How to Take Money From the Market Maker Presented by Andrew Keene. - ppt download (2024)

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1 How to Take Money From the Market Maker Presented by Andrew Keene

2 Disclaimer “” (“KOTM”) is not an investment advisor and is not registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission or the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. Further, owners, employees, agents or representatives of KOTM are not acting as investment advisors and might not be registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission or the Financial Industry IMPORTANT NOTICE! No representation is being made that the use of this strategy or any system or trading methodology will generate profits. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. There is substantial risk of loss associated with trading securities and options on equities. Only risk capital should be used to trade. Trading securities is not suitable for everyone. Disclaimer: Futures, Options, and Currency trading all have large potential rewards, but they also have large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in these markets. Don’t trade with money you can’t afford to lose. This website is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy/Sell futures, options, or currencies. No representation is being made that any individual, group, or entity will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this web site. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results. Visit our website below to read the full disclaimer. the full disclaimer

3 Andrew Keene - Floor Trader @ CBOE 10+ Years -Regular Contributor to CNBC & Bloomberg -Taught thousands of students how to become full time traders -Turned $50,000 into millions of dollars

4 Trade Like a Market Maker -This is the BEST time ever to trade Options: Markets are Tighter, Penny Wide, and More Liquid that Ever -There are 8700 stocks and 4200 stocks with options. -Of the 4200 stocks with options, there are over 320 stocks with listed weekly options Gives traders 52 expirations to trade instead of 12

5 Trade Like a Market Maker What is a Market Maker? A market maker is someone who is always quoting a bid-ask spread for a given option contract. The market maker is willing to take either side of the trade and is hoping to profit from the spread between the bid and offer. Example: AAPL is trading at $590.00 The market maker makes a market for the Dec 650 calls at 25-25.30 20 up. This means that at this given time the market maker is willing to buy 20 contracts at $25 and/or sell 20 contracts at $25.30.

6 Trade Like a Market Maker We will discuss: Who Controls Order flow Use Put-Call Ratio to Determine Investor Sentiment Use the Market Makers Target for Iron Condors Learn Best Time of Day and Week to Trade Credit and Debit Spreads Learn when and why to Trade a Credit or Debit Spread Learn how to Potentially Profit 600% in Options Using Market Maker Targets

7 Trade Like a Market Maker Understanding Who Controls Order Flow: Does the market maker control order flow? Absolutely not! Institutional traders and investors are the ones who really control all of the order flow in the options market. But who are these traders?

8 Institutional Paper Mutual Funds, Pension Funds, Sovereign Wealth Funds The “whales” are the ones really in control of order flow

9 Institutional Paper Hedge Funds The more aggressive fish also control order flow. These orders come from hedge funds and big traders.

10 Trade Like a Market Maker Understanding Who Controls Order Flow: Why are these the people in control? -They have MORE capital -They have MORE access to information -They have BETTER technology -They can take on MORE risk These are the traders we want to follow. These are the traders the market maker watches.

11 Using the Put-Call Ratio to Determine Investor Sentiment: A look at option traders overall sentiment

12 Using the Put-Call Ratio to Determine Investor Sentiment The Put-Call Ratio = Number of Puts Traded/Number of Calls Traded What exactly is the put-call ratio and what does it tell us? Before we get into that lets talk about why people trade options.

13 Using the Put-Call Ratio to Determine Investor Sentiment Trader Buys Calls: Is it a Hedge or Speculation? Trader Sells Calls: Protection against long stock position or speculation to establish short position. Trader Buys Puts: Protection against long stock position or speculation to downside? Trader Sells Put: Protection against stock stock position or speculation to upside?

14 Using the Put-Call Ratio to Determine Investor Sentiment Paper Buys Calls : 60% - 40% Bullish / Bearish Paper Sells Calls : 50% - 50% Bullish / Bearish Paper Buys Puts : 65% - 35% Bullish / Bearish *Paper Sells Puts : 80% - 20% Bullish / Bearish

15 Using the Put-Call Ratio to Determine Investor Sentiment So why is the put/call ration important to us? They talk about it all the time on CNBC and other options shows all the time. Why?

16 Using the Put-Call Ratio to Determine Investor Sentiment Put/call ratio can be a determinant of investor sentiment. Lets take a look at an example in Chesapeake Energy Corp (CHK): A trader BOUGHT 33000 CHK Oct14 35.0 Calls $0.49 This is a HUGE trade that requires this trader to lay out more than $1.3 million in capital. Remember what we said about call buying. So how can we determine if this is actually a bullish trade?

17 Using the Put-Call Ratio to Determine Investor Sentiment Let’s look at the put/call ratio of CHK on that day. Put/Call: 11k/171k = 0.06 We can determine a few things by looking at this number: -Calls MASSIVELY out traded puts on this day -There is clear demand for calls in CHK -Options traders are expecting UPSIDE in CHK While this shows us the action in a single day we can dive even further into these numbers.

18 Using the Put-Call Ratio to Determine Investor Sentiment Where is the open interest sitting? This can tell us how successful paper has been in the past. Total open interest put/call ratio: Put/Call: 155k/267k = 0.58 What does this tell us? -Clear trend for CALL BUYERS -We have seen this so many times in: VLO, TSO, CHK, MPC, and APC. -If these Calls are bought then it tells us the Institutions want to be LONG

19 See all of the open interest on the call side? Notice how thin OI is on the Put side Take note as well that the OI is in ATM and OTM Options

20 Using the Market Makers Targets for Iron Condors and Iron Butterflies: Using Smarter Targets For Income Strategies


22 Using the Market Makers Targets for Iron Condors and Iron Butterflies Market Makers Targets: Traders can use the price of the at the money straddle to calculate how much market makers think the stock can move by expiration. This can be easily calculated using the price of the at the money straddle. Traders can use this to calculate implied closes for that expiration.

23 Using the Market Makers Targets for Iron Condors and Iron Butterflies The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc (GS) was reporting earnings on 4/17/2014 Before the market open. I thought that the stock wouldn’t move much so I wanted to set up a short premium position. But how do I pick my targets? I use the market makers targets to look for strikes I want to center my trade around. Let’s break it down on the next slide

24 Using the Market Makers Targets for Iron Condors and Iron Butterflies The GS Apr ATM 157.5 Straddle was trading at $3.70. This tells me that the stock can move up or down by $3.70 BY EXPIRATION. Using this straddle price we will calculate our upside and downside targets: Upside Target = $157.50 + $3.70 = $161.20 Downside Target = $157.50 - $3.70 = $153.80 I now have an implied range that I can use to set up a trade

25 Using the Market Makers Targets for Iron Condors and Iron Butterflies Using the Measured Move Targets to Set Up an Iron Butterfly: My Trade: The GS Apr 155-157.5-160 Iron Butterfly for $2.00 Credit Risk: $50 per 1 lot Reward: $200 per 1 lot Breakeven: $155.50 and $159.50 This trade has a GREAT reward/risk set up and has a wide range of profitability. Let’s see how it played out…



28 Using the Market Makers Targets for Iron Condors and Iron Butterflies The SPY is currently trading around $186.50 I will look at the weekly 186.50 straddle to get targets. The Weekly 186.50 Straddle is trading at $2.70 Upside target = $189.20 Downside Target = $183.80 Now let’s look at a trade set up…

29 Using the Market Makers Targets for Iron Condors and Iron Butterflies Trade: The SPY Weekly 183-184-189-190 Iron Condor for a $0.35 Reward: $35 per 1 lot Risk: $65 per 1 lot Breakeven: $183.65 and $189.35 This trade makes money if the SPY closes anywhere between $183.65 and $189.35 on expiration. This trade also sets up well on a risk vs. reward basis

30 When Is the Best Time to Trade Credit vs. Debit Spreads?: Capturing the Most Premium and Avoiding Time Decay

31 When Is the Best Time to Trade Credit vs. Debit Spreads? Market makers know the best time of the day and week to trade credit spreads and debit spreads. On Thursday morning I will begin selling out some of my long premium positions Thursday afternoon is when market makers begin “rolling their date forward” What does this mean?

32 When Is the Best Time to Trade Credit vs. Debit Spreads? Thursday afternoon is when premium really starts to come out of options but when do I want to be putting on debit spreads? I know that I want to be buying debit spreads on Tuesday afternoon This is the best time of the week for me to put on long premium positions Why?

33 Why Trade a Credit Spread vs. a Debit Spread?: Know Which Stocks Work Best For Credit vs. Debit Spreads

34 Why Trade a Credit Spread vs. a Debit Spread? Changes in a stocks trend and price action can change our considerations when looking to trade credit or debit spreads. Some things to think about: -Is the stock in a range? -Is the stock a trending stock? -Is the stock breaking any key levels? Lets look at some chart examples….

35 When inside this range we want to be trading credit spreads As stock breaks key level here implied volatility explodes. Now we are looking for debit spreads

36 This type of trend is very strong. We want to be trading debit spreads on charts like this.

37 When AAPL was in the range highlighted we are looking to be short premium Earnings Breakout: CAN’T BE SHORT PREMIUM ANYMORE

38 Using the Market Makers Targets to Potentially Make 600% Profits: Us Smarter Targets to Set Up Low Risk High Reward Strategies

39 Using the Market Makers Targets to Potentially Make 600% Profits We talked about how we can use the market makers targets to find levels for Iron Butterflies and Iron Condors. We can also use these targets for more speculative trades. We will look at how to use them to set up low risk high reward strategies called Call and Put Butterflies. We trade these strategies ahead of earnings announcements or other catalyst events.

40 Using the Market Makers Targets to Potentially Make 600% Profits Earnings Trade in SWKS: SWKS is reporting earnings on 4/22/2014 After the bell: -Stock was trading around $37.00 -The Apr 25 th 37 Straddle was trading around $4.00 -The chart was looking very bullish -We calculate an upside target of $41.00

41 Using the Market Makers Targets to Potentially Make 600% Profits My Trade: I bought 15 SWKS Apr 25 th Weekly 39-41-43 Call Butterflies for $0.38 Risk: $38 per 1 lot Reward: $162 per 1 lot Breakeven: $39.38 and $42.62 This trade has a better than 5-1 reward to risk set up but it is typical to see setups with a 6-1 or better setup.

42 Shares of SWKS gap higher right to the measured move target

43 Using the Market Makers Targets to Potentially Make 600% Profits On Friday I was able to sell my SWKS Call Flys for $1.60 or 500% Profits. These are huge profits and the reason this trade worked out so well is because I had great targets calculated using the straddle. This is how market makers develop targets and it works better than anything else out there.

44 Summary Institutional traders are the ones who control the market. These institutions are hedge funds, mutual funds, pension funds and big banks. Traders can spot trends in the put/call ratio to determine what the overall sentiment of the options market is on a given stock Market makers targets are far more accurate than price targets developed using fib levels or other technical analysis methods. Traders can use these targets to trade Iron Condors and Iron Butterflies around catalyst events or for income strategies. Thursday morning is the best time to sell premium before market makers “roll their date forward” We only want to trade credit spreads in trading range stocks, if they breakout we become debit spread traders. We want to trade debit spreads in trending stocks

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How to Take Money From the Market Maker Presented by Andrew Keene. -  ppt download (2024)


How do market makers make money? ›

Market makers profit by buying on the bid and selling on the ask. So if a market maker buys at a bid of, say, $10 and sells at the asking price of $10.01, the market maker pockets a one-cent profit. Market makers don't make money on every trade.

How do market makers make money payment for order flow? ›

Key Points. Market makers earn profit by posting bids and offers below and above the mid-market value of stocks and other securities and earning the so-called “spread.” Payment for order flow (PFOF) is essentially a rebate from market makers to brokerage firms for routing retail buy or sell orders to them.

How do market makers control prices? ›

Q: How do market makers set prices? Market makers set prices based on supply and demand. If there is more demand for a stock than there is supply, the market maker will increase the price. If there is more supply than there is demand, the market maker will decrease the price.

How to trade like a market maker? ›

A market maker must commit to continuously quoting prices at which it will buy (or bid for) and sell (or ask for) securities. 1 Market makers must also quote the volume in which they're willing to trade along with the frequency of time they will quote at the best bid and best offer prices.

How does the market make money? ›

Stock exchanges allow investors and traders to make money by providing them with a marketplace for trading securities. They also allow companies to raise money by listing different kinds of securities. Exchanges collect transaction fees from market participants and companies in exchange for providing such services.

What is the market maker method? ›

The Market Maker Method is based on the idea that the market makers have a predictable and repeatable pattern of behavior, which can be exploited by the retail traders who know how to identify and follow it.

Is payment for order flow banned? ›

Because of the controversy, the European Union has decided to ban payment for order flow from 2026 onwards. Until then, member states can allow PFOF but only for clients in that member state. So Trade Republic can earn money through PFOF for its German clients until 2026, but not for its Belgian clients for instance.

What brokerages use payment for order flow? ›

Brokers in the United States that accept payment for order flow include Robinhood, E-Trade, Ally Invest, Webull, TradeStation, Charles Schwab Corporation,, and TD Ameritrade, while brokers that do not receive payment for order flow include Interactive Brokers (pro accounts that are charged commissions), ...

Is payment for order flow legal? ›

The practice is perfectly legal if both parties to a PFOF transaction execute the best possible trade for the client. Legally, this means providing a price no worse than the National Best Bid and Offer (NBBO).

What strategy do market makers use? ›

Spread management is a key strategy used by market makers to maximize profits. This involves adjusting bid and ask quotes based on market conditions. Order flow management is also critical for market makers to ensure sufficient inventory is available to meet demand by monitoring the order book and adjusting quotes.

Do market makers still exist? ›

In the United States, the New York Stock Exchange and American Stock Exchange (AMEX), among others, have designated market makers, formerly known as "specialists", who act as the official market maker for a given security.

How do market makers avoid losing money? ›

For any given stock, a market maker's ask is always higher than its bid. By buying shares of stock at one lower price and selling shares of the same stock at a slightly higher price, market profit by facilitating many buy and sell orders over time.

How to spot market maker? ›

Another way to identify the role of market makers and institutional players in market movements is to analyze the order flow. Order flow is the data that shows the size and direction of orders placed in the market, and reveals the supply and demand dynamics behind price action.

Can anyone be a market maker? ›

A market maker can be an individual market participant or a member firm of an exchange. They buy and sell securities for their account and display prices in their exchange's trading system. Overall, their primary goal is to profit from the bid-ask spread.

What is a market maker for dummies? ›

To summarize: market makers profit by always making a market. They offer bids and asks to both sides of the market to earn the bid/ask spread. Should they wind up with too much exposure on one side of the trade, many will use other instruments like options, futures, and swaps, to hedge their exposure.

Is it legal to be a market maker? ›

Yes, market making is legal. It's not only legal, it's essential to the sound functioning of capital markets. Without professionals that offer competitive buy and sell prices, retail traders would have to pay far larger spreads on their transactions in order to buy and sell stock.

How much do market makers make a year? ›

The salary range for a Market Maker job is from $59,091 to $79,497 per year in the United States. Click on the filter to check out Market Maker job salaries by hourly, weekly, biweekly, semimonthly, monthly, and yearly.

Who is the biggest market maker? ›

Some of the largest market makers in the world include Citadel Securities, Jane Street, and Susquehanna International Group. These firms provide liquidity to a wide range of markets, including equities, options, futures, and currencies.

Can anyone become a market maker? ›

A market maker can be an individual market participant or a member firm of an exchange. They buy and sell securities for their account and display prices in their exchange's trading system. Overall, their primary goal is to profit from the bid-ask spread.

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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