How to Start Over in a New Country: A Step-By-Step Guide (2024)

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Get your fresh start with a new country and a new life

Co-authored byMiatrai Brown, Esq.and Sophie Burkholder, BA

Last Updated: September 16, 2024Fact Checked

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Are you ready to turn over a new leaf? Moving to a new country is a great way to begin a new chapter in your life, but it may seem really daunting. Starting over in a new place definitely isn’t easy, but plenty of expats love the fresh experiences and opportunities they find abroad. We’ve written this article with everything you need to know on how to move to a different country—so you can decide if an international move is the best choice for you.

Easiest Countries to Start Over In

  1. Canada
  2. New Zealand
  3. Australia
  4. Mexico
  5. Spain
  6. Norway
  7. South Korea

Section 1 of 5:

How to Start Over in a New Country

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  1. 1

    Apply for or renew your passport. If you don’t have a passport, submit an application as soon as you can. Some countries require that your passport be valid for at least six months past your departure date. If your current passport will expire soon, renew your passport through your local embassy or consulate.[1]

  2. 2

    Apply for any necessary visas or residency permits. Most countries require that you have some sort of visa—a legal document that lets you stay somewhere for a long period of time. Every country’s requirements are different, so visit the official immigration website for your destination country or stop by their embassy to see what applications and paperwork you need to get started.[2]

    • Before getting a long-term visa, you might need to have a certain amount of money saved in your bank account or have a job opportunity in the works. Double-check with your embassy to make sure you meet all the necessary requirements.
    • Ask your local embassy if the country in question has any long-term, permanent resident visas. Some countries, like Australia, have this option.[3]
    • Don’t book any tickets until your visa is approved. The visa process can be lengthy and unpredictable and you don’t want to spend money on flights you won’t be able to board.


  3. 3

    Research your new country. Do some thorough Google searches about your new potential home to help make your transition smoother. Researching properly ahead of time can help you understand the steps you need to take to prepare for your move and adapt once you’re in the new country. Start by researching the following topics:[4]

    • Weather: Look into rainfall, humidity, and extreme weather events. Keep these in mind when you start packing.
    • Transportation: Is your new home accessible by public transit or only by car? Do you need to get an International Driving Permit (IDP) before moving?
    • Laws: Review the basic laws in your new country, especially ones that are notably different from the rules in your home country to avoid making any costly mistakes.
    • History and politics: Study the general history of your destination country. Countries with especially fraught political histories require special attention, as ignorance may lead you to unintentionally offend someone.
    • Cost of living: Use a cost of living estimate service like Numbeo to get an idea of how much food, entertainment, and housing will cost you on a daily basis.
    • Culture and customs: What holidays does your country observe? What’s the dominant religion? What are the cultural norms and codes of conduct that you must respect?
  4. 4

    Start learning the language. If you’re moving to a non-English speaking country, brush up on your skills in their native language. While you can improve your skills once you're there, you should attempt to at least learn the basics before arriving. Enroll in a classroom course at your local community college or study online via a free or otherwise affordable option.[5]

  5. 5

    Save up at least six months worth of money before your move. Look up the cost of living of your new home through Numbeo, then calculate how much money you’ll need for the first six months. If you can, add 10% of this number to the total and use that as your savings goal.[6]

    • Include the cost of moving expenses like booking a flight, signing a new lease, and transporting your belongings.[7]
    • Also, don’t forget to account for costs associated with your visa application, which usually involves an application fee as well as costs for booking appointments and requesting official documents.
    • Leading up to your move, create a budget and track your spending to make sure you’re on track for your big move!
  6. 6

    Book a 2-4 week stay in a hotel or Airbnb while you look for an apartment. It may be tempting to book your housing before you even step on the plane, but this isn’t a great idea. Online pictures and descriptions don’t always tell the full story. Instead, stay in a hotel or Airbnb when you first arrive, and visit potential homes and apartments in person.[8]

    • In-person touring can also give you a feel for the neighborhood and ensure that you’ll like your new community!
  7. 7

    Decide how to transport your belongings. Unless you think this move is permanent, it’s best to move to your new country with only a few suitcases (or as few as possible). For furniture, look for a pre-furnished apartment in your new city. Sell or donate the furniture you currently have, or store pieces in a storage unit or with friends and family that have extra space.[9]

    • If you really need to, you can ship large items by freight on a ship or airplane—but it’ll cost you a pretty penny.
    • If you have pets, you also need to consider how you’ll transport them. If you’re only planning to be away for a few months, it may be worth leaving your furry friend with a trusted friend or family member.
    • If your move is permanent or being separated from your animal companion is too much to bear, look for a USDA accredited veterinarian to fill out your pet export paperwork and get you up to date on mandatory vaccines.
    • Depending on the size of your pet, they may be able to travel with you in the airplane cabin or be held in the hold. Some countries only allow animals to be flown freight, so check your destination country’s requirements.
  8. 8

    Find a health care plan for your new country. Start by asking your current health care provider if they’ll be able to cover you while you’re abroad. Then, determine whether or not your visa gives you access to the local health care system. However, many visas require you to purchase a private health care plan anyways to make sure that you’re covered in their country.[10]

  9. 9

    Get a new phone plan or unlock your current phone. International phone plans are pretty steep, so you’ll need to purchase a local phone plan in your destination country. Go to your current cell phone provider and ask them to unlock your smartphone. When you arrive abroad, purchase a SIM card from a local carrier and replace it with the one in your phone, or sign up for a local phone company.[11]

    • If you don’t want to lose your phone number from back home, try a virtual phone service provider like Grasshopper or Google Fi.
  10. 10

    Change over your bank account and credit card. Call your bank to close your account and check in with your creditors. Let them know that you’re moving overseas so your account doesn’t get flagged or locked in the future.[12]

    • Research banks in your new city and find out what paperwork you'll need to complete to set up a new savings or checking account.
    • If you don’t already have one, set up a credit card with no foreign transaction fees before your big move.[13]
    • Capital One Venture, Chase Sapphire, Capital One QuicksilverOne Cash Rewards, and Deserve EDU MasterCard are some good options for international credit cards.
    • It may also be helpful to hire an accountant to help you manage your money, especially if you’re planning to keep bank accounts and pay taxes in more than one country (and you will still have to file American taxes even while living abroad).[14]
  11. 11

    Make copies of important documents. Scan extra copies of your passport, driver’s license, and credit cards before you move. Give a set of these scans to a trusted friend or family member, and keep another set for yourself. If you ever get robbed, these scans can help prove who you are.[15]

  12. 12

    Register with the U.S. Embassy’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP). Go to the STEP website and click Enroll a Trip. Answer the application questions to enroll in the program. Once enrolled, STEP will notify you with the most up-to-date information about safety conditions in your destination country.[16]

  13. 13

    Prepare your family for the move, if applicable. If you’re moving with your whole family rather than on your own, consider any additional steps you have to take. If you’re moving with your partner and/or children, make sure to complete the extra paperwork for their visas and passport applications.

    • Research potential job opportunities for your partner and look into schooling options for your kids.
    • Another country’s school system may vary greatly from your own, so make sure to explore all your options and understand the different types of schools and admissions systems before committing.
  14. 14

    Throw a goodbye party. Have one last hurrah with your closest loved ones before you leave! Assuming most of your things are packed up or sold away, ask a good friend to host or gather people at your favorite hometown hangout. Enjoy spending time with your nearest-and-dearest before taking off, and make sure to extend the invite for them to visit you in your new home!

  15. 15

    Connect with fellow expats. Most countries have a thriving community of expats that are always willing to support and welcome newcomers to their adopted country and lifestyle. Look for online forums for expats within your city—you’ll likely find tips on navigating the area as well as meet-ups to connect with new friends![17]

  16. 16

    Apply for permanent residency and citizenship. As a permanent resident, you can stay in a country for a longer period of time. In certain countries, like the United States and Canada, you can apply for citizenship after being a permanent resident for a few years.[18]

    • The application processes for permanent residency and citizenship vary by country; for specific information, contact your local embassy for help.
    • To become a Canadian citizen, for example, you need to already be a permanent resident, file all your taxes, reside in the country for 3 of the past 5 years, complete and pass a citizenship exam, and demonstrate your foreign language skills.[19]
    • Citizenship lets you stay in a country permanently without getting deported. Depending on the country, you might also be able to vote in elections and apply for federal jobs.[20]
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Section 2 of 5:

Common Ways to Move Abroad

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  1. 1

    Finding a job abroad Some countries offer short-term work visas via an application, but long-term work visas require that you already have found a job in your destination country. Then, your future employer will “sponsor” you and directly apply for your work visa.[21]

    • If you already have some type of visa, ask your local embassy if you still need to apply for a work permit visa or if you can apply for a long-term visa after being in the country on a long-term visa.
    • Alternatively, you can ask for a transfer if you work for a large, international company.
    • If your employer has business locations in international cities, ask a supervisor or HR representative about possible exchange programs.[22]
  2. 2

    Working remotely as a digital nomad More and more countries are offering digital nomad visas for remote workers. Usually, the requirements include a certain minimum income level along with other specific benchmarks. Digital nomad visas are a great option if your employer is okay with you working anywhere in the world, or if you’re a freelancer who manages your own clients.[23]

  3. 3

    Teaching abroad Becoming an English teacher abroad is one of the easiest and most common ways for native English speakers to move to a new country.[24] Programs in countries like China, South Korea, and Thailand will even offer financial assistance with your work visas and relocation fees.

  4. 4

    Attending university in another country Consider applying for a master’s or PhD program in a foreign country. Many countries allow graduates to stay and seek work after graduation, so you may end up being able to stay in the country long-term.

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Section 3 of 5:

Popular Destinations for Americans Moving Abroad

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  1. 1

    The United Kingdom American citizens can visit the United Kingdom for up to six months without a visa. During this time frame, they can stay in the United Kingdom but won’t be able to sign a lease or accept a job offer. After six months, they have to apply for a visa to become a legal resident.[25]

    • Click here for all the types of UK visas available to American citizens.
  2. 2

    France Because France is part of the Schengen Zone, American citizens can only visit for 90 days within every 180-day period. The type of visa that an American would need to stay permanently in France depends on their reason for moving, whether for work, school, or retirement.[26]

    • Also, consider that the cost of living in France can be quite high compared to American cities. Research your desired area carefully before making any major commitments.
    • Click here for all the types of French visas available to American citizens.
  3. 3

    Germany Americans can stay in Germany for up to three months before needing an official visa. While there are several types of visas available to American citizens, many of them require German language skills.[27]

    • Click here for all the types of German visas available to American citizens.
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Section 4 of 5:

Advantages & Disadvantages of Moving to a New Country

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  1. 1

    Moving to a new country may improve your sense of self and your finances. Research has shown that people who lived abroad have a clearer, more defined sense of themselves than people who didn’t. A defined sense of self makes it easier to make clear, productive decisions about your future.[28]

    • Additionally, daily living costs may be more affordable in other countries so you’ll be able to save more money and have some financial stability.[29]
    • You can also qualify for some tax incentives if you’re an American citizen. You’ll still have to file taxes every year, but you won’t have to pay extra fees.
    • Instead, take advantage of the “Foreign Earned Income Exclusion” feature on your tax form, which can save you a lot of money in your payout.[30]
  2. 2

    Moving abroad can feel isolating and disrupt your work-life balance. Chances are, you won’t get to see your loved ones nearly as often, and you might miss special occasions, like birthdays and holidays. While technology can help bridge this gap, it’s definitely not easy leaving your friends and relatives behind.[31]

    • It’s also difficult to find a work-life balance when you land in a new place. Once you’ve settled in a new country, you’ll probably want to go out and explore.
    • However, you might feel a sense of guilt when you step away from your computer or workspace, especially if you rely on freelance work to pay the bills.[32]
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Section 5 of 5:

Frequently Asked Questions About Moving Abroad

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  1. 1

    How long does it take to settle in a new country? It can take several years to fully adjust to a new country. Unfortunately, there’s no magic formula that will make your international move any easier. It’ll take time to really build your roots, especially as you adjust to culture shock, language barriers, and other new challenges. Just take your move one day at a time—things will get easier![33]

    • You can meet lots of new people through networking sites like Meetup.
    • Joining a faith community in a new country is another great way to make connections.[34]
    • Overcoming culture shock can be a big challenge at first, especially if you’re feeling homesick.
    • Take some time to explore your new surroundings, but also do some of your favorite activities so that you feel more at home.[35]
  2. 2

    What are some of the cheapest countries to live in for Americans? Many countries have a lower cost of living compared to the United States. In Latin America, for example, countries like Costa Rica, Mexico, Panama, and Ecuador are all affordable options. Further South, Colombia is a viable option with a monthly price tag as low as $527.50 before rent.[36]

    • In Europe, France, Portugal, and Malta are inexpensive destinations.[37]</ref>
    • Places like Normandy, Brittany, Toulouse, Montpellier, Lorraine, Alsace, Bordeaux, Burgundy, and Aix-en-Provence are some affordable French towns and cities, while Lisbon, Porto, Alentejo, Beja, and Évora are some budget-friendly Portuguese options.
    • If you’d like to live in Southeast Asia, Malaysia is a great option and is incredibly affordable. Cities like Kuala Lumpur and Penang are popular spots for expats.
    • Keep in mind that the amount of money you earn in a foreign country might be lower than what you’d make in your origin country, unless you have a steady source of income from somewhere else.
  3. 3

    Where in the world can Americans live without a visa? You’ll need a visa to live in most places. However, some countries have really simple visa requirements, which makes the moving process a lot simpler. Nations like Mexico, Costa Rica, and the Czech Republic have accessible visa options that let you live overseas long-term. Contact your local embassy to find an option that works for you.[38]

    • Some countries have almost no visa requirements for Americans, like Svalbard, Norway. However, you can’t move to Svalbard with just the clothes on your back—since most of the housing is owned by Norwegian employers, you’ll need a job in order to live in the region.[39]
    • To start job hunting in Svalbard, get in touch with different employers from Longyearbyen, or ask the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration for more information about getting a job in Norway.
  4. 4

    How do I start a new life abroad with no money? If you want to move to a new country with no money, start by finding a country with a tourism relocation incentive program. Surprisingly, some countries will actually pay you to start a new life there.

    • Some places, like Antikythera, Greece, want to boost their small population and others, like Chile, Mauritius, and Ireland, will pay you to start a business there.[40]
    • Lots of American cities offer relocation packages, too. Places like Lincoln, Kansas offer free property lots, while Tulsa, Oklahoma offers $10,000 to anyone willing to move there and work remotely.[41]
    • Double-check the eligibility requirements for these programs before you plan your move.
  5. 5

    Will I need to get a new phone before moving to a different country? Yes, you’ll need an unlocked cell phone. While you can bring your old cell phone with you, you’ll have to pay serious roaming fees in the process. Instead, install a local SIM card into your unlocked phone after you’ve moved. This will make your phone bill a lot more affordable.[42]

    • You can unlock your current phone or simply buy a new, unlocked phone.
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Expert Q&A


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    How can I avoid errors in my immigration application?

    How to Start Over in a New Country: A Step-By-Step Guide (38)

    Miatrai Brown, Esq.
    Immigration Attorney

    Miatrai Brown is an Immigration Lawyer based in Washington D.C. With over 10 years of academic and professional experience, her areas of focus include employment-based nonimmigrant and immigrant visas, investment-based immigration, family-based immigration, risk management assessment, and regulatory compliance. She began her legal career exclusively practicing immigration and nationality law as external immigration counsel to large U.S. corporations and fast-moving start-ups. After six years at top immigration firms, she opened her own practice, Direct U.S. Immigration. This move was motivated by her desire to provide more access to a high level of immigration support to clients worldwide. As a thoughtful and strategic advisor on immigration and related matters, Direct U.S. Immigration earned an impressive honor as Immigration Law Firm of the Year 2023 – Washington DC.

    How to Start Over in a New Country: A Step-By-Step Guide (39)

    Immigration Attorney

    Expert Answer

    Frequently, errors in immigration applications arise due to insufficient knowledge of current immigration procedures. A prevalent mistake involves the submission of outdated forms. Applicants may use forms that were current when printed and prepared but become obsolete by the time they are submitted, leading to rejection if received by immigration even slightly late. It is crucial to ensure that the forms are not only accurate but also up-to-date. Another common error pertains to incomplete or inconsistent answers regarding the applicant. Providing thorough and honest responses is essential, as even minor oversights, such as forgetting to mention a brief employment stint on a visitor visa application, can carry severe consequences. In some instances, when an employer sponsors an individual for a green card and the individual later recalls and includes previously omitted information, immigration authorities may scrutinize the integrity of the original application, potentially resulting in allegations of misrepresentation or fraud.

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      • From the visa process to the culture shock, moving to a new country can be really difficult. But it can also be completely worth it! Take baby steps, lean on your support network, and remember how much more resilient and independent you’ll be on the other side of this.


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      • If moving to a new country is something you really want to do, that’s amazing! If you’re only moving away because you’re running away from problems at home, however, you may want to address the root cause of those issues before leaving.


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      How to Start Over in a New Country: A Step-By-Step Guide (40)


      Expert Interview

      Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about citizenship and immigration, check out our in-depth interview with Miatrai Brown, Esq..

      More References (33)


      About This Article

      How to Start Over in a New Country: A Step-By-Step Guide (56)

      Co-authored by:

      Immigration Attorney

      This article was co-authored by Miatrai Brown, Esq. and by wikiHow staff writer, Sophie Burkholder, BA. Miatrai Brown is an Immigration Lawyer based in Washington D.C. With over 10 years of academic and professional experience, her areas of focus include employment-based nonimmigrant and immigrant visas, investment-based immigration, family-based immigration, risk management assessment, and regulatory compliance. She began her legal career exclusively practicing immigration and nationality law as external immigration counsel to large U.S. corporations and fast-moving start-ups. After six years at top immigration firms, she opened her own practice, Direct U.S. Immigration. This move was motivated by her desire to provide more access to a high level of immigration support to clients worldwide. As a thoughtful and strategic advisor on immigration and related matters, Direct U.S. Immigration earned an impressive honor as Immigration Law Firm of the Year 2023 – Washington DC. This article has been viewed 68,464 times.

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      Co-authors: 14

      Updated: September 16, 2024


      Categories: Travel

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      How to Start Over in a New Country: A Step-By-Step Guide (2024)
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      Name: Tish Haag

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