How To Use Home Equity To Buy Another Home Or Invest In Canada? (2024)

Using Home Equity To Invest In Canada: Key Concepts

Good Debt Vs Bad Debt

Though the words ‘debt’ and ‘borrowing’ carry a negative connotation and a lot of risks there is such a thing as good debt, too.

  • Good Debt:Good debt increases your net worth and/or helps you to generate value that’s beyond the reach of your present income.Example:homeowners taking out a new mortgage to buy a new home, borrowing student loans, or accessing a line of credit for debt consolidation

  • Bad Debt:Bad debt on the other hand typically uses borrowed money to purchase goods or services that have no lasting value, like a fancy car or material items you don’t plan on reselling.Example:Money borrowed from credit cards, payday loans, etc.

Don’t get us wrong, we love toys and shiny things as much as the next person, but from an investment standpoint, they aren’t going to bolster your financial portfolio. Good debt isn’t something to worry about financially, and can actually be a great asset if used correctly by borrowers.

What Is Home Equity? How Is It Calculated?

Home equity is the current market value of your property. In simpler terms, it is the money your home is making for you. It’s calculated by estimating the potential property value minus any mortgages or other loan amounts from it. Your home equity can always be used a collateral to raise money in the form of home equity loans or home equity lines of credit. The longer you hold a property, the more equity you will earn.

Home Equity = [Fair market value of home] – [Mortgage balance]

For example, let’s say you bought your current home for $400K. Since buying it, you’ve managed to pay $150,000 towards your existing mortgage loan and it has appreciated in value by $200K over the last few years. The fair market value (FMV) of your home will be $600K. The equity in your home is the amount that you would receive if you decided to sell your home and pay off the remaining mortgage; in this case, the equity equals $350K ($600K (FMV) minus $250K remaining mortgage).

Note:To calculate your home equity, you can use anonline home equity loan calculatorlike this one from CIBC.

What Does Leveraging Your Home Equity Mean?

In simple terms, it means to use borrowed money to increase the potential return on investment. So with that in mind, how to use leverage in real estate is actually quite easy. You can leverage the equity in your home by borrowing funds on the fair market value of your current home. Chances are your home has increased in value since you purchased it. While you may have only paid down a portion of your mortgage to date you are still able to borrow up to 80% of the fair market value of your home, minus any outstanding mortgage payment due. Leveraging the equity in your home into additional properties is the trick. More on that later.

Two Peas in a Pod: Using Cash Vs Home Equity To Invest

To demonstrate the effects of leverage on equity, let’s use the example above, but split it into outright cash vs. leverage scenario:

• Using cash to invest in real estate in Canada:Buy a $500K property using all cash.

• Using home equity to buy another home in Canada:Buy a $500K property with $100K cash and a $400K loan.

If and when the property appreciates to $600K the following year, what happens?

• Using cash to invest in real estate in Canada:Return on equity =20%($100K increase on a $500K investment).

• Using home equity to buy another home in Canada::Return on equity =100%($100K increase on a $100K investment).

By using leverage, not only do you outlay less cash but you also get a much higher(5x to be exact)return on equity.Now that we’ve broken down how you can benefit when you borrow money and leverage a property instead of paying cash down, this might be a good time todownload our Guide To Investing In Pre-Construction Real Estate.

Home Equity Loan vs Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC)

  • Home Equity Loan:A home equity loan is a fixed amount of money paid upfront in one lump sum. As a borrower, you will start paying interest on the loan the moment you take it out. On average, the home equity loan rates in Canada are slightly higher varying between: 6.9% – 9.5%. As of December 2022, theinterest rate stands at around 7.7%– with slight differences based on the terms of the loan.
  • Home Equity Line Of Credit (HELOC):A home equity line of credit on the other hand ensures that you only pay interest on the funds you use as you use them. On average, the interest rates for HELOC is slightly lower – though it varies. As of December 2022,the average HELOC rate is around 7.3%– which generally hovers between 6.3% – 8.5%.

Borrowing on a higher interest rate vs a lower interest rate can make a big difference when it comes to purchasing a pre-construction condo with borrowed funds. The added risk often makes or breaks an investment. Unlike re-sale where you put down a 20% down payment upfront, pre-construction is paid in installments – typically 15% in three installments over the first year with the final 5% paid approximately 4 years later upon completion.

In case this is something you want to know more about, we have an entire blogComparing Home Equity Loan vs HELOC.

Using Home Equity To Buy Another Home In Canada

Can You Use Home Equity To Buy Another Home In Canada?

Yes, you absolutely can! In fact, you can use your home equity to invest in pretty much any asset – it need not be another home or real estate property for that matter. Personally, my advice is to look at lucrative investments that turn into exponential returns when using borrowed money.

Related: What Income Is Needed To Get A 400K – 900K Mortgage In Canada?

Why Do People Buy A Second House In Canada?

Purchasing a second home is becoming a very popular choice in Canada. Different goals drive different individuals. Below are a few popular reasons why people choose to purchase a second home in Canada:

  • A vacation home or cottage to blow off some steam over the weekends

  • A house or apartment equipping the children for the future

  • A place to residesuited to a life in retirement

  • To welcome or accommodate new family members in a bigger location

  • Unforeseen circ*mstances that lead to a need for downsizing

  • Aninvestment opportunityfor the long-term

  • A major life event that requires you to relocate

Can Anybody Buy A Second Home In Canada?

Well, almost. As long as you’re a Canadian individual you should face no trouble buying a second home in Canada. Of course, as a borrower, you will still need to have a good credit score, pass a stress test and pass any other checks requested by the financial institutions. As long as you’re buying your second home to live in or are using it as a multi-unit (you live in it while renting out part of the unit), your second mortgage will look pretty much like the first one. The amount of the down payment will differ depending on the particulars of your new home.

If you’re thinking of purchasing additional properties in Canada as investments, just be wary. For starters, the requirements to get a mortgage as an investor and homeowner differs. Do your own research in advance and don’t rely on the experiences of your first mortgage. Also, as per a new rule passed on 1st January, 2023,some foreigners are no longer allowed to buy residential properties in Canada for investment purposestill 2025.

Benefits Of Using Home Equity To Buy Another Home In Canada

  • Appreciating equity value:As the property you bought appreciates over the years, it becomes worth much more than the monthly mortgage payment made. Even if you don’t want to sell it, you can still use the value it has generated over a period of time to purchase a second home. As a homeowner, you can use your home’s appraised value to make the down payment for another property, be it a vacation home, a second home, a rental property or otherwise. Using the equity in your home to invest in real estate and generating more returns makes more economic sense than simply letting it sit around and allowing that added value go to waste.

  • Opportunity to earn additional rental revenue:Some people use home equity to buy a second home in Canada or vacation home for recreation while others do it for investment purposes. In any case, before you actually use your equity, it’s important to carefully weigh your other options, whether you’re buying a vacation home or a property to generate a steady stream of rental income. If you are looking to buy a rental second property, remember that a condo will give you the highest returns on your investment. Currently, scarcity in the housing market has led to low vacancy rates, which in turn has led to a good appreciation of condos (more on this in the last section). No matter what type of housing option you’re considering, be sure to get an estimate of the price of the property you’re looking to buy your home’s equity.

How Does Equity Work When Buying A Second Home?

So, by now you’re probably starting to think that this whole leverage business makes a lot of sense but — the question of the hour — how do you make it work for you?

  1. Obtain leverage at a low-interest rate:Well, when you own a property and you have equity built into your home, you’re allowed to leverage home equity (i.e.borrow that home equity, meaning that mortgage providers will let you refinance or re-draw up to 80% of the market value of your home) for a nominal, low-interest rate.
    For example, if your house is worth $500K, a lender will let you borrow $400K (minus any current mortgage amount outstanding).

  2. Approach financial institutions for Home Equity Line Of Credit (HELOC):It’s easy to obtain leverage if you’ve amassed equity in your home or a property that you already own. You simply need to approach your bank for a home equity line of credit, also known as a HELOC loan. You can then use this HELOC to leverage your home equity to buy another home in Canada or to buy a rental property. You can use equity to buy another house.
    Let’s take the $400K property from above and let’s say you still owe $200K on your mortgage. In this scenario, you can still borrow $200K (from 400K – 200K), at roughly 3% or $6K each year, which over five years would amount to $30K.

  3. Use HELOC to purchase your second property:At this point, you can invest that $200K into a rental property, which will accumulate its own equity over time to more than make-up for the $30K extra you will need to pay in interest on the initial loan. And, as a cherry on top, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) allows you to deduct the interest portion of your investment property mortgage from your taxes, so it’s a win-win.

When it comes to this setup, the more properties you add the more complicated the math becomes, but you get the idea: more leverage leads to more equity leads to more money in the long run! By using leverage, you increase your ability to purchase high-value investment properties which subsequently increases your net gain as property values appreciate. You can keep using home equity to buy another home and continue this cycle.

If you still feel using your home equity to buy another home or invest in Canada is not a viable option, there aresome alternative financing optionsthat you can consider!

Finding the Best Condo Investment in Toronto

Traditionally over the last 15 years, the majority of people who have invested in pre-construction Toronto condos have made a lot of money doing so. The ability to leverage a small amount of money over a longer period of time has proven to be a successful investment strategy and we’ve been conditioned to believe that this is the best way to make a great return. But the real estate market is exactly that — a market. And the market is changing every day.

If you are interested in using equity to buy a second home in Canada, read our latest post:Finding The Best Condo Investment In Toronto.

RELATED: A guide on how you can enter Toronto real estate market with $100K

Disclaimer: It’s important to note this is a financing tool to get ahead faster. This is not a suggestion to take out all of the available debt to you and spend it on a whim. You must budget correctly otherwise you can get yourself into trouble

How To Use Home Equity To Buy Another Home Or Invest In Canada? (2024)


How to use home equity to buy a second home in Canada? ›

One of the most common ways to use your home equity to buy another home is through home equity loans, also known as second mortgages. These loans allow you to borrow a percentage of your home's appraised value, minus the remaining balance on your first mortgage.

How can I use the equity in my home to buy another? ›

By taking out a home equity loan or HELOC, you can get the cash you need to buy another home, without depleting your bank or investment account.

How do I leverage equity in my home Canada? ›

There are two ways lenders will allow you to borrow using your house as collateral. One is through a fixed-term home equity loan and the other through a home equity line of credit (HELOC). In a home equity loan, a lump sum is released to the borrower. Payments are amortized over a set period of time.

What is the minimum down payment for a second home in Canada? ›

Buying a second property

Here are a few things to know first: For second properties a down payment of at least 20% is required for a second mortgage. If you or family members are going to live in the second home rent-free, you can pay less than 20% down payment.

How much can I borrow against my house in Canada? ›

Your financial institution may allow you to borrow money secured against your home equity. Financial institutions may also call this “equity release.” You may usually borrow up to a total maximum of 80% of the appraised value of your home.

Can I use home equity for down payment Canada? ›

One way you can borrow money to make a down payment is with a home equity loan. Of course, this implies that you already have a home that you not only own, but have equity in.

How to buy a second home without selling the first? ›

How can I buy another house without selling my first? To buy another house without selling your first, explore options such as obtaining a HELOC or line of credit on your existing property. These approaches leverage the equity in your current home to fund the purchase of a second property.

How to use home equity to build wealth? ›

You have numerous options for growing your wealth with a home equity loan, and some of the better ones include:
  1. Make home improvements. ...
  2. Use it for debt consolidation. ...
  3. Finance real estate investments. ...
  4. Put it toward education and skills development. ...
  5. Start or expand a business. ...
  6. Investment portfolio diversification.
Oct 25, 2023

What is the interest rate on a home equity loan? ›

What are today's average interest rates for home equity loans?
Home equity loan8.63%8.50% – 9.49%
10-year fixed home equity loan8.77%7.76% – 9.52%
15-year fixed home equity loan8.77%8.06 – 10.23%

Are there home equity loans in Canada? ›

Home equity loans are also commonly known in Canada as second mortgages or add-on mortgages. As with a regular mortgage, you'll need to apply and qualify for a home equity loan. Once approved, you'll receive a one-time lump-sum amount.

Is home equity taxable in Canada? ›

When Canadians sell their primary residence, the home they live in, the proceeds are tax exempt. However, some politicians and special interest groups are pushing for home equity taxes that would apply to primary residences.

What are the tax implications of buying a second home in Canada? ›

The tax implications of buying a second home

You'll have to pay property taxes, but thanks to Canada's principal residence exemption, you won't owe capital gains tax at the time of selling the property. That's not the case if you own additional properties, such as a cottage, vacation home and/or rental property.

How much income do you need to buy a $650 000 house in Canada? ›

Since then, according to Zoocasa, a Toronto-based brokerage, the average household income needed is about $140,000 to qualify for a mortgage on a home priced at about $650,000.

Can I buy second home with 5% down in Canada? ›

The different kinds of minimum down payment

Rental property: For most lenders, 20% is the minimum down payment on a rental. Second-home: A second home for recreation, family or other purposes can be bought with as little as 5% down payment. At 20% down, there is no CMHC/ default insurance fee.

Is it worth putting 20 down on house Canada? ›

The amount you should put down on your home will depend on your financial situation, your mortgage options, and your long-term financial goals. While a 20% down payment is traditionally considered the gold standard, it's not always necessary or feasible.

Can you own a second home in Canada? ›

You can use the equity in your primary residence to help fund the purchase of your second home. In Ontario you can qualify for the Insured Second Home Mortgage Program. If you qualify you can pay as little as 5% down if the property is occupied by a family member going to college or university.

Can you use home equity for down payment on a second home? ›

You can use HELOC funds for almost any purpose, including as a down payment on a second home. Your bank will set the credit limit on your HELOC based on the amount of equity you have your current home and the balance of your mortgage. The credit limit will typically be set at no more than 85% of these combined amounts.

Can I get two mortgages at the same time in Canada? ›

Not only that but there are some strategies you can use to get approved for several mortgages to finance various properties. So, there is technically no specific limit on how many mortgages you can have in Canada. It ultimately depends on your financial profile, the properties you plan to finance, and the lender.

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