagaingames, I felt their prices were out of line. You can still find BftU for less than that. Miniature Market has 6 in stock for $45. Though this is a higher than the last time I looked at it (about $10).


Well-known member
  • Oct 13, 2011
  • #13

Not all HS is getting MORE expensive ....

Admission to the Tree Town Open is still only $10 the same price it has been for the past 5 or 6 years. The best part is everyone should leave with well more than $10 in prizes and gifts plus they get to spend the day playing HS ( 6 games ).

Where else can you spend $10 and have this much fun?

Tree Town Open in it's seventh year and still a bargan at $10 for a days worth of fun

Son of Arathorn

Middle Earth's Saddest Plumber
  • Oct 13, 2011
  • #14

And my local games store still sells Waves 1, 8, 11, 12, 13, BftU, FotA, and Orm's Return for normal retail prices... supplies are running low however...



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  • Oct 13, 2011
  • #15

I've been focusing my buying on the readily available and still inexpensive D&D waves, though I did just pick up a set of Tagawa Samurai from Wave 4 for $11.00. I've learned to be more patient and have still found deals to show up. i have a feeling that once the initial rush is over and some of these hoarders aren't moving anything that prices will drop.


Spin Master

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  • Oct 13, 2011
  • #16

Jexik said:

I just wish there were enough people into it for hasbro/wotc to have made some reprints. W4 would have sold immediately.

Definitely. The DnD twist added some interesting variety, but I would have rather they just did more reprints of old waves after Blackmoon's Siege (which seems to be when someone decided the game would have no new molds of any kind, be it figures or terrain).

Carnival Man

New member
  • Oct 13, 2011
  • #17

My FLGS owner had wanted to stock a few extra BftU for NHSD only to find none of his distributors had any left. He did order a couple extra wave cases, an Orm's & a few FotA...


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  • Oct 14, 2011
  • #18

I can find the Fortress and Marvel sets and $12-$15 a piece here. But I never play Marvel (and already own one set) and I have 9 freaking Fortresses..lol. The D&D stuff isn't bad at all (Mezzodemon, Heirloom, Warforged Soldiers are all GREAT) and I still need wave 1 and 8 items. So I still have a bit of hunting fun to be had. But I still need just a few more things to finish waves 4 and 6 and I have none of 7. I am still debating with my son if we want one of everything or if we should keep what we have and keep adding (of course multiple squads rock!).
I want it all but at the same time I want to avoid the "collector" title..lol. We play often and hard enough to justify it I think. Maybe I just need a better job to be able to afford it..lmao!!


quoting myself - insanity beckons
  • Oct 14, 2011
  • #19

CoolStuffInc.com still has some W1 and W8 in stock.

Agent Minivann

Quest Quitter

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  • Oct 14, 2011
  • #20

Jexik said:

Yeah, it's kind of a bummer for people who came into it late.

I just wish there were enough people into it for hasbro/wotc to have made some reprints. W4 would have sold immediately.

IIRC Wave 4 has always been a little scarce. The best place to find it when it came out was Kmart. That was in the days you could find Heroscape at Walmart, Target, and Toys R Us. Kmart was an afterthought in the great Heroscape hunt, but they scored one of the consistently rare waves.


Et tu, Jaxet?

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  • Oct 14, 2011
  • #21

Agent Minivann said:

Jexik said:

Yeah, it's kind of a bummer for people who came into it late.

I just wish there were enough people into it for hasbro/wotc to have made some reprints. W4 would have sold immediately.

IIRC Wave 4 has always been a little scarce. The best place to find it when it came out was Kmart. That was in the days you could find Heroscape at Walmart, Target, and Toys R Us. Kmart was an afterthought in the great Heroscape hunt, but they scored one of the consistently rare waves.


It was printed just once in 2006 or so, and then never got a reprint. I remember seeing it at TRU when I first started playing in the summer of 2007. I figured if I could find it there, I'd never have trouble buying it...


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  • Oct 14, 2011
  • #22

Jexik said:

I remember seeing it at TRU when I first started playing in the summer of 2007. I figured if I could find it there, I'd never have trouble buying it...

Same here. Mistakes were made.


GenCon General Wars & DW9K Jumpstart Champ 2008

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  • Oct 14, 2011
  • #23

Agent Minivann said:

Jexik said:

Yeah, it's kind of a bummer for people who came into it late.

I just wish there were enough people into it for hasbro/wotc to have made some reprints. W4 would have sold immediately.

IIRC Wave 4 has always been a little scarce. The best place to find it when it came out was Kmart. That was in the days you could find Heroscape at Walmart, Target, and Toys R Us. Kmart was an afterthought in the great Heroscape hunt, but they scored one of the consistently rare waves.

Kmart was awful, they didn't even know what to do with Heroscape...I remember that I would have to scour the action figure isle to find the wave 4 figures. They were often stuffed in there somewhere. I miss the hunt.

Agent Minivann

Quest Quitter

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  • Oct 14, 2011
  • #24

lonewolf said:

Agent Minivann said:

Jexik said:

Yeah, it's kind of a bummer for people who came into it late.

I just wish there were enough people into it for hasbro/wotc to have made some reprints. W4 would have sold immediately.

IIRC Wave 4 has always been a little scarce. The best place to find it when it came out was Kmart. That was in the days you could find Heroscape at Walmart, Target, and Toys R Us. Kmart was an afterthought in the great Heroscape hunt, but they scored one of the consistently rare waves.

Kmart was awful, they didn't even know what to do with Heroscape...I remember that I would have to scour the action figure isle to find the wave 4 figures. They were often stuffed in there somewhere. I miss the hunt.

Now that you mention that, I think some of my wave 4 was found in the action figures there.


Active member
  • Oct 16, 2011
  • #25

Oh, the "hunt" is still on..lol. Just dented my checking account more than I wanted. And instead of TRU, Walmart and Kmart..it's now eBay, Craigslist and garage sales.
But I did just score 2 BftU sets for $24 at the local game store unopened (they were TRYING to get rid of it!) yesterday and my buddy gave my the VW as a gift to my son and I a few nights a go. The game store still have SotM for $49 unopened but I really don't need it for more than the terrain.
I swear, it's easier to quit smoking than to quit HS!

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HS getting even MORE expensive?! (2025)
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