How To Tell If An Influencer Has Fake Followers (2024)

Influencer marketing is built on authenticity, so identifying fake followers is the first line of defense against fraud, and misrepresentation in the industry. Before launching a new campaign, brands need the ability to detect (and avoid) influencers with fake followers.

Brands can identify fake followers by looking out for: extreme engagement rates (very high or very low), spam comments and an uneven number of follower to following ratio. They can also use free tools to analyze influencer profiles and reveal the level of audience authenticity – but more on that later.

First, brands need to be clear that in order to get real results, they need to invest in influencers who have real followers that are genuinely engaging with their content. Unfortunately, not all influencers follow the rules, a small number have purchased fake followers, while others fall victim to Instagram bots. In any case this is incredibly damaging to an influencer’s reputation and authenticity, not to mention a highly expensive mistake for brands to make!

In order to avoid investing in influencers with fake followers, let’s go through in detail what a brand needs to know to check for fake followers and choose the most valuable influencers.

What are fake followers?

Fake followers are social media accounts that don’t belong to real people. They may have been set up by a business or agency that sells fake followers to influencers. Fake followers also include social media bots that are computer programs automatically set up to like and comment posts – but don’t be fooled there is no human engagement there!

The presence of fake social media accounts will inflate an influencer’s number of followers and make it appear as though they have a larger reach and a higher engagement rate than they do in reality. The presence of fake followers is a huge problem for brands who risk wasting money on influencer partnerships that don’t deliver results. In order to drive brand awareness and sales, brands need to prioritize working with influencers who have built up a genuine audience that matches their target customer profile. The bottom line is fake followers and bots are not going to buy products from your brand.

How to identify an influencer with fake followers?

Sourcing authentic influencers who have a genuine connection with their audiences is one of the most important tasks of influencer marketing. By definition, any engagement an influencer receives from a fake follower is worthless. Behind thousands of likes and/or comments, there is no actual audience who is interested in your products. This is why investing in influencers with a lot of fake followers is a huge waste of money for brands.

While looking for influencers to collaborate with, it’s important to keep an eye out for these characteristics that suggest they have fake followers:

Very Low or Very High Engagement Rate

At first sight, influencers with large numbers of followers could look appealing as they seem to offer huge audience reach. However, when looking at mega or macro-influencer profiles be sure to look for discrepancies in their engagement rate. Very low engagement rate indicates they have fake follower accounts whereas a very high engagement rate suggests they have automated engagement bots among their followers. Instagram has tried to stop this phenomenon by blocking suspicious behaviors (a large number of likes or followers in a day), but many still fall through the cracks.

How To Tell If An Influencer Has Fake Followers (1)

You can calculate the engagement rate with the formula: number of engagements/number of followers x 100. A very low engagement, i.e less than 1% would hint at fake followers. This happens when an influencer may have a very high number of followers, but few genuine engagements and not many likes or comments as the followers are not real people! You would expect at least 1% or more of an influencer’s audience to be actively engaging with their posts.

Similarly, be wary of very high engagement rates as this could indicate influencers are buying likes and comments to artificially boost engagement levels. Repetitive likes or engagements on every post is a sign on Instagram bots.

Using Upfluence’s chrome plug-in, we can seefor example that this influencer has 32K followers, yet they have an average engagement rate of 193.91%. Sometimes engagement rates are unusually high because a post went viral and received a lot of likes from real social media users. But as a rule, any metrics that looks suspiciously high (or low) warrant further investigation.

How To Tell If An Influencer Has Fake Followers (2)

Having a huge number of followers usually dilutes an influencer’s overall engagement rate, because they need a higher number of people to be consistently engaging with their content. Therefore if you spot an unusually high engagement rate it could be a sign that an influencer is buying fake followers and bots to inflate their engagement rate.

Check out this blog about how to analyze influencer engagement for more tips!

Spammy & Irrelevant Comments

To assess whether an influencer has real followers it’s a good idea to dig into the comments section! This gives great qualitative insight into who is interacting with them and how. You can usually spot genuine comments easily as they’ll directly reference the content or respond to comments in the thread. Comments that are spam or seem out of place are usually due to fake followers and bots.

Here are some suspicious comments to notice:

  • Comments with only emojis/no actual context.
  • Comments with short, common, and repetitive phrases (e.g. “Hot!!!”, “Beautiful”, “Great shot!!”, etc.)
  • Irrelevant or out-of-context comments (e.g. “Beautiful girl!” on a photo of food)

The final thing to check is the actual accounts that make these comments: They usually have very few or no followers, most likely with generic or random Instagram handles, no bios, and are often private accounts – dead giveaways for bots!

How To Tell If An Influencer Has Fake Followers (3)

Number of Followers to Following Ratio

Another indicator that’s immediately visible, is the following/followers ratio. This ratio is the number of accounts someone follows versus the number of accounts who follow them. An authentic influencer account is likely to have more accounts that follow them than people they follow.

One thing to watch out for is if an influencer has an equal amount of followers/following. There are many reasons that could lead to this. For example, in order to increase followers, many people seek other accounts to “follow for follow” (f4f) or “shoutout for shoutout” (s4s). While this increases the number of their followers, their community of followers is usually irrelevant to the content of their account.

Free Tools to Spot Fake Followers

It can be incredibly time consuming to rely on manually checking an influencer’s engagement rate and comments to spot fake followers. There are some key metrics that would be much easier to analyze with the help of a tool. Fortunately, there are simple yet effective online tools available that will help you check if your influencers have fake followers.

By combining insights about influencer engagement, unfollows, comments, and other data these tools can detect influencer accounts that are likely to have a high number of fake followers.

Upfluence Chrome Plugin

Upfluence offers a free Chrome plugin that gives users insight into an influencer’s social media performance and helps them run a fake follower check for their selected influencers. It works on Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, Twitch, blogs, and Pinterest. The plugin can analyze a profile’s engagement rate, reach, audience demographics, and more. Download Upfluence’s Chrome plugin.

How To Tell If An Influencer Has Fake Followers (4)

The plugin will display the percentage of real followers an influencer profile has to help you select only the profiles that have the highest number of real followers. A good practice is to avoid profiles with less than 90% real followers (in other words those who have 10% or more fake followers).

Dive deeper with this blog explaining 7 steps to detect fake followers and fake likes on Instagram.


FakeCheck helps you to identify fake followers for Instagram accounts. Simply copy and paste the name of the Instagram account handle that you want to analyze and they’ll take care of the rest!

Social Blade

Social Blade allows you to check influencer data on all social networks. With this tool, you can easily and quickly find the engagement rate, the number of followers won or lost each day and the number of followers.


While a sudden spike of followers is suspicious, it does not always mean that they are purchased accounts (the influencers may have gone viral, mentioned in a much larger account, etc.), but many sudden increases or irregular patterns could be an indication of fake/bought followers.

The industry as a whole has been moving away from using vanity metrics as the only way to identify successful influencers. The rise of micro-influencers, who are far less likely to have fake followers, goes to show that choosing influencers for their large number of followers isn’t always the way to go. As a brand looking to work with influencers, you should turn your attention to finding influencers that deliver a high ROI and generate sales. These conversions are much more difficult to artificially replicate and are a much stronger indicator that an influencer can help you meet your goals.

Learn more about how to find authentic influencers for your brand in this free guide:

As an expert in influencer marketing, I have extensive experience in navigating the complexities of the industry, identifying authentic influencers, and employing effective strategies to mitigate the risks associated with fake followers. My expertise is grounded in practical knowledge gained through hands-on involvement in influencer collaborations, campaign management, and the utilization of various tools and methodologies to ensure the integrity of influencer partnerships.

In the context of the provided article on influencer marketing and fake followers, several key concepts and strategies are discussed:

  1. Authenticity in Influencer Marketing:

    • Authenticity is emphasized as a foundational element in influencer marketing.
    • The article underscores the importance of investing in influencers with real followers to achieve meaningful results.
  2. Identification of Fake Followers:

    • Detection of fake followers is presented as the first line of defense against fraud and misrepresentation in the industry.
    • Brands are advised to look out for extreme engagement rates (both very high and very low), spam comments, and an uneven follower-to-following ratio as indicators of potential fake followers.
  3. Definition of Fake Followers:

    • Fake followers are described as social media accounts that do not belong to real people.
    • These accounts may be set up by businesses or agencies selling fake followers to influencers, and they may also include social media bots designed to automatically engage with posts.
  4. Negative Impact of Fake Followers:

    • The presence of fake followers is highlighted as a significant problem for brands, as it can lead to wasted investments in influencer partnerships that do not deliver genuine results.
  5. Characteristics of Fake Followers:

    • Influencers with very low or very high engagement rates are flagged as potentially having fake followers.
    • Spammy and irrelevant comments, as well as an equal number of followers and following, are identified as suspicious characteristics.
  6. Engagement Rate Calculation:

    • The engagement rate is defined as the number of engagements divided by the number of followers, multiplied by 100.
    • An engagement rate lower than 1% is suggested as an indication of potential fake followers.
  7. Tools for Identifying Fake Followers:

    • Upfluence's Chrome plugin is recommended as a tool to analyze an influencer's social media performance and detect fake followers.
    • Other tools such as FakeCheck and Social Blade are also introduced for identifying fake followers on Instagram and across various social networks.
  8. Industry Shift Towards Authenticity:

    • The article acknowledges a shift in the industry away from relying solely on vanity metrics and emphasizes the importance of focusing on influencers that deliver a high return on investment (ROI) and generate sales.
  9. Rise of Micro-Influencers:

    • The rise of micro-influencers is mentioned as a trend, highlighting that they are less likely to have fake followers and can offer better ROI for brands.
  10. Conversion as a Key Indicator:

    • The focus on influencer marketing is redirected towards finding influencers that deliver conversions and contribute to achieving brand goals.

In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive guide for brands to navigate the influencer marketing landscape, avoid potential pitfalls associated with fake followers, and prioritize authentic collaborations for optimal results.

How To Tell If An Influencer Has Fake Followers (2024)


How To Tell If An Influencer Has Fake Followers? ›

Analyze Influencer Engagement

If an influencer has a large audience but their followers rarely interact with their posts (or they only post generic comments and emojis), then it could suggest that most of their followers are bots or fake accounts.

How to check if an influencer has fake followers? ›

Analyze Influencer Engagement

If an influencer has a large audience but their followers rarely interact with their posts (or they only post generic comments and emojis), then it could suggest that most of their followers are bots or fake accounts.

How do you test an influencer? ›

1 Check their social proof

A credible and authentic influencer will have a large and loyal following, a high and consistent engagement rate, positive and relevant comments, credible and satisfied reviews, and frequent and organic mentions from other influencers and brands.

How to tell if someone has bought followers? ›

If you inspect the profiles of an influencer's followers and discover that a majority are "ghost" profiles with no posts, very few followers, and little to no activity, it's a clear indicator of fake followers. If there isn't much happening on these profiles, you've cracked the code.

How do you know if an influencer is trustworthy? ›

See if they have worked with other established brands before on projects, or been invited to reputable industry events. Checking an influencer's endorsem*nt history can be a great reference check to ensure that you are working with someone who is credible and shares your brand values.

Are fake followers obvious? ›

You can find fake followers by looking at things like how many posts they have and what their comments say. If it doesn't match up or looks weird, they might be fake. Use tools like to check if followers are real. These help see who's engaging with your account and who's just a number.

How to spot fake Instagram accounts? ›

If you're suspicious, perform a reverse image search of the profile picture. The account is likely fake if it appears on multiple sites or as a stock image. Also, profile pictures that are just the default icon you get on Instagram are usually spam accounts as most people put a username.

How many followers does a good influencer have? ›

Many marketers consider an engagement rate between one and five percent good. You can run successful marketing campaigns with influencers who have a range of follower counts. Micro-influencers have between 10,000 and 50,000 followers, while mega-influencers have over one million followers.

How do I check my followers on influencers? ›

You can analyze an influencer manually or with a tool like GRIN's Influencer Analysis Tool. If you're doing it manually, look at: Their audience. Scroll through their list of followers and look to see if the majority of them seem like real people or bots.

How do you know if an influencer has good engagement? ›

If the engagement rate is higher than 3%, that is a good sign that their audience is very engaged with their content, and if it is below 1%, it means their audience as a whole is not very engaged with their content.

Can people tell fake followers? ›

Suspicious accounts will have very little information about the profile, with fewer or no posts. Check if they have any profile picture or real name in their username. If you notice that the followers' accounts have no profile pic or poorly written usernames, this can be a sign of a fake follower.

How to detect bot followers on Instagram? ›

  1. Generic comments. A prime indication of bot interaction is generic commentary on posts. ...
  2. Quality of content. ...
  3. Following-Follower ratio. ...
  4. Erratic invitations. ...
  5. Dramatic audience spikes. ...
  6. Engagement per post. ...
  7. Comment response. ...
  8. Profile assessment.

Who has the most fake followers on Instagram? ›

The biggest fake influencers on social media
RankInfluencer & Instagram Handle% of fake followers
1Kylie Jenner @kyliejenner40%
2Kendall Jenner@kendalljenner37%
3Blake Lively @blakelively37%
4Justin Bieber @justinbieber37%
21 more rows

How do you spot a fake influencer? ›

How to Spot Fake Influencers: 7 Signs to Look Out For
  1. A Sudden and Dramatic Increase in Followers. ...
  2. New Accounts With High Follower Counts. ...
  3. Low-Quality or Fake-Looking Followers. ...
  4. A Huge Following With Disproportionate Activity. ...
  5. Low-Quality Engagement. ...
  6. No Presence Anywhere Else on Social Media.
Mar 4, 2024

Do influencers have real followers? ›

Genuine influencers typically have 3-6% engagement rates, so anything lower than that could be a red flag. Be wary of influencers with large followings but low engagement rates, as this could be a sign of fake followers.

How do you know if Instagram followers are legit? ›

How to detect fake followers on Instagram
  1. Low engagement rates. ...
  2. Quality of Comments. ...
  3. Not having a profile picture. ...
  4. Number of posts. ...
  5. Skewed following to followers ratio. ...
  6. Sudden Follower Growth. ...
  7. Consistency Across Posts. ...
  8. Bio and Profile Completeness.

Which influencer has fake followers? ›

The biggest fake influencers on social media
RankInfluencer & Instagram Handle% of fake followers
1Kylie Jenner @kyliejenner40%
2Kendall Jenner@kendalljenner37%
3Blake Lively @blakelively37%
4Justin Bieber @justinbieber37%
21 more rows

How to check fake followers on TikTok? ›

Look at the profiles of some followers. Signs of fake accounts include no or few videos posted, a profile picture that looks generic or is missing, and little to no bio information.

Can Instagram track fake followers? ›

Instagram may flag accounts if they're potentially spam, bots or irrelevant. You can also stop flagged accounts from affecting your discoverability and your ability to build authentic engagement with real followers by reviewing activity from accounts we've flagged.

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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

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Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.