How to wipe your Android phone/tablet before selling or recycling it (2024)

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"),m("input",a).focus()):e.focus())}(jQuery);/* ]]> */

I'm an expert in web development and JavaScript, and I can demonstrate my expertise by analyzing the provided code related to the Comparitech website. Let's break down the key concepts used in the code snippet:

  1. Event Handling: The code includes event handlers using jQuery to respond to user interactions. For example, it handles clicks on table headers, links, and buttons. This suggests a dynamic and interactive user interface.

    m(".ct_provider_comparison_table-mobile th span").click(function() {...});
    m(".all-reviews-title-link").click(function() {...});
    m("a.jump-to-comment-box.add-review-heading").click(function() {...});
  2. DOM Manipulation: The code manipulates the Document Object Model (DOM) to control the visibility of elements based on user actions. It toggles the display of table rows, sets heights for elements, and shows/hides comments.

  3. Sorting and Filtering: The code involves sorting and filtering functionality for comments. It uses the TinySort library to sort comments based on date or rating and hides or shows comments based on their type (positive/negative).

    tinysort(".single-comment", { data: "date", order: "desc" });
    tinysort(".single-comment", { data: "rating", order: "asc" }, { data: "date", order: "desc" });
  4. Form Validation: There is form validation logic to ensure that comments meet certain criteria before submission. It checks the length of the comment text and ensures that a star rating is selected.

    m(".single-review #respond form").on("submit", "form", function(t) {...});
  5. Cookie Handling: The code uses cookies to manage the display of popups and to remember user preferences, such as closing a popup.

    COMPARITECH.GENERAL().set_cookie(a, 1, 30);
  6. Google Analytics Integration: Google Analytics events are triggered based on user interactions with popups, providing insights into user behavior.

    COMPARITECH.GENERAL().trigger_ga_event("Popups", "Clicked", t);
  7. Exit Intent Monitoring: The code includes functionality to monitor exit intent and trigger popups accordingly.

  8. IP Data Retrieval: There's a function that retrieves and displays information about the user's IP address, likely for informative or personalization purposes.

  9. Responsive Design Handling: The code considers the display on mobile devices and adjusts the layout or triggers events accordingly.

    if (a.hasClass("ct_is_mobile")) { /* mobile-specific handling */ }

This code snippet suggests a comprehensive implementation of a user interface with interactive features, form validation, and integration with external services like Google Analytics. The usage of cookies and exit intent monitoring indicates a focus on user experience and engagement.

How to wipe your Android phone/tablet before selling or recycling it (2024)


How to wipe your Android phone/tablet before selling or recycling it? ›

Important: A factory reset erases all your data from your phone. If you're resetting to fix an issue, we recommend first trying other solutions. Learn how to troubleshoot Android issues. To restore your data after you reset your phone, you must enter security info.

How to wipe an Android tablet before selling? ›

Share this story
  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Select System > Reset options.
  3. You will be presented with four choices. ...
  4. The next screen will tell you what is going to be erased, and which accounts you're signed into. ...
  5. If you have a PIN or some other security setup, you'll be asked to enter it.
Mar 24, 2022

Does a factory reset delete everything on Android? ›

Important: A factory reset erases all your data from your phone. If you're resetting to fix an issue, we recommend first trying other solutions. Learn how to troubleshoot Android issues. To restore your data after you reset your phone, you must enter security info.

How to erase all data from phone permanently before selling? ›

Performing a factory reset will erase all data on your Android phone. Go to Settings > System > Reset > Factory data reset. Confirm the action and wait for the process to complete. This will remove all personal data, apps, and settings from the device.

How do I wipe my Samsung tablet before recycling? ›

Factory reset to erase all apps and data
  1. Navigate to and open Settings, and then tap General management.
  2. Swipe to and tap Reset, then tap Factory data reset, and then review the information.
  3. When you're ready, swipe to and tap Reset.
  4. If you have a security lock set, you will be asked to enter the credentials.

Is factory reset enough before selling Android? ›

A simple factory reset won't ensure that everything is wiped out from your phone, so all your files could be easily recovered. Encrypted data means that even if the new owner of your device tries to restore all your data, they won't be able to access it. Go to “Settings, Security & location.”

Does factory reset delete all passwords? ›

A complete factory reset will allow you to save your data and remove all links to the phone, including passwords, credit card information, paired devices and any other sensitive information. Here's everything you need to know about factory resetting iPhones and Androids.

Will factory reset remove Google Account? ›

A Factory reset will not remove your accounts from that device. Depending on the exact model of the Android phone or tablet, the steps to remove your Google account may differ slightly. For most phones, go to Settings >> Accounts >> Gmail Account >> Remove Account, as shown in Figure 2.0 below.

What are the disadvantages of factory reset? ›

Disadvantages of factory reset

As a result, it's crucial to back up all important data before a factory reset. Time-consuming: Performing a factory reset can be time-consuming, especially if you don't have a proper tool to do it.

How do you permanently erase data so that it Cannot be recovered? ›

#1. Download Reliable File Shredder Software to Permanently Delete Files so They Can't Be Restored. You must wipe and erase your computer to eliminate files from your PC or laptop without recovery. In this way, data that has been irreversibly erased can no longer be recovered.

How to permanently delete data from Android? ›

How to permanently delete files from your Android device
  1. First tap the Gallery app, then tap the folder containing the files you want to delete. ...
  2. Select all the files you want to delete and tap the trash icon.
Jan 20, 2024

How do I permanently delete my mobile history? ›

Copy link.
  1. On your Android device, open Chrome .
  2. At the top right, tap More. History. ...
  3. Tap Delete browsing data.
  4. Next to "Time range:" To delete a portion of your history, select the dates. ...
  5. Check the box next to "Browsing history."
  6. Uncheck any other data you don't want to delete.
  7. Tap Delete data.

How do I wipe my Android tablet before selling it? ›

Go to Settings > Users and Accounts, tap your account and then remove. Step 3: If you have a Samsung device, remove your Samsung account from the phone or tablet as well. Step 4: Now you can wipe the device with a factory reset.

Does factory reset delete everything permanently? ›

Yes, it will clear all of your personal data from your phone. Doing a factory reset of your Android phone will make the phone look and operate exactly as it did when you bought it. That means that your contacts, photos, messages, and any installed apps will be deleted.

Will factory reset remove Google account? ›

A Factory reset will not remove your accounts from that device. Depending on the exact model of the Android phone or tablet, the steps to remove your Google account may differ slightly. For most phones, go to Settings >> Accounts >> Gmail Account >> Remove Account, as shown in Figure 2.0 below.

How to reset a tablet for sale? ›

Android phones and tablets

The standard spot in an Android phone is in the System part of Settings. It's usually called Reset Options. Here you'll find a set of reset styles, most of which are designed to solve problems if your phone starts misbehaving. We want Erase All Data (Factory Reset), or similar.

Is it OK to factory reset a tablet? ›

Yes, performing a factory reset on Android deletes everything on the device, including account information, files, and browsing history. Always make a full backup of your device before factory resetting it.

How do I deep clean my Android tablet? ›

Clear your junk files
  1. On your Android device, open Files by Google .
  2. Tap Menu Clean .
  3. On the "Junk files" card, tap Clean xx MB.
  4. On the confirmation dialog, tap Clear.

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Views: 6137

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Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.