How to Tell Him I Like Him? 9+ Ways to Tell a Guy - DIVEIN (2024)

Wondering, how to tell a guy you like him?

Are you feeling butterflies in your stomach at the mere thought of it?

Do you find yourself struggling to find the right words, fearing rejection or ruining a perfectly good friendship?

Don’t worry, we’ve all been there!

But expressing your feelings is not something to be afraid of. In fact, it can lead to a deeper connection and a chance at a romantic relationship.

Let’s go through some tips and strategies to help you confidently tell the guy how you feel and overcome any obstacles along the way. So take a deep breath, grab a cup of tea, and let’s explore with an open mind.

9 Ways How to Tell a Guy You Like Him

Tell him you like him

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If you are exploring how to tell a guy you like him, you can take a few different approaches depending on your relationship with him and your personal style.

You can take the straightforward no-BS approach. Sometimes the simplest way is the best one. You can simply say, “Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I really like you.” Make sure that you do so with confidence. It can be nerve-wracking to express your feelings, but try to be confident when you talk to him. Remember that he’s just a person like you, and there’s nothing wrong with expressing your feelings.

You can also try to make your approach as casual as possible. You don’t have to make a big production out of telling him you like him. You can slip it into a casual conversation, like, “Hey, I had a really great time hanging out with you the other day. I just wanted to let you know that I like you.”

Now, if you’re the type of person who uses humor to diffuse awkward situations, you could try saying something like, “I hope you don’t think I’m too forward, but I kind of like you.”. On the other hand, if you’re too nervous to say it out loud, you could write him a note or send him a message expressing your feelings.

Remember that there’s no right or wrong way to tell someone you like them. The most important thing is to be honest and true to yourself.

Here are some examples you can try:

  • “I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoy spending time with you, and I think you’re a great guy.”
  • “I don’t know if you feel the same way, but I wanted to tell you that I have feelings for you, and I’d like to explore that.”
  • “I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately, and I realized that I have feelings for you. I just wanted to be honest with you and see where things could go between us.”
  • “I’m not sure if you’re aware, but I really like you. I think you’re kind, funny, and attractive, and I wanted to let you know how I feel.”
  • “I wanted to take a chance and tell you that I have feelings for you. I hope you feel the same way, but even if you don’t, I just wanted to be honest about my feelings.”
  • “I don’t want to play games or beat around the bush. I like you, and I want to see where things could go between us. How do you feel about that?”
  • “I’ve been hesitant to tell you this, but I can’t ignore my feelings any longer. I like you, and I think we could be really good together.”
  • “I don’t know if you’ve ever thought about us as more than friends, but I have. I really like you, and I just wanted to put that out there.”
  • “I’ve been trying to figure out how to say this for a while now, but I just wanted to tell you that I like you. I’m not sure where things will go, but I hope we can explore this together.”
  • “I hope this doesn’t come as a surprise, but I’ve been developing feelings for you. I admire your intelligence, sense of humor, and kind heart.”

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Ask the guy out

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Asking a guy out can feel intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be!

You can start with small talk. If you don’t know the person very well, start by making small talk and get to know him better. Ask him questions about his hobbies or interests and find common ground.

Make sure your intentions are clear when you ask him out. You don’t want to leave him guessing about whether you’re asking him out as a friend or as a romantic interest. Pick a time and place where you can talk privately and without distractions. You want to be able to focus on the conversation and give him your full attention.

Now, be prepared for any response. Remember that there’s always a chance that he may not be interested in going out with you. Be prepared for this possibility, and don’t take it personally.

Finally, just ask! The best way to ask a man out is to be direct and to the point. You could say something like, “Hey, I really enjoy talking to you, and I was wondering if you’d like to go out sometime?”

There’s nothing wrong with taking the initiative and asking a man out. To make it less stressful, you can use the examples below and alter them accordingly.

  • Would you like to grab a drink/coffee sometime?
  • I really enjoy spending time with you. Would you like to go on a date with me?
  • I’ve been meaning to try out this new restaurant. Would you like to join me?
  • I’d love to get to know you better. Would you like to go out sometime?
  • I think you’re great, and I’d like to get to know you better. Would you like to go out for dinner with me?
  • I’m planning to see this movie this weekend. Would you like to come with me?
  • I’ve been thinking about asking you out for a while now. Would you like to go out with me?
  • I think you’re really interesting and I’d like to spend more time with you. Would you like to go on a walk with me?

If you are wondering how to tell a guy you like him, asking him out is a great to-the-point no-games approach.

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Flirt with him

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Flirting can be a fun and effective way to show a guy that you’re interested in him. Remember to smile and make eye contact: A warm smile and direct eye contact can go a long way in conveying your interest and attraction.

Don’t be afraid to start a conversation. Strike up a conversation about something you both have in common, or ask him a question about something he’s interested in. Keep the conversation light and playful. Couple it with your body language to show your interest. Lean in when he’s talking, touch his arm lightly, or play with your hair. However, be mindful of personal boundaries and avoid being too aggressive.

Everyone likes to receive compliments, so be generous in giving them! Be sincere and specific in your compliments, but don’t overdo it. It will also help to find common interests. Discovering shared interests is a great way to connect with someone. If you find out he likes a certain band, for example, suggest going to a concert together.

Most importantly, be confident. Confidence is attractive. Most find it to be the sexiest thing a woman can possess, so be sure to project confidence in yourself and your actions.

Remember that flirting should be fun and light-hearted, so don’t take it too seriously. If you don’t know what to say, here are some starters:

  • “You always make me smile. I think it’s because of your charming personality.”
  • “I can’t stop thinking about you. You’re just so irresistible.”
  • “I love the way you make me feel. It’s like I’m on top of the world.”
  • “You have the most amazing eyes. I could stare into them all day.”
  • “I have a confession to make. I find you incredibly attractive.”
  • “You have a great sense of humor. I love a man who can make me laugh.”
  • “I can’t wait to see you again. I’ve been thinking about you non-stop.”
  • “You make my heart race every time I see you. I can’t deny the chemistry between us.”
  • “You’re the complete package. Good looks, intelligence, and a great personality.”

If you prefer indirect approaches this is one way how to tell a guy you like him without telling him.

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Include him in your activities

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Before you invite a guy to join you in an activity, start by having a casual conversation with him. This can help you gauge his interests and availability. Then, once you have a sense of what he might be interested in, suggest an activity that you think he would enjoy.

For example, you could say, “Hey, I was thinking of going to see a movie this weekend. Would you like to join me?”

When you invite him, be specific about the details of the activity, such as the time, place, and duration. This will help him plan accordingly and make it easier for him to say yes. Be confident and direct. This will show that you are interested in spending time with him and that you value his company.

Now, it’s possible that he may decline your invitation for various reasons. If this happens, be gracious and understanding, and don’t take it personally.

If he accepts your invitation, make sure to follow up with him to confirm the details of the activity and make any necessary arrangements. If he declines, you can still reach out to him in the future and suggest other activities that you can do together.

Here’s an easy example to help you:

“Hey [name], I was thinking of [activity], and I was wondering if you would like to join me? It would be great to spend some time together and have some fun.”

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Invite him along with your friends

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If you prefer indirect approaches here’s on way how to tell a guy you like him without telling him.

Inviting the guy you like to hang out with your friends can be beneficial for a few reasons. It can give you an opportunity to get to know him better in a social setting. Seeing how he interacts with your friends can help you gain insight into his personality and how he behaves around others.

It can help alleviate any nervousness or awkwardness you might feel when spending time with him one-on-one. Being in a group setting can take some of the pressure off and create a more relaxed atmosphere. This setup will also help you gauge his interest in you.

If he accepts your invitation and seems to enjoy spending time with you and your friends, it could be a good sign that he’s interested in pursuing a relationship.

Overall, inviting the guy you like to hang out with your friends can be a low-key, fun way to get to know him better and see if there’s potential for a deeper connection.

Try out the following if you want to invite him but don’t know what to say:

  • “Hey, I’m going out with some friends this weekend, and I was wondering if you’d like to come along?”
  • “My friends and I are planning to check out a new restaurant/bar this weekend. Want to come with us?”
  • “I’m meeting up with some friends for a picnic in the park on Saturday. Do you want to join us?”
  • “My friends and I are planning to go hiking this weekend. Would you like to come with us and explore the trails?”
  • “I’m going to a concert with some friends next week. Do you want to come along and join us?”
  • “My friends and I are going to a trivia night at a local bar. We’d love for you to come and join our team.”

Remember, the key is to keep it casual and fun, and to emphasize that you’re inviting him to join a group activity.

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Compliment him

How to Tell Him I Like Him? 9+ Ways to Tell a Guy - DIVEIN (6)

This is a cute way to show a guy you like him without saying it directly.

Complimenting someone you like is a great way to make them feel appreciated and to build a positive connection with them. Instead of a generic compliment like “you’re awesome,” try to be more specific about what you appreciate about him.

For example, you might say, “I really admire how you always make time to help others.”

Don’t just say something nice for the sake of it. Make sure that you genuinely mean what you say, as insincerity can come across as phony. Speak your compliment with confidence, making eye contact and using a clear tone of voice. This will help convey your sincerity and show that you’re comfortable expressing your feelings.

Short note: It’s important to be mindful of the situation and relationship when giving a compliment. For example, if you’re in a professional setting, you might want to stick to compliments related to work performance rather than personal qualities.

After giving a compliment, follow up with a question or comment to keep the conversation flowing. For example, you might say, “I really like your sense of humor. What’s your favorite joke?”

Here are some examples of compliments that you could give to a guy you like:

  • “You have a great sense of style.”
  • “You’re always so kind to everyone around you.”
  • “I love the way you think outside the box and come up with creative solutions.”
  • “You have a really infectious smile.”
  • “I really appreciate how supportive you’ve been lately.”

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Spend time getting to know him

How to Tell Him I Like Him? 9+ Ways to Tell a Guy - DIVEIN (7)

There are lots of treasures that unravel themselves when you practice patience. Not only do you save yourself from possible heartbreak, but you also avoid ruining the good possibility that he might be Mr. Right.

Let the situation naturally develop, and enjoy the process of getting to know him. You can combine all the tactics mentioned above. Compliment him, and don’t be afraid to flirt with him playfully. Make plans together, let him inside your circle of friends, and do activities together. Not once or twice. But do it over and over again (as long as he’s into it as well, of course!) to the point that you have established some trust and pattern on behavior. This way, there won’t be unnecessary surprises along the way.

So, if you have been wondering how to show a guy you like him, spending time getting to know him is probably one of the best ways.

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Make him feel needed (and appreciated!)

How to Tell Him I Like Him? 9+ Ways to Tell a Guy - DIVEIN (8)

If you prefer indirect approaches this is one way how to tell a guy you like him without telling him directly.

Well, men naturally feel good when they extend help one way or another, whether that’s carrying a heavy load, finishing a research paper, or just picking you up or dropping you off at a location. If you have a problem or need something done, consider asking him for help. You can say something like:

Hey, I have a bit of a problem and could really use your help. Could you lend me a hand with [specific task]?”

You can also make him feel needed by expressing your gratitude for the things he does for you, even his small gestures. Listening to his suggestions will also make him feel valued and appreciated, especially if it’s about something that matters to you.

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Follow his socials and like his stuff

How to Tell Him I Like Him? 9+ Ways to Tell a Guy - DIVEIN (9)

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If you prefer indirect approaches this is one way how to show a guy you like him.

In this day and age, social media is the no-fuss gateway to almost anything. Following his accounts, giving them likes and hearts, and leaving playful comments are some of the easiest ways to convey your feelings about him.

However, remember that other audiences are also in his social media accounts so keep it all light-hearted. It’s also a two-way street, so whether you get a positive response or not, it’ll be out there in the world. Just handle both with grace and dignity (especially if the response goes sideways!).

Finally, respecting the other person’s boundaries and preferences is essential. If they don’t respond to your message or indicate disinterest, don’t keep pushing or trying to pursue them. It’s important to give them space and respect their wishes.

How To Tell A Guy You Like Him Without Telling Him

Sometimes it can be really hard to tell a guy that you like him. So what can you do instead? Hinting at how you feel with different approaches can help you express your feelings in a more nonchalant way.

So instead of taking the direct approach of telling him or asking him out on a romantic date you can consider one of these options:

  • Flirt with him
  • Text him
  • Invite him to join in on one of your activities
  • Invite him to a hang out with your friends
  • Compliment him in a way that makes him notice that you like his qualities
  • Ask for his opinion or help with something
  • Do some light social media flirting. Follow his socials and like his stuff

How To Tell A Guy You Like Him Through Text

Texting can offer a comfortable and controlled way to express your feelings to someone you’re interested in. This method allows you to carefully craft your message, ensuring clarity and reducing the chance of becoming nervous. When texting your crush, make sure he is attentive and likely to understand your intentions. Aim for simplicity in your language, avoiding too many abbreviations that could obscure your message. Rather than confessing your feelings outright, which might be more impactful face-to-face, consider initiating the conversation with light flirting or suggesting a date. Be prepared for any response, as he may not feel the same way, and remember to avoid sending multiple texts in a row, which could come across as overly eager or desperate. This measured approach helps you communicate your interest while respecting both his feelings and the pace of your budding relationship.

Here are a few examples of what to send a guy through a text. These range from light and flirty to more direct, while still keeping a casual and respectful tone:

  • “Hey handsome🔥, how was your day?”
  • “I’m really enjoying spending time with you. To be honest, I think I’m feeling more than friendship vibes. Where are you at?”
  • “Hey, just wanted to say I really enjoyed our conversation about [topic]. You’re easy to talk to.”
  • “I’m going to [event or place] this weekend and thought you might like to join. It’ll be fun!”
  • “Was just thinking about you, how’s your day going?”
  • “I remember you mentioning you love [band/movie/hobby]. I’m checking it out and it’s really cool. Thanks for the recommendation!”
  • “I’ve been having such a good time with you, just thought you should know you have a real way of making me feel comfortable.”
  • “I need a second opinion on [topic or decision]. I’d love your opinion on it, can we talk tonight?”
  • “You have an amazing sense of humor, you always know how to make me laugh!”
  • “Just wanted to say hi and that I hope you’re having a great day!”

Cute Ways To Tell A Guy You Like Him

If you want to go all cutsie on a guy, here are a few cute ways to tell a guy you like him.

Expressing your feelings to someone you like can be stressful, but it can also be incredibly sweet and memorable. One cute way to tell a guy you like him is through a handwritten note. It’s personal and charming, and he can keep it as a memento. Another adorable method is to use inside jokes or shared interests to convey your feelings, making the moment unique to your connection. You could also plan a small, surprise gesture like a coffee or a flower delivery (guys never get flowers!) with a flirty note attached. These thoughtful, lighthearted approaches make the revelation less intimidating and more delightful for both of you.

What To Say To A Guy You Like

If you need some inspiration of what to say to a guy you like we’ve included examples throughout this article. Here are a few of our favorites:

  • “I don’t know if you feel the same way, but I wanted to tell you that I have feelings for you, and I’d like to explore that. Where is your head at?”
  • “I’m not sure if you’re aware, but I really like you. I think you’re kind, funny, and attractive, and I wanted to let you know how I feel. How are you feeling?”
  • “I don’t want to play games or beat around the bush. I like you, and I want to see where things could go between us. How do you feel about that?”
  • “I hope this doesn’t come as a surprise, but I’ve been developing feelings for you. I admire your intelligence, sense of humor, and kind heart.”

Or you could text him this:

  • “I’m really enjoying spending time with you. To be honest, I think I’m feeling more than friendship vibes. Where are you at?”

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How To Show A Guy You Like Him

Hinting at your feelings with light and playful flirting is probably one of the best ways to show a guy you like him.

If directly expressing your feelings seems too intimidating, consider subtly demonstrating your interest through light flirting. Make an effort to spend more time with him, engage in gentle, playful touches, and observe how he reacts both verbally and nonverbally. If he responds positively, and the atmosphere feels right, you might even consider sealing the moment with a kiss. This approach allows you to gauge his interest and comfort level gradually, making the process less intimidating and more natural.

How To Tell A Guy You Don’t Like Him

There are many ways to tell a guy you don’t like him. The most honest way is to communicate it to the person and let them down easy. Putting yourself out there is a tough thing to do, and let’s face it, it requires courage. So, no matter if you like the person or not they should be treated nicely and with respect.

If you are not interested in a guy it’s not recommended to lead a guy on just for the sake of entertaining his attention. However, ghosting him is also not nice. He deserves to know where your head is at. A general rule is to treat a guy the same way you’d like to be treated if you had put yourself out there.

Here are a few options of how to let a guy down easy:

  • “I’ve been doing some thinking about us. I think you’re a great person, and anyone would be lucky to have you. I just don’t feel a romantic connection between us and I don’t want to waste your time on dating me if I don’t think it’s going anywhere.”
  • “I respect you a lot, so I want to be upfront. I don’t have romantic feelings, and I think it’s best to be honest about that.”
  • “I’ve enjoyed our time together, but I feel that we don’t have the chemistry I’m looking for in a romantic relationship.”
  • “You’re a wonderful person with so much to offer, but I feel that we’re not quite right for each other romantically.”
  • “I have a lot of respect for you and your feelings, so I want to be clear that I don’t see a romantic future for us.”
  • “It means a lot that you’re interested in me, but I believe we’re on different paths and I just don’t feel a romantic connection.”

How To Tell A Guy You Don’t Like Him Anymore Over Text

If you feel intimidated by having the ‘I don’t like you anymore’ conversation face to face with the guy you are dating you can always text. Having a conversation directly can also be uncomfortable for the guy and completely unnecessary, especially if you’ve only gone on a few dates and barely know each other. Here are a few ways how to tell a guy you don’t like him anymore over text:

  • “Hi [Name], I’m not feeling a romantic spark between us and I don’t want to waste your time dating if I know it won’t go anywhere. I enjoyed your company but hope you find a better match.”
  • “Hi, I’ve been doing some thinking and I’ve realized my feelings have changed, and I don’t feel the same way about us as I used to. I just wanted to be honest with you about how I feel so that we can both move forward.”
  • “Hi [Name], I hope you’re doing well. I’ve been doing some thinking and I feel it’s important to be honest with you. I really value the time we’ve spent together and have a lot of respect for you. But I think it’s best for me to move on. I wanted to tell you this directly so that we can both have closure and move forward. I wish you all the best.”

Telling a guy you like him can be a stressful experience, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. Whether your confession leads to a romantic relationship or not, being true to your feelings is always worthwhile.

Remember to approach the conversation confidently, honestly, and authentically, and be prepared for any outcome. If he reciprocates your feelings, then congratulations! If not, it’s okay to feel disappointed, but don’t let that discourage you from pursuing other potential romantic connections in the future.

Whatever happens, know that you took a brave step by expressing yourself, and that in itself is a success.

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Frequently asked questions

How do I tell a guy I like him?

There are various ways to tell a guy you like him. Choose an approach you’re most comfortable with. Remember that there’s no guarantee that you will get a positive response. The only thing that matters is that you have expressed your feelings sincerely and respectfully. Here are some of the best ways to let him know you like him:

  • Tell him
  • Ask him out
  • Flirt with him
  • Include him in your activities
  • Invite him along with your friends
  • Compliment him
  • Spend time getting to know him
  • Make him feel needed (and appreciated!)
  • Follow his socials and like his stuff

You can read more about How to Tell Him You Like Him.

What is the best way to tell a guy you like him?

The best way to tell a guy you like him is to Tell Him straight out or Ask Him on a Date. That way you’ll know right away if the feeling is mutual and worth exploring.

However, the best way to tell him you like him is always the one that is authentic and comfortable to you.

You can click here for more information and start strategizing ways to Tell Him You Like Him.

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How to Tell Him I Like Him? 9+ Ways to Tell a Guy - DIVEIN (2024)


How do I tell the guy I like that I like him? ›

How To Tell Him I Like Him
  1. Tell It to Him Directly. Sometimes, the best approach is to keep things simple and exactly as they are. ...
  2. Don't Say It, Show It. Sometimes actions speak louder than words. ...
  3. Work On Your Compliments Game. ...
  4. Ask Him For Help. ...
  5. Drop Hints That You Are Single. ...
  6. Use The Power Of Touch.
Apr 24, 2023

How to tell a guy you like him in a cute way? ›

Compliment him on his new shirt, his smile, looks, or intelligence. Let him know you admire his attributes and qualities. Tease him playfully or use his quirky habits or unique preferences to pull his leg. Making him smile is a great way to make a place in his heart.

How to tell a guy you like him without scaring him off? ›

Try something like, “I think you're pretty cool, and I'd love to keep hanging out with you.” Or, “I'd like to see where this goes, if that's okay with you.” If you know he gets scared off easily, stay away from anything too intense, like “I have feelings for you” or “I think I'm falling in love with you.”

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  1. Does He Like Me or Is He Just Being Nice?
  2. How to Know If a Guy Likes You: Biggest Signs He's Into You. Gives body language cues. Pays attention to you. Initiates and maintains contact. Displays interest in your interests. Goes out of his way for you. Introduces you to his inner circle.
Jun 29, 2024

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  1. Write a letter or note: Sometimes, it's easier to express your feelings in writing. ...
  2. Use a creative approach: Get creative and use a fun approach to confess your feelings. ...
  3. Ask them on a date: Sometimes, the best way to confess your feelings is to ask your crush out on a date.
Feb 18, 2023

Should I tell my crush I like him? ›

Telling someone you like them can be scary, but it's the best path forward: after all, if you let this crush build momentum without clueing the other person in, that can create unfair expectations, wasted time, or hurt feelings.

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Ask him questions to show that you care.

One way to tell your crush you like him is to show a genuine interest in him. To do this, you should simply ask him questions about his life and make an effort to really listen to the answers instead of planning your next move.

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Tips to make him fall head-over-heels in love with you
  1. 1/6. ​Where is your relationship? You need some amount of surety in a relationship. ...
  2. 2/6. ​Be independent and confident. Confidence attracts people. ...
  3. 3/6. ​Be a little mysterious. ...
  4. 4/6. ​Let him be the man. ...
  5. 5/6. ​Be unpredictable. ...
  6. 6/6. ​Be his best friend.
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Is it OK to tell a guy he's cute? ›

Men enjoy compliments on their looks and personality as much as women, even if they don't show it. If a guy is trying hard to impress you, he'll be extra weak in the knees when you call him cute because he'll feel like he's winning you over. Chances are he'll enjoy the compliment more than he'll let on.

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For guys, being called cute is often appreciated as it acknowledges more than just their looks—it highlights their appealing personality and actions. It's a genuine expression of admiration that resonates positively. Such compliments create a sense of connection and boost confidence.

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Crushes, of course, are most fun when they're mutual! If you have a crush on a boy in school, there are a few ways to get him to return the feelings. By getting to know him, finding common interests, subtly flirting with body language, and sharing your feelings outright, you can get him hooked in no time.

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If your crush knows you like them, they'll probably feel a lot more nervous than they were before they knew. Look for signs that your crush feels a little on edge when you're near them, such as talking too much to fill awkward silences, getting tongue-tied, or fidgeting while you're talking to them.

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17 ways on how to hint to a guy that you like him
  1. Eye contact. Eye contact is more powerful than many people realize. ...
  2. Smile more. A genuine, warm smile is one of the cute ways to tell a guy you like him. ...
  3. Initiate conversation. ...
  4. Compliment him. ...
  5. Light touches. ...
  6. Show interest in his interests. ...
  7. Be there for him. ...
  8. Use humor.
May 20, 2024

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How to Be Romantic
  1. Be thoughtful. ...
  2. Express yourself. ...
  3. Give gifts. ...
  4. Know your partner's love language. ...
  5. Listen attentively. ...
  6. Make time for your partner. ...
  7. Show physical affection. ...
  8. Surprise them.
May 11, 2022

How do I tell my crush I really like him? ›

The sooner you do it, the better, and the less likely you'll be to make yourself more nervous or likely to ramble on about something unrelated. Just be simple and direct. Say, "I wanted to tell you that I have a crush on you" or "I really like hanging out with you, and I want you to know that I have feelings for you."

Should I tell a guy I am attracted to him? ›

Before you decide to tell him how you feel, take some time to seriously consider whether or not you feel it's worth that risk. If you decide to go for it and it doesn't work out how you hoped, remember this: just because one person doesn't feel that way about you, it doesn't mean that someone else won't in the future!

How can I express my feelings to a guy I like? ›

Actions and words

You might show love in small actions, like cooking their favorite meal or surprising them with a small gift when they least expect it. If your partner loves to hear words of affirmation, you might write them a long love letter and deliver it with flowers and a teddy bear.

How do I tell a guy I like him over text? ›

Short and simple is the best way for you to say what you need to say. Try something like, “I like you. Let's hang out sometime!” or, “I wanted to tell you that I have a crush on you. No pressure or anything.

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.