How You Can Make Living On One Income Work - Mom Blog Life (2024)

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Wonder if you can really survive on one income when it seems to be a two-income world?

Me too.

But my husband and I were game to give living on one income a try because, while we had so much to lose, we had even more to gain.

What was even scarier is that we decided to drop down to one income after the birth of my first daughter.

So, it wasn’t just us anymore – we had a family.

Below, I’m going to share with you exactly what we did to live on one income successfully.

It’s not as hard as you might think it is.

First I’ll start by sharing why we decided to go for it as a one-income family…

✿ Leaving my job meant I could be there full time for our daughter.
✿ There would be no more stressful commutes in our family (my hubby works around the corner) so that meant happier parents overall.
✿ No daycare costs (big win).
✿ The chance for me to pursue my business goals so that we could ultimately live life on our terms (still in progress but going well!).

If any of those reasons resonate with you, read on.

You’ll see the key to living on one income successfully is committing to some things that save money big time.

Things that you haven’t thought about doing but should if you’re serious about living on one income…successfully.

(And, no, as you will see, living on one income doesn’t mean you have to miss out or sacrifice to the point where you can’t do anything).

(UPDATE: I’m now a successful mompreneur with a growing business so we no longer live on one income BUT these tips are what we used to it successfully and actually helped us achieve other life goals).

Click here for 40 Side Hustles for Stay at Home Moms.

Tips For Living On One Income

1) Create a Realistic Budget

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Creating a realistic budget seems pretty straightforward, right?

But have you actually done it?

Knowing where you spend your money each month is vital to living on one income successfully.

Sit down with your partner and look at everything that has to get paid each month – your car mortgage, car payments, and other fixed living expenses.

Where it gets a little tricker is when you have to be honest and look where you spend your money OTHER than your living expenses.

Things like picking up a Starbucks coffee every morning or grabbing lunch out every day.

Say you’re a Starbucks kind of person, did you know you’re likely spending around$140/month or $1680/year?

It adds up.

And that’s just looking at one spending habit.

That’s just one example of expenses most people don’t account for in their budget.

If you’re going to live from one income, you need to account for all of your spending habits and see where you can cut down or eliminate.

The goal is to free up that money for more necessary things.

Once you have your honest and realistic budget in hand, the next 9 tips for living on one income come into play.

RELATED READ: 64 of the Best Frugal Tips for Families

2) Consolidate Your Debt Into One Location

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How much debt do you currently carry?

It’s a good idea to get a handle on it before you take the plunge to one income.

We had high-interest credit card debt and a couple of other small debts that we decided to consolidate into one place.

Why do that?

Getting rid of high-interest debt and numerous monthly payments to different places is vital to living on one income because it’s easier to manage.

Ideally, if possible, move your debt to your mortgage – it’ll be the lowest interest rate you find.

3)Live In A House You Can More Than Afford

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Now that you have a clear idea about your expenses and you’ve got a handle on your debts, it’s time to be realistic about your living arrangments.

It’s so easy to get wrapped up in wanting a big house and property but that’ll have to come later if you want to live on one income for a while.

You need to live in a house that you can more than afford.

If unexpected expenses come up – you need to be able to handle it and still afford your house.

I get it – it’s hard to sacrifice when you see those lovely homes but you’ve got to ask yourself what do you want more?

What are your goals?

Why do you want to live on one income in the first place?

Just because the bank will give you a large mortgage doesn’t mean you should spend that much – ever.

Success Tip:Choose a house that you can more than afford even if the bank will give you much more money to spend. That way you can weather any unexpected financial situations without causing your family any undue stress.

4) Trim Your Grocery Bill

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Your monthly grocery bill is one of the biggest expenses so you’ve got to get a handle on it.

You can grocery shop on a budget and make sure to cook meals that give you multiple meals.

(Think casseroles, soups – that kind of thing).

We invested in an inexpensive deep freezer so that when we see a good sale we can stock up and cook at home which is key to saving money.

We also became choosier about what kind of ingredients landed in the cart.

For example, buy frozen veggies instead of fresh or use dried herbs instead of fresh.

At the end of the day, meal planning is your best friend when living on one income.

Success Tip:I use to meal plan – the service plans everything and lets you know where items you need are on sale (money-saving and time-saving – I think I’m in love, haha!) – those money-saving tips more than offset the cost of the service so check it out if you feel you’re too busy to meal plan.

RELATED READ: 15 Frugal Tips to Save Money at the Grocery Store

5) Cut Down On The Cable Bill

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Technology is your friend when you’re cutting expenses to make living on one income work.

Have you ever taken a good look at how much you’re spending on cable service?

Consider streaming online or grabbing Netflix (it’s dirt cheap for what you’re getting!).

We chose to switch to an Internet-based TV service because it gave us everything we needed for a fraction of the cost.

What other services are you spending a lot of money on?

6) Your Other Needless Expenses

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What are your other needless expenses every month?

You know the ones I’m talking about.

The ones you don’t really need or know you shouldn’t be spending money on.

Needless spending needs to go in order to live on one income successfully.

For me, it was my passionate love affair with grande, skinny, vanilla lattes from Starbucks.

I was spending almost $2000 per year (or $167 per month – gasp) when I could simply make coffee at home and save the money.

So, we purchased a Kuerig coffee maker that can brew lots of different kinds of coffee (so I don’t get bored, haha!) so we don’t feel like we’re missing out either.

What are some of your needless expenses?

What can you do to reduce or eliminate them?

Success Tip: Often the money you’re spending on small things seems insignificant. Take account of where that money is going and track it for a month. You’ll be surprised. How can you be more frugal and still enjoy the little things?

7) Date Nights Don’t Have to Be Expensive

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Remember I said that living on one income didn’t make us feel like we were missing out?

We knew we had to figure out how to have fun without breaking the bank.

So, we started planning cheap date nights and realized they were actually more fun than an extravagant dinner out.

We didn’t feel like we were sacrificing.

Sometimes, all it takes is changing your definition of what a date night is.

When you think of a date night do you envision a restaurant with a bottle of wine?

If we use that date idea as an example, depending on the restaurant and what’s ordered, you could easily spend $150-200 for one night out.

And, that doesn’t even include babysitting if you have kids.

I’ll be honest, if that’s what you want to spend when you go out, you’ll have trouble living comfortably on one income.

Instead, get creative.

Our favorite date night is at home in our backyard with a fire.

(You can pick up an affordable firepit here).

We talk, we laugh, we eat, and we save money.

We usually start the fire after the kids are in bed so we also don’t need a babysitter.

This is just one example of how to save money but still live and have fun.

Want some cheap date night inspirations? Read:52 Fun Cheap Date Night Ideas for Couples on a Budget

8) Vacation Wisely

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Just because you want to live on one income doesn’t mean you won’t be able to take a vacation.

The key is planning affordable vacations instead of extravagant.

Here are some affordable vacation ideas:

✿ Camping
✿ Day trips
✿ Road trips and an affordable Airbnb.
✿ Renting something with other people

You know all that money you’re going to save by eliminating and reducing unnecessary spending?

Put some aside so you can vacation wisely.

Success Tip:You can still have family fun while living on one income! What sort of things does your family like to do locally? Picnics? Hikes? Remember memories don’t need to have a big price tag attached to them 😉

RELATED READ: The Best Frugal Tips for Families

9) Explore Buy/Sell Websites

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This just might be the best tip about how to live on one income comfortably.

Do you need to buy everything new?

I’m not sure if you’ve seen recently but if you look on Facebook marketplace or other buy and sell website, people are selling things that are basically brand new for cheap.

It’s almost crazy, to be honest.

I knew using the buy and sell websites was a huge way to make living on one income work when I bought a 6.5 ft pre-lit Christmas tree for 20 bucks.

That should have cost around $200.

Now I’m always looking at the sites first if we need something – it works like a charm and we save so much money.

(Think about it – how many times have you heard how fast kids grow out of toys it’s almost not worth buying them in the first place – it happens and people sell them for CHEAP – go take a look).

Success Tip:Search buy and sell websites before buying new. You’ll be surprised at what you find! On the flip side, what could you sell to make a little extra cash?

10)Eliminate A Vehicle If Possible

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This money-saving tip is last because not everyone is going to be able to make it work.

We literally save hundreds (about $7200/year!) every month because we sold one of our cars and use only one for our family.

It’s not something we plan to do forever, but it has been completely worth it.

(UPDATE: we’ve been a single car family for almost 4 years now even though we don’t need to be anymore – we just love using the money we save on other things 🙂 )

It takes a little bit of planning logistically but only paying for one car has been a huge reason we’ve managed living on one income.

Don’t worry if your family can’t live without two cars, just make sure you drive cars that you can more than afford instead.

Living on one income might seem challenging or not possible at first but, as you can see, understanding your expenses and making some lifestyle changes can set you up for success.

It’s also good to understand why you want to live from one income before you get started.

Is it to stay home with your kids?

To pursue a business venture?

Knowing your why will motivate you enough to follow these money-saving tips so that living on one income won’t feel hard.

Make sure you’re honest about where you’re spending money and eliminate any unnecessary spending while you’re living on one income.

Create and stick to a realistic budget so that you don’t feel stressed out when an unforeseen expense arises.

What did you think about our money-saving tips?

Are you going to give one income living a try?

Do you have any other tips for living on one income?

Let me know in the comments!

How You Can Make Living On One Income Work - Mom Blog Life (2024)


How to afford living on one income? ›

Living on a one-income budget
  1. Assess your financial situation. Start by understanding your current financial status. ...
  2. List fixed expenses. ...
  3. Track changing expenses. ...
  4. Differentiate needs vs. ...
  5. Set financial goals. ...
  6. Create an emergency savings fund. ...
  7. Allocate for savings. ...
  8. Start a debt repayment plan.

How to live off one income with a baby? ›

7 strategies for living on a single income
  1. Have an emergency fund. Having a healthy emergency fund can help reduce anxiety about living on one income. ...
  2. Set a new budget. ...
  3. Start cutting costs early. ...
  4. Pay down debt. ...
  5. Consider tax withholding. ...
  6. Spend time, not money. ...
  7. Determine how you're going to manage finances.

How to be a sahm on one income? ›

Create a Budget with Precision to Prepare for Being a Stay-at-Home Mom with One Income. To thrive on a single income, it's crucial to create a detailed budget. Track your monthly expenses and identify areas where you can cut back without sacrificing essential needs.

How much money do you need to make to be a single-income household? ›

But just how much does a single person in California need to make to live comfortably? A new study from Smart Asset determined that a person must make at least $ 89,190 to get by comfortably.

Can you live comfortably on $1,000 a month? ›

Living on $1,000 per month sounds impossible. For many, it might be. But it can be done with some strategic planning, intentional action and the ability to compromise. You won't be able to do everything you want to do when living on only $1,000 per month, but you can make it work.

What single income is considered rich? ›

The top 1% is a byword for wealth — and it's only gotten harder to become among the nation's top earners. Nationally, it now requires annual income of at least $787,712 to be among the top 1%, a 20% increase from last year, according to SmartAsset's analysis of IRS data.

How do single moms survive financially? ›

Setting a budget that keeps expenses lower than your income—and sticking to it—is a key step to financial security. Dedicate a part of your budget to debt payment, and pay whatever you can afford each month to bring down your balances. Prioritize high-interest debt.

How can a single mom make a living? ›

Popular options include freelance writing, virtual assistance, and online tutoring, offering the freedom to work from home and set their own hours. Additionally, single moms might consider becoming certified pediatric sleep consultants, a fulfilling role that allows them to support families while generating income.

How can a stay at home mom make $2,000 a month? ›

  1. 4 Simple Gigs: Turning Stay-at-Home Moms into $2000 Monthly Earners. ...
  2. Start a Blog and Get Paid to Write About Your Passions. ...
  3. Managing Social Media Allows You to Work From Anywhere. ...
  4. Unleash Your Creativity as a Freelance Graphic Designer. ...
  5. Build and Design Websites for Businesses From Home.
Jan 24, 2024

What is a good income for a stay-at-home mom? ›

According to a survey from, stay-at-home moms should earn upwards of $162,581 per year. All those early mornings and late nights mean mom could be pulling in a pretty nice salary — you know, if she was actually getting paid.

How to be a single mom with a job? ›

Set boundaries between your work and home life

For example, set specific times each day for your work hours and allocate outside of work to take care of yourself and your kids. When you leave your work responsibilities at the office and focus on life at home, you may feel refreshed and less overwhelmed.

How can a single mom make money without help? ›

  1. 10 Side Hustles for Single Moms — Boost your Income! Declan Nielsen. ...
  2. Freelancing: Freelancing offers flexibility and the opportunity to work from home on your own schedule. ...
  3. Childcare Services: ...
  4. Online Tutoring: ...
  5. Home-Based Catering or Baking: ...
  6. Virtual Assisting: ...
  7. Freelance Writing or Blogging: ...
  8. Pet Sitting or Dog Walking:
Mar 7, 2024

What is the 50/30/20 rule? ›

The rule is to split your after-tax income into three categories of spending: 50% on needs, 30% on wants, and 20% on savings. 1. This intuitive and straightforward rule can help you draw up a reasonable budget that you can stick to over time in order to meet your financial goals.

Can I afford a house on a single income? ›

You can buy a home with a single income, as many borrowers do. Single-income home buyers must meet the same home loan criteria and complete the same application process as dual-income households. Extra cash reserves can put single-income buyers in a more advantageous buying position.

How to survive on a one-income household? ›

Lower or eliminate costs, such as unused subscriptions or gym memberships. Make savings work for you. Commuting and childcare costs may not be what they were if one partner is now home. Put any savings from situations like that in an interest-bearing savings account or use the extra money to pay down debt.

What is a livable wage for one person? ›

Living Wage Calculation for California
0 Children1 Child
Living Wage$27.32$44.11
Poverty Wage$7.24$12.41
Minimum Wage$16.00$16.00

How to afford a house on single income? ›

Here are some tricks for overcoming the obstacles that come with buying on a single income:
  1. 1 - Pay down debt. ...
  2. 2 - Make sure your credit is in good shape. ...
  3. 3 - Find Down Payment Assistance programs. ...
  4. 4 - Consider Government Backed Loans. ...
  5. 5 - Gift Funds. ...
  6. 6 - Get a Co-Signer.
Oct 25, 2023

How to afford living alone on minimum wage? ›

17 Tips for Living on Minimum Wage
  1. Evaluate Your Overall Spending. ...
  2. Create and Stick to a Budget. ...
  3. Put Some Money Towards Savings. ...
  4. Look Into Government Benefits. ...
  5. Save on Food. ...
  6. Find Additional Ways to Increase Your Income. ...
  7. Lower Your Housing Costs. ...
  8. ​​Work Towards Reducing Your Debt.

What is the lowest income to live on? ›

States Requiring the Least Money to Earn a Living Wage

Rounding out the top five least expensive states to live are Oklahoma, Alabama, Kansas and Arkansas, all requiring less than $47,500 to earn a living wage.

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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.