How to Successfully Handle Your Company's Finances (2024)

In business, financial management is the practice of handling a company’s finances in away that allows it to be successful and compliant with regulations. That takes both ahigh-level plan and boots-on-the-ground execution.

What Is Financial Management?

At its core, financial management is the practice of making a business plan and then ensuringall departments stay on track. Solid financial management enables the CFO or VP of financeto provide data that supports creation of a long-range vision, informs decisions on where toinvest, and yields insights on how to fund those investments, liquidity, profitability, cashrunway and more.

ERP software can help finance teams achieve thesegoals: A financial management system combinesseveral financial functions, such as accounting, fixed-asset management, revenue recognitionand payment processing. By integrating these key components, a financial management systemensures real-time visibility into the financial state of a company while facilitatingday-to-day operations, like period-end close processes.

Video: What Is Financial Management?

Objectives of Financial Management

Building on those pillars, financial managers help their companies in a variety of ways,including but not limited to:

  • Maximizing profits: Provide insights on, for example, rising costs ofraw materials that might trigger an increase in the cost of goods sold.
  • Tracking liquidity and cash flow: Ensure the company has enough moneyon hand to meet its obligations.
  • Ensuring compliance: Keep up with state, federal and industry-specificregulations.
  • Developing financial scenarios: These are based on the business’ currentstate and forecasts that assume a wide range of outcomes based on possiblemarket conditions.
  • Manage relationships: Dealing effectively with investors and the boards of directors.

Ultimately, it’s about applying effective management principles to the company’sfinancial structure.

Scope of Financial Management

Financial management encompasses four major areas:

  1. Planning

    The financial manager projects how much money the company will need in order tomaintain positive cash flow, allocate funds to grow or add new products or servicesand cope with unexpected events, and shares that information with businesscolleagues.

    Planning may be broken down into categories including capital expenses, T&E andworkforce and indirect and operational expenses.

  2. Budgeting

    The financial manager allocates the company’s available funds to meet costs,such as mortgages or rents, salaries, raw materials, employee T&E and otherobligations. Ideally there will be some left to put aside for emergencies and tofund new business opportunities.

    Companies generally have a master budget and may have separate sub documentscovering, for example, cash flow and operations; budgets may be staticor flexible.

    Static vs. Flexible Budgeting



    Remains the same even if there are significantchanges from the assumptions made during planning.

    Adjusts based on changes in the assumptions usedin the planning process.

  3. Managing and assessing risk

    Line-of-business executives look to their financial managers to assess and providecompensating controls for a variety of risks, including:

    • Market risk

      Affects the business’ investments as well as, for public companies,reporting and stock performance. May also reflectfinancial risk particular to the industry, such as a pandemicaffecting restaurants or the shift of retail to a direct-to-consumermodel.

    • Credit risk

      The effects of, for example, customers not paying their invoices on time andthus the business not having funds to meet obligations, which may adverselyaffect creditworthiness and valuation, whichdictates ability to borrow at favorable rates.

    • Liquidityrisk

      Finance teams must track current cash flow, estimate future cash needs and beprepared to free up working capital as needed.

    • Operational risk

      This is a catch-all category, and one new to some finance teams. It mayinclude, for example, the risk of a cyber-attack and whether to purchasecybersecurity insurance, what disaster recovery and businesscontinuity plans are in place and what crisismanagement practices are triggered if a senior executive is accusedof fraud or misconduct.

  4. Procedures

    The financial manager sets procedures regarding how the finance team will process anddistribute financial data, like invoices, payments and reports, with security andaccuracy. These written procedures also outline who is responsible for makingfinancial decisions at the company — and who signs off on those decisions.

    Companies don’t need to start from scratch; there are policy and proceduretemplates available for a variety of organization types, such as this one fornonprofits.

Functions of Financial Management

More practically, a financial manager’s activities in the above areas revolve aroundplanning and forecasting and controlling expenditures.

The FP&A function includes issuing P&L statements, analyzing which product lines orservices have the highest profit margin or contribute the most to net profitability, maintaining the budgetand forecasting the company’s future financial performance and scenario planning.

Managing cash flow is also key. The financial manager must make sure there’s enoughcash on hand for day-to-day operations, like paying workers and purchasing raw materials forproduction. This involves overseeing cash as it flows both in and out of the business, apractice called cash management.

Along with cash management, financial management includes revenue recognition, or reportingthe company’s revenue according to standard accounting principles. Balancing accounts receivableturnover ratios is a key part of strategic cashconservation and management. This may sound simple, but it isn’t always: Atsome companies, customers might pay months after receiving your service. At what point doyou consider that money “yours” — and report the good news to investors?

5 Tips to Improve Your Accounts Receivable Turnover Ratio

  1. Invoice regularly andaccurately. If invoices don’t go out ontime, money will not come in on time.

  1. Always state payment terms. Youcan’t enforce policies that you haven’tcommunicated to clients. If you make changes, call them out.

  1. Offer multiple ways to pay. NewB2B options are coming online. Have you considered a paymentgateway?

  1. Set follow-up reminders.Don’t wait until customers are in arrears to startcollection procedures. Be proactive, but not annoying, withreminders.

  1. Consider offering discounts for cash andprepayments. Cash(less) is king inretail, and you can reduce AR costs by encouragingcustomers to pay ahead rather than on your normal customercredit terms.

Learn more aboutmaximizing your AR turnover ratios.

Finally, managing financial controls involves analyzing how the company is performingfinancially compared with its plans and budgets. Methods for doing this include financialratio analysis, in which the financial manager compares line items on the company’sfinancial statements.

Strategic vs. Tactical Financial Management

On a tactical level, financial management procedures govern how you process dailytransactions, perform the monthly financial close, compare actual spending to what’sbudgeted and ensure you meet auditor and tax requirements.

On a more strategic level, financial management feeds into vital and visioning activities, where finance leaders use data to helpline-of-business colleagues plan future investments, spot opportunities and build resilientcompanies.

Importance of Financial Management

Solid financial management provides the foundation for three pillars of sound fiscalgovernance:

  1. Strategizing

    Identifying what needs to happen financially for the company to achieve its short-and long-term goals. Leaders need insights into current performance for scenarioplanning, for example.

  2. Decision-making

    Helping business leaders decide the best way to execute on plans by providingup-to-date financial reports and data on relevant KPIs.

  3. Controlling

    Ensuring each department is contributing to the vision and operating within budgetand in alignment with strategy.

With effective financial management, all employees know where the company is headed, and theyhave visibility into progress.

What Are the Three Types of Financial Management?

The functions above can be grouped into three broader types of financial management:

  1. Capital budgeting

    Relates to identifying what needs to happen financially for the company to achieveits short- and long-term goals. Where should capital funds beexpended to support growth?

  2. Capital structure

    Determine how to pay for operations and/or growth. If interest rates are low, takingon debt might be the best answer. A company might also seek funding from aprivate equity firm, consider selling assets like real estate or, whereapplicable, selling equity.

  3. Working capital management

    As discussed above, is making sure there’s enough cash on hand for day-to-dayoperations, like paying workers and purchasing raw materials for production.

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What Is an Example of Financial Management?

We’ve covered some examples of financial management in the “functions”section above. Now, let’s cover how they all work together:

Say the CEO of a toothpaste company wants to introduce a new product: toothbrushes.She’ll call on her team to estimate the cost of producing the toothbrushes and thefinancial manager to determine where those funds should come from — for example, abankloan.

The financial manager will acquire those funds and ensure they’re allocated tomanufacture toothbrushes in the most cost-effective way possible. Assuming the toothbrushessell well, the financial manager will gather data to help the management team decide whetherto put the profits toward producing more toothbrushes, start a line of mouthwashes, pay adividend to shareholders or take some other action.

Throughout the process, the financial manager will ensure the company has enough cash on handto pay the new workers producing the toothbrushes. She’ll also analyze whether thecompany is spending and generating as much money as she estimated when she budgeted for theproject.

NetSuite: Financial Management for Startups and Beyond

At the outset, financial management responsibilities within a startup include making andsticking to a budget that aligns with the business plan, evaluating what to do with profitsand making sure your bills get paid and that customers pay you.

Financial management gets more complicated as the company grows and adds finance andaccounting contractors or staffers. You must ensure your employees get paid with accuratedeductions, properly file taxes and financial statements, and watch for errors and fraud.

This all circles back to our opening discussion of balancing strategic and tactical. Bybuilding a plan, you can answer the big questions: Are our goods and services profitable?Can we afford to launch a new product or make that hire? What might the coming 12 to 18months bring for the business? Solid financial management provides the systems and processesto answer those questions.

Financial management challenges can be daunting for both startups and growing businesses.This is where NetSuite'sfinancial management software comes into play. With its comprehensive, cloud-basedsolutions, NetSuite ensures that your financial data is accurate, up-to-date, and accessibleanytime, anywhere.

From automating complex financial processes to offering real-time visibility intoperformance, NetSuite is the go-to solution for businesses aiming for seamless integrationand efficient financial operations. As your company expands, NetSuite scales with you,ensuring you have the right tools to make informed strategic decisions at every stage. Makethe smart choice for your business's financial future with NetSuite.

How to Successfully Handle Your Company's Finances (2024)


How to Successfully Handle Your Company's Finances? ›

Prompt invoicing with tools like Autobooks, offering early payment discounts to customers, and setting clear credit terms can accelerate incoming cash. On the other hand, negotiating longer payment terms with suppliers, consolidating payments, and prioritizing expenses can help manage outgoing cash.

How do you handle a company's finances successfully? ›

Business Resources
  1. Separate business and personal finances.
  2. Pay yourself regularly.
  3. Understand your business' financial documents.
  4. Choose an accounting method.
  5. Build your business credit score.
  6. Plan for and pay business taxes.
  7. Use small business financing wisely.
  8. Set healthy billing practices.

How do you manage your finances effectively? ›

How to manage your money better
  1. Make a budget. According to the Capital One Mind Over Money study, people dealing with financial stress struggle more with budgeting. ...
  2. Track your spending. ...
  3. Save for retirement. ...
  4. Save for emergencies. ...
  5. Plan to pay off debt. ...
  6. Establish good credit habits. ...
  7. Monitor your credit.

How does a company manage its finances? ›

Creating a practical budget is key to managing your business finances effectively. Start with a basic understanding of your business's income and outgoings. Keeping an accurate record of these amounts gives you a clear view of where your business stands financially.

How do you manage finances like a business? ›

Running Your Personal Finances Like a Business
  1. Lay Out Your Financials. Where an executive might reach for financial statements to get a read on the company's standing, you can create or update a net worth statement. ...
  2. Practice Risk Management. ...
  3. Think About Retirement. ...
  4. Get Rolling.

How do you handle financial success? ›

8 Tips for Financial Success
  1. Create and Stick to a Budget.
  2. Build an Emergency Fund.
  3. Automate Savings.
  4. Pay Bills on Time.
  5. Never Forget About Credit.
  6. Maximize Retirement Savings.
  7. Avoid High-Interest Debt.
  8. Explore Your Emotional Relationship to Money.
Jun 18, 2024

How do you ensure effective financial controls in a company? ›

Key components of financial controls include:
  1. Monitoring cash flow projections.
  2. Analysing balance sheets and income statements.
  3. Reconciling accounts payable and receivable records.
  4. Ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.
Jun 6, 2023

What is a simple rule for managing your finances? ›

Following on from creating a budget, the 70:20:10 budgeting rule is a simple principle that you can follow to help you figure out how much of your income you can realistically spend, save, and use for debt repayments regardless of the amount you earn or levels of debt.

How to organize your finances? ›

Five Ways to Organize Your Finances
  1. Create a budget. Take a serious look at where your money goes. ...
  2. Track your spending. One of the easiest ways to keep your finances organized is to track your spending. ...
  3. Pay bills on time to avoid late fees. ...
  4. Keep joint accounts balanced. ...
  5. Set a savings goal.

What handles the financial management of a company? ›

The financial management department of any company is handled by a financial manager.

Who handles all the finances for a company? ›

The CFO is the top-ranking executive related to managing a company's finances. This includes managing all aspects of financial and cash flow planning, as well as analyzing its financial position. A CFO is comparable to a treasurer or controller.

How can our company improve its finances? ›

Implement strategies to reduce costs, improve cash flow, increase revenue, and maximize equipment utilization. Take actions to reduce debt and transition to a flexible financing structure to support initiatives such as acquisition strategies or restructuring of the company's management team.

How do you manage finance effectively? ›

7 Money Management Tips to Improve Your Finances
  1. Track your spending to improve your finances. ...
  2. Create a realistic monthly budget. ...
  3. Build up your savings—even if it takes time. ...
  4. Pay your bills on time every month. ...
  5. Cut back on recurring charges. ...
  6. Save up cash to afford big purchases. ...
  7. Start an investment strategy.
Jun 27, 2023

How do you manage your finances daily? ›

Check your bank balance at a regular, set time so you know what you're spending your money on and how much you have left. Build money tasks into your daily or weekly routine. You could allocate a set amount of regular time to think about any tasks you need to do around money, for example paying bills.

How to organize business finances? ›

7 tips for keeping your business finances organized
  1. Start off on the right financial foot.
  2. Develop a business budget.
  3. Select the right accounting software.
  4. Open a business bank account.
  5. Choose the right business credit cards.
  6. Make regular reviews a habit.
  7. If you don't have time, delegate or hire.
Apr 25, 2024

How do you manage money to be successful? ›

  1. Choose Carefully.
  2. Invest In Yourself.
  3. Plan Your Spending.
  4. Save, Save More, and. Keep Saving.
  5. Put Yourself on a Budget.
  6. Learn to Invest.
  7. Credit Can Be Your Friend. or Enemy.
  8. Nothing is Ever Free.

How do you effectively manage a finance department? ›

6 simple strategies to boost finance team efficiency
  1. Identify your efficiency killers. Knowing your strengths is as important as knowing your weaknesses. ...
  2. Eliminate paper processes. ...
  3. Automate low value tasks. ...
  4. Invest in better tools. ...
  5. Encourage asynchronous communication. ...
  6. Embrace a customer service mindset.

How to manage a business successfully? ›

Key Takeaways
  1. Know your business. ...
  2. Know the basics of business management. ...
  3. Have the proper attitude. ...
  4. Get adequate funding. ...
  5. Manage your money effectively. ...
  6. Manage your time efficiently. ...
  7. Know how to manage people. ...
  8. Satisfy your customers.

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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.