How You Can Measure Return on Investment for Ecommerce (2024)

If you manage social media marketing for an ecommerce business or client, then measuring ROI (or return on investment) is essential. Tracking ROI lets you assess the value of your marketing efforts and helps you understand what’s driving the best (or worst) results.

Find out how to measure ecommerce ROI so you can analyze your efforts, improve your social media marketing strategy, and launch more successful advertising campaigns.

What Is Ecommerce ROI?

Ecommerce ROI measures the profit from a marketing campaign or channel. It compares the amount you spent on the initiative to the amount you earned from it.

It’s expressed as a percentage, and it can be positive or negative.

A positive ROI indicates a profit, and a negative ROI reflects a loss—signaling that you spent more than you earned.

Why You Need to Know Your Ecommerce ROI

For ecommerce marketers, ROI is a critical metric.

Let’s look at the key ways your team or clients can benefit from tracking it.

Identify your top marketing campaigns

You probably feel confident reporting on individual social media marketing campaigns. But comparing multiple types of initiatives isn’t easy, especially if you need to consider paid and organic campaigns with varying structures and outcomes.

When you track ROI, you can use a single calculation to determine success and pinpoint top-performing campaigns.

Once you know what works best for your business, you can continue to run effective promotions that meet or exceed your marketing goals.

Test new marketing channels and initiatives

If you’ve already found success with one marketing channel, you might be tempted to stick with it. Over time, you could become dependent on a single channel or miss lucrative opportunities to adopt other platforms.

When you benchmark ROI, you can easily test new channels and evaluate results efficiently. That way, you can keep trying new tactics without wasting a ton of ad spend or missing something big.

Grow your ecommerce business

The more you know about your ecommerce ROI, the easier it is to grow your business. Once you identify what works, you can scale successful campaigns to generate more revenue or reallocate ad spend from less effective channels.

For best results, continue tracking the return from your marketing campaigns every week or month. That way you can continue to increase ROI and boost your bottom line.

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How to Calculate Return on Investment in Ecommerce

There are two standard ways to calculate ecommerce ROI. The more basic option gives you a solid overview, while the advanced formula offers more nuance—but requires more data.

Basic ecommerce ROI calculation

Here’s a simple way to check the success of your team’s marketing efforts:

ROI = (Profit / Investment) – 1

How would this ROI formula apply in a hypothetical scenario?

Say you’ve been promoting a new product for the past month. You spent $500 on Facebook ads and $2,500 on blog posts.

The ad campaign generated fiv new customers, and organic traffic led to 50 new customers. Assume the average order value (AOV) was $75 for all customers.

Plug the numbers into the ROI formula to measure each channel separately. In this hypothetical scenario, the ROI for Facebook ads is -25%, while the ROI for blog content is 50%.

Based on this calculation, it would be easy to conclude that Facebook ads aren’t worth the spend—but blog posts and organic search may be worth a bigger investment. But before you pause your ad spend and focus on content marketing, it’s important to look at the bigger picture.

Advanced ecommerce ROI calculation

The basic ROI formula above reflects customers’ first purchases only. But for most successful ecommerce businesses, the first purchase is only the beginning of the relationship.

That’s why it’s so important to consider the full value of the customer relationship when calculating ROI.

When you can anticipate your customer lifetime value (CLV), you can calculate how much revenue all those online shoppers will generate over time.

Here’s how to use CLV data to do an advanced ecommerce ROI calculation:

ROI = (CLV / Investment) – 1

For many businesses, CLV varies from channel to channel, making it useful to calculate ROI for each channel separately. To continue the example above, use the same numbers to start. Then factor in average customer values of $150 for organic traffic and $1,000 for Facebook ads.

The ROI from Facebook ads is 900%, while the ROI from organic traffic is 50%. Although there’s no change to the ROI from organic traffic, the ROI from Facebook ads increases dramatically.

Although it initially seemed like Facebook ads weren’t as useful of an investment, factoring in CLV reveals the opposite. With CLV data at your fingertips, you’d be able to make a much smarter decision for your business.

In some cases, you may not be able to segment CLV data per channel. After all, calculating CLV for each channel requires a deep dive into your ecommerce database or customer relationship management (CRM) tool.

If calculating separate metrics proves too challenging, you can still use an average CLV to understand how your investment is likely to pay off over time. Then you can use the data to make the best marketing strategy decisions for your organization or client.

Where to Find Ecommerce ROI Metrics

Unless you have a custom enterprise-level ecommerce dashboard, you’ll have to do a little digging to find the data you need for these calculations.

Here’s where to check.

Ecommerce dashboard

Whether you use Shopify, BigCommerce, or another ecommerce platform, your dashboard should have detailed data on your customers’ purchasing patterns. In many cases, you can create custom reports and dashboards to access metrics quickly.

Here are a few you’ll need:

  • Total revenue
  • Number of orders
  • Number of customers

Using these metrics, you can calculate AOV and purchase frequency, which you’ll need to determine CLV. Here are the formulas to use:

AOV = Total Revenue / Total Number of Orders

Purchase Frequency = Total Number of Orders / Total Number of Customers

CLV = AOV x Purchase Frequency

Website analytics

Web analytics apps like Google Analytics collect many common ecommerce metrics automatically. To start monitoring them, open the Google Analytics admin panel and enable ecommerce tracking and reporting.

To access a marketing channel breakdown, click the Acquisition tab and select Overview. You can view the number of transactions, the revenue amount, and even the conversion rate for each channel.

For more granular detail, click any marketing channel and toggle the primary dimension.

Here are a few ways to identify the specific customer acquisition efforts that drove conversions and revenue.

  • Organic: Sort by Landing Page to see how much revenue each blog post or product page drove.
  • Social: Select a social network, and then sort by campaign to see metrics for each. To see campaign-level breakdowns, you have to set up UTM parameters when creating an ad campaign or organic post.
  • Email: Sort by campaign to find top performers.
  • Google Ads: Use the Google Ads integration to view conversions, revenue, and other results for each pay-per-click (PPC) campaign.

Advertising platform

For accurate advertising metrics, it’s best to check the platform where you’re running the campaign.

If you’ve set up the platform’s advertising pixel, then the conversion data should sync with your ecommerce site. Platforms to check include …

  • Facebook Ads Manager
  • Google Ads
  • LinkedIn Campaign Manager
  • Pinterest Ads
  • Twitter Ads

Internal database

By now, you should have most of the data you need for tracking ecommerce ROI. But if you’ve hired contractors to write blog posts, manage search engine optimization (SEO), or create other content, then you may also need to check internal databases to find relevant costs.

What Is Good ROI for Ecommerce?

Because so many factors affect ecommerce marketing, ROI can vary significantly. Marketing channels, revenue margins, and even business stage can impact your return. That means there’s no specific percentage that’s considered the gold standard for ecommerce ROI.

So how so you know what’s good—and how can you measure the success of your ecommerce marketing efforts? Benchmarking your ROI is a great way to keep track of your results. When you benchmark results for your company or clients, you can continue to improve your return over time—and know when it’s time to change tactics.

To set ecommerce ROI benchmarks, start by calculating your return for a specific campaign or channel. Then recalculate ROI for the same campaign or channel once a month.

Chart the results and look for patterns:

  • If your ecommerce ROI for a certain channel has increased gradually or spiked suddenly, now could be the ideal time to lean into the channel or scale the campaign.
  • In contrast, if the ROI has decreased, you may need to revisit your ecommerce marketing strategy or test new channels or campaigns.

7 Ways to Increase Ecommerce ROI

Whether you want to optimize your ecommerce ROI or you need to recover a declining rate, you can try several different strategies. Here are seven ways you can improve your ROI.

1. Create more compelling content

It’s easy to assume that publishing high-quality content will drive interested customers to your website. But just because a blog post is well-written and packed with your brand’s unique take doesn’t mean it will succeed at attracting traffic or converting site visitors.

Fortunately, you don’t have to guess what kind of content your customers want to see. You can use free tools like Google Analytics or Google Search Console to see the top search queries that drive traffic to your website.

You can also use paid SEO tools like Moz or SEMrush to identify the most helpful keywords to target. As you optimize your website content for major keywords, you can track the search queries and landing pages that drive the most conversions and the lowest bounce rate.

When you create new content for your ecommerce site, always keep your buyer persona in mind. The more you personalize your content and speak to your ideal customer, the better chance you have to convert site visitors.

2. Put your ecommerce data to work

Does it seem like the targeting parameters for your marketing campaigns aren’t granular enough? Google Analytics and your ecommerce dashboard can provide much more than keyword and conversion data alone. Use your dashboards to source data like:

  • Locations, including city, state, and region
  • Device usage, including desktop or mobile
  • Interests and purchase intents

You can use data from your current customers to attract more online shoppers like them. Using these insights, you can fine-tune your buyer persona and create more personalized content. You can also build more relevant audience targeting for your ad campaigns.

3. Improve your sales funnel

In many cases, a single blog post or social ad won’t be enough to convert new customers. Instead, you may need to create multiple touchpoints for prospective customers. If you can guide them through your sales funnel, you may be able to convert them successfully.

To improve your existing sales funnel or create a new one, map out content and messaging for each stage—from awareness and consideration to conversion and loyalty. Then use all the tools and channels at your disposal to amplify your remarketing and lead nurturing efforts.

With remarketing and nurturing tactics, you can reengage people who have already shown interest in your business or offer. That way you can decrease customer acquisition costs and increase ROI. Here are a few ideas for your funnel:

  • Encourage prospects to follow your business on social media so you can continue to reach them organically.
  • Ask people to sign up for your email list so you can send them targeted offers.
  • Add people to remarketing audiences and target them with PPC or paid social ads.

4. Test new campaigns and channels

Have the recent changes to Facebook ad targeting caused your results to take a nose dive? Rather than continuing to optimize your Facebook ads, consider testing a new type of campaign or a new channel.

For example, traffic and conversion Facebook ad objectives might not be delivering the results you want. You might try experimenting with the catalog sales campaign, or you might test Pinterest ads or PPC campaigns instead.

As you branch out into different channels and tactics, closely monitor the ROI for each. Keep in mind metrics may fluctuate a lot in the first days or a new campaign or weeks of a new channel. Once they even out, you can make data-backed decisions about the best marketing strategy for your business.

5. Rethink your offer

Are your marketing campaigns failing to drive enough traffic to your product or landing pages? It may be time to rethink your offer. Here are a few ways to make it more compelling and improve ROI at the same time:

  • Provide a discount or promo code
  • Create a sense of urgency with a limited-time sale
  • Elicit a fear of missing out with a limited product run

6. Optimize product and landing pages

Are your marketing campaigns driving tons of traffic to your website—yet still resulting in low conversion rates? The messaging in your ads, social posts, or emails may be spot on. But the linked landing pages may not be designed to maximize conversions.

To improve your product pages, consider:

  • Testing site speed to ensure each page loads within a couple of seconds
  • Reviewing the payment process to identify points of friction
  • Adding customer testimonials or user-generated content (UGC) as social proof

To optimize landing pages, think about:

  • Removing unnecessary content and features to focus on the offer
  • Changing the layout to make it simpler or more mobile-friendly
  • Ensuring the messaging on the landing page, ad, and email all align

7. Increase customer loyalty

Attracting new customers can be a difficult and expensive process. If decreasing acquisition costs is proving too challenging, consider focusing on your existing customer metrics instead.

In other words, encourage customers to make multiple purchases over time. For example, your ecommerce store may cross-sell related products, upsell pricier versions of a product, or sell consumable products at regular intervals.

By improving customer loyalty, you can increase CLV and enhance ROI. Here are a few ideas for encouraging customers to make repeat purchases:

  • Engage with loyal customers and feature their UGC on social media
  • Retarget loyal customers with special discounts via email or social media
  • Launch a customer loyalty program to increase purchase frequency

What We Learned About Ecommerce ROI

For ecommerce businesses and agencies, knowing how to measure ROI is essential. Knowing how to improve this metric is even more important. With these tips, you can calculate and track ecommerce ROI effectively as you continue to increase your clients’ or organization’s return on investment.

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How You Can Measure Return on Investment for Ecommerce (2024)


How You Can Measure Return on Investment for Ecommerce? ›

ROI = (income - investment) / investment x 100

How to measure ROI in eCommerce? ›

How to Calculate Return on Investment in Ecommerce
  1. ROI = (Profit / Investment) – 1.
  2. ROI = (CLV / Investment) – 1.
  3. AOV = Total Revenue / Total Number of Orders.
  4. Purchase Frequency = Total Number of Orders / Total Number of Customers.
  5. CLV = AOV x Purchase Frequency.
Feb 21, 2022

How can we measure the return on investment? ›

You may calculate the return on investment using the formula: ROI = Net Profit / Cost of the investment * 100 If you are an investor, the ROI shows you the profitability of your investments.

What is the return on investment in e commerce? ›

The eCommerce ROI is the method of calculating the profitability or potential of an investment made on marketing or ads. It basically tells you how much financial gain or loss you've made against the capital invested in marketing or ads.

How the return of an investment can be measured? ›

Return on investment (ROI) is an approximate measure of an investment's profitability. ROI is calculated by subtracting the initial cost of the investment from its final value, then dividing this new number by the cost of the investment, and finally, multiplying it by 100. ROI has a wide range of uses.

What is a good ROI for eCommerce? ›

It's often based on industry, business model, and other market dynamics. However, a general rule of thumb is a positive eCommerce website ROI is anything above a 1:1 ratio. Basically, to achieve a good eCommerce ROI, your profits have to be higher than your spending.

How do you calculate e commerce return rate? ›

Example. Imagine your online clothing store sells 15,000 products within a year, but 5,000 of those products are returned by customers. The formula for calculating your product return rate would be: 5000 / 15,000 x 100 = 33%.

What is the best measure of return on an investment? ›

The two primary total investment return calculations are Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR). Both measures are rooted in Time Value of Money concepts, which essentially state that money has time value because it can earn interest when invested over time.

How to calculate return on investment example? ›

For example, suppose Jo invested $1,000 in Slice Pizza Corp. in 2017 and sold the shares for a total of $1,200 one year later. To calculate the return on this investment, divide the net profits ($1,200 - $1,000 = $200) by the investment cost ($1,000), for an ROI of $200/$1,000, or 20%.

How do you evaluate investment returns? ›

To find your total return, generally considered the most accurate measure of return, you add the change in value—up or down—from the time you purchased the investment to all of the income you collected from that investment in interest or dividends.

How much returns in ecommerce? ›

The average ecommerce return rates hovers around 20-30% There are predictable and common reasons for returns, such as: sizing issues, wrong gifts, purchase of multiple products with an intent to return some/all, or a failure to set correct customer expectations.

What is the return customer rate for ecommerce? ›

Although benchmarks vary from company to company, most ecommerce businesses have 25-30% percent returning customers. This is backed up by Alex Schultz, VP of Growth at Facebook who says, “If you can get 20-30% of customers coming back every month and making a purchase from your store, you should do pretty well”.

How to calculate return on investment in digital marketing? ›

Your digital marketing's ROI is a measurement of your online marketing campaign's profits or losses, which you calculate with the following formula: (net profit / total digital marketing costs) x 100. Measuring your online marketing ROI helps you determine the effectiveness of your strategies.

What is the measurable return on investment? ›

ROI is generally defined as the ratio of net profit over the total cost of the investment. ROI is most useful to your business goals when it refers to something concrete and measurable, to identify your investment's gains and financial returns.

How do you measure return on investment performance? ›

Return on Investment (ROI) is a performance measure used to evaluate the efficiency or profitability of an investment or to compare the efficiency of several different investments.

How are returns measured? ›

Broadly, the returns measured from an investment are calculated by comparing the cost paid to acquire the asset (outflow) to what is earned from it (inflows) and computing the rate of return.

How do you measure ROI on a website? ›

( net profit / total online marketing costs ) x 100 = ROI

Your net profit is just your revenue minus your costs. Once you've done the correct calculations, you'll get your digital marketing ROI, which can be expressed as a percentage or ratio, whichever you prefer.

How do you measure customer ROI? ›

It's calculated using a simple formula: ((money gained - money spent) / money spent) x 100 = ROI.

What is the easiest way to calculate ROI? ›

Return on investment is typically calculated by taking the actual or estimated income from a project and subtracting the actual or estimated costs. That number is the total profit that a project has generated, or is expected to generate. That number is then divided by the costs.

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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

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Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.