How to solve RSA Algorithm Problems? - GeeksforGeeks (2024)

RSA algorithm is an asymmetric cryptography algorithm which means, there should be two keys involve while communicating, i.e., public key and private key. There are simple steps to solve problems on the RSA Algorithm.


  • Step-1: Choose two prime number[Tex]p[/Tex]and[Tex]q[/Tex]Lets take[Tex]p = 3[/Tex]and[Tex]q = 11[/Tex]
  • Step-2: Compute the value of[Tex]n[/Tex]and[Tex]\phi[/Tex]It is given as,

[Tex]n = p \times q[/Tex] and [Tex]\phi = (p-1) \times (q-1)[/Tex]

  • Here in the example,[Tex]n = 3 \times 11 = 33[/Tex][Tex]\phi = (3-1) \times (11-1) = 2 \times 10 = 20[/Tex]
  • Step-3: Find the value of[Tex]e[/Tex](public key) Choose[Tex]e[/Tex], such that[Tex]e[/Tex]should be co-prime. Co-prime means it should not multiply by factors of[Tex]\phi[/Tex]and also not divide by[Tex]\phi[/Tex]Factors of[Tex]\phi[/Tex]are,[Tex]20 = 5 \times 4 = 5 \times 2 \times 2[/Tex]so[Tex]e[/Tex]should not multiply by[Tex]5[/Tex]and[Tex]2[/Tex]and should not divide by 20. So, primes are 3, 7, 11, 17, 19…, as 3 and 11 are taken choose[Tex]e[/Tex]as 7 Therefore,[Tex]e = 7[/Tex]
  • Step-4: Compute the value of[Tex]d[/Tex](private key) The condition is given as,[Tex]gcd(\phi, e) = \phi x +ey = 1[/Tex]where y is the value of[Tex]d[/Tex]. To compute the value of[Tex]d[/Tex],
    1. Form a table with four columns i.e., a, b, d, and k.
    2. Initialize a = 1, b = 0, d =[Tex]\phi[/Tex], k = – in first row.
    3. Initialize a = 0, b = 1, d =[Tex]e[/Tex],[Tex]k = \frac{\phi}{e}[/Tex]in second row.
    4. From the next row, apply following formulas to find the value of next a, b, d, and k, which is given as
      • [Tex]a_{i} = a_{i-2} – (a_{i-1} \times k_{i-1})[/Tex]
      • [Tex]b_{i} = b_{i-2} – (b_{i-1} \times k_{i-1})[/Tex]
      • [Tex]d_{i} = d_{i-2} – (d_{i-1} \times k_{i-1})[/Tex]
      • [Tex]k_{i} = \frac{d_{i-1}}{d_{i}}[/Tex]
  • Step-5: Do the encryption and decryption Encryption is given as,[Tex]c = t^{e}\mod n[/Tex]Decryption is given as,[Tex]t = c^{d}\mod n[/Tex]For the given example, suppose[Tex]t = 2[/Tex], so Encryption is[Tex]c = 2^{7}\mod 33 = 29[/Tex]Decryption is[Tex]t = 29^{3}\mod 33 = 2[/Tex]Therefore in the final,[Tex]p = 3[/Tex],[Tex]q = 11[/Tex],[Tex]\phi = 20[/Tex],[Tex]n = 33[/Tex],[Tex]e = 7[/Tex]and[Tex]d = 3[/Tex]

Example-2: GATE CS-2017 (Set 1) In an RSA cryptosystem, a particular A uses two prime numbers p = 13 and q =17 to generate her public and private keys. If the public key of A is 35. Then the private key of A is?

  1. [Tex]p = 13[/Tex]and[Tex]q = 17[/Tex]
  2. Compute[Tex]n = 13 \times 17 = 221[/Tex]and[Tex]\phi = (13-1) \times (17-1) = 12 \times 16 = 192[/Tex]
  3. [Tex]e = 35[/Tex](public key)
  4. Compute[Tex]d[/Tex](private key)
  1. [Tex]\therefore d = 11[/Tex](private key)

Example-3: In RSA algorithm if p = 7, q = 11 and e = 13 then what will be the value of d?


1) Calculate value of n = p × q, where p and q are prime no.’s

2) calculate Ø(n) = (p-1) × (q-1)

3) consider d as public key such that Ø(n) and d has no common factors.

4) consider e as private key such that (e × d) mod Ø(n) = 1

5) Cipher text c = message i.e. mdmod n

6) message = cipher text i.e. cemod n


p =7, q= 11, e = 13

Use step 2 and 4 of RSA algorithm to calculate private key.

Ø(n) = (7– 1) × (11 – 1) = 6 × 10 = 60


(e × d) mod Ø(n) = 1

(13 × d) mod 60 = 1

d = 37

So, key of A = 37

Example-4: In an RSA cryptosystem, a participant uses two prime numbers p = 3 and q = 11 to generate his public and private keys. If the private key is 7, then how will the text COMPUTER be encrypted using the public key?


RSA Algorithm:

Step 1:Calculate value of n = p × q, where p and q are prime no.’s

Step 2:calculate Ø(n) = (p-1) × (q-1)

Step 3:consider d as a private key such that Ø(n) and d have no common factors. i.egreatest common divisor (Ø(n) ,d )= 1

Step 4:consider e as a public key such that (e × d) mod Ø(n) = 1.

Step 5:Ciphertext = message i.e. memod n.

Step 6:message= cipher text i.e. cdmod n.


Given prime numbers, p=3, q = 11

n= 3x 11=33

Ø(n) = (3-1) × (11-1) = 2x 10=20

greatest common divisor (20, d) =1

d = Private Key = 7

As per question d =7.

(e × d) mod Ø(n) = 1

(e x 7) mod 20= 1

So, e x 7= 20x 1+1

e=217= 3 possible.

,e = public Key=3 =encrypt key

So n = 33 ,e = 3, d = 7,Ø(n)=20

Plan text =COMPUTER

Ciphertext =memod n.

Ciphertext for C = 33mod 33=27

Ciphertext for O = 153mod 33= 9

Ciphertext for M = 133mod 33 = 19

Ciphertext for P = 163mod 33 =4

Ciphertext for U = 213mod 33 =21

Ciphertext for T = 203mod 33 = 14

Ciphertext for E = 53mod 33 = 26

Ciphertext for R = 183mod 33 = 24.

Example-5: Using ‘RSA’ algorithm, if p = 13, q = 5 and e = 7, the value of d and cipher value of ‘6’ with (e, n) key are

RSA Algorithm:

Step 1:Calculate value of n = p × q, where p and q are prime no.’s

Step 2:calculate Ø(n) = (p-1) × (q-1)

Step 3:consider d as a private key such that Ø(n) and d have no common factors. i.egreatest common divisor (Ø(n) ,d )= 1

Step 4:consider e as a public key such that (e × d) mod Ø(n) = 1.

Step 5:Ciphertext = message i.e. memod n.

Step 6:message= cipher text i.e. cdmod n.


To find the value of ‘d’ in the RSA algorithm, we need to calculate the modular multiplicative inverse of ‘e’ modulo φ(n), where n is the product of the two prime numbers p and q, and φ(n) is the Euler’s totient function.

p = 13
q = 5
e = 7
ciphertext = 6

First, calculate n:
n = p ×q
n = 13 ×5
n = 65

Next, calculate φ(n):
Ø(n)=(p – 1) ×(q – 1)
Ø(n)= (13 – 1) ×(5 – 1)
Ø(n)= 12 ×4
Ø(n)= 48

Now, we need to find the modular multiplicative inverse of ‘e’ moduloØ(n). In other words, we need to find ‘d’ such that (e * d) modØ(n)= 1.

Using the extended Euclidean algorithm, we can find ‘d’:

Step 1:
48 = 7 ×6 + 6
7 = 6 ×1 + 1

Step 2:
6 = 1 * 6 + 0

Since the remainder in the last step is 1, we can conclude that the greatest common divisor of 7 and 48 is 1. Therefore, ‘d’ exists, and it is the coefficient of 7 in the equation:

1 = 7 – 6 ×1

So, ‘d’ is equal to 7.

Now, to decrypt the ciphertext using the private key (d, n), we can use the formula:

plaintext = (ciphertextd) mod n

Substituting the values:
plaintext = (67) mod 65

Calculating this:

plaintext = 279936 % 65
plaintext = 46

Therefore, the value of ‘d’ is 7 and the plaintext (decrypted value) of the ciphertext ‘6’ using the private key (d, n) is 46.

Solving RSA algorithm problems usually involves the following steps:

  1. Choose two prime numbers: Start by selecting two large prime numbers, p and q, and compute their product, n = p * q. This product forms the modulus for the RSA algorithm.
  2. Compute Euler’s totient function: Compute Euler’s totient function, phi(n) = (p-1) * (q-1). This value is used to generate the public and private keys.
  3. Choose the public key: Choose a number e that is relatively prime to phi(n). This means that e and phi(n) share no common factors other than 1. The public key consists of the pair (e,n).
  4. Compute the private key: Compute the modular multiplicative inverse of e modulo phi(n). This can be done using the extended Euclidean algorithm. The private key consists of the pair (d,n).
  5. Encrypt a message: To encrypt a message, first convert it to a number m. Then compute the ciphertext c = m^e mod n.
  6. Decrypt a message: To decrypt a message, compute the plaintext m = c^d mod n.

Here are some tips for solving RSA algorithm problems:

  1. Choose large prime numbers: The strength of the RSA algorithm depends on the size of the prime numbers used. For security purposes, it is recommended to choose prime numbers that are at least 1024 bits long.
  2. Use a calculator or programming language: Performing the calculations by hand can be difficult and time-consuming. Instead, use a calculator or a programming language that supports large integers.
  3. Check your calculations: RSA calculations involve many large numbers, so it’s easy to make mistakes. Double-check your calculations to make sure you haven’t made any errors.
  4. Practice with examples: Practice solving RSA problems with examples to get a better understanding of the algorithm. There are many online resources that provide RSA examples and practice problems.


How to solve RSA Algorithm Problems? - GeeksforGeeks (2)


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How to solve RSA Algorithm Problems? - GeeksforGeeks (2024)


How to solve RSA problem? ›

Steps in RSA Algorithm
  1. Choose two large prime numbers (p and q)
  2. Calculate n = p*q and z = (p-1)(q-1)
  3. Choose a number e where 1 < e < z.
  4. Calculate d = e-1mod(p-1)(q-1)
  5. You can bundle private key pair as (n,d)
  6. You can bundle public key pair as (n,e)
Jul 2, 2024

What is the formula for RSA algorithm? ›

➢ To create an RSA public/private key pair, here are the basic steps: 1- Choose two prime numbers, p and q such that p ≠ q . 2- Calculate the modulus, n = p × q. 3- Calcuate ϕ( n ) = ( p – 1 ) × ( q – 1 ). 4- Select integer e such that gcd (ϕ( n ), e) = 1 and 1 < e < ϕ( n ).

How can I improve my RSA algorithm? ›

A modify RSA algorithm is proposed using “n” distinct prime numbers. A pair of a random number and their modular multiplicative inverse is used to increase the security of the RSA algorithm. Key generation, encryption and decryption time of Modified RSA (MRSA) algorithm to break the system is significantly higher.

Why is RSA difficult to crack? ›

The security resilience in RSA is achieved because of the inherent difficulty in factorizing very large numbers into their constituent prime factors. As an example, consider n=77, which can be easily factorized into p=11 and q=7. This factorization is easy because of the small magnitudes involved.

What is the math equation for RSA? ›

The Mathematics behind RSA. In RSA, we have two large primes p and q, a modulus N = pq, an encryption exponent e and a decryption exponent d that satisfy ed = 1 mod (p - 1)(q - 1). The public key is the pair (N,e) and the private key is d. C = Me mod N.

How is RSA key calculated? ›

The keys for the RSA algorithm are generated in the following way:
  • Choose two large prime numbers p and q. ...
  • Compute n = pq. ...
  • Compute λ(n), where λ is Carmichael's totient function. ...
  • Choose an integer e such that 1 < e < λ(n) and gcd(e, λ(n)) = 1; that is, e and λ(n) are coprime.

What is the trick to find D in RSA algorithm? ›

1 Answer
  1. All must insure that ed≡1modλ(n), where λ is the Carmichael function. ...
  2. Instead of ed≡1modλ(n), we can use ed≡1modφ(n), where φ is Euler's totient. ...
  3. The question uses the later method, and asks how to calculate d=e−1modφ(n); that is, by definition, the integer d∈[0,φ(n)) with φ(n) dividing ed−1.
Jan 6, 2023

What is the workflow of RSA algorithm? ›

The application of the RSA algorithm consists of three main processes, namely key generation, encryption, and decryption [26] . ... E-business security becomes an important issue in the development of technology, to ensure the safety and comfort of transactions in the exchange of information is privacy.

What are the three phases of the RSA algorithm? ›

RSA algorithm comprises four stages, and those four stages are: Key generation (1st stage): To generate a private key (to keep) and a public key (to share). Key distribution (2nd stage): Flood the network with the public key. Encryption (3rd stage): The sender encrypts the message using the receiver's public key.

How to find value of e in RSA algorithm? ›

The choice of "e" in the RSA algorithm depends on the values of "p" and "q" and the requirement that "e" must be coprime to the totient of n. The value of "e" can be any number that meets this requirement, but commonly used values are 3, 17, and 65537.

What is the general technique of RSA? ›

The Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA), named after its developers, is an asymmetric encryption technique that uses two different but linked encryption keys (private and public). RSA encryption uses opposite keys to encrypt and decrypt data.

How to calculate RSA algorithm? ›

RSA algorithm uses the following procedure to generate public and private keys: Select two large prime numbers, p and q. Multiply these numbers to find n = p x q, where n is called the modulus for encryption and decryption. If n = p x q, then the public key is <e, n>.

What is better than RSA algorithm? ›

The algorithm, called ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm), was first proposed by Scott Vanstone in 1992. Signatures based on the algorithm of ECS, the ancestor of ECDSA, have several important advantages over RSA-algorithms: they are smaller in size and are created much faster.

How long does it take to break RSA algorithm? ›

Time Required for 10^40 Operations:

So, even with the assumed computational capacity of Google's data centers, it would take approximately 19.8 quadrillion years to crack RSA-2048 using brute force. This is an astronomical time frame, far longer than the current age of the universe (which is about 13.8 billion years).

How do I troubleshoot my RSA token? ›

Resolution: Do the following:
  1. Verify that the user is using the correct token as assigned. Ask the user for the serial number on the back of the token, and verify it against the token serial number that you see in the Security Console. ...
  2. Resynchronize the token assigned to the user. ...
  3. Open the Activity Monitor.

How to decrypt RSA code? ›

The encrypted message appears in the lower box. To decrypt a message, enter valid modulus N below. Enter decryption key d and encrypted message C in the table on the right, then click the Decrypt button. The decrypted message appears in the lower box.

How do you solve key distribution problems? ›

The first solution to the Key Distribution Problem for symmetric cryptosystems is the use of a Key Derivation Function. A Key Derivation Function is a mathematical function which takes a fixed input and produces an output which is used by both the sender and receiver as the encryption/decryption key (Sönmez, 2009).

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