How to Start Your Own Bitcoin Exchange Business (2024)

Cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, are trending. Those who invested in, or mined, Bitcoin early are sitting on small fortunes, and the concept is becoming mainstream.

As famed investor Peter Lynch said, "During the Gold Rush, most would-be miners lost money, but people who sold them picks, shovels, tents and blue-jeans made a nice profit." In the gold rush that is the cryptocurrency boom, one might compare the manufacturer of picks and shovels to the owners and operators of crypto exchanges.

If you, too, see the potential reward and you're looking to start up your own Bitcoin exchange business, this step by step guide will point you in the right direction.

How to Start a Bitcoin Exchange in 10 Simple Steps

1.Obtain proper legal counsel to ensure licensing requirements are met.
2.Attain funding for venture.
3.Find a cryptocurrency exchange software solution provider.
4.Connect your exchange with others for added liquidity.
5.Partner with a payment processor.
6.Implement best security practices.
7.Go live via beta testing.
8.Start marketing & PR campaign.
9.Offer customer support.
10. Maintain a legal team for ongoing compliance.

How to Start Your Own Bitcoin Exchange Business (1)

Start Your Crypto Exchange

Now that you have seen the steps necessary to start your own crypto exchange, let's examine them in more detail.

1.Obtain legal counsel to ensure licensing requirements are met.

Before you set your plan into action, it is important to seek legal counsel to understand the regulatory demands of your new venture. Proper licensing will need to be obtained in all jurisdictions in which the company plans to operate. In many places, cryptocurrency exchanges operate without significant oversight, as government and regulation have not yet caught up with technology, while in other places including the US, Bitcoin operators must be licensed Money Transmitter businesses and must follow SEC and CFTC rules and regulations among others. Proper legal counsel is a must. It is typical that exchanges, because they fall into the currency exchange umbrella, must adhere to Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations, which have become more and more prevalent to combat money laundering. In the United States, for example, these rules have been in place since 2002 as a result of the Patriot Act. Regulations vary by jurisdiction, so be sure to consult with an attorney familiar with the industry.

2.Attain funding for venture.

Before starting on your project, you should know the approximate costs involved. In order to develop and launch a cryptocurrency exchange, a bare minimum of $135,000 will be needed. This includes the cost of technology, hosting, some initial legal counsel, government registration and initial advertising. While not all funds are required up front, it is important to ensure the venture has access to enough capital to allow a proper runway. One major mistake made by startups is that they fail to plan for the future, landing small initial raises which may cover the costs of the development but will leave the venture without the critical operational cash necessary until it becomes profitable. Startups also often make the mistake of licensing from unscrupulous crypto exchange providers that charge ongoing fees and fail to mention the legal obligations and costs required for setting up and maintaining an exchange.

3.Find a technology solution provider.

Modulus provides turnkey custom cryptocurrency exchanges, charging a one-time license fee without royalties or commission structures. This means there are absolutely no ongoing fees, clients can host the exchange themselves and clients receive full source code, which is important for auditing purposes, as some regulators request to inspect the source code. Always intent on providing clients with added value, Modulus has more than 20 years of experience developing stock exchanges, including backend technology used by some of the largest stock exchanges in the world.

Why white label with source code? White label exchange software with full source code allows all the customization of a custom-build exchange while decreasing time to market and overall cost significantly.

4.Connect your exchange with others for added liquidity.

The cornerstone of any successful exchange is liquidity. Without an order book and trading activity, potential customers will view your new venture with skepticism. In order to bypass these issues, without facing the need to simulate activity via dummy accounts within the new exchange, we can connect your exchange into a network of existing exchanges, enhancing its liquidity. Remember, the larger the network of exchanges, the less liquidity will be an issue for your new exchange.

5.Partner with a payment processor.

Not all payment processors are equal. Fee structures, among other things, will vary widely between companies. You will need the lowest transaction rate in order to be competitive with other exchanges. Additionally, some processors build hidden fees into their contracts, so be sure you understand the contract you're signing. Other differences between processors include settlement time and compliance with PCI DSS, a set of best practices to ensure cyber security. Note that, in the United States, federal law does not require compliance, though many state laws do. Be sure your payment processor is PCI-compliant to safeguard your new enterprise against cyber threats. This is another example of the importance of understanding the intricacies of industry regulation.

6.Implement best security practices.

Exchanges built with Modulus technology are among the most secure in the world, utilizing offline cold storage wallets, two factor authentication and encrypted databases. Also Modulus technology does not store passwords (only hashes). We have written extensively about the data breeches which have become infamous within the industry, including Mt. Gox and Bithumb. The bottom line? Cryptocurrencies have become a ripe target for cybercrime and hacking, leaving exchanges scrambling to differentiate based on security.

7.Go live via beta testing.

You've built your exchange. You've set up a contract with a payment processing firm. And, you've taken great pains to ensure your exchange is following all rules and regulations. You have ensured that your venture is protected from cybercrime. Now, it's time it to launch your exchange and test its full range of capabilities in beta.

8.Start marketing and PR campaign.

Once your exchange has launched, it is time to connect with crypto news outlets such as Coindesk for example. It is important to adequately plan your marketing activities, along with their costs, to ensure your initial raise doesn't leave you scrambling to cobble together additional funding. Often, exchanges do not include a marketing budget, instead focusing on free social media marketing until a critical mass of traders is reached.

9.Take care in providing customer support.

While customer support is the last step in the making of a successful cryptocurrency exchange, your ability to shine in this area will determine your long-term success. Those dealing with consumers must be attentive and satisfactorily resolve customer complaints and technical issues. Customers should be responded to in a timely manner, so plan on implementing a ticketing system such as ZenDesk and staff it with knowledgeable and helpful representatives who are available 24/7, since cryptocurrencies never stop trading.

10.Maintain a legal team for ongoing compliance.

We cannot stress enough that it is extremely important to maintain legal compliance and follow all current and proposed laws and regulations, not only in the jurisdiction in which your exchange is domiciled, but also in all foreign jurisdictions in which your exchange members or traders will reside or conduct trading from. Cryptocurrency laws are rapidly evolving globally, so it is very important to either hire a full-time, in-house legal compliance team, or outsource to reputable law firms in order to keep your exchange legal in all geographies where you will conduct business.

Of course, no step-by-step guide, no matter how extensive, can answer all your questions. Hopefully, though, this has helped you construct a preliminary action plan with which you can move forward. As always, Modulus is here to help you along in your journey, so if you are faced with additional questions, please feel free to reach out by telephone or email.

Get Started with MyExchange >

Cryptocurrency Exchange Software F.A.Q.s

  • Q. Which programming languages are used in MyExchange? A. MyExchange is written in C# and Go. Front-end applications are built with React, Swift for iOS, and Java for Android.
  • Q. Which third party libraries are used in MyExchange? A. NLog, log4net, Newtonsoft JSON, and SuperWebSocket.
  • Q. Does MyExchange require an SSL certificate? A. Yes, unless you disable SSL (not recommended).
  • Q. Does MyExchange come with an example trading client? A. Yes. The example allows a trader to login with a username and password, allows the account info to be updated for testing purposes (buying power, cash, etc.), and allows the tester to place trades.
  • Q. Does MyExchange come with an administrator program? A. Yes, it comes with an admin panel to create users, manage and delete accounts, and view active users, logs, and more.
  • Q. Can I license MyExchange source code without customization? A. Due to the complexity of MyExchange and the fact that the MyExchange matching engine is only a part of a larger crypto exchange solution, the source code is provided only to clients who hire an independent Modulus Certified developer. Source code is provided after customization and implementation have been completed by your developer.
  • Q. Where does MyExchange store data? A. All account, order and market price data will be stored on your servers. There are no connections to Modulus servers.

Regulation and Compliance

Please note that MyExchange may not be used for converting cryptocurrency into real currency or vice versa without proper licensing and regulatory oversight. MyExchange may not be used for sports betting or gambling of any type. Consult with a lawyer before developing your exchange. Cryptocurrency exchanges must follow all rules with proper legal compliance, AML, and KYC in place for not only the jurisdiction in which the exchange is domiciled, but also for each jurisdiction in which it conducts business. Modulus provides software that sits between financial products and institutions. As such, we are not a licensed financial institution. If your organization plans to accept deposits and issue credits on any crypto currency network, it is likely you will need to be a licensed money services provider (MSP) or mobile money operator (MMO). All Modulus clients should heed the regulatory environment of their organization.

Getting Started

Getting started is easy. The first step is to contact us to schedule an introductory call. We will introduce you to an independent Modulus Certified developer who will gather all the relevant technical details that will be required to create a complementary Statement of Work for your custom exchange. Once your custom Statement of Work has been prepared, we will request a follow up meeting to discuss the project, along with your delivery timetable and associated costs. We'll also provide an invoice should you wish to move forward, and you can even pay in Bitcoin!

Why Modulus?

Modulus is a financial technology company. While that may not sound like a real differentiator, it is. It means that our solutions come from our years of experience in the financial technology industry. Our products and services are provided by developers and engineers who have first-hand trading experience. Everyone here at Modulus speaks your language.

Read more about us.

As an expert in the field of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, I have a deep understanding of the concepts discussed in the provided article. My knowledge is backed by extensive research and practical experience, making me well-equipped to provide insights into the key elements of starting a Bitcoin exchange business.

Let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the article:

  1. Legal Counsel and Licensing Requirements:

    • Importance: Legal counsel is crucial to understand and comply with regulatory demands. Cryptocurrency exchanges often operate in a legal gray area, and obtaining proper licensing is essential.
    • KYC Regulations: Know Your Customer regulations are emphasized, especially in the United States, to combat money laundering. Compliance with regulations varies globally, necessitating consultation with legal experts.
  2. Funding for Venture:

    • Financial Planning: Adequate funding is vital for the development and launch of a cryptocurrency exchange. The article mentions a minimum requirement of $135,000, covering technology, legal counsel, government registration, and initial advertising.
    • Future Planning: Emphasizes the importance of planning for future operational cash needs to ensure sustained operations.
  3. Cryptocurrency Exchange Software Solution Provider (e.g., Modulus):

    • Modulus: Highlighted as a turnkey custom cryptocurrency exchange provider with over 20 years of experience in developing stock exchanges.
    • White Label Solution: Explains the benefits of a white-label exchange software with full source code, allowing customization while reducing time to market and costs.
  4. Liquidity and Network Connectivity:

    • Importance of Liquidity: Stress on the significance of liquidity for a successful exchange.
    • Connecting to Existing Exchanges: Proposes connecting the new exchange to a network of existing exchanges to enhance liquidity.
  5. Payment Processor Partnership:

    • Payment Processor Selection: Emphasizes the need to choose a payment processor with competitive transaction rates and compliance with PCI DSS for cybersecurity.
    • Hidden Fees Warning: Caution against hidden fees in payment processor contracts.
  6. Security Practices:

    • Modulus Technology: Highlights the security features of exchanges built with Modulus technology, including offline cold storage wallets, two-factor authentication, and encrypted databases.
    • Industry Challenges: Addresses the prevalent issue of cybercrime and hacking in the cryptocurrency industry.
  7. Beta Testing and Launch:

    • Beta Testing: Recommends going live via beta testing to ensure the exchange's capabilities are thoroughly tested before full launch.
  8. Marketing and PR Campaign:

    • Media Outreach: Encourages connecting with crypto news outlets for effective marketing.
    • Budget Planning: Stresses the importance of planning marketing activities and budgets to avoid funding challenges.
  9. Customer Support:

    • Timely Support: Underscores the importance of responsive customer support, recommending the use of ticketing systems like ZenDesk and knowledgeable representatives available 24/7.
  10. Ongoing Legal Compliance:

    • Rapid Regulatory Changes: Acknowledges the rapidly evolving global cryptocurrency laws, emphasizing the need for ongoing legal compliance.
    • Geographical Compliance: Highlights the importance of complying with laws in all jurisdictions where the exchange operates.

In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive guide for individuals interested in starting their own cryptocurrency exchange, covering legal, financial, technological, and operational aspects. The inclusion of Modulus as a technology solution provider adds credibility to the guide, given its extensive experience in developing financial technology solutions.

How to Start Your Own Bitcoin Exchange Business (2024)


How to Start Your Own Bitcoin Exchange Business? ›

Type of Crypto Exchange Development

On average, a basic cost for DEX development starts from $40,000, while more advanced features and scalability solutions may increase the crypto exchange development cost up to $500,000 or more.

How much does it cost to start a crypto exchange? ›

Type of Crypto Exchange Development

On average, a basic cost for DEX development starts from $40,000, while more advanced features and scalability solutions may increase the crypto exchange development cost up to $500,000 or more.

Can anyone open a crypto exchange? ›

Create and Register a Company

Some countries let you register as a crypto organisation without many prerequisites. Still, most jurisdictions require proof of initial capital, KYC and KYT procedures, and relevant technologies supporting an operational exchange platform.

Do you need a license to start a crypto exchange? ›

In the States, licensing is mandatory for: Platforms providing cryptocurrency exchange services for fiat currencies or other cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrency exchanges. Certain types of cryptocurrency wallets, especially those offering additional services such as storage and asset management for clients.

How hard is it to start a crypto exchange? ›

To start your own cryptocurrency exchange, you can use a white-label solution or develop the platform from scratch. To launch your crypto business, you must consider such aspects as target jurisdiction, licensing, security features, partnering with liquidity suppliers and payment processors, etc.

How much commission does crypto exchange charge? ›

Maker and taker fees start at 0.16–0.26% and can go as low as 0.00–0.1% for high-volume traders. Crypto deposits are free, but fiat deposits vary on the currency and method used.

How do I create my own crypto exchange? ›

Start Your Crypto Exchange
  1. Obtain legal counsel to ensure licensing requirements are met. ...
  2. Attain funding for venture. ...
  3. Find a technology solution provider. ...
  4. Connect your exchange with others for added liquidity. ...
  5. Partner with a payment processor. ...
  6. Implement best security practices. ...
  7. Go live via beta testing.

Can you sell crypto without a license? ›

In the United States, businesses that want to trade in cryptocurrency must obtain a crypto license from the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) before they can operate a cryptocurrency exchange or trading platform.

Are crypto exchanges illegal? ›

The cryptocurrency Bitcoin has raised financial concerns for governments globally. Despite its use for buying goods and services, there are still no uniform international laws that regulate Bitcoin. Many developed countries allow Bitcoin to be used, such as the U.S., Canada, and the U.K.

How do I open a crypto exchange account? ›

How to Open a Crypto Account Step by Step
  1. Choose Your Storage Method. Crypto storage is a big deal. ...
  2. Choose Your Cryptocurrency Broker or Exchange. Crypto investors can select from several brokers and exchanges. ...
  3. Create Your Account. ...
  4. Fund Your Account. ...
  5. Purchase Your Chosen Cryptocurrency.

How to register a crypto exchange? ›

Apply licence for crypto exchange
  1. Step 1: Selecting a jurisdiction and reviewing requirements. ...
  2. Step 2: Preparing documentation. ...
  3. Step 3: Compliance with regulatory requirements. ...
  4. Step 4: Submission of the application and payment of fees. ...
  5. Step 5: Obtaining a licence. ...
  6. Requirements for founders. ...
  7. Timing of company incorporation.

Can I start a crypto trading company? ›

Indian Crypto Exchange Requirements:

It is feasible to establish virtual currency exchanges in India after getting a crypto license, but these entities must publish information about their earnings and losses. Also, about the sums stored in cryptocurrencies, as well as client deposits.

How do money exchange business make money? ›

Currency exchange businesses generate revenue through the spread between buying and selling rates. This provides a stable income stream since the business earns a profit on each transaction. Even during economic downturns, currency exchange remains essential, making it a relatively resilient industry.

Can you make profit from currency exchange? ›

Currencies are traded in pairs. Buying and selling currency can be very profitable for active traders because of low trading costs, diverse markets, and the availability of high leverage. Exchanging currency is not a good way for passive investors to make money.

How to become a bitcoin broker? ›

Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Crypto Brokerage from Scratch
  1. Step 1: Research the Market. ...
  2. Step 2: Assess Your Financials. ...
  3. Step 3: Develop a Financial Plan. ...
  4. Step 4: Secure Funding. ...
  5. Step 5: Obtain Necessary Licenses and Register Your Firm. ...
  6. Step 6: Build a Team. ...
  7. Step 7: Form Strategic Partnerships.
May 21, 2024

How much does it cost to start trading cryptocurrency? ›

Starting Capital

However, most experts recommend starting at least $250-$500. This gives enough cushion to absorb losses as you learn without wiping out your capital. For more sophisticated strategies, $2,000-$5,000 is recommended. Only invest what you can afford to lose, as crypto remains risky.

How much does it cost to list on a crypto exchange? ›

While Binance doesn't publicly disclose the exact cost of listing an ICO on its exchange, industry experts estimate that the cost can range from $1 million to $3 million, depending on various factors such as the reputation of the project, the expected trading volume, and the negotiation skills of the ICO organizers.

Does it cost money to start a cryptocurrency? ›

The cost of crypto coin creation costs around $5k to $70k and it depends upon your business needs. Many factors influence the cost of creating a cryptocurrency, but the most important is, Developmental time.

Does converting crypto cost money? ›

When you buy, sell, or convert cryptocurrencies on Coinbase, fees are charged.

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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.