How to set up a VPN for enterprise use | TechTarget (2024)


Article 3 of 6

Part of: A guide to virtual private networks

VPNs are nearly ubiquitous, but does your organization know how to deploy one? Learn about use cases, requirements, deployment options and best practices for VPN deployment.

How to set up a VPN for enterprise use | TechTarget (1)


  • Ed Tittel

Published: 24 Oct 2022

A virtual private network, or VPN, is a key technology used to boost internet security and enable safe remote access for users who need access to enterprise WANs and their resources. A VPN interconnects all kinds of users across all types of locations. Its features should be secure, user-friendly and flexible enough to traverse the cloud for a variety of platforms and use cases.

Before setting up a VPN, network architects should evaluate fundamental VPN principles, select features that best support their organizations' users, and consider best practices for security and secure remote network access.

How do VPNs work?

VPNs add a protocol layer, often called a tunneling protocol, that encapsulates and encrypts network traffic. This process makes VPN traffic essentially opaque -- meaning unauthorized users can't detect the contents of the network -- as it transits the public internet. If a third party inspected traffic in transit, it wouldn't be able to access packet payloads.

VPNs prevent arbitrary third parties from inspecting traffic flow between specific users and the resources they access online. This is especially true for situations where employees use VPNs to protect work-related activities, transactions, file transfers, application use and more.

How to set up a VPN for enterprise use | TechTarget (2)

VPNs also hide specific user details in the traffic they protect. IP addresses, geographic locations, browser histories, devices and software are examples of information not readily available to those outside the VPN umbrella.

VPN use cases

Enterprises primarily use VPNs to overlay a secure, private network over the public internet. Typical use cases for VPNs include the following:

  • Remote work. Organizations provide VPNs for remote employees to access network resources and applications.
  • Privacy. Users and organizations that want to conceal work-related information, sensitive data and communications from third parties -- such as ISPs, telecoms and other companies that handle internet traffic -- can protect their traffic with a VPN.
  • Security. Users who connect to the internet via an insecure network can use a VPN to secure their data and communications and avoid unwanted disclosures.

How to set up a VPN

Network admins need different elements at various steps when setting up a workable VPN, from the client, through the cloud, to the network boundary and into enterprise networks.

How to set up a VPN for enterprise use | TechTarget (3)

Basic requirements to set up a VPN include the following:

  • Client VPN software. VPNs require client software to make secure remote connections. The clients must support the various applications and services users wish to access or run, such as collaboration tools, like voice and video conferencing.
  • VPN infrastructure. Organizations must use specific VPN-aware routers and firewalls that permit legitimate VPN traffic to pass unhindered, while blocking unauthorized and unwanted third parties. These VPN devices typically use blocklisting techniques or address and domain name filters to enable this process.
  • VPN appliance, concentrator or server. VPN appliances, concentrators and servers handle and manage incoming VPN traffic, as well as establish and manage VPN sessions and their access to network resources.
How to set up a VPN for enterprise use | TechTarget (4)

Some key design objectives to keep in mind when selecting VPN features include the following:

  • secure remote access;
  • easy setup, configuration and maintenance;
  • affordability for widespread corporate use; and
  • ease of use.

How to select a VPN

Choosing which kind of VPN to accommodate an enterprise network comes with its own share of difficulties. Network professionals are often caught between management dictates and user preferences when deciding which VPN to deploy, and this can pose some challenges for staff.

Look at user and platform preferences

Upper management typically chooses VPN designs based on a few criteria. Existing infrastructure dictates which new VPN components match compatibility requirements, and management might also base purchase decisions on the best price or optimal features-to-price tradeoff. Sometimes, however, management chooses a VPN due to a specific vendor choice or existing relationship.

When management follows this VPN design rationale, network and IT teams are rarely given the choice of which VPN to set up. They may have input into the selections, but their choice is subject to considerations and final selections from higher-ranking personnel.

Instead, organizations may want to adopt a bottom-up approach driven by users. In a user-driven approach, user platforms dictate VPN protocols and services, while low-cost or freeware VPN clients drive the remaining component choices.

A user-driven approach creates a free-for-all: Organizations can use multiple VPNs for different user groups or platforms. Ideally, the organization settles on a single choice or a limited number of choices, where network teams carefully balance security requirements against ease of use and productivity considerations.

Evaluate VPN client options

Choosing a VPN client involves considerations across a wide spectrum of capabilities and functionality:

  • OS support. For those using PCs of some kind, it's best when a single client can support all OSes the organization uses. This consideration also applies to mobile OSes.
  • BYOD. Organizations that support BYOD should also consider enabling VPNs for mobile devices, for both personal and work-related use. Even on company-provided devices, employees usually welcome this capability.
  • Security and encryption. Broad support for remote access, tunneling and security or authentication protocols are key features to include when setting up a VPN. Some popular VPN protocol options include Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS) and IPsec, as well as Remote Desktop Protocol or Layer Two Tunneling Protocol. Strong encryption support is also a must, with 2,048-bit Rivest-Shamir-Adleman encryption for key exchange and highly protected traffic and Advanced Encryption Standard 256 or better for all payloads and other traffic.
  • Remote support and collaboration. The VPN environment should support remote access, remote virtual clients, assisted or interactive use for tech support, and collaboration among multiple parties for video conferencing. Ideally, VPN technologies integrate easily with existing infrastructures, runtime environments, applications, services and cloud platform investments.
  • Price. Most organizations don't want to restructure their current ways of business to accommodate VPN use and prefer modest and inexpensive upgrades, rather than massive and costly changes. VPN price models are also important; higher-cost options generally offer more security, better integration, and easier maintenance and upgrades.
How to set up a VPN for enterprise use | TechTarget (5)

VPN deployment challenges

Learning how to set up a VPN correctly can help network teams avoid future complications. To prevent potential problems, network personnel must be aware of areas that could cause VPN issues and technical problems.

Below are some common VPN deployment challenges:

  • VPN client software must work on all user devices, which can prevent VPN security breaches.
  • VPN devices must also be compatible and interoperable with appliances, concentrators and servers.
  • VPN protocols must work end to end through firewalls, routers and switches.
  • Network teams must balance security and protection against ease and convenience to avoid technical VPN issues.

Countermeasures against VPN security risks

VPN technology offers specific and focused security technologies, but it can also be a magnet for attacks and exploits. In March 2022, the Infosec Institute reported that the rise of VPN use to enable the demand for remote access led to an increase in attacks. It is pivotal to secure a VPN to create a safe remote network experience.

The National Security Agency and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency recommend organizations follow some best practices for security that can minimize their attack surface when using a VPN. Some of those tips are the following:

  • Choose a standards-based VPN that includes Internet Key Exchange and IPsec over options that use SSL/TLS. If a VPN uses a custom SSL/TLS tunnel as a fallback to standards-based operation, this option should be disabled.
  • Set up VPNs with strong authentication and encryption algorithms and protocols.
  • Use multifactor authentication (MFA) with two or more factors to increase security. Whenever possible, consider replacing password-based authentication with client authentication via certificates stored in smart cards or other hardware-secure storage.
  • Curb vulnerabilities through regular patching, and maintain a current software bill of materials to ensure secure and updated code. Apply updates when they become available, and force password changes when exploits of known vulnerabilities are documented in the wild.
  • Limit VPN access only to authorized users. This step might involve creating firewall rules to limit access on specific port addresses, such as TCP and User Datagram Protocol. Carefully manage and monitor inbound and outbound VPN access, with endpoints restricted solely to allowed IP addresses. Block VPN access to management interfaces so compromised admin credentials can't threaten network takeovers.
  • Consider deploying VPNs within a zero-trust framework with network segmentation to enforce the principle of least privilege (POLP).
  • VPN traffic should pass through a security stack on its way into and out of an enterprise network. This stack should include a web application firewall and intrusion prevention systems. Teams should also configure the VPN to enable all web application security settings -- to avoid replay attacks using expired user session data, for example.

A detailed approach to network security monitoring and maintenance enables a VPN to boost security and provide users with secure enterprise network access.

Best practices for setting up a VPN

Enterprises should set up standards-based VPNs that meet their users' platform needs. For example, a VPN can accommodate mobile devices and stationary devices, but all VPNs -- regardless of the device on which they run -- should support strong authentication and encryption. MFA is one way to implement secure remote access for users outside office locations. Network architects should closely monitor VPNs and update them to accommodate security updates, patches and fixes.

By itself, a VPN can't make remote access safe and secure. Network users should undergo security awareness training to avoid unsafe habits and minimize the risk of encountering online attacks. Network professionals should also carefully monitor the VPN and stay alert for anomalies or unusual access patterns to prevent attacks. For enhanced security, network professionals can consider limiting VPN access within a zero-trust framework that checks and limits IP and media access control addresses when necessary and enforces POLP for all use.

Next Steps

Managing VPN bandwidth requirements, speed and overhead

How to use two VPN connections at the same time

Related Resources

Dig Deeper on Network security

  • VPN use prevails despite interest in VPN alternativesBy: DeannaDarah
  • VPN vs. zero trust vs. SDP: What's the difference?By: MichaelaGoss
  • SSL VPN (Secure Sockets Layer virtual private network)By: LindaRosencrance
  • Remote access vs. site-to-site VPN: What's the difference?By: PaulKirvan

Part of: A guide to virtual private networks

Article 3 of 6

Up Next

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How to set up a VPN for enterprise use VPNs are nearly ubiquitous, but does your organization know how to deploy one? Learn about use cases, requirements, deployment options and best practices for VPN deployment.
What's involved in VPN maintenance and management? Before an organization's VPN is up and running, IT teams must address four important aspects of VPN maintenance and management to keep abreast of transforming security concerns.
Best practices for VPN traffic monitoring VPNs are still a critical part of many enterprise remote access strategies. Networks teams that monitor VPN traffic should look at factors like application usage and overhead.
VPN use prevails despite interest in VPN alternatives Despite claims that VPNs are on their way out of enterprise networks, to be replaced by alternative technologies, research suggests VPNs are, in fact, here to stay.

As an expert in networking and cybersecurity, I bring a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience to discuss the concepts covered in the provided article. With a background in both theoretical principles and practical applications, I can shed light on various aspects of virtual private networks (VPNs) and their deployment in organizational settings.

Understanding VPNs: The article rightly emphasizes the crucial role of VPNs in enhancing internet security and facilitating secure remote access. VPNs serve as a secure bridge over the public internet, connecting users across different locations and ensuring the confidentiality of transmitted data.

How VPNs Work: The article delves into the functioning of VPNs by highlighting the addition of a tunneling protocol layer for encapsulating and encrypting network traffic. This process ensures the opacity of VPN traffic to unauthorized users, making it a fundamental tool for protecting work-related activities, transactions, and communications.

VPN Use Cases: The article mentions three primary use cases for VPNs in enterprises: remote work, privacy, and security. It emphasizes how VPNs enable employees to access network resources securely, conceal work-related information from third parties, and protect data and communications when connected to insecure networks.

Setting Up a VPN: The article outlines the basic requirements for setting up a VPN, including the need for client VPN software, VPN infrastructure with specific routers and firewalls, and VPN appliances, concentrators, or servers. Key design objectives are also highlighted, focusing on secure remote access, ease of setup, affordability, and user-friendliness.

Selecting a VPN: The article provides insights into the challenges faced by network professionals when selecting a VPN, emphasizing the importance of considering user and platform preferences. It discusses the top considerations for choosing a VPN client, such as OS support, BYOD compatibility, security and encryption features, remote support, collaboration, and pricing models.

VPN Deployment Challenges: Common challenges related to VPN deployment are discussed, including ensuring VPN client software compatibility across user devices, interoperability with various network components, and balancing security with user convenience.

Countermeasures Against VPN Security Risks: The article highlights security risks associated with VPN technology and provides countermeasures recommended by authoritative sources such as the National Security Agency and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. Recommendations include choosing standards-based VPNs, implementing multifactor authentication, regular patching, and limiting VPN access to authorized users.

Best Practices for Setting Up a VPN: The article concludes with best practices for setting up a VPN, emphasizing the importance of standards-based VPNs, strong authentication and encryption, continuous monitoring, and security awareness training for network users.

In summary, the concepts covered in the article provide a comprehensive guide to VPNs, from their fundamental principles to practical considerations in deployment and ongoing management.

How to set up a VPN for enterprise use | TechTarget (2024)


How do I setup a VPN for enterprise? ›

Steps for setting up a VPN
  1. Step 1: Line up key VPN components. ...
  2. Step 2: Prep devices. ...
  3. Step 3: Download and install VPN clients. ...
  4. Step 4: Find a setup tutorial. ...
  5. Step 5: Log in to the VPN. ...
  6. Step 6: Choose VPN protocols. ...
  7. Step 7: Troubleshoot. ...
  8. Step 8: Fine-tune the connection.

How do you set up a VPN? ›

Set Up a VPN on an Android Device

Go to “Settings” and from there click “Network & Internet” then “Advanced” and, finally, “VPN.” Click “Add VPN.” Fill out your VPN's “Name” and “Server” and hit save. Click on your newly added VPN profile and fill out the “Account” and “Password” fields then click “Connect.”

How to use a VPN efficiently? ›

How to use a VPN in 3 simple steps:
  1. Download a secure and reliable VPN. We recommend NordVPN, now 69% OFF.
  2. Set up the VPN on your device.
  3. Connect to your chosen VPN server and start browsing safely.
Jan 12, 2024

How can a company make use of a VPN? ›

Businesses typically use a VPN to give remote employees access to internal applications and data, or to create a single shared network between multiple office locations.

Which VPN solutions are typically used by an enterprise? ›

Many enterprise VPN solutions, like AWS VPN Server and TNSR software on AWS and Azure, are designed for compatibility with cloud environments. This feature is crucial for businesses leveraging cloud computing, ensuring secure and seamless integration with cloud services.

How to setup VPN for free? ›

Setting up a VPN in Android
  1. Head into Settings > Network & Internet > Advanced > VPN (you should see a little key icon). ...
  2. If you happen to be setting this up on a new phone, or if you haven't yet set a screen lock or password, Google will prompt you to first set one for your phone. ...
  3. Now create your VPN profile.
Mar 1, 2019

How do I setup a VPN for dummies? ›

How to Use a VPN?
  1. Download and install the PureVPN app on your chosen device.
  2. Log in using the VPN credentials provided to you through email.
  3. Select your preferred Mode (Stream, Internet Freedom, Security/Privacy, File-Sharing, or Dedicated IP).
  4. Connect to any server location.
  5. Hop on the Internet and you're set to go!
Jan 1, 2024

Can you set up a VPN yourself? ›

Yes, you can DIY your very own VPN – but it's not easy. You have to choose a suitable device, install VPN software, and configure it for secure access. It may sound simple at first, but it requires some technical know-how, such as understanding network settings and possibly configuring your router.

Can anyone set up a VPN? ›

While you could subscribe to VPN services, which offer easy-to-use apps, it is also possible to set up a VPN yourself. The costs and technical requirements will depend on what you want to use the VPN for.

Where should you set your VPN to? ›

The fastest VPN server will always be in the country that is the closest to your actual location. However, VPN countries that have the best internet infrastructure and the best speeds are Spain, Singapore, Monaco, Switzerland, and South Korea, among others.

What is the best location to use for a VPN? ›

Switzerland, Iceland, Estonia, Canada, Singapore, Spain, the UK, Panama, Romania, and Germany are considered the best countries for VPN server locations due to strong privacy laws, advanced internet infrastructure, and minimal content restrictions.

Is there a better way than VPN? ›

One of the best alternatives to a VPN is a proxy server. A proxy server acts as a gateway that sits between a user's device and the internet. The user can activate the server in their web browser and proceed to reroute their traffic through it. This helps to hide their IP address from any web servers that they visit.

Can you use a VPN for business? ›

Yes, a VPN can be used for a business; in fact, large organizations, including governments and public service providers, use business VPNs to secure communications between offices geographically and keep remote workers' connections to internal databases safe from interception by hackers and other cybercriminals.

Should a business use a VPN? ›

The encryption a VPN provides prevents hackers from stealing valuable data, such as customer information, employee records, or financial data. “A VPN is essential for your small business if you want to protect your and your clients' data and avoid security threats that could cripple your business,” wrote NordVPN.

What are two reasons a company would use a VPN choose two? ›

6 reasons why your business should use a VPN service
  • Improved security. ...
  • Encrypt your important data. ...
  • Protection across public WiFi. ...
  • Low maintenance costs. ...
  • Protect multiple devices. ...
  • Enabled on the go. ...
  • What to look for in a VPN?

Do I need a VPN for business? ›

The encryption a VPN provides prevents hackers from stealing valuable data, such as customer information, employee records, or financial data. “A VPN is essential for your small business if you want to protect your and your clients' data and avoid security threats that could cripple your business,” wrote NordVPN.

Can you build your own VPN? ›

You have several options when building your own VPN — these include virtual private servers (VPS), virtual machines (VMs), and purchasing a physical VPN server. If you're not sure which is best for you, you're not alone. Navigating the world of DIY VPN options can be complicated and tricky.

What is corporate VPN? ›

A business VPN is exactly what it sounds like: a VPN connection used by businesses and other professional organizations to securely connect their remote workforces and branch offices to the applications, data, tools and resources they need to do their jobs.

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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